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Sky Harbor Aegis | 24 January 2014

Station repairs begin in earnest. Joint Allied Task Force Aegis enters the system: USS Missouri, IKS Fek'hlr, and RSE Praetor, along with smaller supporting ships. Several line up to question or otherwise probe Captain Chirakis, including resident El-Aurian Lawliet and Dr. Pavilion. She remains under house arrest in a secure, sterile DV room.


Chirakis -> =-/\= Aegis Mission Brief 1/24/14=/\=

Chirakis -> 3 August 2387 - Stardate 2387.216

Chirakis -> -=The time is 1700 (5 PM) Aegis relative=-

Chirakis -> TBS was 12 hours.

Chirakis -> Our number one priority is station repair.

Chirakis -> Long-range communications have improved. The station can send and receive limited messages.

Chirakis -> USS Missouri and several vessels from the RSE and Klingon Empire are en route.

Chirakis -> Captain Chirakis is under house arrest.

Chirakis -> Voice, facial, and DNA evidence confirm the connection between the captain and HoD Chirakis, captain of the attacking ship.

Chirakis -> Anyone not on Aegis, adopt a symbol - first come, first served.

Chirakis -> Questions?

Chirakis -> Seeing none..

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

mimipavilion -> ::in sickbay, checking over patients::

Lawliet -> ::in his office coordinating the science department with the repairs::

Dacia Sandero -> ::in the sickbay, tending to some patients as well::

A Davis -> ::tiptoes into the Children's area:::

Schawnsee -> :: in the Childrens area:: OK all lets thank Mr Nijil for getting our lights back on... on 3........1.......2....3 THANK YOU!!!

Wes Roberts -> ::walking through the wreckage of the Midway, in an attempt at morale building::

A Davis -> ::wild applause:::

Dacia Sandero -> ::golf clap::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Wide eyed :: Yeah

Revon -> ::Keeping an eye on repairs from the comfort of his office.::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> That's not all, hold on...

Annisha -> :: Looks onward ::

Chirakis -> ::in the secure sterile DV quarters:::

Schawnsee -> Ok ok ok Now lets start cleaning this place up/... Anything thats broken lets put in the recycler.. anything that can be repaired let put in a pile over here :: directing the children::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Lights in the CC dim down ::

A Davis -> ::looks toward Nijil:::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: SHrugs :: Maybe later... :: lights go back up ::

Revon -> +Hangar+ Tabitha, how goes repairs on White Vector two? You're free to cannibalize parts or "borrow" them from civilians, if necessary.

Lawliet -> ::notices someone walk into his office out of the corner of his eye:: You choose a hell of a time to came aboard.

Annisha -> :: Picks up broken things ::

Revon -> Tabitha Stroud > +SEC+ Naw, no need for that. We're just fittin' the last MFD to the cockpit, and she'll be ready to roll.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: To Davis :: I just brought a generator up, but thanks.

Annisha -> :: Goes up to Nijil and holds onto him ::

Lawliet -> Guinan>> ::sits down and smiles:: Nothing I can do about it now.

A Davis -> We appreciate everything you do, Nijil. When we're settled we'll have a tea party, and you are invited.

A Davis -> ::Annisha:: And Annisha will make tea.

Lawliet -> ::stands up and walks over to the replicator:: Can I get you anything?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I have tea.. that kids can't have... Sure thing

Annisha -> Me?

Revon -> +Hangar+ ::Nods with a soft smile.:: Most excellent. And the reserve wings?

Schawnsee -> :: smiles at Amandas comment::

Lawliet -> Guinan>>::shakes head:: No, I'm quite alright thank you.

A Davis -> ::Schawnsee:: She makes wonderful tea, doesn't she?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Rubs her head ::

Schawnsee -> She does...

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Go along and help clean some more.

Annisha -> Okay... :: runs along ::

Revon -> Tabitha > +SEC+ Well, far as I can see, it'll just take a day or so to un-mothball all twenty. As for the pilots, that's your job.

A Davis -> But.. if you can get us some help cleaning up, we will really appreciate it. A volunteer, perhaps.

Dacia Sandero -> ::glad that patient numbers are down to normal levels again::

Lawliet -> ::replicates himself some herbal tea and sits back down:: I'm afraid you'll have to be brief. We have a lot going on at the moment.

mimipavilion -> ::finishes up with the last of her patients and is relieved that there are empty biobeds and makes her way to her office to update Mr. Roberts::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> I tried to get her a safe place to live...

Lawliet -> Guinan>> Very well, how is your condition?

Revon -> +Hangar+ Nn... But of course, Midshipman. We'll begin as soon as engineering crops up some spare power for the holodeck; whenever that is. Harada out.

Wes Roberts -> ::finishes his walkthrough, and heads for the lift back to the CT::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Whips out his PADD. Checks the repair status ::

Schawnsee -> :: watches as the kids start cleaning up their home::

Jorahl -> ::comes out of one of the deep service tunnels, reviewing some of the damage::

mimipavilion -> ::goes over the file analysis of the two Chirakis'::

Lawliet -> That's what you wanted to ask me? ::gives a small smirk:: Fine I suppose. I can always "sense" the world around me, but I haven't had any problems if that's what you want to hear.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Takes his tricorder and goes to the window, scans for microfractures ::

Revon -> ::Rises from his seat to maraud the office, peering over various shoulders to check various readouts.:: Silverton, how's our dear captain holding up?

Chirakis -> ::still staring into space::

Schawnsee -> :; goes to walk and slightly stumbles on her knee once more the pain now coming back with a vengence:: OWIIEEEE... not saying what she really thinking with the kids in such close range:::

A Davis -> ::gasp:: (w) Kat...

Schawnsee -> :: sits down quickly::

Lawliet -> Guinan>> Well, if you think you have a hold on it that's fine. Just don't lie to yourself.

Wes Roberts -> ::arrives at the CT, the lift doors wheezing open...then stopping halfway::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Hears a cry of pain ::

Revon -> Avery Silverton > No developments, sir. She doesn't even seem bored... Perhaps we ought be concerned?

A Davis -> Sit there, Kat. ::turns:: SubCommander tr'Korjata?

Schawnsee -> :: takes the hypo of pain killer out of her pack::

Lawliet -> ::looks down at his tea not noticing his friend getting up to leave::

Annisha -> :: Takes over some odd tubing ::

A Davis -> ::waves him over:::

Revon -> Would you want to read if you were imprisoned by your very subordinates?

Revon -> Silverton > Aye, noted.

Lawliet -> ::looks back up to speak to her, but notices she's already gone::

Lawliet -> ::sits back and sighs::

Wes Roberts -> ::looks, squeezes between the doors::

Schawnsee -> :: starts to put the hypo to her knee to mask the pain once more::

Revon -> Still, it's good that she's remained composed despite. Any word from Capt-, er, Commander Roberts regarding her release?

A Davis -> On second thought, instead of getting some help for us, would you help Dr. Schawnsee to sick bay? She really should be checked. ::realizes she's taken over::

Revon -> Silverton > By my mark, sir, that's your responsibility to ascertain.

Jorahl -> ::enters the CT via service crawlway::

mimipavilion -> ::decides to take a closer look at the DNA sample that was included in the report::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Sure.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Doctor?

A Davis -> ::turns:: I'm sorry, Kat. I'm speaking for you. But I do believe you need to be seen.

Revon -> ::Offers the slightest of smirks, and a curt nod.:: ... Aye, noted.

Schawnsee -> Amanda Ill just give myself some more pain killer until we are done down here

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Shall we go?

Lawliet -> ::closes his eyes for a moment to "sense" the world around him...feeling the atmosphere people are giving off::

A Davis -> Oh, no, Kat. You've had enough pain killer already. Time to take care of it properly.

Annisha -> :: Annisha runs over :: Dad, you going? Can I stay here?

Chirakis -> ::confused, distressed, angry, a multiplicity of emotions pouring out of her::

Schawnsee -> ::looks to the two of them towering over her as she sits in the chair and relinquishes placing the hypo back in the kit:: Alright.

Wes Roberts -> Betty> Mr Roberts, Mr Fokker has reported they found the crews to Wraiths 104 and 108. Not good news I'm afraid.

Jorahl -> ::steps over to the engineering station::

Wes Roberts -> That brings our fighter pilot losses up to 10 now?

Lawliet -> ::notices a heavy disorientation and snaps back into reality::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Shall I carry you Doctor?

Wes Roberts -> Betty> ::nods::

Lawliet -> ::gets up and heads out of his office into the turbolift:: Control Tower.

Chirakis -> ::flexes the fist::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: to Annisha :: You may stay.. :: smiles ::

Schawnsee -> I think I can make it. :: pulls herself to her feet with her cane::

mimipavilion -> ::brings up Chirakis' DNA sample from her last physical and compares them to see if there are any unusual markers::

Jorahl -> ::glancing at the CT main viewer, displeased the slow network has the resolution so low::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> We are generally the same strength as Vulcans, as you can imagine.

Wes Roberts -> Mr Jorahl. ::nods::

Revon -> Darn Java. ]]

Jorahl -> ::enters the latest damage survey into the record::

A Davis -> ::steps back to allow them to sort it out:::

Lawliet -> ::the lift stops halfway on the CT as the doors open:: What?

Jorahl -> ::nods::

A Davis -> ::moves on to help with the cleanup::

Annisha -> :: Goes next to Dr. Davis, looking up with her big eyes ::

Schawnsee -> :: now no weight bearing on her knee .... Hobbles towards the doors:: (w) not in front of the kids please.

Lawliet -> ::crawls through the gap and struggles onto the deck:: What's going on with the turbolift?

Wes Roberts -> Doors need some WD-40.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> That is fine. Anything would be easier than that fusion generator.. : goes toward the doors ::

Jorahl -> The lift is fine. It's the entire Control Tower that's about 8 centimeters off where it should be.

Schawnsee -> :: takes Nijil’s elbow using it to help steady herself as she gets out the doors::

Wes Roberts -> ::eyebrow:: Shock damage?

Lawliet -> ::to Roberts:: I see...Sir, can I speak to you in private?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> (Now they use WD-40 Extreme)

Wes Roberts -> Of course, Mr Lawliet. My office.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> How did this injury occur?

Chirakis -> ::and now doubt about her own identity:::

Lawliet -> ::follows the XO into his office::

Wes Roberts -> ::turns, enters, and settles into his luxurious Corinthian leather chair::

Annisha -> I'll have to tell my dad about firing that gun won't I Dr. Davis?

Schawnsee -> During one of the attacks while I was up in medical ... to many wounded... Ill take care of them before Ill stop to tend to myself.. I can wait some of them could not.

Wes Roberts -> What can I do for you, Lieutenant?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Ah, Duty.

A Davis -> ::taking Annisha aside:: If you feel you must, then you must. But....

Schawnsee -> :: outside the doors after they close:: Are transporters available?

A Davis -> it isn't absolutely necessary, Annisha. Only if you feel you must.

Lawliet -> Sir if I'm overstepping...than I'm sorry, but it's about the Captain. Have you been able to determine if it was her on that ship or was it a clone?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Many transporters are down until their integrity can be assured.

Wes Roberts -> Medical is still working on it

Schawnsee -> Them I am going to give in and allow you to carry me. I had to put on a front in the view of the kids.., the truth is I can barely put any pressure on my knee at all.

Jorahl -> ::Pondering ejecting Pylon A completely and starting over on Pylon B::

Lawliet -> I see, well I had an idea...although you might find it unreliable and to be frank so do I, but maybe there's something we can do in the mean time.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: motions ::

Wes Roberts -> And that is?

Chirakis -> ::Daoine’eile::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Pick Dr. Shawnsee up :: Lets... begin.. :: starts to head to a lift ::

Dacia Sandero -> ::treats the last of her patients and heads into the break room with some of the nurses, replicates herself a tea and some biscuits::

Schawnsee -> :: cringes as her knee bends over his arm::

Lawliet -> ::takes a seat and leans forward:: I could...use my mental abilities to ascertain what she did. I could...get a glimpse of her memory, her past.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: laughs :: I wonder what Jy will think. :: lift a few meters away ::

Wes Roberts -> It wouldn't be the first time a Starfleet officer's had to be probed mentally.

Lawliet -> I'm only telling you this as I believe you need to be aware of all available options.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Enters the lift ::

Schawnsee -> If anything is said I will let her know what happened. The Medical files will also be there if she questions it.

Chirakis -> ::puzzled::

Wes Roberts -> Of course, it probably won't hold up in a court of law.

Wes Roberts -> What do you need to do?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Looks to the doctor :: I'm not worried. :: to the lift :: Sickbay.

Jorahl -> ::the entire right side of the CT goes dark for about 3 seconds. With a few flickers then the screens come back to life::

Schawnsee -> Thank you Mr Nijil.

Lawliet -> Just physical contact and privacy...I know that sounds weird, but prior to her departure Commander Ferretti and I had worked on a few exercises

Wes Roberts -> ::nods::

mimipavilion -> ::notices something a bit off on the DNA, and thinks the faux Chirakis is a clone::

Wes Roberts -> Talk to Harada.

mimipavilion -> ::gets up and exits her office and into main sickbay, looking for Dacia::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Na a problem. Are there issues for engineering in sickbay?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Riding in the lift ::

Dacia Sandero -> Hello?

Schawnsee -> Mr nijil, you do have a special child. Sh was so much help.

Lawliet -> ::nods:: Aye sir.

Chirakis -> ::wondering now if d'Ka inadvertently showed her that galaxy, otherwise...:::

Dacia Sandero -> Welcome back Doc.

mimipavilion -> ::heads over to Dacia:: Hey I have to go up to the CT for a bit. Think you handle sickbay until I get back.

Schawnsee -> Not that I know of but I have been in the Childrens center a lot.

Dacia Sandero -> No problem.

Lawliet -> ::thinks for a moment:: Does this mean I have your consent?

mimipavilion -> ::nods and exits sickbay::

Annisha -> :: Gathering up more junk ::

Wes Roberts -> Yes you do

mimipavilion -> ::enters a TL and orders it to the CT::

Lawliet -> I understand, I'll have to ask the Captain for her permission as well.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Exits the lift :: Just down the hall if I remember

Wes Roberts -> Of course.

Schawnsee -> You are correct

Lawliet -> ::stands up:: Sir. ::turns around and walks out::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Enters sickbay :: We are here.

mimipavilion -> ::after several minutes arrives at the CT and doors open part of the way and she manages to squeeze through::

Schawnsee -> THank you Nijil..

Schawnsee -> place me on that biobed over there please.

Lawliet -> ::walks into the turbolift:: Security.

Cptn d'Ka -> @ Tan> +Aegis+ Aegis Operations, USS Missouri entering your space for patrol.

mimipavilion -> ::looks around the CT for Mr. Roberts::

Schawnsee -> :: calls out:: Dr DACIA!!!

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Goes to the directed biobed ::

Dacia Sandero -> What happened to him?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Me?

Dacia Sandero -> ::walks over to Nijil and Schwansee::

Schawnsee -> He's fine Im not,

Wes Roberts -> Betty> -=Missouri=- Understood, Missouri. Be advised we have recovery operations in progress

Dacia Sandero -> Sorry. what happened to you?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Stands ::

Jorahl -> ::considers fixing the lift. But, the fact that a few other minor problems could end in the entire CT detaching and floating off into space if left untended to, would make a working lift rather unneeded::

mimipavilion -> ::spots Roberts and walks over to him:: Sir.

Schawnsee -> :: uncovers her knee that is 3 times its size. :: Think I blew something.

Dacia Sandero -> Oh dear. Sorry to hear that.

Wes Roberts -> What's up, Doc?

Lawliet -> ::the lift stops and doors open. walks down the corridor and into Security looking for Harada::

Cptn d'Ka -> @ Tan> +OPS+ Understood. Our orders are to protect and defend. If you require more assistance, we have resources.

Schawnsee -> I did it during the attack but didn't have time to get anyone to work on it, I've just been shooting it with Painkillers and Anti Inflammatories.

mimipavilion -> I think I may have found a break in our dual Captain issue.

Revon -> ::Welcomes Lawliet into his office, inviting him to lounge in a chair far less comfortable than his own.:: A pleasure as always- Ah? ::Gets briefed on the proposal.:: I see... And you believe this'll lend us insight as to the relationship between the captain and "Captain Chirakis"?

Chirakis -> ::looks up, feeling d'Ka:::

Wes Roberts -> Betty> -=Missouri=- That would be appreciated.

Wes Roberts -> ::raises an eyebrow at Mimi's comment:: Go on

Cptn d'Ka -> @ Tan> +OPS+ Do you require further assistance?

Schawnsee -> Wanna have a look to see what I really did to it??

Lawliet -> ::talking to Revon:: Yes, I'm not certain of success, but it's worth a shot. I need access to the Captain.

Lawliet -> need*

Cptn d'Ka -> @ ::listening in::

Revon -> Firestorm Wing > ::Tips their nacelles to the Missouri, then resumes their own separate patrol route.::

Dacia Sandero -> Yes. ::gently rolls up her pant leg to see the extent of her injuries to her knee:: Hmm..

Cptn d'Ka -> @ Doland> ::helm blinks lights in response to Firestorm::

Schawnsee -> I ran out of the hypo of painkillers I had with me and Amanda had Mr NIjil bring me up here.

Revon -> ::Mulls it over for a few moments. Then, with a shrug,:: Go for it.

Wes Roberts -> Betty> -=Missouri=- We're getting locator beacons near Sector 2-3 Gamma.

Lawliet -> ::nods:: Thank you. Where is she being held at the moment?

Revon -> I see no reason not to let you proceed, so long as my guards may watch over you during the process.

mimipavilion -> I was looking at the DNA of our faux captain that was provided by the Aegean and compared it to the captain's last physical and found some characteristics that were missing in the faux captain's DNA. The faux captain, I believe, was a clone.

Schawnsee -> :: cringes as Dacia moves the knee slightly:: ouch

Cptn d'Ka -> @ Tan> +OPS+ Understood.

Wes Roberts -> Betty> -=Missouri=- Revenge and Aegean are currently assessing defense grid status.

Wes Roberts -> A clone?

mimipavilion -> ::nods::

Dacia Sandero -> ::Nods:: That's tough man. ::the nurse gets Dacia the pain killers:: This shouldn't take too too long I imagine. I'll let to set your leg onto a brace. But before that, let us give you the pain killer. I think you've suffered long enough

Cptn d'Ka -> @ ::nods to TAC as the information comes in:::

Revon -> She's in one of the DV Suites, if I recall correctly. Once you arrive on deck, Midshipman Ogawa shall be your guide.

Schawnsee -> Thanks ... How bad is it, What all did I do to it?

Lawliet -> Thank you. ::stands up and proceeds back to the turbolift::

Wes Roberts -> Ok...so how did they get our Chirakis' memories?

Revon -> Excellent. Till next time! ::Keys his communicator.:: Inoue, the Captain's garnered a visitor. See him in with the proper escort.

Dacia Sandero -> ::Injects her with the hypo containing a powerful over the counter painkiller:: You managed to fracture your femur, but luckily there doesn't appear to be broken. I can regenerate the damage, but you'll need to stay off the leg for a few days for it to fully recover

Cptn d'Ka -> @ Lie'ri> ::standing by TAC while they sweep Aegis' space::

Lawliet -> ::after riding the lift for a moment, the doors open down the corridor from where the Captain is being held. notices the security::

Annisha -> :: Moves more junk ::

Jorahl -> ::listening the Wes and Mimi:: ::turns his full attention their way:::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Doctor...Doctors, I should go.

mimipavilion -> Good question. Probably some type of memory implantation. Either with some sophisticated technology or telepathically. But if it was my guess. Some type of telepathically.

Schawnsee -> Thank you again Nijil for your assistance.

Revon -> Ogawa > Right. ::Closes channel, just in time to see Lawliet emerge from the lift.:: ... The empath, I presume?

Wes Roberts -> ...

Dacia Sandero -> ::Waves the regenerator around her leg, nods at Nijil:: Thanks for bringing her over, Mr. Nigel

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Nods ::

Schawnsee -> ::to Dacia:: and I thought I just pulled a few muscles and tendons...

Lawliet -> ::looks at Ogawa:: ...I assume so.

mimipavilion -> Like I said it's just a guess on the whole memory part.

Wes Roberts -> Wonderful.

Dacia Sandero -> It wouldn't have swollen that much if that were the cause.

Schawnsee -> :: cringes slightly but relaxes her leg as the pain killers kick in::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Exits sickbay and heads for the secondary main engineering location ::

Lawliet -> ::follows Ogawa to the DV suite::

Cptn d'Ka -> @ ::Missouri coordinates with other Allied ships that have entered, passing pertinent information to them::

Jorahl -> Can you confirm the sample is anything but a planted sample to make us beleive the Captain.... or A Captain died?

Revon -> ::Appraising eyes scanned him up and down. He didn't look like much, but she'd learned not to judge a book by its cover.:: ... This is the suite. I presume you'll want the room to yourself and the captain?

Lawliet -> If that's possible.

Schawnsee -> True, But I did have Amanda regenerate the Cruciate.. It was torn but not a complete tear. Just so you know and you can add it to the records.

Schawnsee -> Lets just hope we don't have any more attacks to where Ill be needed,

Jorahl -> ::doing what comes to Romulans naturally, expecting 5 layers of deception wrapped around a lie, with a disposable truth for a bow::

mimipavilion -> ::to Jorahl:: I would have to run a full physical on the Chirakis we have in holding. I would also need any more information surrounding the talks.

Revon -> Ogawa>>::Smiles warmly.:: Nn, of course it is. Forgive us if Harada led you to believe otherwise; with matters of psychology, he's sadly dense as a brick. ::Keying the door, she motioned inward.:: Anyhow, best of luck.

Schawnsee -> :: watches as Dacia moves the bone regenerator over the factured area::

Dacia Sandero -> JUst a bit longer.

Annisha -> :: Yawns :: I'm tired again Dr Davis

Schawnsee -> :: nods::

Lawliet -> ::walks in and notices the Captain by the window:: Excuse me Captain, may I come in?

A Davis -> ::moves toward Annisha:: Take a rest, then.

Chirakis -> ::remnants of a shattered vase lay on the floor, untouched food on the table, the captain staring out the viewport::she does not move when Lawliet enters::

Schawnsee -> Sorry I didn’t let you work on it sooner but I had to go help with the children. They needed help more than I did at the time.

Chirakis -> ::without moving:: It seems you already have.

A Davis -> You can use your cot in the safe room. Your animals are still in there; they'll welcome you.

Lawliet -> ::looks around:: True. In that case, may I stay for a moment and talk?

Chirakis -> 'Tis your time. I'm not going anywhere.

Wes Roberts -> Doc, I have Lawliet talking to Chirakis now.

Wes Roberts -> Once he's done with her, run a full physical on her.

Wes Roberts -> Coordinate with security for the movement.

mimipavilion -> ::nods:: Understood.

Schawnsee -> By the way Dacia.... Nice work on the wounded.

Dacia Sandero -> ::nods:: You're lucky you didn't aggravate your leg.. but, how are the kids?

Dacia Sandero -> Thanks.. good work with the kids

Annisha -> :: Takes a hunk of junk and goes into a corner ::

mimipavilion -> Anything else you want me to check on, sir.

Schawnsee -> mostly bumps and bruises.... and they were really scared. Between MySelf and Amanda being there with them they did ok.

Lawliet -> ::walks over and takes a seat next to the Captain:: The reason I'm here is because I've been given permission to ascertain what you've said is true.

Cptn d'Ka -> @ ::several flights of Peacekeepers launch from Missouri and coordinate with the fighters from Revenge and Aegis for patrol:::

Wes Roberts -> Full cerebral scan. She claimed to have walked down 12 levels, but doesn't remember squat about it

Wes Roberts -> See if there's any hint of trauma.

Chirakis -> ::snort::

Schawnsee -> I love working with the Children. I was one of the highest in my class in pediatrics.

mimipavilion -> ::nods:: I will do that. ::makes a note of that::

Wes Roberts -> Thanks Doc.

Lawliet -> ::takes a breath:: With your permission, I'd like to use my telepathic abilities to look into your memories.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Enters the other engineering room ::

Revon -> ::Took a deep swig of coffee as he leaned against Silverton's station.:: 5X redundant recording... Are we getting her vitals? Good. ::Leans close to the screen:: Let's see what mysteries you've got in store.

Chirakis -> I doubt that will help.

Lawliet -> Will you let me try?

Annisha -> :: Annisha falls asleep with a torn stuffed animal ::

Schawnsee -> You think 1 or 2 days? Off duty or light??

Wes Roberts -> ::looks at Jorahl:: We'll either have plenty of evidence absolving the Captain. Or enough to convict her of treason and toss her out the airlock

mimipavilion -> ::nods and leaves, entering the tl::

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> Thank you.

Chirakis -> 1/24/14

Chirakis -> Very well played.

Chirakis -> TBS will be.... ::looks to Wes::

Chirakis -> "shortish"

Chirakis -> Ten minutes?

Chirakis -> 30?

Wes Roberts -> 10 minutes

Chirakis -> Ten it is.

Chirakis -> Crew *dismiss*

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