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USS Challenger 02.16.2014

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Challenger had just dropped off Randall after a visit from ADmiral Baldwin and was headed to its ultimate destianation point. 2 days has past and it's hoped we'll finally get our orders.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Questions?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Dvokr chim Hok -> None

Hunter Matheson -> ::at helm::

Cmdr Rinax -> ::in sickbay, still in biobed, and may not completely regain consciousness yet.. sort of in-and-out of it:: ((How convienent with bronchitis. Tee hee hee))

H.G. Reed -> :: At her station on the bridge. ::

Cassie Granger -> ::enters the bridge, straight from CMTAC, takes her place in the XO chair:: Captain.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Nods:: Captain

Hunter Matheson -> ::doubletake, turns back to helm::

Hunter Matheson -> (m) Never gonna get used to that.

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: At the comm board ::

Cassie Granger -> Problem, Gunny?

Hunter Matheson -> ::turns:: Uh.. no, ma'am.

H.G. Reed -> :: Filing operational reports. ::

Cassie Granger -> Good. Carry on.

Hunter Matheson -> ::turns back, slow exhale::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Challenger receives a hail from Starfleet Command.

Cassie Granger -> ::paging through reports::

Dvokr chim Hok -> Captain, incoming comminication from Starfleet Command.

H.G. Reed -> Everything okay, Kal?

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::In MARDET, sitting at a table in the briefing room, looking over a PADD.::

Hunter Matheson -> ::glance over:: yes, ma'am. Just fine.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> OPen channel

Cassie Granger -> ::puts her PADD aside to listen::

Hunter Matheson -> ::sits a little straighter::

H.G. Reed -> :: Nods, returns her attention to the reports. ::

Dvokr chim Hok -> Channel open

Hunter Matheson -> ::crooked smile::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Admiral Franklin> +Challenger+ Good to see you again, Captain. Now that you've arrived, we can give your orders. Sorry we had to take so long, but due to the sensitive nature of this mission, we had to make sure you we in a safe place

Dvokr chim Hok -> Channel encrypted Captain.

H.G. Reed -> :: Smiles a little as well. ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Franklin> +Challenger+ You are to rendezvous with a support fleet of ten vessels currently at Starbase 180 by the Klingon border.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Franklin> +C+ Since the Praxis explosion, the toxic radiation levels have dropped significantly and the radiation waves from Praxis appears to have subsided. You are to head to Kronos, at the request of the Chancellor, and ascertain if the air levels are safe and to set up filtration equipment to purify the air.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> You'll also work with the fleet and the KLingon government to determine, if and when the affected areas can be relocated.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> repopulated*

Cptn Ja'Lale -> J> ::rubs chin:: Interesting.. I believe the Challenger's first CMO is still there?

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Glances at Granger ::

H.G. Reed -> :: Listening, intent. ::

Cassie Granger -> ::notices the glance in her peripheral vision, her eyes focused on the screen::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Franklin> +Callenger+ Dr. Giggidoni is still there yes, assisting with the evacuation at that time. She will also be part of your team, and was given the heads up. You are to meet with her, and Intelligence Officer Haskins once you arrive. Goodluck Captain. T

Cptn Ja'Lale -> F> Time is of the essence, so I suggest you leave immediately. Starfleet out. ::Cuts comm::

Cassie Granger -> ::looks to Ja'Lale::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::looks back at Cass:: Well, well.. I remember Captain Seiben telling me about that mission.

Hunter Matheson -> ::configuring for a change in vector::

Dvokr chim Hok -> Channel closed.

Cassie Granger -> Praxis, Captain?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Nods:: Yes, the Challenger was sent in to help assist with the evacuation phase of the Khitomer Accords.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> It was one of the ship's first missions if I recall correctly, just a few weeks after its launch.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> That was three years ago

Hunter Matheson -> ::glance at Reed's board for a course to 180::

Cassie Granger -> ::nods:: His daughter is chancellor now. Azetbur.

H.G. Reed -> :: sends the necessary coordinates. ::

Hunter Matheson -> ::nods as they ping to his console::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Nods:: That's right.. what a mess that was.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Mr Hunter, set a course for SB 180, max warp

Hunter Matheson -> Starbasse 180, maximum warp, aye.

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Starts to log comm traffic along their route ::

Hunter Matheson -> *base

Hunter Matheson -> Course laid in. At your command, Sir.

Hunter Matheson -> :::hand on the throttle::

H.G. Reed -> :: Makes a nite in the status report. ::

H.G. Reed -> Note

Hunter Matheson -> :turns, waiting to engage::

Cmdr Rinax -> ::little groggy as a med tech comes by to check her vitals on the overhead biobed console, finds the Commander too out of it to fulfill any portion of a conversation, and just lets her drift back off::

Cassie Granger -> Go ahead, Gunny.

Hunter Matheson -> Engaging at maximum warp.

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Pauses in her reading a moment as she feels the ship shift.:: We must be in a hurry. ::Looks over at a couple of other Marines at another table who heard the comment. They just shrug.::

Cassie Granger -> ::Ja'Lale, as she checks her PADD reports:: Normal chatter around Qo'noS, Captain. Nothing but ordinary disagreements, things you'd find anywhere on any planet.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Nods:: Good to know, that's somewhat reassuring.

Cassie Granger -> ::nod:: And Chancellor Azetbur is working in the vein of her father, trying to form peaceful bonds with the Federation. At least until they get their planet straightened out. ::wan smile::

H.G. Reed -> :: Sideways glance at Kal. :: When was the last time you were this deep into Klingon space?

Hunter Matheson -> The last time? Well... Spector went in a time or two, but I can't tell you when, cause it was never there. ::grin::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Good to know Captain Kirk's efforts didn't go in vain.

Cmdr Rinax -> ((LOL Kal))

H.G. Reed -> :: Smiles a little. :: Then I shouldn't assume that you know much Kligon?

Cassie Granger -> Aye, sir.

H.G. Reed -> *Klingon

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Concentrating on his comm traffic ::

Hunter Matheson -> Klingon? Hell, no. Don't need to know Klingon for what we do.

Hunter Matheson -> Went in with Kitty Hawk after Praxis.

H.G. Reed -> :: Looks thoughtful. :: it doesn't hurt to know what your friends, or enemies, are speaking of.

Hunter Matheson -> ::shrug:: We talk in other ways, ma'am. Leave the real talk to Cap'n Granger.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::to Kal:: Helped with the evac too?

Hunter Matheson -> ::turns:: Yes, sir. Hell of a thing that was. Nasty atmo around that planet.

Hunter Matheson -> Talk about dodging debris... Lt Sylvanis might have her hands full flyin' through that.

Hunter Matheson -> 'Course.. she's no Swickie. ::grin::

Cassie Granger -> ::eyes Kal, listening::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::nods: Captain Seiben said the same things. Though, I'll have to see if I can get ahold of him, and share more of his experiences there. I think he should be in Geneva this time of year.

H.G. Reed -> :: Shrugs :: Perhaps.

Cassie Granger -> Nice place to be this time of year, Captain.

Cassie Granger -> ::leans forward:: You have an ETA, Gunny?

Hunter Matheson -> Yes, ma'am. ::checks::

Hunter Matheson -> Three days at max warp.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Just remember to drop back to cruise speed every 12 hours for an hour or so. Otherwise, I don't think Lt Freeman would be very happy.

H.G. Reed -> We have plenty of time to prepare then.

Hunter Matheson -> ::nod:: Got it, sir.

Cassie Granger -> ::Hok:: Mr. Hok, inform the Marine Detachment of our mission. Have them prepare for S&R if necessary.

Cassie Granger -> Ready all vessels for full deployment.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Nods::

H.G. Reed -> :: Making a list as Granger speaks. ::

Cassie Granger -> ::turns to Ja'Lale:: Inform medical as well, sir?

Dvokr chim Hok -> Aye

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Contacts the marine attachment ::


Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Speaks to the marines and a transcript of the instructions

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::sends a message to Ambassador Seiben to set up some time to contact him about his experiences at Kronos::

Cassie Granger -> ::checking the specs on Challenger in prep for Qo'noS atmosphere::

H.G. Reed -> :: Sends Granger her dictated list. ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (2 minutes)

Cassie Granger -> ::pinged:: Thank you, Lt Reed.

H.G. Reed -> You are welcome, hopefully it will be useful.

Dvokr chim Hok -> Captain Granger, the marines have been informed.

Cassie Granger -> Yes, it will. Mr. Hok, get detailed information from science on the present state of the atmosphere there and inform engineering to prepare.

Cassie Granger -> ::looks to Ja'Lale:: Anything else, Captain?

Cassie Granger -> ::PADD in lap::

Cmdr Rinax -> Med Tech> +Bridge/Cassie (that is, if you did contact sickbay as prev. mentioned)+ message received, will inform the CMO.

Cassie Granger -> +MED+ Very well.

Hunter Matheson -> ::relaxes a bit, watching his board, thinking about how nice it would be in Geneva right now::

Dvokr chim Hok -> +Sci+ Please send the latest data on the atmospheric conditions of Qo'NoS.

Hunter Matheson -> ::in a ski lodge:::

Hunter Matheson -> ::eyes flick to Reed::with the right... person:::

Cassie Granger -> ::stands to hover behind Kal::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cassie Granger -> ::pause::

Cmdr Rinax -> ::paused::

Hunter Matheson -> ::paused::

Hunter Matheson -> Saved by the pause. ::whew::

H.G. Reed -> :: paused ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Good job, folks. TBS will be 3 days, when we'll be arriving at SB 180 and the fleet.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Questions?

Hunter Matheson -> No, sir.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> If there is no questions, we'll dismiss. Good night folks, have a great week

Cassie Granger -> Same to you, Captain.

Cassie Granger -> Night, all.

Cmdr Rinax -> G'night everyone

H.G. Reed -> nght

Hunter Matheson -> Night

Dvokr chim Hok -> Night

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