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RES Talon Simlog 51209.27

Laehval tTemarr -> Hey all, welcome to the Talon, STSF's premiere Romulan sim.


KhreRiovtRex -> RES Talon Mission Briefing 51209.27 The Talon has confirmed the identification of the intercept vessel known as the Swiftwing -- a small fighter craft assigned to the Azgalor now serving the Governor of Dumok’azen, Kavek tr’Valdrin, and under the direct Galae command of Daise’Khre’Riov tr’Vatrix. Surprisingly, the pilot hailing them was Daise’Erei’Riov t’Rahks, a woman whose crimes include smuggling and conspiracy. t’Rahks has landed her ship in the Talon’s hanger bay and is being escorted to see the acting Enarrain to discuss the situation. Meanwhile, Engineering and Security plan to do a routine check of the vessel to ensure t’Rahks’ arrival is not a ruse and that her ship doesn’t hold explosives like they’d found in t’Vatrix’s RAC. Science has accessed a nearby beacon to delve into the Galae database in hopes of identifying a particular Arrain that was involved in t’Vatrix’s abduction. Hopefully, with the new information they’ve discovered and t’Rahks’ help, they will be able to narrow down the search and find the Khre’Riov.... before it is too late.






M_K_tKsa -> ::wandering the ship::

Koga S'Bien -> :Monitoring the incoming ship's docking in the hangar bay::

tAehjae -> :: making her way to the hanger to check the vessel:: +Pexil+ Pexil Au meeting me in the hanger bay?

tr'Shalor> ::making way to the conference room

Lerak trPexil -> +t'Aehjae+ My team is on their way. :: closing in on the door to the bay ::

Kheinsa Maec -> ::waiting with the Enarrain to verify the identity of their guest per t'Temarr's instruction::

tAehjae -> :: enters the hanger::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil and his three other engineers enter the hangar bay ::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Having moved to the conference room to wait with Maec for their guest, she stood near the head of the table, one hand resting casually on her chair.::

DervtRahks -> ::stops before the door::

tr'Shalor> ::presses door chime to let the Enarrain know they are there.

Demi t'Shia -> ::was already in hanger bay, securing the vehicle while the others approach::

t'Mahren> ::in her cell, doing a workout routine of some kind::

tr'Shalor> ::hits t'Liss:: +t'Aejhae: Au, t'Shia and tr'Pexil go over her ship and make sure there are no hidden explosives

Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil and the others approach the fighter ::

tAehjae -> Lets give this a good going over ...Don’t want it to explode in Aur face.

Kheinsa Maec -> ::opening his kit at the sound of the bell::

t'Mahren> ::involves core strength, stretching, and extension::


Laehval tTemarr -> Enter. ::She said to the chime, turning expectantly toward the door.::

DervtRahks -> ::rolls eyes and quietely aside to him:: Really Na'Tik, If I wanted explosives I've have na hidden them. I'd have set them off as soon as I landed. Give me some credit

tAehjae -> +trShalor+ IE Rekkhai initiating it at this time.

tr'Shalor> ::motions for her to enter (not to exit)

Demi t'Shia -> ::nods to her Daise::

Lerak trPexil -> :: two engineers flank the outside, scanning as they go. A green beam from each of their multicorders envelops the fighter :::

M_K_tKsa -> ::hesitates in front of the main security doors::

tAehjae -> Demi au and I will cover inside.

DervtRahks -> ::enters the room, nods and salutes:: Llhei

t'Mahren> ::exhaling with the effort, inhaling on the recovery::

Koga S'Bien -> ::watches the security feed in the hangar and waits for Engineering's results on their scans::

tAehjae -> :: enters the vessel scanner on::

M_K_tKsa -> ::shakes her head, moves on down the corridor::

tr’Shalor -> Rekkhai, Daise'Erei'Riov t'Rahks, envoy for the Daise'Khre'Riov

::takes a step back after introducing their guest::

Lerak trPexil -> :: As each of the engineers finish the exterior scans, they nod to Pexil it appears safe to enter ::

Kheinsa Maec -> ::waiting and watching, his multicorder active as well as his ISD::

tAehjae -> :: slowly moving around the vessel carefully inspecting every inch::

Demi t'Shia -> ::follows t'A inside, also scanning as she goes, carefully looking for, and scanning for, anything possibly dangerous, suspicious, or unnecessary::

Lerak trPexil -> I'm heading in... :: walks to the ramp...enters ::

tAehjae -> :: slowly scanning the chairs::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She waved to one of the empty chairs.:: Please, have a seat. ::Glancing to Maec, she lifted an eyebrow.:: Maenak?

tAehjae -> ::: looks back to Pexil as he enters:: Aus team find anything outside?

DervtRahks -> Hann'yyo:: moves to the seat and sits::

Lerak trPexil -> They did na.


Kheinsa Maec -> Of course, lhhei. ::nods, starting the scan of the 'patient'::

tr'Shalor> ::sits besides t'Rahks::

tAehjae -> ::nods:: We have found nathing so far here.:: goes back to scanning:

DervtRahks -> I could stand if that would make it easier for him?

Demi t'Shia -> ::opening all storage spaces that are unlocked, scanning and identifying any secured space that cannot be scanned:: Rekkhai, these two storage areas are secured, and lined to not allow scanning. are we going to break into those?

M_K_tKsa -> :;stops half way down the corridor, scowling, turns on her heels and goes back::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Sits down at the pilot's chair, scans with his multi ::

DervtRahks -> ::eyeing the maenak, and noting the Kheinsa insignia, quirking a brow::

Kheinsa Maec -> ::comparing the information from the multicorder to the PADD, then turns to t'Temarr:: Identity is confirmed.

tAehjae -> +trShalor+ tAehjae to trShalor, We have areas in the vessel that can na be scanned and are securely locked. Permission to break into them to check them over.

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> ::turns to t'Rahks::

M_K_tKsa -> ::entering main security, straighting her off-duty wear to the best of her ability before requesting permission to see the prisoner::

Lerak trPexil -> Nothing unusual at the pilot chair.

Laehval tTemarr -> Hann'yyo. ::She took her seat and steepled her fingers over her stomach, turning back to t'Rahks.:: Aefvadh back to the Talon, Daise’Erei’Riov.

DervtRahks -> All they have to do is ask for the codes. I'm sure the Daise'KhreRiov would prefer that they don’t' "Break" his new fighters....what kind of training do you do here that they can't open a lock...


Demi t'Shia -> ::to t'A:: They are probably extra ammo, being where they are, standard secured, but I suppose we must make sure.

tAehjae -> Dheno) :;nods to Ksa : whom do au wish to speak to rekkhai?

DervtRahks -> Here...: pulls a ISD from her belt and punches in the code for tr'Shalor and hands him the device::

Lerak trPexil -> :: The third engineer made their way to the engine core ::

tr'Shalor> Hann'yyo.

Demi t'Shia -> ::continues to scan, finding standard survival gear::

M_K_tKsa -> The only person in au's accomdations at the moment. ::scowling at the Dheno::

tr'Shalor > +t'Aejhae+ Transmitting the codes to the weapons lockers, do be careful.......don't shoot yourself

tAehjae -> +trShalor+ Hannyyo Rekhhai.

KhreRiovtRex -> trShalor> ::turns back to t'Temarr:: Apologies Llhei....

Kheinsa Maec -> Is there anything else au need, lhhei? ::putting his equipment back in his bag, na sure how much he is to be a party to this conversation::

tAehjae -> :: gets the codes and hands them over to Demi:: Lets hope these are na a bomb code.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Starts tapping commands to gain access to navigation logs and other items of interest. ::

Demi t'Shia -> Hannyyo, rekkhai.l ::takes them and goes back to the secured areas, taps them in, they open and...

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Waves away the apology.:: Au will deal with them later. ::Glancing to Maec, she nodded in dismissal.:: Hann'yyo for your assistance, Kheinsa. Au may go.

Kheinsa Maec -> ::nodding, and leaving as discretely as possible::

DervtRahks -> Excuse me....I was under the assumption that another would be here from tr'Shalor's report to tr'Vatrix. Another operative?

tAehjae -> Dheno \) Ie rekkhai Follow me ....


t'Mahren> ::having completed her "usual" routine, goes into her stretching as best she can::

Demi t'Shia -> ::the storage doors open to reveal no major explosives, only an ammo cash, rightly secured with a few hand weapons, but no bioweapons or anything else that would cause for alarm:: Rekkhai, nothing to be worried about.

tAehjae -> Dheno) ::leads Ksa down the corridor::

Kheinsa Maec -> ::taking a deep breath as he exits back out onto the oira, knowing that he must work with at least three other patients in addition to t

tr'Shalor> ::turns and quietly to his t'Liss:: +Koga+ initiate scans of the area, to make sure that her ship was na followed here.

Kheinsa Maec -> t'Ksa when he returns::

Koga S'Bien -> +Shalor+ Aye Sir. Initiating scans now..::begins scans of the area::

tAehjae -> Hannyyo Demi. Only a few more areas to check over.

M_K_tKsa -> ::follows the dheno, pausing once she enters the room to watch this stretching routine::

Laehval tTemarr -> Have S'Bien cloak us and resume our previous course. ::To tr'Shalor. Looking back to t'Rahks, she quirked an eyebrow.:: Another operative? Do au have a name?

Lerak trPexil -> Well, this fighter has a lot of light years in. Multiple destinations throughout the sector. :: continues to look ::

Demi t'Shia -> ::nods to t;'Aehjae, re-secures the storage areas, and moves on to the remaining areas, scanning, opening storage pods, also using the same code to open secured area, still finding nothing out of order::

tAehjae -> Dheno) I will be at my post if au need anything rekkhai, just call.

t'Mahren> ::takes a deep breath in...then exhales, rolling back to her feet::

Kheinsa Maec -> Etre S'Bien, how do we fare?


tr'Shalor> Aye Rekkhai. +Koga+ Once you've completed that scan, cloak the ship and resume course

tAehjae -> Pexil Au find anything?

Tory Knight -> t'Mahren> ::watching the security officer disappear down the corridor:: ::looks to Morgana:: Rather surprised to see you.

Koga S'Bien -> Going good. ::to Maec:: Nothing on Scanners so far, and t'Rack's ship seems to be clean.

Lerak trPexil -> t'Aehjae, come look at these navigation logs...

Koga S'Bien -> +Shalor+ Acknowledged. Should be finished scanning soon.

DervtRahks -> Aye Llhei...I'm na sure what other names au might have gotten from her, but for our purposes, she would go by t'Mahren.

t'Mahren> Glad for the company, of course. But surprised, nonetheless.

tAehjae -> :: moves up to the front with Pexil:: What do u have.

tAehjae -> *au

M_K_tKsa -> ::casts a glance to the dheno, then back to t'Mahren:: Why? This is my ship is it na? ::raises a brow, trying na to get defensive but...well..comes across as defensive::

t'Mahren> ::cutting her a glance as she seats herself, as if to say, "Really?"::

DervtRahks -> She is another, that much like myself, works for Galae for some of our ranking officers, that prefer certain projects.....to remain.....hidden for the safety of others.

Lerak trPexil -> :: looks to her, then back to the display :: Look at the arrival and departures from the Par'tellis system. :: Points ::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She leaned back in her chair.:: Ie, she is on board, but we have na been able to confirm her identity. Perhaps au might help us with that.

Kheinsa Maec -> But na sign of the Khre'Riov, ie?

tAehjae -> Humm na just oi?


M_K_tKsa -> ::rolls her eyes a bit..more at her own reaction that anything:: Are they treating au well?

t'Mahren> ::picking up a small towel that has been left for her, patting her forehead and back of her neck, lifting wisps of her hair::

t'Mahren> As can be expected, when they have not yet confirmed I work for the, ah, *good* guys.

Lerak trPexil -> No, many compared to the rest of the travel across the sector. This fighter is due for maintenance.

M_K_tKsa -> Can au blame them?

DervtRahks -> Of course Llhei. If I might inquire, have au found any sign of the Khre'Riov? Or am I jumping too far ahead. I was given explicit orders to find her......

Demi t'Shia -> ::finishes her scans, and returns to the area of her daise:: Rekkhai, everything else seems in order to me.

t'Mahren> ::smirks, shaking her head:: Na. But lengthy stays in the brig become...tedious.

tAehjae -> We are na here to do a maintenance check..

M_K_tKsa -> I mean au did kidnap a woman on her bonding day. :;smirks::

tAehjae -> :: turns to Demi:: Good,

Tory Knight -> t'Mahren> ::wry grin::

Tory Knight -> t'Marhen> A contract, dear. Nothing personal.

Lerak trPexil -> We are nearly doing one now.

tAehjae -> +trShalor+ tAehjae to trShlor, the vessel is clear.

Koga S'Bien -> +Shalor+ The area shows no signs of other ships present. I am now going to reactive cloak and resume course to our intended destination.

Lerak trPexil -> I'd hate to have a guest depart the Talon with out a complementary check up.

tr'Shalor> +t'Aehjae+ Confirmed. Go ahead and make sure au put the ship back in order, then au may take au dinner break

M_K_tKsa -> I've heard *that* before. ::smirks::

Tory Knight -> t'Mahren> And, perhaps, one day, it will sink in.

tAehjae -> +trShalor+ Ie Rekkhai


tr'Shalor> As au will be busy enough shortly if I think we're headed into the kind of mess I think we are....

t'Mahren> What about au? Au were...distressed...when last we met.

t'Mahren> ::genuine concern touching her eyes before being blinked away::

Lerak trPexil -> :: waves his engineer to him :: Perform level 3 maintenance. This engine is overdue for a check. :: The other engineer nods :: Eng> Right away.

Laehval tTemarr -> We have clues on her whereabouts, but na anything definitive. We are currently headed to the Par'tellis system, chasing leads on explosives planted in her vessel. tr'Shalor, have our other guest brought up here so that we can finally confirm her identity.

Kheinsa Maec -> I'll be back in medical if I am needed.

Demi t'Shia -> ::stomach growls slightly at the mention of dinner, is happy the daise thinks so kindly of this department::

DervtRahks -> ::looks at tr'Shalro, then back to the Enarrain:: Par'tellis......that was what we were afraid of from the coordinates we had received from au.

tAehjae -> Demi we are finished here Return to Main dheno and file aus report then check on our guest in the brig.

tr'Shalor> ie Rekkhai... ::taps t'Liss:: Koga, acknowledged.

M_K_tKsa -> ::frowns a touch:: I am menkha. The Kheinsa will na release me for duty just yet. But I am working on it.

tAehjae -> Pexil Au hears tr’Shalor, Au do aus maintenance

Demi t'Shia -> Hannyyo, rekkhai. ::leaves the ship, the bay and heads back to main dheno to her console, and begins writing up her report;::

tr'Shalor> +Dheno+ can au have t'Mahren brought up to the conference room fhaen

Koga S'Bien -> ::reactivates the cloak, and once he confirmed their heading with the navigational computer, engaged the AQS Drive::

DervtRahks -> Will the t'Ksa woman be joining us as well?

t'Mahren> ::nods once, slowly:: Difficult when the Kheinsa is your mate?

tAehjae -> Dheno+trShalor+ IE rekkhai on the way.

Lerak trPexil -> :: nods :: Will take about an hour.


Kheinsa Maec -> Etre S'Bien au have a singular dedication to au's duty. ::smirking as he enters the lift::

Koga S'Bien -> Heh, thanks

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She pursued her lips and shook her head.:: Na, t'Ksa is currently indisposed. ::aka crazy:: Do au know of the Par'tellis system? We believe there will another clue there waiting for us.

tAehjae -> Dheno) ::heads back to the brig area and tMahren:: Au are wanted in the conference room

Kheinsa Maec -> That wasn't necessarily a compliment. ::the doors close and off goes the Kheinsa::

M_K_tKsa -> I think he would be difficult na matter what our relationship is. That man is stubborn. ::pulls a face::

t'Mahren> A good match, then.

DervtRahks -> I read the report from the Daise'Khre'Riov.....there was a disturbing familiararilty wtih some of her wounds, that I wanted to ask her about....the person that made them. I had thought that..if it is who I fear it is, that he was yy'a. I blew up an entire ship just to yy'a him, and if he escaped, I will be greatly disappointed

t'Mahren> ::smirks, looks to the dheno::

tAehjae -> Dheno) Excuse me rekkhai ::to Ksa::

tAehjae -> Dheno) :: turns off the field:: With me if au will.

t'Mahren> ...of course, though I suspect au should have used the proper order of precedence.

t'Mahren> ::tossing the towel in the sink as she stands::

M_K_tKsa -> Perhaps next time au should request permission to interrupt first, I may na be on duty, but I do hold the superior rank. :: scowls at the dheno, intending to talk to t'Aehjae later about it::

DervtRahks -> Ie....teh Par'tellis system is the home and hiding ground for a truly bad element within our Empire. I'm not even sure the Othan government is eventually going to keep that under control

Demi t'Shia -> ::finishes her report, sending it to her daise, cleans up her area, makes sure that everything looks in order then happily heads down to the mess hall for some grub::

tAehjae -> Dheno) My apologies rekhhai. ::nods respectfully to her::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Attempts to coax more information from the fighter's systems ::

Kheinsa Maec -> ::pinches the bridge of his nose as the lift descend::

DervtRahks -> They have their own branch of the Tal Shiar, that do report back to tr'Vren back on ch'Rihan.....and while they currently work hand in hand with the Othan fleet, they are getting more and more in control


M_K_tKsa -> ::steps out of the way, waiting for t'Mahren and the dheno to pass::

t'Mahren> ::gestures for the dheno to lead on::

DervtRahks -> They control and synthesize most of the Defloxo that is marketed, as well as an heavy illegal weapons trade...most traded outside the empire

tAehjae -> :: Step back :: Au first if au will. ::weapon remaining holstered::

tAehjae -> Dheno) to the lift ::nods towards it:

M_K_tKsa -> Oh for Elements sake! ::stomps off in front of t'Mahren and Dheno because she's afraid neither one of them are going to move - being too polite to each other::

Laehval tTemarr -> Then it sounds as if that is where we need to be. The Enarrain's captors have ties to that sector.

Tory Knight -> t'Mahren> ::cuts a glare to the dheno, then follows Morgana::

DervtRahks -> Did you get any names from t'Ksa as to who she had been held by

tAehjae -> Dheno) :: fals in behind tMahren.. Na trusting her completely::

M_K_tKsa -> ::opens the lift doors, motions to both of them:: Get in, go up to the oira and stop being so polite to each other.

DervtRahks -> And if it is, we'll have have to depend upon how good au dheno are....

t'Mahren> ::enters the lift, pausing momentarily, just to fool with the dheno::

tAehjae -> Dheno) Na Polite rekkhai Cautious.

t'Mahren> ::smirks over her shoulder at t'Ksa as she steps into the lift and the dheno follows::

tr'Shalor> We had a few, but I'm sure t'Mahren, having been on the ship, could confirm better than we could.

Kheinsa Maec -> ::opens his eyes wide to see t'Ksa ordering dheno and the prisoner around...and into his lift of all things, steps out cautiously:: Is there something going on that I should be aware of?

tAehjae -> Dheno) Continue please


t'Mahren> ::smirks, entering the lift, leans against the back wall, as though she owns the place::

KhreRiovtRex -> (pst....move it along...move it along...the white zone is only for loading and unloading of passengers)

M_K_tKsa -> Na. ::tersely to Maec as the doors to the lift closes:: Elements.

Demi t'Shia -> :;while in the mess hall, considering whether or not the engineers actually scanned behind the outer panels of the ship, removed any of the shield plating, or found anything hidden in there, after all these folks were associated with Tal Shiar methods, and could have really hid something, if there was anything there... :. . . always paranoid::tAehjae -> Dheno) Conference room!Kheinsa Maec -> I.......see.Laehval tTemarr -> Ie. Ie, we did. ::Not at all forthcoming. Prefers to stall while waiting for t'Mahren to get to t h e c o n f e r e n c e r o o m s o m e t i m e t h i s y e a r.::KhreRiovtRex -> (going to run over a few minutes all if you can)t'Mahren> ::smirking at the dheno as she steps out of the lift::tAehjae -> Dheno) ::as the lift stops:: Au firstKhreRiovtRex -> (playing the Jeopardy theme for the 19th time)t'Mahren> ::making sure to step out first::M_K_tKsa -> Oh, don't give me that. Someone had to take charge or they'd still be in the brig staring at each other. ::stomping off:Demi t'Shia -> :;eating slowly::Kheinsa Maec -> I.......see.tAehjae -> Dheno) :: nodding to the conference:: that way. ACTION: BIG SIGN ON WALL POINTS TO CONFERENCE ROOM Kheinsa Maec -> ::gives her a few steps to get ahead of him before following along in her wake::t'Mahren> ::amused, heads in that direction and enters the room:: KhreRiovtRex -> (FLASHING....IN NEON)Tory Knight -> (( EAT. AT. JOE'S. ))KhreRiovtRex -> (t'Shia already is!)Tory Knight -> (( HOT NOW! )) Demi t'Shia -> ::licks lips, warms tummy, enjoys the meal. . . while it's still hot::DervtRahks -> If it is who I'm afraid it is, we may na find au KhreRiov, hrrau io pieceDemi t'Shia -> :;watching the chief start to close down the kitchen for this shift, while she finishes her meal, and is served dessert::Lerak trPexil -> :: The engineer working on the engine core brings back an initial report ::t'Mahren> ::standing in the conference room, nodding to t'Rahks as she enters::tAehjae -> Dheno) :: enters the conference room with his charge::DervtRahks -> t'Mahren....it is menkha to see au againtAehjae -> Dheno) ::nods to trShalor::t'Mahren> And au as well. Laehval tTemarr -> ::Glances to the door as it finally opens and gestures for t'Mahren to take a seat.:: DervtRahks -> ::turns to t'Temarr:: It is indeed she, unless it's a really good surgical jobDervtRahks -> ::turns to ask her a question that only she would know::: I assume au placed that stone in a ring?tAehjae -> Dheno) :: stands at the door at attention na moving further into the room:::t'Mahren> I've not had *that* much work done. ::smirks::Demi t'Shia -> Chef> ::sets out stale leftovers that are cold now, wrapped in wax paper type stuff on the counter, for all those who cannot get to the mess hall in time, finisher her delicious hot meal that was served at its peak of taste, along with a warm apple cobbler for dessert, and takes the dishes to the reclaimator, tummy full and satisfied, feels sorry for those that have to stuffer with the dried out, cold leftovers::t'Mahren> ::runs a finger along her chin::tAehjae -> (( Just had a commercial on TC "Eat at Joes Crab shack" )M_K_tKsa -> I can na do this. ::glancing behind her at Maec:: I can na just *sit* around and do nothing. Demi t'Shia -> ((::splis that last statement into the Chef's part and Demi's leaving::))Laehval tTemarr -> ::Gets the impression that they're going through secret call signs that are code for 'kill the acting Enarrain'.:: DervtRahks -> I need to ask au io question before we go on t'Mahren. Who was on that ship? t'Prin I'm sure must have been involved...but I have to know......what do au know of a man named tr'Gilas? DervtRahks -> TWO MINUTE WARNINGDervtRahks -> TWO MINTUE WARNING t'Mahren> Hm. He was *not* on t'Prin's good side....if, indeed, she has one.DervtRahks -> (Cause if I don’t' hold to it, I'll have to make it up to t'Ksa)tAehjae -> :: does as tr’Shalor ordered and files her report and takes a rest period::DervtRahks -> ::sits back in her chair in disgust and defeat:: Elements...::pounds fist:: He was supposed to be dead! How did he escapeKheinsa Maec -> I can na clear au for duty yet, t'Ksa.t'Mahren> A question worth a treasury.M_K_tKsa -> Na, but au can give me *something* to do. ::turning around, walking down the corridor backwards::Tory Knight -> t'Mahren> Though I suppose I'd be far from first in line to finish the job.DervtRahks -> ::turns to t'Temarr:: He is a cruel, sadistic little ......I'll watch my mouth....but we need to find her as quickly as possible...the man....is a butcherDervtRahks -> Trust me, I know.Demi t'Shia -> ::takes about two minutes to make it back to main Dheno, while finishing with her gum and tooth's pick, cleaning out anything stuck, disposes of it as she turns the corner into Dheno at the end of the two minutes:: PAUSE SIMPAUSE SIMPAUSE SIM

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