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USS Challenger 03.16.2014

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Last week, the team was down on the surface, which should be everyone except Commander Rinax, Cass, and Hunter.

John Randall -> and me

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Sorry yes.. and Randall.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> The Away Team has been sent to the other side of the continent on Kronos to a city which bore the brunt of the radiation waves from the Praxis explosion. After several years, radiation levels are starting to stabilize and we have been sent there to determine long-term viability for that area, if, and when it would potentially can be resettled.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Which probably won't be for at least several decades; maybe more. We begin as the team arrives at this city, all of whom should be in their EVA suits. TBS is 30 minutes - Any questions?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Hunter Matheson -> @ ::at helm, dodging debris from Praxis::

John Randall -> ::after meeting with the XO, is arriving at sickbay for a full checkup, as ordered by Rinax::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (@ for those still on Challenger, blank for AT)

Derrick Sabin -> ::chafing in his eva suit, bemoaning the designer who obviously didn't have to actually wear one:::

H.G. Reed -> :: uncomfortable in her suit. :

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::beams over to the city with the team, walking next to Dr Giggidoni::

Cassie Granger -> @ ::relaxing at the comm, nav, tac console::

Cmdr Rinax -> ::isn't feeling food herself, has had a headache and other symptoms for days now, wants to head to sickbay::

Gretchen Hanson -> ::checks her suit's function vs. the radation for the umteenth time:::

Cmdr Rinax -> ((::inserts a few @'s::))

John Randall -> @::walks through the sickbay doors as they swoosh open, and looks around for the doctor::

Cmdr Rinax -> @ MCapt Granger, you have the CON.

Cassie Granger -> @ Aye, Commander. I have the CON.

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: In his EVA suit ::

Gretchen Hanson -> medtech> ::greets Lt. Randall:: How can I help you, Lieutenant?

Cassie Granger -> @ ::slaves command to the nav/tac/comm console::

Cmdr Rinax -> @ I'll be down in Sickbay. ::holds hand at temple for a sec::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> All right, let's get started shall we?

Cassie Granger -> @ Understood, Commander.

John Randall -> @::smiles at the medtech:: I'm here on orders from the XO; full checkup, I guess. I just got back from a mission.

H.G. Reed -> :: Nods to the Captain, still looking uncomfortable. ::

Derrick Sabin -> ::takes out his tricorder and begins taking readings on radio-isotope levels in the soils::

Cmdr Rinax -> @ ::gets into the TL:: Sickbay:: it just dawns on her that the Department Chief is down on the planet, and she's not about to see anyone else for this.. talking to herself:: Wonder if I can get the Captain to send her back...

Hunter Matheson -> @ ::leans back, arms in the air, and a loud crack is heard::

Cmdr Rinax -> @ ::exits the TL and pauses in the hallway:: +Captain+ Captain Ja'lale, Rinax here.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: It's your typical looking alien ghost town, radiation levels are still very high and the damages from the shockwave can be seen.

Gretchen Hanson -> Medtech> Good timing, we're on the slow side today. Pick a biobed and make it yours. I'll be right with you.

Cmdr Rinax -> @ ::closes eyes while she talks on the COM in the hallway::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> +Rinax+ Yes, Commander. Go ahead.

Cassie Granger -> @ ::without looking:: Been sitting too long, Gunny?

John Randall -> @::nods, and goes over to a biobed, hopping up on it::

Hunter Matheson -> @ ::deep breath:: I'm good, ma'am. But....

Cmdr Rinax -> @ +Captain+ I need to consult with Dr Hanson... do you think you could spare her and transport her back to the ship?

Cassie Granger -> @ ::glance over, waiting:::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> +Rinax+ Very well, Commander.

Hunter Matheson -> @ (w) You could... give me the CON. You know, just to give yourself a break 'n' all.

Cmdr Rinax -> @ +Captain+ I"ll have the TR Chief standing by.

Gretchen Hanson -> Medtech> ::returns to Randall's choice with her scanner and begins to run a full workup:: Anything interesting I should know about, Lieutenant? Or is this just a dot the i's and cross the t's exam?

Cassie Granger -> @ ::thinking::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::looks over at Dr. Hanson+ Doctor.. you're needed on the Challenger. We'll need to beam you back to the ship. Commander Rinax should be able to tell you what she needs.

Cassie Granger -> @ ::watching Kal's hopeful look:: Tell you what...

Cmdr Rinax -> @ ::finishes her walk to sickbay after alerting Challenger's transporter chief about the doctor::

Cassie Granger -> @ You take nav, slave it to helm, and that'll relieve my stress.

Gretchen Hanson -> ::tries not to look too excited at the Captain's remark, anxious to be out of the eva suit:: Ready to go, sir.

John Randall -> @::looks a little uncomfortable, then shrugs:: Well, you'll find a sparkling bandage on my right knee; I was involved in a bit of a fracas with some Romulans before I got out.

Hunter Matheson -> @ ::sigh:: Yes, ma'am. I have nav.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Thanks Doc. +Challenger+ One to beam up.

Derrick Sabin -> ::notes that the soil samples show a level of toxicity that will take a looong time to subside::

Cassie Granger -> @ +AT+ Understood. One to beam up. Identify?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> +Challenger+ Dr Hanson

Gretchen Hanson -> Medtech> Ok, let's roll up that pant leg and have a look.

Cassie Granger -> @ +AT+ ::logs into the transponder:: Dr. Hanson, aye. Beaming now.

Cassie Granger -> @ ::beams:::

Cmdr Rinax -> @ ::enters sickbay and sits in the lobby after explaining to the nurse that she's waiting for Dr Hanson.::

Gretchen Hanson -> ::feels the tingle of the transporter lock on and sweep her away::

John Randall -> @::rolls up his pant leg, and lets the medtech unwrap the bandage; underneath it, his flesh is rainbow-colored, and the remains of a disruptor burn are clearly evident::

Gretchen Hanson -> Medtech> ::aside to Randall after seeing Rinax:: Did I say we were slow today? Bite my tongue.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Dr Giggidoni> Hmm, must be important. Well, let's set up the analysers over here, in the town centre.

John Randall -> @::allows the corners of his mouth to turn up at the techie's comment::

Cmdr Rinax -> @ ::flipping through the PADD's containing medical journals, quarters decorating tips, and specialty cooking with a replicator::

Cassie Granger -> @ TR> +com+ Dr. Hanson aboard.

Cassie Granger -> @ +TR+ Understood.

Gretchen Hanson -> Medtech> ::eyes the burn:: Oh, how did you describe this, a little fracas? I'll bet there's a good story behind this.

Gretchen Hanson -> ::immediately peels the eva suit in the TR room and heads out for the TL to sickbay:::

John Randall -> @::grins:: Unfortunately, doc, it's all classified, sorry.

Gretchen Hanson -> Medtech> Doctors are like lawyers, we're sworn to confidentiality. Spill!

Hunter Matheson -> @ ::minor orbit adjustment, more debris::

John Randall -> @::shakes his head:: I'm sorry, doc, I can't. You would have to get clearance from Admiral Jason Baldwin at Starfleet Intelligence.

Derrick Sabin -> :makes more scans but doubts the results will be any different:::

Cmdr Rinax -> @ ::glances around for a moment, notices Randall getting treatment, which brings a smile to her face that he followed orders::

Gretchen Hanson -> ::Hanson arrives at SB without passing go, or collecting 200 GPlatinum;:

H.G. Reed -> :: Setting up analysis equipment with other team members. ::

Cmdr Rinax -> @ :;stands up too fast, and quickly holds onto the nurses station:: Ahh, Chief. Just the person I wanted to see.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Teams begin setting up their equipment around the barren city, with an ominous thick cloudline and dark red skies.

Gretchen Hanson -> ::walks in the doors and comes to a stop as awaiting faces turn to her:: My "take-a-number" machine is still out of order. Who was first?

John Randall -> @::to the techie:: The doctor on the Avenger was afraid that this would turn out like it did; he did the best he could.

Derrick Sabin -> ::routinely sends copies of his scan findings to the Capt's padd;;

Gretchen Hanson -> Medtech> Well, it IS probably going to leave a mark.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::looks at his PADD:: THanks Mr Sabin. Doesn't look good does it?

John Randall -> @::grins:: I'm not that vain about my appearance, doc; just do whatever it is you do.

Gretchen Hanson -> ::sees her tech with John, decides he's in good hands and goes over to an obviously hurting Rinax::

Gretchen Hanson -> Commander.... ::gives her a sideways look:::

Derrick Sabin -> I wouldn't be investing in any beachfront condos around here for a while, sir.

John Randall -> @::lies back on the biobed and lets the techie treat his leg::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> I don't disagree with you there.

Gretchen Hanson -> @Medtech> ;;distracts John's attention for a moment by pointing out a burned out led on the bio monitor and then sprays something nasty on the burn::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> But initially, any likelihood this place ever can be relocated? Like within the next 100 years?

Gretchen Hanson -> @concerned about Rinax's silence:::: More of the same, Commander?

John Randall -> @::flinches some as the spray hits his flesh::

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: On the planet ::

Derrick Sabin -> Well sir, the typical procedure would be to bury the contaminants and encase them. But I don't think it's ever been done on such a vast scale.

Cmdr Rinax -> ((Sorry, working on getting that fixed, I"m back now))

Cmdr Rinax -> I need to discuss this ongoing situation with you, but only you can have this information.

Gretchen Hanson -> @Medtech> That will seal things up and provide dermal regen process. The rest of you appears to be fit for duty. I can give this to Dr. Hanson and she'll sign you off.

Gretchen Hanson -> @::sighs::: Then let's go to my office so we can have some privacy, Commander.

John Randall -> @::sits up, and nods:: Sounds good, doc. ::rolls his pant leg down::

Cmdr Rinax -> @ And yes, Doctor - more of the same.. but worse.

Cmdr Rinax -> @ ::follows the Chief::

Derrick Sabin -> Captain, the Klingons aren't really thinking about re-occupying this region anytime soon are they?

Gretchen Hanson -> @::when they reach her office, she closes the door behind them and turns on Rinax:: This has gone far enough Erika. What's going on?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> No, at least not anytime soon. The area was sparsely populated, so the economic impact is minimal.

John Randall -> @::waits for the techie to release him::

Cmdr Rinax -> @ It's worse... and now I'm having flashbacks. In the flashbacks - ... I think I'm seeing something being implanted in my head.

Gretchen Hanson -> @Tech> ((consider yourself released !))

Cmdr Rinax -> @ I haven't' told the captain it's this bad yet - but I think he'll suspect after I had you pulled off of the planet.

Gretchen Hanson -> @::startled at Rinax's statement:: Implanted? My scans haven't shown anything.

John Randall -> @::grins at the techie:: All right, I'm outta here. Thanks, doc. ::walks through the door of sickbay as it swooshes open, and heads for the turbolift, stepping into the car:: Deck 3.

Cmdr Rinax -> @ I don't know... could just be visions, but I'll tell ya, the dreams are rather vivid.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Giggidoni> Mr. Hok, is it? Can you help me with taking some samples; grass, soil, rocks and all that sort of stuff. ::Sweet Deltan smile:: Thanks.

Cmdr Rinax -> @ ::sitting, leans forward, putting her head in her hands, closing her eyes:: Can't even keep my eyes open for long with the bright lights on the bridge now.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Giggidoni> We'll need to take it back to your ship and get them analyzed.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> G ? We don't have the proper equipment here.

Gretchen Hanson -> @Erika, my scans show you to be physically in a normal state. I haven't detected anything that comes close to explaining what you're experiencing. Don't look at me like that. I'm not saying you're delusional. But clearly something is going on and it's past me.

John Randall -> @::steps out of the car as the lift arrives, and goes down the corridor to his cabin; enters, and strips off his uniform, heading for the sonic shower::

Gretchen Hanson -> @::takes a pause:: I'm going to recommend to the Captain that you be relieved from duty...for now. I'm also going to recommend that he get you transferred over the Star Fleet Medical asap for a more thorough examination.

Cmdr Rinax -> @ ::a little more afraid now:: Doc... there's got to be something in your bag of tricks.

Cmdr Rinax -> @ ::mouth open, stunned::

Gretchen Hanson -> @My bag is empty, Erika. I told you I couldn't drug you forever. We need to deal with this now.

John Randall -> @::steps out of the sonic shower, feeling immensely refreshed; puts on a new uniform, and calls the bridge, leaving word for Rinax that he's been cleared for duty::

Derrick Sabin -> (has anyone noticed that the radiation is taking our crew away?)

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Radiation monsters! It's like that cheap horror movie based in Chernobyl a few years ago! :P )

Derrick Sabin -> (it's like that ST:NG episode, Remember Me, where Crusher is the last on aboard)

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Ahh yes)

John Randall -> @::exits his cabin, and heads for the 'lift, stepping in:: Deck 12.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Giggidoni> We'll need to take it back to your ship and get them analyzed.

Cmdr Rinax -> @ ::looks at the doctor, and emits a heavy sigh:: I am taken back.. I would have never thought something could be so serious.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Giggidoni> Mr. Hok, is it? Can you help me with taking some samples; grass, soil, rocks and all that sort of stuff. ::Sweet Deltan smile:: Thanks.

Cmdr Rinax -> @ What's the process, doc?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Err.. they're in the wrong order but yeah)

Dvokr chim Hok -> I'm a.. sure.. Anywhere?

John Randall -> @::the car arrives, and he steps out, heading for engineering; goes through the doors, and is greeted loudly by the crew::

Gretchen Hanson -> @The fact that it's lasted so long tells me it's serious. As to process, I'll notify the Captain that I'm placing you on medical leave effective immediately and prescribe SF Med for treatment. The timing on how that happens will be up to him.

Cmdr Rinax -> @ I see... Gosh Gretchen - all the things I've ever done while working in SF, and I never thought something like this would happen.

John Randall -> @::greets everyone, then orders them back to their stations; sees Davis at the main console, and goes over to him::

Derrick Sabin -> ::watches Gigi and Hok wander off together::

Derrick Sabin -> :::notes a small pocket of declining radiation, and the welcome reappearance of the missing crew;:

John Randall -> @Davis> Hey, John, it's good to see you, my friend. Was worried some about you.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Gig> Mr Sabin, and Captain.. if you would be so kind as to help setting up the analyzers, that'd be great.

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Collecting samples ::

John Randall -> @::claps Davis on the shoulder:: It's good to be back, Steve. Bring me up to date here, would you? For starters, what the hell are we doing here at Qo'noS?

Gretchen Hanson -> @Go back to your quarters, Erika, and rest. Drink some wine and read a good book. I'll stop in to see you later on tonight.

Derrick Sabin -> No problem Dr. Gigi. ::always a sucker for a pretty face::

John Randall -> @Davis>::fills Randall in on the mission::

Cmdr Rinax -> @ Wine! I can do that. ::eyes water slightly:: I can't believe this Gretchen... you've been so sweet about this.

Gretchen Hanson -> @I should have been more of a hardass. Maybe I could have spared you some of this problem if I'd made you do something earlier.

John Randall -> @::shaking his head:: You know, Steve, just between you and me, I can't believe Starfleet is even thinking about helping these, er,

John Randall -> beings out.

Cmdr Rinax -> @ ::finally dawns on her that Gretchen has just excused her, so I quickly stand up - too fast again, but recovers:: Don't blame yourself... I probably should have told the Captain just how many times I was having trouble, instead of trying to hide it.

Derrick Sabin -> Captain, who's getting all this data that we're collecting?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> The Klingon High Command, as well as Starfleet. We'll make our recommendations, but ultimately, it would be up to them to decide if the area will ever be safe for resettlement.

John Randall -> @I mean, it was just a few years ago, they were conspiring to assassinate the Federation president at Khitomer. And now, we're helping them? ::shakes his head::

Gretchen Hanson -> @Don't beat yourself up now. Won't do any good. Let's go one day at a time.

Cmdr Rinax -> @ ::takes one step out of her door:: Thank you for all you've done - we'll let SFHQ get this figured out - and quickly.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Though, I'm not holding my breath on this one. There's a city on Earth that suffered the same fate 300 years ago, and it's still uninhabited, is it not?

Cmdr Rinax -> @ See you soon, Doctor.

John Randall -> @Davis>::grins:: I'm with you, Lieutenant, i don't get it, either, but here we are.

Gretchen Hanson -> @yes. :::just realizing how much she stinks from the eva suit:: and I'm out of here with you. I need a shower!

Cmdr Rinax -> @ ::heads out of sickbay, makes her way to the TL:: Bridge.

Cmdr Rinax -> @ Computer. halt that... Executive quarters.

Derrick Sabin -> ::doesn't recall, but doesn't want to display a lack of education in front of the Captain::

John Randall -> @::shakes his head again:: Well, I just work here. So, pretty much routine stuff going on?

Cmdr Rinax -> @ ::exits at her deck and walks to her quarters, glad she can be out of the light, doors open:: Lights 20%.

Cmdr Rinax -> @ Ahh... that's perfect.

Hunter Matheson -> @ ::eyes cross as he shifts from nav to helm::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::finishes setting up the radiation sensors, and flicks them on. Immediately, the readings are relayed to the Challenger as well as Sabin's PADD::

John Randall -> @Davis>::nods:: Pretty much, sir. Sensors are showing the background radiation from Praxis is a little high, but I've delayed requesting the shields to be raised.

Gretchen Hanson -> @::before leaving SB, makes a medical entry on her computer, and a copy forwarded to Cpt. Ja'Lale::: Cmder. Erika Rinax has been pulled from the duty ready roster, with a recommendation to follow-up at SF Medical as soon as possible.

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Gathering samples and placing them into the containers ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Great job - next week we'll continue our analysis and collecting samples before returning back to the Challenger to analyse our findings. TBS - 2 hours. Any questions?

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