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Sky Harbor Aegis | 6 October 2012

After receiving a coded distress call from Aegis, Aegean and Revenge, escorted by USS Missouri, came to all stop. As part of their assessment of the situation, they contacted the station and witnessed the assassination of their Chief of Engineering, SubCommander Tylus Petrinius Jorahl siva Romii N'Marys Gol'van, Romulan Star Empire. Before his death, however, the SubCommander gave us valuable information regarding the intrusion, including the threat that five Romulan Warbirds poses as a defense force commanded by a Romulan renegade known only as Kev'nan.


Aegean, Revenge, and USS Missouri are all ahead at maximum warp and red alert to Aegis. Aegean is under cloak and will deposit an assault team when it closes. The Allied Powers have been alerted.


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