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USS Challenger 01.19.2014

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Last week, the rescue team headed down to pick up the away team and Commander Rinax. Near her location, we found a team of dead Romulans and picked up their logs and stuff before ehading back to the Challenger.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> TBS was 30 minutes and the Shuttle is coming in for final approach to Challenger as we begin. Any questions?

Hunter Matheson -> No, sir.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> OK

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cassie Granger -> ::in sick bay, recovering from the vampire baboon::

John Randall -> ::sitting on his cot, waiting for the shuttle to dock with the ship::

Cassie Granger -> ::or wherever that is on the shuttle::

H.G. Reed -> :: Working furiously at her station on the bridge. ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Send down a medical team to take the injured to sickbay once the shuttle lands ::to Hok::

Hunter Matheson -> ::wedged between the QRT, Delta, and Bravo, trying to breathe::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Sitting in the back of the shuttle, her leg bouncing up and down as she really wants to be in the pilot's seat.::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Yes, the shuttle is reminiscent of a NYC subway train in rush hour.

Gretchen Hanson -> ::monitoring Granger during the flight::

EddieFreeman -> ::crammed in the back of the shuttle with the logs and "confiscated" Romulan gear and other crewmembers::

Cassie Granger -> ::turns to Gretchen:: Think the best place to be is injured, Doc. At least we have breathing room.

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::With as crammed as it is, she is so glad she is up to date on her pheramone suppressor.::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Pilot> +Challenger+ Shuttle Skobee to Challenger, requesting docking clearance

Dvokr chim Hok -> +Skobee+ Clearance granted.

Gretchen Hanson -> ::gives Cass a little smile:: And you get to lay flat..plenty of legroom.

H.G. Reed -> :: Coordinates docking procedures with the shuttle bay from her console. ::

Cassie Granger -> Heh. All we need is the lollipop and I'll be good to go.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::turns to Reed:: Once the Skobee is inside, set a course back to Federation space. What's the nearest starbase? ... ::checks his console:: Starbase 36. Set a course there, best possible speed.

Dvokr chim Hok -> I will communicated our arrival Captain.

H.G. Reed -> Yes, sir. :: plots a course. ::

Hunter Matheson -> ::shifts in the squeeze and finds he's right next to the El Tee:::

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Comms Starbase 36 ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Very good, Mr. Hok. Also, please send a message back to Starfleet HQ. We have logs from a Romulan scout team who crash landed there, and that colonization of this planet is not recommended.

Hunter Matheson -> ::sheepish grin:: Pretty crowded, ma'am. Sorry if I'm uh... intruding.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Skobee touches down smoothly in the Challenger's bay. Once the hatch opens, doctors rush in to take the injured personnel to sickbay.

Cassie Granger -> ::weak, but assuring med personnel she's fine, there's no need to rush::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> I knew coming out here was a bad idea.

John Randall -> ::waits for the med team::

EddieFreeman -> ::waits for the injured to be hauled off before getting up::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Smiles at Kal, trying not to appear too uncomfortable.:: It's alright, Gunny. Can't be helped. But as soon as we touch down, I'm making a beeline for the locker room. Got to get rid of this dust everywhere.

Gretchen Hanson -> ::follows the teams to SB, giving orders for Granger's and Randall's treatments as they go::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> It's always the monkeys that give us the hard time.

H.G. Reed -> :: Receives confirmation from the shuttle bay and turns the ship about. :: Engaging at warp factor 7, sir. I can understand your regrets.

Hunter Matheson -> ::nod:: Roger that. Pretty dusty for a jungle recon.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Indeed. I'm sure the away team does as well.

Hunter Matheson -> ::shower, yes::shower::

Hunter Matheson -> ::finally pries his eyes away from her with a hard swallow::

John Randall -> ::is taken to sickbay and put on a biobed::

Derrick Sabin -> ::waits for everyone to retrieve their inflight luggage from the overhead compartments before trying to exit the shuttle. Notices that contents have definitely shifted during flight::

Dyan Sylvanis -> Yeah, a little odd... :;Waits as the med teams clear the wounded before she gets out of the shuttle.::

Cassie Granger -> (So I jumped the gun on the log. Guess it takes place after a bit.)

EddieFreeman -> ::gathers data and gear, getting off once the med teams are clear::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (that's fine, I've read it. Very good work)

H.G. Reed -> Captain, we should arrive at Starbase 36 in approximately 3 hours.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Very good, Lt. ::To Reed:

Hunter Matheson -> ::Kal checks the area, giving his kit the once over, securing his weapons before standing to exit with the others::

John Randall -> ::the medtechs have to cut his tunic from his body, being very careful of his damaged left side::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Makes her way to the locker room after being cleared and her weapon secured.::

EddieFreeman -> ::sitting on a cargo crate and flipping open his com:: +Ja'lale+ Captain, this is Freeman. Away team is aboard, sir.

Gretchen Hanson -> ::trying to avoid running back and forth between biobeds, but wants to see every monitor's readouts at once::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> +Freeman+ Understood, welcome back. We're headed back to Federation space. Please have the logs and other data from the Romulans analysed.

John Randall -> ::his entire left arm is an angry reddish color::

Gretchen Hanson -> ::techs place John's arm in a dermal-stasis enclosure::

Cassie Granger -> ::well cared for, in no danger except for blood loss::

EddieFreeman -> +Ja'lale+ Understood. Will do. Out. ::begins to sort through stuff, tossing Romulan weapons into a crate and stacking the data pads to one side::

Derrick Sabin -> ::makes it off the shuttle and heads straight away for the science lab to make a more thorough analysis of his scans:;

Hunter Matheson -> ::drags into the weapons locker, clearing his weapons, checking them in, then off to his own locker in MARDET::

John Randall -> ::the techs then carefully remove his pants; the red streak is down his left leg, stopping just above the knee; it was a severe electrical burn he suffered::

Cassie Granger -> ::and in go the inevitable BSABs, AVs, Steroids, and Anesth:::

EddieFreeman -> ::puts crate on cargo dolly, stacking data pads on top, and begins heading for science lab::

Gretchen Hanson -> :::orders an antibiotic mist to be introduced into the stasis field::

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Sees a message come in from his friend Morrision. Files it away ::

Gretchen Hanson -> ::taps John on his right leg:: Back in a minute. Don't go anywhere.

John Randall -> ::nods:: I'll just hang out here, Doc.

H.G. Reed -> :: Makes slight course corrections. ::

Gretchen Hanson -> :::hurries over to Granger's bed and checks the regeneration progress on her neck wound;::

Cassie Granger -> ::eyes closed as the meds kick in::

John Randall -> ::closes his eyes in relief as the mist begins to cool his arm::

EddieFreeman -> ::after a short walk and a turbolift ride, enters the science labs:: Anyone home?

Derrick Sabin -> ::looks up from his console at hearing Freeman's call:: Back here.

H.G. Reed -> :: Wonders if any other ship will be sent back to collect additional data. ::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Once at her locker, she begins to take off her flight suit. There was a big contrast to skin tones between what was exposed to the dust and what wasn't. After fully removing the suit, she grabs a clean towel and heads to the showers.::

EddieFreeman -> ::brings dolly to a stop, lifting the pads from the cargo container's lid, approaching Sabin with a curious expression:: Hey, I got data from the Romulans Rinax offed. Captain wants it analyzed. ::holds out stack::

Gretchen Hanson -> ::notes Granger's vitals are holding steady and in normal parameters. Decides to let her sleep awhile as the best medicine for now::

Hunter Matheson -> ::bone weary and concerned about the Cap, Kal shuffles toward his locker on the Delta row, empties his kit, checking each component, then double-checking and noting what needs replacing, what needs repair, what needs disposal:::

Derrick Sabin -> ::scowls a bit, pausing in his own findings:: Yes, of course he does. Umm, just park it here next to the desk.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: The Challenger crosses back into Federation space without incident.

Hunter Matheson -> ::then neatly arranges it into his jungle bag, slips it between the desert and whiteout bag, then moves over for a fresh BDU:::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::So happy to find that the showers had already been turned on and were nice and warm. Setting her towel to the side so it wouldn't get wet, she hops right in.::

EddieFreeman -> ::pausing, setting pads on the desk. He'd considered introducing himself, but...dude seems busy:: Ookay, then. You look like you got your hands full, so...uh...bye. ::scurries back to cargo dolly::

Hunter Matheson -> ::strip to shorts, grabs a towel, heads to the showers::

H.G. Reed -> :: Taps her fingers against the console, trying to reconcile sensor data. ::

Gretchen Hanson -> ::finds John's eyes closed as well when she returns and thinks she should take her own medicine and find an empty biobed::

John Randall -> ::nearly asleep in the biobed as the mist works on his arm::

Cassie Granger -> ::vaguely aware of what's going on around her, in twilight sleep::

Cassie Granger -> ::and in go more fluids::

John Randall -> ::does not even feel his leg now::

Derrick Sabin -> ::watches Freeman go and thinks, "I wonder who that was? I think I need to brush up on my people skills:::

Dvokr chim Hok -> Captain, permission to head to sickbay.

Derrick Sabin -> ::sets his own data aside and picks up one of the Romulan pads, considering it;::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Of course, Lt. Go ahead

H.G. Reed -> :: Looks up. :: is something wrong?

Hunter Matheson -> :::Kal tosses the towel, steps into the communal shower and allows the water to pour over his body, eyes closed, leaning a hand on the wall::

EddieFreeman -> ::takes up position behind his dolly, heading in the general direction of the part of the ship where the Marines live::

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Logs off his station, enters the lift ::

H.G. Reed -> :: Blinks, watching Hok leave. ::

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Nods at Reed ::

Derrick Sabin -> ::sets up an interface and firewall before plugging the device into his console::

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Doors close, enters to go to sickbay ::

Cassie Granger -> ::strange dreams about vampire baboons:::

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Moments and a shampoo commercial later, he exits onto the sickbay deck ::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Had been washing the dust and dirt from her hair when she noticed someone else had come in. Washing the soap from her eyes and face, she was finally able to determine that it was Kal.::

H.G. Reed -> Captain, do you suppose that Starfleet will send out additional survey teams?

John Randall -> ::hopes he doesn't have to fool with any more alien circuit boards for a while::

EddieFreeman -> ::stops at his quarters, poking through the crate for anything interesting and not-dangerous::

Hunter Matheson -> ::feeling a bar of soap on his back, Kal grabs it from Moa, then soaps up:::

Derrick Sabin -> ::once on screen, Sabin compares the data with what his own scans revealed::

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Enters sickbay :: Doctor?

Hunter Matheson -> ::and passes it on:::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> I suppose they will. Hopefully, they'll send down probes or something.

Hunter Matheson -> ::face to the shower-head to rinse::then steps back, the water automatically turns off, he grabs his towel, and opens his eyes to see...:::

EddieFreeman -> ::drops a couple pieces into his desk drawers before continuing::

H.G. Reed -> Or be better prepared? It seems a waste to leave without determining the true nature of the planet.

Gretchen Hanson -> ::didn't even realize she'd fallen asleep until Hok's call awakened her. Sits up on the biobed::: Yes, what can I do for you?

Hunter Matheson -> ::standing there, buck n... towel in hand, nods:: El Tee.

Dvokr chim Hok -> Were you sleeping?

Hunter Matheson -> ::hair, then loin wrap::

Dvokr chim Hok -> I heard about Captain Granger's arrival and had a message for her. Is she asleep as well?

Cassie Granger -> ::not quite, semi-lucid::

Gretchen Hanson -> ::rubs her eyes:: Of course not. Doctor's never sleep. ::slyly:: Don't tell anyone!

Gretchen Hanson -> yes, she's sleeping. Can I relay the message for you?

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Nodding as she finished up, stepping away from the shower.:: That was much needed. Grabs her towel and begins to dry off. Once she was suitably dry she wraps it around her body nice and tight.::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Science's analysis of the Romulan data, indicates that they have intercepted communications that a Federation ship was coming into explore the nearby planet. They were ordered to set up an ambush, but crashlanded due to the electrical interference.

Derrick Sabin -> ::sees that the Romulans had issues with dust, the same as the Challenger AT:::

Hunter Matheson -> Roger that, ma'am. Nasty planet they sent us to. Still... I've seen worse.

EddieFreeman -> ::bumbling around, trying to figure out who to give a crateful of stol--confiscated Romulan guns to::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (and dust)

Hunter Matheson -> ::shrugs::

H.G. Reed -> One wonders if the Romulans fared worse then we did.

Hunter Matheson -> ::padds off to the Delta lockers::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Her silver hair was nice and bright, back to the color it should be. She brushes some of it out of her face as she responds.:: I wouldn't really know. I never spent much time on the ground. ::Follows him back to the lockers.::

Derrick Sabin -> ::isn't surprised by the references to intercepting a Federation ship. But is interested in the severity of the electrical storm that forced them to the surface::

Hunter Matheson -> ::beside Dyan:: Flight specialty. ::nod:: Lots of air time - atmo and vacuum.

Dvokr chim Hok -> Thanks, I believe the message is a bit personal

Cassie Granger -> ::stirs in her bed::

Gretchen Hanson -> ::tilts her head a bit:: Well. ;:Granger's movement catches her attention:: You may be in luck, Mr. Hok. Sleeping Beauty seems to be awakening. Come with me, but keep it short, ok?

Hunter Matheson -> Me, I'm a SWCC, ma'am. ::opens his locker:: Deal in just about everything from flight to air and land.

Gretchen Hanson -> ::leads Hok over to Cassie's bed:::

Dvokr chim Hok -> Someone thinks she's a beauty for sure.. :: a little embarrassed :: Not me, but someone...

Cassie Granger -> ::med tech elevates her head slightly to relieve the pressure on her neck::

Dvokr chim Hok -> Captain? :: to Granger ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION From the message the Romulans were scouting the planet, the dust and electrical intereference caused them to crash. They like us, also had trouble with monkies, losing five members due to their attacks.

H.G. Reed -> :: Checks their eta, still deep in thought over the mission and it's outcome. ::

Cassie Granger -> ::turning her eyes toward him, careful not to move her neck:: Ensign Dvokr chim.

Dvokr chim Hok -> Just Hok sir.

John Randall -> ::jerks awake in his bed as he dreams about the electrical flash that injued him; looks around for a moment, then realizes he's on Challenger, and slowly relaxes::

Derrick Sabin -> ::with only two instances of recording the storm - the Challenger shuttle's and now the Romulan's - Sabin can't make a determination about the interference...is it naturally occuring or artificial::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Smirks.:: I see. ::Opens up her locker and drops the towel. She pulls out a pair of shorts and a tanktop that read "Shadow Squad" on the front. She proceeds to put them on.:: Seen any flight combat?

Dvokr chim Hok -> Most people trip over the names, presuming they get over my appearance compared to other humaniods./

Cassie Granger -> ::wan smile:: Hok it is. What brings you down here?

Gretchen Hanson -> ::withdraws to give them some privacy. Goes over to see how John is doing::

Dvokr chim Hok -> Your friend sent a message, a Commander Morrision.

Hunter Matheson -> ::slipping on his BDU:: Yes, ma'am.

Dvokr chim Hok -> (Even Hok has speech trouble)

Hunter Matheson -> Few things, here and there.

John Randall -> ::one of the medtechs helps calm him down, and he relaxes back into the bed::

EddieFreeman -> ::finally wandering into Marine-Land, looking around, pushing his cargo dolly::

Dyan Sylvanis -> Confirmed kills?

Dvokr chim Hok -> He has send a somewhat large data packet and says he's arrived on Coridan.

Cassie Granger -> Commander Morrison...

Cassie Granger -> ::nods::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Taking the towel and drying the last bit of moisture from her hair.::

Gretchen Hanson -> ::arrives at the end of the commotion:: Going somewhere Mr. Randall? Not following Doctor's orders?

Hunter Matheson -> ::stops, one hand leaning on his locker handle:: Due respect, ma'am. I don't talk much about it.

Dvokr chim Hok -> I think his interest in you goes beyond Starfleet, but you didn't hear it from me.

Hunter Matheson -> SWCCs deliver, rescue, and if need be, recover.

H.G. Reed -> :: Slightly increases the ship's speed. ::

Cassie Granger -> ::nods understanding::

Derrick Sabin -> ::switches out for another of the Romulan padds::

John Randall -> ::smiles wanly at the doctor:: Nothing like that, Doc. I had a.....weird.....dream, and I guess I kinda reacted to it, from what the nurse here tells me.

Dyan Sylvanis -> Understandable. ::Disposes of her towel, and sets her flight suit asside so that it could be cleaned, the closes up her locker.::

Hunter Matheson -> I... uh... ::closes the locker door slowly:: done more recovery than I'd ever care to.

Cassie Granger -> ::still in twilight:: It's on this padd?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (5 minutes)

Gretchen Hanson -> Let me guess...flying monkeys, evil dust monsters, unintelligable computers and a general feeling of being....lost?

John Randall -> ::grins:: Something like that.

Dyan Sylvanis -> Sometimes I forget our jobs are a little different. Us fighter jocks tend to be a little more detatched.

Dvokr chim Hok -> Yes. Locked to your code, not that I was trying to look.

H.G. Reed -> :: Sends a quick message to sickbay, requesting the status of the away team, anticipating the Captain's needs.

H.G. Reed -> ::

Gretchen Hanson -> ::laughs:: Too many vid-dramas for you, Lieutenant.

Hunter Matheson -> ::gives the El Tee the once over::stoic::

Dvokr chim Hok -> Is there something you need Captain Granger.

Hunter Matheson -> ::lips pressed together:: If you'll excuse me, ma'am, I have a debrief.

John Randall -> ::smiles:: And to think, 'Planet Of The Apes' is one of my fav classic movies; maybe after this, not so much.

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Nods.:: I'll see you around.

Cassie Granger -> ::glance at the padd, then to Hok:: I'm fine, Ensign. Thank you for bringing it down.

Derrick Sabin -> ::the second padd appears to be from a science counterpart. No mention of a Federation ship, but more focus on the planet's atmospheric irregularities::

EddieFreeman -> ::entering the Marine compartment, looking around::

Dvokr chim Hok -> I am to look after you Captain, per Morrison's order. Rest well. :: turns to head out ::

Cassie Granger -> ::watching him leave, looks at the padd, then puts it beside her so she can rest::

Hunter Matheson -> ::moves in the other direction, toward Delta's team room::

Gretchen Hanson -> I always enjoyed Masterpiece Theater. Guaranteed to put me to sleep after a long night on call::

John Randall -> ::nods:: My mom likes that as well.

H.G. Reed -> :: Correlates reports from all over the ship. ::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ::Heads off from the locker room and towards her bunk.::

Gretchen Hanson -> ::gives John a playful sock in the arm (the right one)::: You better not be saying I remind you of your mother, mister.

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Enters the lift back to the bridge ::

John Randall -> ::laughs quietly:: Nothing like that, Gretchen, I assure you.

Cassie Granger -> ::finally tucks the padd under her arm and drops off::

Gretchen Hanson -> ::eyes the stasis field monitor:: I think this can come off now. ::nods to one of the techs:: Apply a light regen spray after removal.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Nicely played!

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Anyway... our TBS will be 3 hours. We'll be arriving at SB 36 for next week

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Any questions?

Cassie Granger -> Is that our baseops?

Cassie Granger -> Our debark point?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> In that case, yes.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Any other questions?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> If not, then sim dismissed! Have a great night and week everyone.

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