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USS Challenger 01.05.2014

Gretchen Hanson -> The last time I was here, we'd lost Rinax. Any progress in the plot since?

Hunter Matheson -> We were attacked by monkeys. That count?

Gretchen Hanson -> Are monkeys a step up from dust storms?

Dvokr chim Hok -> I don't think we had any progress

Dvokr chim Hok -> I can't rightly recall what we were doing

Cassie Granger -> Um, yes. We were attacked by monkeys, or something that looked like a monkey. Cass is close to death at this point.

H.G. Reed -> Do they at all resemble the monkeys that serve the wicked witch of the west?

Cassie Granger -> Kal, you and the rest of the platoon are patching up and repositioning.

Gretchen Hanson -> ::cackles: Ah, my pretty

Hunter Matheson -> Wouldn't be surprised, ma'am.

Dyan Sylvanis -> Oh yeah myself, Moa, and Eddie were about to go back outside and make sure everyone is alive from the monkey attack

John Randall -> I am unconscious in the shuttle from Challenger

Dyan Sylvanis -> We can assume Doc is safe with us.

Derrick Sabin -> Am I recalling correctly, isn't this mission a survey of the planet to determine if it's suitable for colonization?

Cassie Granger -> Aye.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> That's right..

Cptn Ja'Lale -> But in true Star Trek form, there is also a crashed Romulan ship in the surface.

Derrick Sabin -> So, we've got monkeys, kidnapping dust storms... would that be oh for two?

Dyan Sylvanis -> Those pesky survey missions

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Are we good to start?

H.G. Reed -> Just another day at work.

John Randall -> I would think so, sir

Cptn Ja'Lale -> If there were no other questions, let's begin.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> BEGIN SIM

John Randall -> @ ::lying unconscious in the rear of the shuttle from Challenger as a result of a severe electric shock::

Gretchen Hanson -> ::with Dyan:: (are we in the Challenger shuttle or the romulan craft?)

Dvokr chim Hok -> :: On the bridge ::

Dyan Sylvanis -> @ ::Inside the shuttle, about to open the hatch, her pistol drawn.::

H.G. Reed -> :: On the bridge, monitoring sensors. ::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ((Challenger shuttle))

Derrick Sabin -> @:::waits for the shuttle hatch to open::

Gretchen Hanson -> @::magic edit::... tending John's condition at the rear of the shuttle::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Monkeys streetching about and hopping around the shuttle.

Cassie Granger -> ::on top of the shuttle, bleeding out:::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ((Thought the monkeys left))

Gretchen Hanson -> @::medical scanner shows electrical burns that will need more than her field kit at some point::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ((Did they? ))

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Monkeys are gone - coast is now clear.

John Randall -> @::the whole left side of Randall's uniform is scorched::

Hunter Matheson -> ::repositioning to counteract the attack:::

Dyan Sylvanis -> ((yeah. Eddie polarized the hull at one point, gave a little shock, and they left.))

H.G. Reed -> Captain, I am unable to ascertain stable readings for the away team.

Dyan Sylvanis -> @ Brace yourselves. ::Pops the hatch.::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Interference from the jungle? Can you try to contact them?

Gretchen Hanson -> @::gives John a hypo filled with a mild stimulant to rouse him::

Hunter Matheson -> @ +Marines+ Report.

Derrick Sabin -> @::to Dyan:: Any signs of our visitors?

Hunter Matheson -> @ ::head-counting as they call in:::

H.G. Reed -> :: Looks over at Hok. :: Do you have a link with the team?

John Randall -> @::eyes begin to flutter, and then opens them, immediately winces at a stab of pain courses through his left side::

Hunter Matheson -> @ +Granger+ Captain Granger, report position.

Dyan Sylvanis -> @ +Kal+ Kal, you alright? I've got the Doc and some others at the shuttle, we're popping the hatch and checking for survivors.

Hunter Matheson -> @ +Dyan+ Aye, ma'am. Trying to raise Captain Granger.

Dyan Sylvanis -> @ ::Looks to Derrick.:: No, but stay alert. ::Moves down the ramp, leveling her pistol, visually scanning the area.::

Cassie Granger -> @ ::unconscious on top of the shuttle near the emergency access hatch:::

Gretchen Hanson -> @::sees John wincing:: John, are you back with us?

Derrick Sabin -> @::follows Dyan down the ramp, taking scanner readings in a 180 arc::

Dyan Sylvanis -> @ ::Looks up, seeing a arm dangle from the side.:: Someone's up there. I think it's the Captain. Moa, need your help since you're the tallest.

John Randall -> @::turns his head towards Gretchen's voice, speaks softly and painfully:: D-Doctor? Wh-What happened?

Dvokr chim Hok -> The teams link is weak.

Dyan Sylvanis -> @ +Kal+ Got her. She's on the roof, looks unconscious.

Derrick Sabin -> @I'm not reading any life forms nearby.

Dyan Sylvanis -> ((Just popped the hatch Eddie, grab your rifle.))

Cassie Granger -> @ ::deathly pale:::

Hunter Matheson -> @ ::shifts positions:: +Dyan+ Any sign of the captain, ma'am?

EddieFreeman -> @ ::standing near hatch with rifle drawn:: ((thanks for the heads-up!))

Dyan Sylvanis -> @ +Kal+ Yeah. She's in bad shape.

Gretchen Hanson -> @Well, I'd guess you've been testing circuits with your fingers again, Lieutenant. Seriously, though, can you sit up?

Dvokr chim Hok -> I'll try to boost the range.

John Randall -> @::nods painfully:: I-I think so. ::slowly sits up, and emits a loud groan, then grabs his left side as another bolt of pain shoots through it::

Cassie Granger -> @ ::a massive gash from primate incisors is barely visible, her uniform is soaked with blood and the end of the gash poking above her uniform collar:::

Dyan Sylvanis -> @ Someone give me a hand. ::Points.:: She's up here.

Gretchen Hanson -> @::refills the hypo with a pain suppressant and administers it to John:: This should hold you for a while. I'm afraid I've got to leave you for a bit. We've got other casualties outside.

EddieFreeman -> @ ::slings rifle over shoulder, and hoists self through hatch to assist Sylvanis::

Dvokr chim Hok -> Sorry Reed, I have had trouble establishing and maintaining a link with the team.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ACTION: Pretty quiet in the jungle now, sensor scans (if anyone is scanning) is clear.

Derrick Sabin -> @::helps Dyan with Cassie::

Hunter Matheson -> @ +Tasha+ Report position.

H.G. Reed -> :: Taps her fingers against the console, waiting to see if contact can be established. ::

John Randall -> @::nods:: A-All right, Doc. I'll take it easy, don't worry.

EddieFreeman -> @ ::helps hoist Cassie::

Gretchen Hanson -> @::leaves John and goes to the shuttle hatch, looking out at the scene::

Cassie Granger -> @ ::dead weight, limp::

Dvokr chim Hok -> Permission to send down something to the planet to boost the signal.

Dyan Sylvanis -> @ ::Manages to shimmy up to the roof, checking Cass' vitals.:: She's a mess. ::Carefully helps move her down.::

Hunter Matheson -> @ Tasha> +500 meters your 3+

Derrick Sabin -> @::reaches up for a leg, as gently as he can::

John Randall -> @::stares in horror at the blackened side of his uniform::

Cassie Granger -> @ ::the only visible injury is the gash in her neck. The rest of her uniform is clear, except for the blood:::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Go ahead. ::to Hok::

Dyan Sylvanis -> @ +Kal+ We have the Captain. It's real bad... Anyone else hurt?

Dvokr chim Hok -> COnfiguring the probe...

Gretchen Hanson -> @::sees Dyan and Derrick pulling someone free, hurries over to them::

H.G. Reed -> Preparing for launch.

Hunter Matheson -> @ +Dyan+ Negative. A few minor injuries, but otherwise we're good. Shifting position for protection on the next attack.

John Randall -> @::stands slowly, and cries out in pain as his left leg takes his weight; then his eyes blaze as he summons up his will power, and his face becomes hard as a rock::

Dvokr chim Hok -> It's ready.

EddieFreeman -> @ ::running a tricorder over Granger:: Man. A little bit deeper...they nearly hit her jugular.

Dyan Sylvanis -> @ +Kal+ Understood, Be careful.

H.G. Reed -> Captain, the probe may be launched on your mark.

Derrick Sabin -> @::gently helps lower Cassie to the ground::

Hunter Matheson -> @ +Dyan+ Wilco.

Dyan Sylvanis -> @ ::After Cass is down and being tended to from the relative safety of the shuttle, she stands back out by the hatch entrance.::

John Randall -> @::his face grimly set, looks around the shuttle, and notices some things missing up toward the pilot's station::

Gretchen Hanson -> @::arrives at the scene and makes her first visual examination of the wounds::

Cassie Granger -> @ ::faint pulse, waxy complexion:::

Cassie Granger -> @ ::shallow breathing::

Gretchen Hanson -> @::gingerly pulls Cassie's uniform collar back to expose the bite marks::

H.G. Reed -> Sir?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Go ahead and launch when ready

Derrick Sabin -> @Is she going to be ok, Doc?

H.G. Reed -> Hok?

John Randall -> @:: turns again, and walks slowly toward the engine compartment, biting back groans as his left foot makes contact with the floor on every step::

Cassie Granger -> @ (Don't think the guy liked the taste. There's only one.)

EddieFreeman -> @ ::having helped get Granger in, walks back towrds engine compartment, seeing Randall on the way :: Hey!

Cassie Granger -> @ Souter> ::turns his scope on the shuttle:::

John Randall -> @::turns his head at Freeman's approach, and nods painfully to him, his face set in stone, and white as a sheet::

Gretchen Hanson -> @::reaches into her med kit for a field dressing for the wound::: I'm sure she will, Ensign. Patching is my specialty.

Cassie Granger -> @ Souter> +Kal+ Hey Gunny. Captain's hurt. Bad.

H.G. Reed -> :: Taps the console, the probe is deployed. ::

Hunter Matheson -> @ ::shifts his scope to zero in on it:: Damn...

Gretchen Hanson -> @::doesn't want to tell him she really has no idea. Monkey pathogens are definitely NOT her specialty::

Hunter Matheson -> @ +Souter+ Hold position. Doc has her in hand.

EddieFreeman -> @ ::almost grabs Randall's shoulder, but thinks better of it - he doesn't look like he could take it:: I'm not even going to try to persuade you to get back to bed, you'd just glare a hole in me. But you are NOT doing any heavy lifting.

Hunter Matheson -> @ +Tasha+ Stand ready to assist if needed.

Derrick Sabin -> @::relieved at Dr. Hanson's prognosis, he stands and resumes scanning the clearing::

Cassie Granger -> @ Tasha> +Kal+ You got it, Gunny.

Dvokr chim Hok -> The could take a bit once the probe lands

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Very well then. I don't like how this is going.

Dyan Sylvanis -> @ ::Keeping an eye out from her spot at the entrance.::

H.G. Reed -> Sensors are still distorted.

John Randall -> @::nods painfully, and forces a small smile, speaks through clenched teeth:: It's all right, Chief, I have no plans on lifting anything. Just thought I'd check and see if our engine is still working. What happened here, anyway?

Gretchen Hanson -> @::to anyone nearby in hearing range:: I don't suppose we've got communicatins with the ship?

Hunter Matheson -> @ +Marines+ Tighten the perimeter. Bravo, watch those paths closely for any sign of their return.

EddieFreeman -> @ ::pauses, noting his clenched teeth:: Don't worry about the engine. I've got everything under control. I'm not entirely sure what happened yet, but suffice it to say we're on the ground, we can't take back off, and we don't know precisely why.

Derrick Sabin -> @::continues scanning, trying to locate a bit of fur or saliva droppings that might yield a DNA sample for analysis::

Hunter Matheson -> @ O'Neill> ::mutters something about monkey planets over the secure Marine band:::

Dvokr chim Hok -> Yeah, I see that. Something strong is distorting the readings.

John Randall -> @::nods, then looks at him curiously:: Chief, have you been in a fight or something? Your uniform's all rumpled. ::looks around at some of the others that he can see:: What happened while I was out?

Hunter Matheson -> @ Daniels> ::echos the thought, adds a few choice words of his own to the mix:::

Hunter Matheson -> @ ::settles into his hide, letting them get it out now so they can focus later:::

EddieFreeman -> @ Yeah, I have. The wildlife around here is kind of hostile. Big primate types. I came out practically unscathed, though. ::gesturing with his head towards the medical bay:: Captain Granger got mauled. Sylvanis, some other guy I don't recognize and I got her back into the shuttle, but the critters nearly tore her throat out.

Gretchen Hanson -> @::monitors Cassie's vitals, doesn't want to give her a large stimulant dose tht will raise her blood pressure to quickly. The wound is deep and liable to open up again::

Dyan Sylvanis -> @ ::Smirks at some of the Marine banter on the comm.::

H.G. Reed -> Perhaps we ought to send out a rescue team?

John Randall -> @::eyes widen as Eddie fills him in:: This planet's got all kinds of surprises, don't it?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::Nods:: Is the probe having any luck clearing the interference?

Dvokr chim Hok -> It's improving, but not totally.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> We should, yes. But I worry they too might get caught in the interference.

H.G. Reed -> :: Still tapping her fingers against the console. ::

Dvokr chim Hok -> You may attempt to relay a signal to them via the probe Captain.

EddieFreeman -> @ Yeah. I got lucky. If those things did that to Granger...probably woulda eaten my scrawny... ::trailing off:: Anyway. Sit back down. We're not in enough trouble for you to go hurting yourself worse tryin' to work. Yet, at least.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> See if you can boost signal strength and get a comm link established via the probe

EddieFreeman -> @ What happened to you, anyway? We never did figure it out - Granger and I just found you unconscious in the scout ship.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::nods at Hok:: That's what I'd like to do... have a rescue team and shuttle ready on stand-by in case we need them.

H.G. Reed -> Shall we request additional marines, Captain?

Gretchen Hanson -> @::to Sylvanis:: I need to get her back to sickbay. Can you get any one of these crafts off the ground?

Hunter Matheson -> @ +Dyan+ Normal jungle critter chatter started up again. Don't think we'll have an immediate attack.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Yes please.

John Randall -> @::nods, and sighs heavily, his left arm pressed tightly to his side:: I was trying to restore power to the Romulan craft. I installed the power couplings dent down from the ship. I remember pushing the button, then there was a big, bright flash, and, the next thing I knew, the doctor was asking me if I was coming around.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> If we can't get in contact with them, within the next thirty minutes, we'll send the team down.

Dyan Sylvanis -> @ ::Looks to Doc, shaking her head.:: I can't work on cleaning the intakes again till daybreak, so we're grounded. +Kal+ Understood, we'll lock things up here just in case.

Derrick Sabin -> @::finds an interesting pile of...something... and collects a sample with his analyser::

Dyan Sylvanis -> @ Everyone inside.

Hunter Matheson -> @ +Dyan+ Roger that. We're good out here.

H.G. Reed -> :: Nods :: yes, sir.

Derrick Sabin -> @::responds to Dyan's instructions and returns to the shuttle::

EddieFreeman -> @ Huh. Have to look at that later...maybe a trap, or maybe the Romulan bird was just trashed. Anyway, like I said. Get back to the med-bay for now, all right? You're only gonna hurt yourself worse trying to get back to work so soon.

Gretchen Hanson -> @::furrows her brow, but says nothing more::

John Randall -> @::nods, then stifles a groan:: All right, Chief, I am getting a little tired standing here. ::smiles at Freeman, and limps slowly back to the inside of the shuttle, lowering himself gently into an empty seat::

Dyan Sylvanis -> @ ::Makes sure everyone is inside, before going back up the ramp and sealing the hatch.:: Might as well get cozy. ::Moves up towards the front, sitting in a seat.::

EddieFreeman -> @ ::taking a seat as well, blowing out a sigh and staring momentarily at a ceiling, muttering::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Meanwhile, keep trying to get a hold of the away team.

Gretchen Hanson -> @::tries to give Cassie a small drink of water from a rations pouch::

Derrick Sabin -> @::finds a corner of the shuttle he can settle into::

EddieFreeman -> @ ... ::to nobody in particular:: This is probably the second worst jam I've been in in Starfleet.

Dvokr chim Hok -> Opening the channel now.

Cassie Granger -> @ ::the water seems to trigger a response but she's struggling::

Derrick Sabin -> @::begins running an analysis on the sample he found::

John Randall -> @::closes his eyes, and tries to relax into the chair, but anything touching his left side triggers pain::

Dyan Sylvanis -> @ What was the first? ::Looking up at the ceiling as well.::

John Randall -> (it would be worse without Gretchen's wonderful painkillers :) )

Gretchen Hanson -> @::not wanting Cassie to choke and tear open the wound with her struggling, settles for just moistening her lips::

Gretchen Hanson -> (I've got suckers back on the ship. Will that motivate anyone to fly this thing?)

EddieFreeman -> @ ::to Sylvanis:: We ran into these mines. Elaron, something like that? The pulse from the mines causes amnesia. We were dead in space, boarded by Orion pirates, and, at least at first, nobody remembered what their job was or how to do it. I had to restart the computers, and I didn't even remember my own name, much less how to do it.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> (2 minutes)

Dyan Sylvanis -> ((lol I forgot about that mission))

Hunter Matheson -> @ (Well, I'm a Swickie, can fly just about anything, but as for fixing? Another story.)

Dyan Sylvanis -> ((That was fun. Didn't Kimi think she was a doctor?))

Dvokr chim Hok -> No transmission back Captain.

EddieFreeman -> ((I think so? I remember Eddie wound up playing security officer.)

Dyan Sylvanis -> @ Wow...That sounds awful.

Derrick Sabin -> @::preliminary results indicate a genetic tag known to be Romulan::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> ::frowns:: Very well. Keep trying and amplifying the signal. If they don't respond in 30 minutes, we'll send down the rescue team and get them out of there.

EddieFreeman -> @ I saw a guy die. Security. Or maybe engineering. His shirt was red, in any case. Disruptor blast, full power. He was there, bright flash, and then he wasn't. I shot the Orion that got him. ::shaking head:: No point dwelling, though.

John Randall -> @::settles into the chair eventually, and finally manages to fall asleep::

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> PAUSE SIM

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Great job everyone. Our TBS will be 30 minutes.. we'll see if anyone picks up.

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Any questions?

Cptn Ja'Lale -> Goodnight everyone - sim dismissed

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