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USS Challenger 02.09.2014

Cptn Ja'Lale -> OK, looks like everyone's here. I'm not sure if Cdr Rinax will be joining us today as I believe she has internet problems but we'll go ahead & begin

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Great job on the logs for those who wrote them.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Last week, we finished our mission at that planet near the Neutral Zone and had a brief respite at Starbase 86.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> TBS was 3 days and the Challenger is currently on route to its next mission, of which we have yet to receive orders for.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Any questions?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

John Randall -> ::in engineering at his station, performing regular duties::

H.G. Reed -> :: At her station on the bridge. ::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::On MARDET::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Steady on course. ::still wondering what's next for them::

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: On the bridge ::

Derrick Sabin -> ::in Science::

H.G. Reed -> Aye, Captain. :: Taps the console. ::

EddieFreeman -> ::walking in to engineering, heading for his own station::

Gretchen Hanson -> ::in her quarters finishing up storing all the shoes she bought on the Starbase::

H.G. Reed -> :: Checks course before sending status updates to ENG. ::

Dvokr chim Hok -> (Cass not coming back?)

Dyan Sylvanis -> ((Doesn't look like it.))

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (She had to leave earlier)

Gretchen Hanson -> ::using the down time to do some house cleaning::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Heads into the gym for a little PT.::

John Randall -> ::receives status updates from the bridge; tags them, and sends them to Freeman's station::

EddieFreeman -> ::looking at the updates as they arrive:: Still no orders, huh?

John Randall -> ::glances over to Freeman:: Apparently not, Chief.

Derrick Sabin -> :::satisfied that all systems are in the green:::

John Randall -> Lieutenant Davis kinda likes it, though; he's doing some tune-ups while we're doing warp 7.

EddieFreeman -> The down-time is nice, gotta admit. Makes room for work that's not about keeping the ship from exploding. ::still sifting through the updates::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::waiting to hear back from Starfleet, but no luck so far:: They sure are keeping their cards close to their chest this time. Makes me wonder about our next mission, eh?

H.G. Reed -> :: Nods to the captain. :: It is a bit of a mystery, is it not?

John Randall -> ::nodding at Freeman's remark:: Yeah, gives time to catch up on all the routine stuff we've kinda fell behind on.

Gretchen Hanson -> ::mesmerized by her Rumba as it cruises around her quarters:::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yes, they aren't usually this slow in sending us our orders. I suppose once we get there, they'll give us our orders.

H.G. Reed -> Does that not cause you some concern?

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Listening in to the bridge talk ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> It does, yes. THat usually means it'll be a tough mission.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> They want to mitigate the risks of a leak perhaps.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> We should be there within the hour, right?

H.G. Reed -> Yes. It seems odd that they did not specify our purpose for this mission.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Which all the more makes me concerned. '

H.G. Reed -> Agreed. We ought to be cautious.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Bad enough that Commander Rinax and Cass are still resting in sickbay...

H.G. Reed -> Is something hampering their recovery?

Gretchen Hanson -> (I thought Cass got out 2 weeks ago? Did Cmdr. Rinax pay me a visit last week?)

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Yes, my bad. Since they aren't here.. we'll assume they're in their quarters)

John Randall -> (I think Rinax was still in sickbay; she was dreaming she is aboard a Romulan ship)

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (I'll leave it to Rinax to determine where her character is ::Shrugs, easy way out :D :: )

John Randall -> (cool)

Dvokr chim Hok -> Captain, we are receiving a hail from Admiral Baldwin, USS Avenger.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> On screen.

Dvokr chim Hok -> Aye

John Randall -> Baldwin> +Challenger+ This is the USS Avenger calling Challenger come in, please.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Admiral Baldwin> +Challenger+ Good afternoon Captain. Nice to see you again, it's been too long.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Sorry - go ahead and play as Baldwin)

Dvokr chim Hok -> (Baldwin brothers?)

Cptn Ja'Lale -> +Baldwin+ Ja'Lale here. Good to see you sir.

John Randall -> Baldwin> +Ja'Lale+ Captain, I request you bring your ship to a halt; we are only 5 minutes behind you. I have an urgent request to make of you.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::new orders?:: +Baldwin+ Of course.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> See you then.

H.G. Reed -> :: Listens to the exchange, curious. ::

John Randall -> Baldwin> +Ja'Lale+ Thank you, Captain. Baldwin out.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Bring us to a halt, please Mr. Reed.

H.G. Reed -> Aye, sir. :: Taps the console and brings the ship to a halt. ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> I wonder what he wants. Hopefully something to do with our next mission.

EddieFreeman -> ::looking up as the engines suddenly go quiet::

John Randall -> ::does the same, looks over at Freeman:: Hm, wonder what's up?

H.G. Reed -> I would still advise caution, sir.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Agreed.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Challenger grinds to a halt; the Avenger is not far behind.

EddieFreeman -> Mind watchin' the shop? I'm headed up to the bridge. ::getting out of his seat::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Finished with her workout, so she hits the showers.::

John Randall -> ::nods:: No problem, Chief. ::watches Eddie leave::

John Randall -> Baldwin> +Ja'Lale+ Captain Ja'Lale, I will beam to your ready room in 2 minutes. We are matching your position.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> +Baldwin+ Acknowledged, we're ready and waiting.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Well, you have the bridge Lt. Reed

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::heads to the Ready Room::

H.G. Reed -> Aye, sir.

H.G. Reed -> :: Stays at her console, making reports and adjusting settings. ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::sits down in his office in the ready room ahead of the Admiral's arrival:

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Smiles at Lt. Reed having the conn ::

John Randall -> ::Baldwin materializes in the ready room; steps forward, and holds out his hand to Ja'Lale:: Captain, thank you for accommodating me.

H.G. Reed -> :: Notes the change in watch in the log. ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::watches the admiral materialize:: Of course, not a problem Admiral. How can we be of assistance?

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: He was pretty sure if given command of the bridge the ship would fall apart out of spite ::

John Randall -> Baldwin> Captain, I have a.....personal....request to make of you. I am about to embark on a top secret mission for Starfleet Intelligence. I would like to ask that Lieutenant John Randall be included in the mission.

EddieFreeman -> ::slips onto the bridge, looking around and taking up a post at an engineering console::

H.G. Reed -> :: Makes another notation regarding the presence of Lt. Freeman. ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::surprised:: Oh. It must be of pretty good importance. If Lt. Randall is okay to go, I have no problems in him going.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Shall I call him up, or does he know of it in advance?

John Randall -> Baldwin> ::nods:: Randall will be instrumental in this mission. His adeptness at reading alien langauges is something I am badly in need of. For your ears only, Captain, I will tell you, it involves the Romulans.

H.G. Reed -> :: Makes small adjustments to the main sensor array. ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Romulans. I see. Well, I've no objections, but bring him back in one piece; we need him too.

EddieFreeman -> ::fiddling with bridge consoles, using techniques from a recent paper to make them less explody::

John Randall -> Baldwin> ::winces:: Yes, I'm still aware of the last mission we 'borrowed' him for. This time, Captain, he will not leave my sight.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> I don't doubt you'll keep him safe. I wish the both of you good luck.

H.G. Reed -> :: Patches in the latest upgrades to the main viewer. ::

John Randall -> Baldwin> ::nods:: Would you call him up here, Captain? He has no knowledge I'm here.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Of course.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> +Randall+ Lt. Randall, please report to the ready room.

John Randall -> ::hears the communication, and raises his eyebrows:: +Ja'Lale+ On my way, Captain.

John Randall -> ::calls over Davis, and puts him in charge of engineering; goes to the turbolift:: Bridge.

John Randall -> ::tabs the intercom during the ride:: +Freeman+ Randall to Freeman.

EddieFreeman -> ::replacing a panel:: +Randall+ Freeman. What's up?

John Randall -> +Freeman+ Chief, I'm on the way to the captain's ready room, just wanted you to know.

EddieFreeman -> +Randall+ Are they "borrowing" you again? That never ends well.

H.G. Reed -> :: Wonders at their latest mission and what the admiral is asking of the Captain. ::

John Randall -> +Freeman+ I have no idea, Chief. I'll let you know. Randall out.

John Randall -> ::the lift arrives, and he goes down the corridor to the captain's ready room; presses the door chime::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Enter.

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Thought to place a false Romulan ship on Reed's display, but thought better not to ::

EddieFreeman -> ::sitting back at the console and checking systems::

John Randall -> ::walks in, and stops short at the sight of Admiral Baldwin; turns to the captain:: Reporting as ordered, sir.

H.G. Reed -> :: Makes a note to schedule another training session with Kal. ::

John Randall -> ::nods to the admiral, who smiles at him::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Very good Lieutenant. Well, it seems Admiral Baldwin might have something new for you.

John Randall -> ::raises his eyebrows, and looks at Baldwin::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::nods, and offers to let the Admiral inform John::

John Randall -> Baldwin> Good to see you again, Lieutenant. I'm here to draft you for a mission, if you're interested.

John Randall -> ::looks at the captain, and nods guardedly:: If it's all right with the captain, sir.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::nods:: Fine by me

John Randall -> ::turns back to the admiral:: I guess I'm yours, sir. Do I need anything special?

John Randall -> Baldwin> No, we have what you need aboard the Avenger. Time is of the essence, Lieutenant. If you're ready, we'll beam over.

John Randall -> ::nods at Baldwin:: Ready, sir. ::turns to Ja'Lale:: Good fortune, sir. I guess I'll see you when I get back.

H.G. Reed -> :: Sends in a request to book practice time on the range. ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> See you then. Good luck Lieutenant. May fortune favour the bold.

John Randall -> ::Baldwin calls the Avenger, and he and Randall shimmer out of existence::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Good job everyone.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> John will be away for a few weeks but will be back soon, and hopefully, this time in one piece :D

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Meanwhile, the rest of us will continue to our coordinates and(hopefully) receive our new orders. TBS will be 1 day.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Any questions?

EddieFreeman -> That's a bummer. It'll be quiet down there in engineering. :P

Dvokr chim Hok -> Is it Romulans?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Maybe.. hope not :P

EddieFreeman -> It's always Romulans, even when it's Klingons.

John Randall -> I'll be posting logs soon

Dvokr chim Hok -> I was just kidding with Reed earlier...or was I.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> lol.

John Randall -> So, I'll see y'all in a couple of weeks

H.G. Reed -> THe world may never know.

EddieFreeman -> See you soon, hopefully!

Cptn Ja'Lale -> If there is nothing else, sim dismissed.. have a great week everyone and see you soon John

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