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Sky Harbor Aegis | 28 February 2014

Awards and Promotions:


Wes Roberts -> Ok, folks, since we're burning starlight here just shooting the breeze, We've got some presents for you some of you

Wes Roberts -> First up. Mr Lawliet, Mr Coleridge, front and center.

Lawliet -> ::steps forward::

Scott Coleridge -> ::steps forward::

Wes Roberts -> For 25 games attended, you each get a service ribbon. Congratulations

Wes Roberts -> ::pin, citation, shake::

Lawliet -> ::shakes hand::

Wes Roberts -> Welcome back Captain. We just started the awards with the Service Ribbons to Scott and Lawliet

Chirakis -> Carry on Number One.

Wes Roberts -> Dr Sandero, front and Center.

Dacia Sandero -> ::Steps up::

Dacia Sandero -> ::front and centre in my case::

Wes Roberts -> For 25 consecutive games, the Silver Award.

Wes Roberts -> ::pin, citation, shake:: Congratulations

Dacia Sandero -> Thanks.

Wes Roberts -> Dr Pavilion, front and center

mimipavilion -> ::steps forward::

Wes Roberts -> For true dedication, and 250 consecutive sims, we are pleased to award you your 4th gold oak leaf cluster to your Gold Award

Wes Roberts -> ::pin, citation, shake:: And...

Dacia Sandero -> (ooooooo...)

mimipavilion -> ::shakes::

Wes Roberts -> You are hereby officially the Chief Medical Officer of Sky Harbor Aegis. Congratulations.

Chirakis -> ::applause::

Wes Roberts -> Feel free to decorate your new Sickbay. Just no loud colors.

Annisha -> :: claps ::

Scott Coleridge -> Yay, Mimi!

mimipavilion -> ::taken aback:: Ok.

Dacia Sandero -> Yay.

Wes Roberts -> Mr Lawliet, come on back up.

tr'Jeth Dabi -> ::actually slips a smile to his face::

Lawliet -> ::steps forward::

mimipavilion -> ::goes back to the line::

tr'Jeth Dabi -> ::feels, some noticing it, and returns to a straight rihannsu expression::

Wes Roberts -> You are hereby promoted to the rank of Senior Lieutenant. And formally authorized to wear fuzzy bunny slippers and a bathrobe on the command deck, if required.

Lawliet -> ((I always wear fuzzy bunny slippers and a bathrobe on the command deck))

Lawliet -> Thank you Sir.

Chirakis -> ::eyebrow::

Wes Roberts -> ::pin, shake::

Lawliet -> ::returns shake::

Chirakis -> Congratulations.

Annisha -> :: tugs daddy's uniform :: Where are my slippers?

Lawliet -> ((lol))

Dacia Sandero -> I found my slippers on eBay

Wes Roberts -> And now for more awards. Beginning with Meritorious Service Award, proving that she doesn't do anything on Friday nights, Captain Chirakis Kirel; awarded officially for dedication to the game over many, many years

Chirakis -> And I thank you all for that honor.

Wes Roberts -> You're welcome.

Chirakis -> and for you number One

Wes Roberts -> Also with no life of Friday nights... :chuckle:

Chirakis -> the Distinguished Service Award for exceptional performance and dedication over a year.

Chirakis -> thank you for your dedication and service.

Wes Roberts -> Thank you Captain

Chirakis -> and I will allow you to carry on with the rest.

Wes Roberts -> For excellence in log writing, the following personnel are hereby awarded the Silver Merit Award. Please come up as your name is called.

Wes Roberts -> Annisha.

Wes Roberts -> Mr Lawliet

Annisha -> :: cowers ::

Lawliet -> ::steps forward::

Wes Roberts -> SubCommander tr'Jeth and Dr Pavilion

Annisha -> I did not do it.. did not... did not..

mimipavilion -> ::steps up::

Wes Roberts -> Rov

Annisha -> :: Moves forward...cautiously ::

tr'Jeth Dabi -> ::right behind his wife::

Wes Roberts -> Captain Chirakis

Wes Roberts -> And Dr Sandero.

Chirakis -> ::steps forward::

Rov -> :::steps forward:::

Wes Roberts -> ::pin, citation, shake, and ruffle Annisha's hair::

Annisha -> :: Standing forward :: Did not do it... Nijil said not to tell or I'd get in trouble ::

Annisha -> Are you a real pirate?

Wes Roberts -> Yes I am. Marriage just tempered me

Dacia Sandero -> ::shakes hand::

tr'Jeth Dabi -> ::scowls down at the little yapper::

Annisha -> :: sticks out tongue ::

Chirakis -> ::returns shake::

mimipavilion -> ::scowls Torate::

mimipavilion -> ::shakes::

tr'Jeth Dabi -> ::raises brow at his wife, returns to looking forward::

Annisha -> :: Looks at the pin ::

Wes Roberts -> For exceptional log, the Gold Merit Award is hereby awarded to Mr Coleridge for his log Maintenance as Usual

Scott Coleridge -> ::steps forward:: Oh.

Chirakis -> ::applause::

Wes Roberts -> ::pin, citation, shake::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: claps ::

Dacia Sandero -> Yay

Wes Roberts -> And finally, for exceptional performance during a mission, the Starfleet Sunburst is hereby awarded to Mr tr'Korjata and Lt Kital, who's not here.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: steps forward for her and his behalf ::

Wes Roberts -> ::pin, cite, shake:: Congratulations

Chirakis -> ::firm handshake::

Chirakis -> And should I do the honors for the last?

Wes Roberts -> Lt Kital's not here, and neither is Dr Davis

Wes Roberts -> Those are the last two awards

Chirakis -> I see. Then in absentia.

Chirakis -> But we should announce them, no?

Wes Roberts -> ::nods::

Wes Roberts -> Yes, lets

Chirakis -> The Player's Choice is....

Chirakis -> Dr. Amanda Davis for No Other Love.

Chirakis -> And the last...

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: claps ::

Chirakis -> The Pennington Award is the most prestigious award, presented for the most exceptional log over the last year.

Chirakis ->Tonight we have the honor of presenting this award to...

Chirakis ->Jylliene Kital for The Double-Edged Sword


Game Log:

Chirakis -> =-/\= Aegis Mission Brief 2/28/14=/\=

Chirakis -> 20 September 2387

Chirakis ->TBS was 6 weeks.

Chirakis -> Because it is dangerous to remain on the disabled and disintegrating station, everyone from Aegis - crew and civilians - have been moved to the shipyard.

Chirakis -> A "gently used" station that will suit our purposes for both living and defense is en route.

Chirakis -> At the shipyard, it's business as usual.

Chirakis -> At sim begin, Alpha shift has just begun (everyone is working).

Chirakis -> Anyone not at the shipyard, adopt a symbol - first come, first served.

Chirakis -> Questions?

Chirakis -> Seeing none..

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> ::bearing with her Rihan office at the shipyard::

Dacia Sandero -> ::orienting herself around the shipyard's siclkbay::

Wes Roberts -> ::working from his ready room aboard the Revenge, currently hard docked in a berth in the shipyard::

Lawliet -> ::working in the dock control room, in the corner::

Jorahl -> ::in his normal office on the shipyard, much more relaxed than usual, except for all these people messing around in his domain::

mimipavilion -> ::in the shipyard sickbay, working, trying not to trip over people and the such::

A Davis -> ::somewhere doing something::

Jorahl -> ::steps out of his office, up a nearby set of stairs and into the shipyard command center::

Scott Coleridge -> ::does not have an office, but he has a crate, which he found abandoned in a storage locker and has named Arnold::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Walking around the corridor's of the shipyard for the umteenth time for a visit to Dr. Davis' office. ::

Chirakis -> ::exits into the command center::

Wes Roberts -> ::busy catching up on shipboard paperwork...:: Well now...that should have been flagged to my attention, weeks ago.

A Davis -> ::tidying up her office, then::

Scott Coleridge -> ::sitting with a cup of coffee balanced precariously on Arnold, in whatever room they have commandeered for planning the big move::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> (Arnold: Scott, can I call you Scott? We have to talk. You see.. me and the other crates are getting a little creeped out with the naming... )

Chirakis -> ::taking in the command center::

Jorahl -> ::steps up to the central holographic display. Checks the current status of the two Aegean-Class ships under construction::

Annisha -> :: Creeping along, following her daddy ::

Chirakis -> ::on the perimeter, not wishing to interfere with shipyard duties::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Stops to look around, thought he heard something ::

Jorahl -> ::gives a satisfied nod and moves to another display::

Lawliet -> ::checking his limited sensor connection::

Scott Coleridge -> ::attempting to prioritize the various repairs and refits they will have to perform during the move::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Stops at the Doctor office. The sign on her door was oddly hand drawn... in Rihan as well as standard.. he recognized the scribbles as Annisha's ::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Taps the door chime ::

Annisha -> :: stays behind a corner ::

Scott Coleridge -> ((We should hire Annisha to do all the door signs on the new station.))

mimipavilion -> ::checks on reports from the children's area of the shipyard::

Wes Roberts -> Looks like Khaiell resigned to marry one of the survivors and settle down.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Sees he is still holding a piece of steelfoam ::

Chirakis -> ::glance up at the sector screen::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Rings Dr. Davis' door once more

Wes Roberts -> Time to find a new executive officer...

A Davis -> Oh, dear... ::distracted:: moves to the door:::

Jorahl -> ::notes the Captain's view:: No word yet.

Annisha -> :: Creeps closer to her father, but not so anyone can see her ::

A Davis -> ::opens it:: Oh.. hello, Nijil.

A Davis -> ::spots a bit of movement but pays it no heed::

A Davis -> Please, come in.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I was in the vicinity and thought to stop by, with this piece of steelfoam.

Chirakis -> ::steps back into her office to check status::

A Davis -> Steelfoam?

Annisha -> :: Slips past both of them as her father enters and the door shuts... she takes refuge away from the doctors 'tea' table ::

A Davis -> ::not sure how to react::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Light as foam, strong as steel.

Chirakis -> +Roberts+ Number One.

Rov -> #+COM+ Aegis shipyard, come in.

Wes Roberts -> -=Chirakis=- Yes, Captain?

A Davis -> Oh. Well, thank you, Nijil.

Jorahl -> ::Looks up, a quick glance to see the Captain has left:: On screen.

Chirakis -> ::sits at her desk: +Roberts+ I'm picking up a large object coming into the sector.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I meant to drop it off.. oh and I have this :: reaches in his uniform for a small box ::

Schawnsee -> :: walks into the shipyard infirmary Looking for Dacia::

Wes Roberts -> -=Chirakis=- I see it on my screen as well.

Annisha -> :: Watches, them both...what's he giving her? ::

Wes Roberts -> -=Chirakis=- I'm guessing Christmas is coming a little early this year

Chirakis -> +Roberts+ Apparently.

Lawliet -> ::tracking the object coming into sensor range::

A Davis -> ::curious::

Dacia Sandero -> ::in one of the supply closets, finds a first aid kit and exits back to the sickbay::

Rov -> #+COM+ We are inbound.:::pauses to look to his left::: I'm more worried about NOT stopping. :::back to screen::: Request you clear the traffic lanes.

Annisha -> :: Looks just like the box Nijil had that ring in, just larger... a larger ring? ::

mimipavilion -> ::puts the PADD down and continues on with the work, before checking on the main sickbay::

Chirakis -> ::steps out of her office to inquire on the main viewscreen just in time to hear Rov:::

Wes Roberts -> ::looks at the display on his office wall::

Schawnsee -> :: sees Dacia:: Hello Dacia, hows it going so far?

Jorahl -> Relaying your request to the fleet.

A Davis -> ::watching Nijil... and the box:::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Opens the box :: My mother got this for me and had it sent via the Lagga.

Dacia Sandero -> ::to Schwansee:: Hey, how's it hanging. All right. getting used to the place. Though, I really shouldn't as it's only temporary.

A Davis -> Oh, my. It's beautiful.

mimipavilion -> ::moves into main sickbay::

Annisha -> :: Holds her mouth open ::

Schawnsee -> I know the feeling.. How are the kids handling it?

A Davis -> I'm sure Jylliene will love it, Nijil. How lovely of you.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I know how much you enjoy these, and the rarity.. :: puts the box on the table ::

Dacia Sandero -> They seem to be adjusting well, though Dr Davis might be able to answer that better than me.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> They are for you,

Chirakis -> ::seeing Jorahl, allows him to take care of it as she watches::

Schawnsee -> How are you handling it?

A Davis -> ::looks from the box to Nijil::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> What is a civilization if nothing but the tea they brew.

Jorahl -> +ROV+ We've not gotten an update on station progress. What is your status?

A Davis -> For me? Are you sure?

A Davis -> I mean... ::deep breath:: Thank you.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> My parents grew tea among other things. I think :: looks at the box content :: There are seven varieties.. about 100 tea pouches here.

Dacia Sandero -> It's all right. I'll miss the Aegis though.. too bad I was only there for a few weeks. Was justing starting to get used to it.

Annisha -> :: sighs in relief ::

A Davis -> My goodness, Nijil. What a precious gift. Please, sit down and we'll have some.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Twitches at a sound :: SUre

A Davis -> ::half aware of a hiding child::

Schawnsee -> I know. I think Im going to have to have an actual session with Amanda... Ive been having nightmares about the attacks

A Davis -> ::round the table to the teapot and feigns surprise:: Oh, my goodness gracious...

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Spies his daughter... and he was doing so well ::

Dacia Sandero -> You too eh? Gee.

A Davis -> Annisha... ::deep breath::

Rov -> #+COM+ She was pretty much gutted. Which was good. Burnt out 4 replicator bots but all interior levels have been replaced. We have a primary EPS systems. Life support on all decks.

Schawnsee -> Have you also?

Schawnsee -> :: with a bit of a surprised look on her face::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I know.. I thought I would not see her again... the visions have been gone for weeks.

A Davis -> You scared me, Annisha. I'm sure you would like a scone as well as tea?

A Davis -> Oh, no, Nijil. She's here, I assure you.

Dacia Sandero -> Me? No, not really honestly but it had affected Nijil quite badly too.

Chirakis -> ::watching, listening:::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Thanks for playing along Doctor, and I thought I was doing well. :: throws the steelfoam at the hallucination of Annisha ::

Annisha -> :: BONK :: Ouch!

A Davis -> Nijil!

Schawnsee -> With him being so near death I can imagine.

Dacia Sandero -> Yes, quite.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Annisha? Oh my.. :: rushes over ::

A Davis -> Oh, dear. Annisha. Are you all right?

mimipavilion -> ::sighs and heads over to Kat and Dacia::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I thought you were another vision.

Wes Roberts -> ::tap tap tap...pulls up the sensor feed from the grid on to one of his office displays::

Annisha -> :: Rubs her forehead ::

Schawnsee -> I’ll be glad when we get our own quarters

Dacia Sandero -> Ahh, hello Mimi. How are you adjusting to this place?

Rov -> #+COM+ We have ourselves an operational station. Still enough work to make it what it needs to be though,

Annisha -> You have been seeing Dr. Davis so much I wanted to know what was going on.

Dacia Sandero -> Yes.. I know. I'm bunked with Lt. Smith. She's such a slob!

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Brings her over to the table. He's not really green with embarrassment ::

Jorahl -> +ROV+ When will you be dropping out of warp?

A Davis -> He comes because he loves the scones, Annisha. Just as much as you do.

mimipavilion -> Ok I guess.

Annisha -> :: A little saddened :: Daddy, it hurts.

Dacia Sandero -> Hope we'll get our own quarters in the new station. By any chance, did any of you see what it looks like?

A Davis -> ::brings the tea tray and scones - lemon this time:::

Schawnsee -> I’m not with anyone but My quarters are very small. All of my personal items are in storage.

A Davis -> ::and an ice pack for Annisha;::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Gets something out of his uniform :: Here.. :: rips the pouch, places it on her forehead ::

A Davis -> Well, that works as well.

Annisha -> I saw the box...

Schawnsee -> I did see a holograph of it. Its a lot newer than the Aegis was.

Rov -> #+COM+ Err, I think we just did.

Chirakis -> A> Those who are near viewports see a large object that just might look like a station, but it is still at a distance.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Yes. :: looks at the box ::

Annisha -> It looks a lot like the one I stole.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: grimaces :: Yes... yes it does.

Schawnsee -> If its like the Aegis we will all have our own space.

Rov -> #+COM+ Warp field dissipation isn't normal. Taking a moment to actually go sublight.

Dacia Sandero -> At least you don't have your own place. Gosh.. always leaving her socks everywhere. ::sighs::

Rov -> #+COM+ :::to the side::: how much margin did we calculate?

Dacia Sandero -> Yeah. That'll be nice.

Schawnsee -> How is your Pug doing? Is he in with the children? I hadnt seen him around

mimipavilion -> ::listening to their conversation and smirks::

Dacia Sandero -> He's with the children now. He seems to really enjoy it.

Rov -> #+COM+ oh my.

Annisha -> Are we going to live in these yards forever?

Schawnsee -> Thats good to hear.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> No, something is coming soon.. something that will take up even more of my time.

Rov -> # ::station, tug, and LitByMoonlight pop out of subspace....

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> 2/28/14

Chirakis -> Thank you.

Chirakis -> Well played.

Chirakis -> Very well... TBS will be a month - 4 weeks.

Chirakis -> In that time, progress on the station will be well under way.

Chirakis -> When can we be ready to move in, Rov? Another month or so?

Lawliet -> Wow, time is really flying now

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Can one get a outline of the new station?

Chirakis -> ::looks to Rov:::

Jorahl -> *attempting* to send an email now.

Chirakis -> Thank you.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Starbase one (in Earth orbit) is huge

Chirakis -> Congratulations again to those who received awards and promotions.

Chirakis -> I will send a list in email and they will be posted on the boards.

Chirakis -> Those who received and were not here will receive a separate email.

Chirakis -> Crew *dismiss*

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