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Help me pick a new Custom Title

Help me pick a new Custom Title  

  1. 1. Help me pick a new Custom Title

    • The Dumbass show, staring YOU!
    • The Daily Dose of Dumbass!

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OK, it's time to pick a new custom title and I've narrowed it down to these two choices.  Both of them were brought up in Vegas.


The DUMBASS show, staring YOU! is from a T-shirt A9 gave me.  If you've seen the pic of me getting sloshed on the Enterprise bridge that's the one I'm wearing.


The Daily Dose of DUMBASS! was said by Huff when she thought I couldn't hear her.  It's still funny though.

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yep the daily dose one is catchier, anyway where can one see the pics from vegas?

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Here it is again.

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Dumbass show for sure, it's untasteful, clasic, rude, and obserd all in one little package.

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ha ha thats a funny looking picture

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Hehe, I remember when Vanroy emailed it to me so long ago, super funny!

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even picard doesn't look as dignified in the chair vanroy!

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I say we just promote him to captain now, and then his title can be:  Captain Dumbass, Wheres that red button?  :(

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Hmm, Captain Dumbass.  It does have a nice ring, doesn't it?


And Travis, my trip was only last July.  It wasn't that long ago.  I remember Fred saying "You know Kroells is gonna go ape-(explatave deleted) when he sees this."

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Fred swears?  And was he talking about your picture, or that one where he wore that grass skirt?  :(

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He was talking about your reaction to my bridge picture.

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Oh, great!!  A tie!!  How the heck am I supposed to decide now?

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either it shows a balanced level of excellence in the titles or we all grouped together and decided to confuse you  :(

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either it shows a balanced level of excellence in the titles or we all grouped together and decided to confuse you  :(

Damn it! I told you not to say anything  :D

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How about you combine the to, and make:  Your daily dose of Dumbass

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hmmm,.. or "Your Daily Does Of The Dumbass Show"


I think we should vote on that   ::(:

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