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USS Challenger 01.12.2014

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Last week, the away team were still dealing with the aftermath of the attack by the local wild monkeys. Captain Ja'Lale has dispatched a rescue shuttle to check on the team who the Challenger has not been able to communicate to.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Our TBS was 30 minutes.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Any questions?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> The rescue team will be ready to depart once the game begins.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> No questions?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cassie Granger -> ::in the shuttle on a cot::

John Randall -> ::asleep in a seat at the rear of the Challenger shuttle::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Those in CHallenger, use @. Challenger shuttle # and other away team members use blank)

EddieFreeman -> # ::checking emergency food supplies::

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> ::IV plasma into Granger, along with broad range antibiotics and antiviral heavies, QuikClot on her neck:::

Cassie Granger -> # ::slowly coming around:::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ((Is it still night?))

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (Yes)

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Sitting at the front of the shuttle.::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (If you want to be on the rescue team, you can use NPC characters or your own if you are still on Challenger)

Cptn Ja'Lale -> :;to Hok:: Please grant the rescue shuttle clearance when they are ready to go.

EddieFreeman -> # ::having inventoried food supplies, proceeds to the front to find something else to do::

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> ::face close to Granger's, speaking directly:: Captain Granger.

Cassie Granger -> # ::blinks, eyes cross as she raises a hand to her forehead:::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Action: The rescue crew of ten Marines and two pilots pile into their shuttle and report departure clearance.

Dvokr chim Hok -> Aye on the clearance.

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> ::repeats:: Captain.

Cassie Granger -> # ::eyes pop open:: Damn, that was one big monkey!

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> Captain, do you know where you are?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Marine 1> +Bridge+ Shuttle Skobee to bridge, we are ready for Departure

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Playing with her silver hair for a bit, till she heard Granger yell. She sits up, looking towards the back of the shuttle. Gets up and begins heading over.::

Cassie Granger -> # ::squint:: On some godforsaken planet in the middle of nowhere, Hammond. You know where you are?

Dvokr chim Hok -> +Skobee+ You are cleared for departure.

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> ::grin:: Aye, Striker. Sure do. Same place you are.

EddieFreeman -> # ::gets up as well, following Sylvanis:: Was that Granger?

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Nods.:: Yeah

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> ::smart nod at Freeman and Sylvanis as they approach:: She's good to go, Commander. ::Freeman::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> 1st Lt. Dan> ::initiates engines and clears the Challenger's shuttle bay::

Cassie Granger -> # Hell, yeah... ::tries to sit up, immediately pushed down by Tasha::

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Sits across from Cass:: You alright Captain? Gave us a scare.

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> Not that good, ma'am. Stay put.

Dyan Sylvanis -> # +Kal+ Good news, Captain is awake.

Cassie Granger -> # Tell you what, Sylvanis. That damn monkey gave me a scare and I don't scare easy.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> 1Lt Dan> ::Looks to the guy beside him:: try to contact the team once we're through the atmosphere.

Hunter Matheson -> +Dyan+ Copy. I'll pass the word.

EddieFreeman -> # ::to Tasha:: Awesome. That was a close shave.

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> Aye, sir. Sure was. It'll take a while, though.

H.G. Reed -> :: coordinating efforts from the bridge. ::

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Smirks:: Well if it makes you feel better, I think we fried a couple of them when the Chief here polarized the hull briefly. They all ran off.

Cassie Granger -> # Commander Freeman. ::not turning her head:: As of this moment I relinquish command.

EddieFreeman -> # ::blinks:: Uh...understood, Captain.

Cassie Granger -> # As per Starfleet protocol, you are now in charge of this mission. Until Cdr Rinax returns, of course.

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Looks up at Eddie.::

Cassie Granger -> (She's Marine Cpt, Eddie. Same as SF Lt.)

John Randall -> #::shifts his position slightly in the chair, still asleep::

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> ::Freeman:: It's best, sir. She's in no physical shape to command.

Cassie Granger -> # Thanks for the vote of confidence, T.

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> ::smirk:: Any time, Striker.

H.G. Reed -> :: Taps the her console, tracking the rescue shuttle and checking the sensors. ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @Skobee> ::breaks the planet's atmosphere:: +Away Team+ This is the Shuttle Skobee to the Away Team, can you read me?

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> ::slap, squeeze, change plasma bag::

EddieFreeman -> # And I do technically outrank all of you. But, uh - talk about going outside of your comfort zone, right? ::Shrugs:: I don't think this rock is anyone's comfort zone -- ::hauls off from the wall and heads to the front::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @Skobee> +AT+ Skobbe calling Away Team. Come in?

EddieFreeman -> # ::takes a seat and hammers the comm:: Shuttle Skobee, this is the away team. How do you copy?

Dyan Sylvanis -> # There isn't much we can do at the moment anyways. At least not till daylight, then we can finish cleaning out the intakes.

Cassie Granger -> # ::slight turn toward Dyan:: We have comms yet?

John Randall -> #::shifts position again, but hits his left leg against the shuttle wall, and yells in pain, wide awake now::

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> ::checking vitals::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ Skobee> +Freeman+ We're coming in for a landing about 500 metres from your location. Unfortunately we can't land any closer. Please prepare to head to the clearing patch via the coordinates we will send you now. ::sends Freeman the landing coordinates via his PADD::

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Confused look as she stands up, looking towards the front of the shuttle.:: No...we shouldn't. The atmospheric particles disrupt out comms at long range.

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: Monitoring available channels ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @SKobee> +Freeman+ Our ETA will be about ten minutes

Cassie Granger -> # ::Dyan:: Take charge of Delta and Bravo. Doesn't look like I'm going anywhere for a while.

EddieFreeman -> # ::mumbling curses:: Uh, Skobee, we have two wounded and one not with the main party. We may have trouble getting to your designated LZ.

H.G. Reed -> :: Sends updates to Hok. ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @Skobee> ::Lt Dan frowns::: +Freeman+ Okay, we'll have some teams come over to you with some stretchers. We'll let medical on Challenger know

Hunter Matheson -> # O'Neill> +Marine+ Incoming blue. Hold your fire.

EddieFreeman -> # We'll look out for you. Just so you know, the wildlife is hostile and seriously dangerous. That's why we have wounded.

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Looks down at Cass, nodding.:: Yes Ma'am. Excuse me. ::Walks back up to the front of the shuttle where Eddie is.:: Who are you talking to?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ Dan> Gump! Look in the back and get out the stretchers!

EddieFreeman -> # ::to Sylvanis:: The cavalry. Shuttle incoming from Challenger.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @Gump> OK, Lt Dan! ::rummages for the portable stretchers in the back of the shuttle::

John Randall -> #::having decided he let out a silent yell, gingerly brings his leg up, and stretches out the best he can in the rear seat of the shuttle; his eyes now blue chips of ice::

Dyan Sylvanis -> # A shuttle? Really? ::Calls back to Cass.:: Captain, the cavalry is here.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> @ Pilot> Make it quick! I don't know how much we can last down here.

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Almost forgets.:: Oh Commander, tell them to close off their intakes.

Cassie Granger -> # ::Dyan:: Tell 'em to keep the horses away from the shuttle. We got enough schitzle here.

Cassie Granger -> # ::not in a good mood, no, not at all:::

EddieFreeman -> # ::to shuttle:: Close off your intakes, by the way - gotten us in some trouble down here.

John Randall -> (that makes two of us)

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> ::Delta Medic, moves toward John:: Lieutenant, sir?

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Smirks.:: Yes Ma'am. +Kal+ We have friendlys incoming.

Hunter Matheson -> +Dyan+ Dopy. Blue on track.

Hunter Matheson -> *Copy

Cptn Ja'Lale -> $ Skobee> +Freeman+ Understood - thanks! ::nods to the pilot to close the intakes::

John Randall -> #::glares up at the Marine, his mouth clamped shut::

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> Lt Randall, I'm LCpl Tasha Hammond, Delta team medic. Anything I can do for you?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> $ Skobee> ::spots the landing spot. The crew should now see/hear the shuttle incoming::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> crew = away team

John Randall -> #::shakes his head, and speaks through clenched teeth:: No, I'm just fine. Go back to your captain.

EddieFreeman -> # ::to nobody in particular:: I don't like leaving without Rinax... ::glancing out the window:: Looks like our bus is here, though.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> $ Lt Dan> Weapons out, fellas. Keep an eye peeled for those darned dirty apes!

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> ::Native American eyes narrow:: Due respect, sir, looks like you could use a burn patch.

Dyan Sylvanis -> # I don't think there is much we can do for her at the moment. Chances are, she's not even on planet anymore.

H.G. Reed -> :: files a report on the Skobee's progress. ::

EddieFreeman -> # Yeah. And we need to get Granger and Randall up shipside anyway...

Cassie Granger -> # ::listening to the chatter as best she can::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> $ Bubba> THey're monkies sir, not apes.

John Randall -> #::his glare intensifies:: I'm fine, Marine. Go back to your captain.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> $ Action: Skobee lands safely. No signs of any monkeys, the shuttle's lights and engines scared them off.

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> ::holds his glare, unflinching:: Aye, sir.

EddieFreeman -> # ::scans for evil crazy people-eating monkeys as shuttle approaches::

John Randall -> #::stops looking at the Marine, and stares straight ahead, clenching his teeth against the pain::

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Hears the commotion between Randall and Tasha. Talking quieter.:: Oh by the way, since you're in command now, can you make your assistant accept medical treatment. Seems he is being stubborn.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> $ Marines> ::depart from the shuttle and heads to the Challenger team::

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> ::moves past him to the emergency lockers to check supplies::

EddieFreeman -> # ::snorts:: Well. I'll try. ::gets up and heads back::

Hunter Matheson -> +Dyan+ Charlie and Fandango coming at you, ma'am.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: The Skobee Marines spot the Challenger shuttle and knock on the door.

Dyan Sylvanis -> # +Kal+ Understood. ::Moves to the back hatch.:: Ready to receive when they arrive.

H.G. Reed -> :: Makes a few notations regarding

Hunter Matheson -> +Dyan+ Bravo and Delta on perimeter. Souter, Daniels, Gonzales on overwatch.

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Pops the hatch.::

H.G. Reed -> The Skobee's tracking abilities. ::

EddieFreeman -> # ::turns back as Sylvanis opens the hatch::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> # lt Dan> Ah. You all in here? Your ride's here.

EddieFreeman -> # We're still missing Rinax, it seems. But the rest of us are here.

Dyan Sylvanis -> # Right. ::Looking to Eddie and Cass.:: What are we to do with our shuttle?

Cassie Granger -> # ::Eddie:: Your call, Commander.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> # Lt Dan> Where's the injured? ::Sees Cass and John, motions for the stretchers to be brought over:: I'm sure we'll be able to find her.

John Randall -> #::stands up very slowly out of the chair, stifling a moan as he bangs his leg against a chair; stands fully erect, his eyes ice-blue::

EddieFreeman -> # Shoulda known I wasn't getting off this rock without making at least one call. ::pauses:: Leave it, for now. We're not leaving the system just yet, I assume, so we might have a chance to recover it. But pull some parts, cripple it for the time being.

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> ::comes forward as Lt Dan brings on the stretchers:: Lieutenant.

EddieFreeman -> # Cripple it more, I should say.

H.G. Reed -> :: Opens up a file labeled "Spruce Goose" and makes a few notations. ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> # Marine> ::to John:: Try to remain still sir. ::John is placed and secured onto the stretcher along with Cass on the second::

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Nods.:: Yes Sir. ::Goes back to the front to disable the systems.::

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> LCpl Tasha Hammond, Delta team medic. ::rattles off Granger's vitals, hands him the list of meds, etc:::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> # Lt Dan> We'll fire a shot at the shuttle after we take off.

Cassie Granger -> # ::on the stretcher:: Lt Dan, Delta and Bravo are on perimeter. Don't leave 'em behind.

EddieFreeman -> # ::goes to the back to do terrible things for which he would normally be fired:: That might work. But we don't want to wreck it, just prevent anyone from salvaging it.

John Randall -> #::allows the Marines to strap him into the stretcher, but his anger intensifies::

EddieFreeman -> # ::pauses on the way back, leaning over Randall:: You okay, man?

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Begins disabling everything from the console she could that would further prevent the shuttle from being tampered with.::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> # Lt Dan> ::Takes perimeter as ordered and heads back to the Shuttle::

John Randall -> #::stares up at Freeman, then stares straight up, not trusting himself to say anything::

Hunter Matheson -> +Marines+ Fall back to the shuttle. Sound off.

EddieFreeman -> # ...carry on, then. ::resuming to engine room::

EddieFreeman -> # ::entering engine room to begin tearing stuff out::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: The team carrying John and Cass make their way to the shuttle. A few has stayed behind to look for monkeys and provide cover for Ed still in the other Shuttle,

Cassie Granger -> # ::in lala land with Tasha's mud taking hold:::

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> ::helping with the injured::

H.G. Reed -> :: Takes a moment to retrieve a cup of tea. ::

EddieFreeman -> # ::tears out a few bits and pieces, and grabs the shuttle's store of emergency weapons, before heading for the hatch::

John Randall -> #::utters a couple of low moans as the stretcher sags up and down in a couple of places on the way to the shuttle::

Dyan Sylvanis -> # ::Follows the others out after she finishes up.::

EddieFreeman -> # ::leaves shuttle, following the others, with an armload of assorted stuff::

H.G. Reed -> :: Returns to her console to work. ::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> # Pilot> ::Starts up the shuttle as Freeman and the remaining Marine clambers in:: +Challenger+ We have the away team. We still need to find Commander Rinax beforewe return to base.

Dvokr chim Hok -> +Shuttle+ Copy that

Hunter Matheson -> ::in the shuttle with the rest of Delta and Bravo::

Hunter Matheson -> ::tight fit::

John Randall -> #::the thought goes through his mind that he will have to report to sickbay again; it does nothing to improve his mood::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> # Pilot> ::once everyone is aboard, he takes off on the hunt for Cdr Rinax::

H.G. Reed -> :: Makes a light notation of the Skobee's status. ::

EddieFreeman -> # ::squeezed in like a sardine::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: It's not long before her biosigns are detected a few km away. In addition, there are also bio signs of about ten dead Romulans nearby.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> #Shuttle> ::goes in for a landing nearby:

EddieFreeman -> # ::leaning forward to peer at the screens as best he can:: Whoo. She put up a fight.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Commander Rinax is unconscious (from monkey attacks) but alive.

Hunter Matheson -> # ::checks the viewport:: Doesn't look like they're moving.

John Randall -> #::suddenly decides to try to rest; as his anger slowly leaves him, he falls asleep::

EddieFreeman -> # ::still looking at screen:: Looks like the Romulans are dead. But Rinax is alive. ::gets up:: Check your weapons - we need to go get her.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> #ACTION: Shuttle hatch is opened while the Marines go and retreive Rinax. Not far away is the team of Romulans - all seemed to have been also attacked by the monkies. On them,are PADDs, and other parts from the Scout ship.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> parts, equipment and data from the ship*

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (5 minutes)

Hunter Matheson -> # ::gathering what he can::

Hunter Matheson -> # Tasha> ::checks Rinax::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Judging by the injuries abd decomposition to the Romulans, they were dead here a few days ago.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Rinax has sustained many injuries/bite marks like John and Cass

EddieFreeman -> # ::clambering out of the shuttle to recover Rinax::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: The Romulans' data, PADDS etc and Rinax are gathered on the shuttle.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> It really is a tight fit on the shuttle now

EddieFreeman -> # ::clambers back onto the shuttle with the Marines, carrying PADDs and a few Romulan weapons::

EddieFreeman -> # ::watches as Rinax is loaded on as well::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> # Lt. Dan> +Challenger+ We have Rinax as well as stuff from the Romulans. Heading back now.

Dvokr chim Hok -> +Dan+ We have you. Understood

EddieFreeman -> # ::watching Rinax's life signs as the Marine medics look her over::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: The Skobee takes off despite the weight of the people aboard and heads back for the Challenger.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

EddieFreeman -> ::paused::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Great job, everyone. Our TBS will be 10 minutes. The Skobee will be returned to Challenger just as sim starts next week, where we'll wrap things up with this plot. ANy questions?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> None? OK. Thanks for coming out and have a great week! Sim is dismissed

EddieFreeman -> See you all later.

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