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Capt Rian Kwai

USS Republic - September 10 2012

USS Republic Mission Briefing 51209.10 Many of the ship’s senior officers have been chosen to undertake a covert stealth operation, requiring those assigned to make their way to various locations, find the clues to lead them to the next stage of the mission, all without revealing true identities or affiliations. Anyone caught would be disavowed and even more importantly, not acknowledged as a member of StarFleet. Blatantly illegal actions are NOT an option. Those officers that end up incarcerated for due cause will be held accountable by Federation law. Teams have been making arrangements for transportation and have gotten underway. Some have changed their ID’s while others are been working on changing their own looks. Teams are to make their way to Minos Korva, where they are to look for their first clue, which was given to them in confidence, but not in front of the other teams. Each team received an encoded chip, which informed them of where they were to go, and what they were to look for. The command staff, due to obvious reason that they stand out like a sore thumb, will monitor each team's progress as they are able and hopefully be in a position to lend assistance if necessary or possible.





Capt Rian Kwai -> ((Just a reminder - the last action statement from the end of last sim was: STSF_BluRox -> Logs. You can move yourselves as far along as arriving at Minos Korva, remember however, there is a 7 hour difference between the first and last team based upon your numerical choices earlier)))


STSF_BluRox -> ::On the bridge, reading the latest updates on what the crew is doing

Jameson Bardolph -> ((so wait, we're all on Minos Korva now?))

STSF_BluRox -> ((no, you all were on your way trying to get there)

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$*() ::Should be arriving soon then:::

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ ::a few hours behind Jax, so still in transit to Minos Korva::

STSF_BluRox -> (Let's make this easier........the Robinsons are just now arriving, Barcode's team is an hour behind them

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::sleeping peacefully in his seat::

Heather Jamieson -> $ :: Can here the music from the dancing hall or whatever they call it on an Orion vessel ::

STSF_BluRox -> and the green ladies......should be arriving about 3 hours after Barcodes team)

Jameson Bardolph -> &::dozing on the Skoll, his old captain's freighter that his team has scored passage on::

Heather Jamieson -> $ :: To Ayumu :: Wish we were just serving drinks.

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ ::can hear it as well, currently on break after a few hours' dancing in front of the clients::

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ I know.. at least I served drinks before

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::Thwapps Will's let:::

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ Christina's still on shift, I take it?

Heather Jamieson -> $ Can you believe it, a Ferengi is their special guest... he was eyeing me the entire time. Christina should be.

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ Better you than me ::smiles::

Heather Jamieson -> $ :: Rubbing her skin :: I can't figure out how they changed our skin color.

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::snorts:: I'm awake.

Jameson Bardolph -> &::wearing the white shirt, black vest, and pilot's trousers he snagged as part of his disguise, has holed up comfortably in the cargo deck with his head tipped back against a cargo container::

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() We are there

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ I'm no doctor, but I'd guess they injected the green skin color into our melatonin.

Jameson Bardolph -> ((food coloring :P ))

Heather Jamieson -> $ And the hoot and hollers... at least some were into their gambling.

Ayumu Kasuga -> ((Or yes, fancy food coloring))


Danda>::arranging the selection of fruits for sale before the opening of the market::


STSF_BluRox -> (You girls are weird

Jameson Bardolph -> &Delia Harmon> ::nudges Bardolph with a boot toe, standing over him where he's sacked out:: Makin' yourself at home, Whiskey?

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() Great. ::grabs his bag::

Ayumu Kasuga -> (Yeah, knew I should've saved up those Air Miles lol)

Jameson Bardolph -> &::opens one eye and looks up at her:: That's 'Han'. ::drawl::

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::Thanks the Cargo Captain, gives him a hug.. flirty giggle::: Thank you

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ That is what Ferengis do best.

Jameson Bardolph -> &Harmon> Right, right. Well, whoever you are, better move your keschut off that box; we need to start pickin' up for unload.

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::growls::


Danda>::stacking up a bushel of bright purple tree fruit, trying to carefully position each to maximize the space available and show them off to their best advantage::


STSF_BluRox -> (Hope you all remember what your clues were)

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::Pulls Will along::: Come on brother

Jameson Bardolph -> &::pops up onto his feet with a grin:: We close, then?

Ayumu Kasuga -> (Yep. iCloud FTW, it's on all of my devices)

Capt Rian Kwai -> ((Protective brother))

LtCmdrRobinson -> (::smashes all of the Canadian apple devices for they are evil: :)

STSF_BluRox -> (lol, Will)

Jameson Bardolph -> &Harmon> Hour out, more or less. You'd best be practicing that swagger.

Heather Jamieson -> $ :: Looks at Ayumu :: yeah.. no no oomox.


Danda>:::polishes one of the fruit samples, trying to get the dust off it, then places it ever so carefully on top::


LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() Let's go sis, we have got to visit the trades section.

Heather Jamieson -> $ :: sees one of the grunt motion Ayumu and Heather that it was their turn again soon ::

Jameson Bardolph -> &Never lost it. Need a hand? ::leans on the box::

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ None for me. But then that's probably because I was told my pheromones were wearing out soon.

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::leaves with Will:: yes, lets hurry


Danda>::feeling as if the purple fruits are properly displayed, starts working on the orange berries::


Jameson Bardolph -> &Harmon> Aye, grab a corner. We need this and the three below it on the hauler. ::gestures at a squat cargo hover-cart in the center of the bay::

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ I think after this shift, I'll need to visit the doctor again. That was what the Orion Lady told me after my last shift ended.

Heather Jamieson -> :: Hears something vaguely familiar to Gangnam style coming from the gambling room as the door to their quarters opened ::


Danda>::smoothes a carpet of orange berries into their slot, making sure that they're property spaced::


Ayumu Kasuga -> $The things we do to catch a ride to Mino Korva, eh? ::follows Heather::

Jameson Bardolph -> &::smiles agreeably and tugs on the box, finding it heavier than expected; lifts it with ease, however, and helps Harmon lug it over to the cart:: What're you running?

Heather Jamieson -> :: heads of their quarters :: I've never worn so little to travel so far. :: walks ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> That makes two of us.

Jameson Bardolph -> &Harmon> A bit of this, bit of that. ::catches his eye and smirks:: I tell me, and you tell me what's got such a buzz in your nacelles, eh?

STSF_BluRox -> (Wonders if anyone here has 'actually' looked up Minos Korva to see what makes it unique in your attempts to get there)

Capt Rian Kwai -> ((That's really not a mental image I wanted tonight))

STSF_BluRox -> (OMG Heather.......)

Jameson Bardolph -> ((didn't realize it had a history))

STSF_BluRox -> (to make it up to you all, as we're missing a few people and it's slowing some of the plotlines down...sorry Barcode..here you go.....


STSF_BluRox -> Minos Korva is a major Federation Defensive Outpost that was stationed just inside of contested/Bajoran/Federation space from Cardassia even to the point that the Cardassians captured Picard and were trying to brainwash him into revealing the Federation strengths there....ie....There are 4 lights!)


Heather Jamieson -> :: As they entered the gambling-dance room their universal translator was having trouble with the lyrics. They counted four lights pointed on the main dance stand ::

Heather Jamieson -> :: Smiles to the crowd, most of which they can't see, but can hear, especially the Ferengi in the back ::

STSF_BluRox -> (to break it down even further...you are trying to get onto a station that is heavily Federation guarded....not so heavy as during the Dominion Wars, but still a strong presence)

Jameson Bardolph -> &::sets the crate down heavily and shrugs at her:: To be honest...even I'm not sure. And if I was, I couldn't tell you.


Danda>::finishes with the orange berries, sets to work on the yellow roots::


Ayumu Kasuga -> ::steps up to the stage with Heather and Christina also eyeing the crowd::

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() (w) what are we looking for again?

Ayumu Kasuga -> (hmm, that'll be interesting.... )

Heather Jamieson -> $ :: Actually thinks it's a catching tune, even with the funny translations in her head... starts to dance just as the holographs the Orion woman showed them all earlier ::

Jameson Bardolph -> &Harmon> ::looks at him steadily, quirks a faint smile:: Nice thing about a freighter life; you always know where you're at.

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() We need to get into the main part of the city, cloth merchant.

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ ::shrugs and also dances along as per the instructions she had received.. not much of a dancer but is a quick learner::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ((If you start reenacting Flashdance, I'm soooooooo out of here))

Jameson Bardolph -> &::chuckles:: I still know where I'm at. Right on top of my feet.

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() Oh yeah, hurry up then


Danda>::wipes hands on apron and moves to the back of the stall, ready to open for business:


Jameson Bardolph -> &Harmon> ::laughs:: You sound like your mom. She never gave a schut if she were up a creek or not, just grinned and went swimming in it.

Heather Jamieson -> $ :: Dancing away, hoping to make good on a potentially dangerous and no return situation ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ ::dances along probably looking like an idiot, and probably will see this haunt her later in the future in some viral Universe Tube holo-vid::

STSF_BluRox -> (Ok, sent everyone their objectives once again)

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::tugs on his arm to move quicker::

Jameson Bardolph -> &Harmon> We'll be putting down planetside; their trade district's got a nice dock. You can take this first load out with Thaylin if you want to get the lay of the land.

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ ::hopes she at least gets credits for royalty::


STSF_BluRox -> ACTION: AS August and Will head out from the busy spaceport, there are a few Federation Security officers checking id's as they make their way into the merchant area of town


Danda>::watching the market place slow to fill this time of day, frowning - was hoping for a better market day::

Heather Jamieson -> $ :: Some Bolian or other blue skinned species make a clandestine recording of the dancing ::

Jameson Bardolph -> &That'd be perfect. ::nods, then pauses:: Depending on what I find, I may be moving straight on...so I'd better thank you now.

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ ::spots the Bolian or Andorian recording the vid, I want a commission too !::

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::Scowls:: we need to keeps away from them

Heather Jamieson -> $ :: eyes Aymum as she sees someone recording something as well, shrugs ::


Danda>Fresh fruit, fresh fruit. Beautiful fresh fruit. Come get your juicy fresh fruit. Sweet and in season. Come get your fresh fruit!


LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() That's not gonna be so easy.

Jameson Bardolph -> &Harmon> Hey...we've always got your back. And you've always got a seat here if that brass starts getting a little too heavy. ::slaps him on the back::

Jameson Bardolph -> &::hum of the freighter changes a little, subtle but noticeable, as it begins its descent into the atmosphere::

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() Might have to social engineer our way in.


Danda>Fresh fruit, fresh fruit. Beautiful fresh fruit. Come get your juicy fresh fruit! Sweet and tasty!


Ayumu Kasuga -> ::dancedancedance and getting ogled at by the patrons::

STSF_BluRox -> !@#$%^&*()_+ Security Patrol> Sees the Robinsons and motions for them to stop and produce their id's.

Heather Jamieson -> $ :: Thanks any dieties that her parents can't see her now ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ ::her parents wouldn't care, but she would be the laughing stock of her friends if they saw her like this::

August Jax Robinson -> !@##$%^&*() ::Fakes she didn't see them::


Danda>Fresh fruit, fresh fruit. Beautiful fresh fruit. Come get your juicy fresh fruit! Sweet and tasty!


Heather Jamieson -> $ :: A patron comes up to touch Heather's leg.. but a whip of electricity knocks him out of his seat. The weapon held by the woman from earlier. She shook her head no no and had a couple of grunts drag the man out of the room ::

Jameson Bardolph -> &Harmon> ::seeing Whiskey looking a little wistful at the noise of the engines:: Come on, boy. You can't tell me you don't miss it even a little.

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ ::nice to see that their holding up to that part of their bargain as well::

Jameson Bardolph -> &I never said I don't miss it. ::quietly::

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::spots the approaching guards, thinks::

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ Other Guy> ::about to reach to Ayumu but stops after seeing what happened to the other guy::

STSF_BluRox -> (don’t' even want to know what they are going to do with that)

Heather Jamieson -> $ :: Heather stopped dancing as the electricity arched past her and knocked out the customer.. best to get back into the swing of things ::

Jameson Bardolph -> &Harmon> ::chuckles:: Best go wake your...er...'wife' and her friend up. We'll be touching bottom right about -- ::low thump as the landing struts come out:: now.


Danda>Fresh fruit, fresh fruit. Beautiful fresh fruit. Come get your juicy fresh fruit! Sweet and tasty!


LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::looks pissed, walks straight at the guards:: Oh now you are around, but where the hell was your fancy security when someone snatched her bag with all of our stuff in it?!

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::Slides foot and kicks the leg out from under a stands' display;;

STSF_BluRox -> !@#$$%^&&*()_+ Security officer> ::now getting interested in what normally should have been a routine sloppy...

Heather Jamieson -> $ (w, if possible over the noise) Ayu... how far could be from Minos Korva?

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::Fake Weeps:::

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::and then the wife makes a ruckus::

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ ::looks out of the windows:: I'd wager another couple of hours. We're almost there.


Danda>::screams as one of the carefully arranged displays comes crashing to the ground::


Ayumu Kasuga -> $ One more shift I'd say

STSF_BluRox -> !@#$$%^&&*() Security :"calls for more backup, as this looks to be no longer a routine thing

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::Sobs, Stumbles back from the mess::::

Heather Jamieson -> $ :: Look to Ay :: If they let us off... :: Frowns and then twirls ::

Jameson Bardolph -> &::looks briefly puzzled, then nods:: Oh! Right. Yep.


Danda>My fruit! ::starts scrambling around, trying to pick up the rolly polly fruit skittering across the market:: My precious fruit!


STSF_BluRox -> !@#$$%^&&**() Security guy> Hey you.....L ::starts to run after the Robinsons

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::Tries to help Danda, weeps at the same time::: Oh dear... i'm sorry

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ They've held up to their promises so far...

Jameson Bardolph -> &Harmon> ::bursts out laughing:: Come on, boy. I know you're a better actor than that.

Jameson Bardolph -> &Doing my best, cap. ::lopsided grin, turns to head towards the exit as the Skoll sinks in for a nice landing::

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::Sniffles:: my bag was lifted ::Blows nose:: I am just a mess now


Danda>My fruit! My precious fruit. Oh no, no no no no. ::babbling, trying to put the display back together, bumping into anyone within arms length::


LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() Hey you yourself. ::not going anywhere:: Did you not hear what I said? My sister just had her bag stolen with all of our stuff in it

Heather Jamieson -> $ :: Sees Christina pretty much in the groove, turns ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::hands over a tissue to his wife/sister::

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ ::impressed by the other two's dancing abilities despite their predicaments::

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::Weeps:: oh dear

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::piles up fruit things::

Heather Jamieson -> $ :: Leans closer to Ay between the beats :: Our identities..

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() The security in this place is absolute sh*t.


Danda>Thank you, thank you, ::taking the fruit from Jax::


Ayumu Kasuga -> $ :;dances closer to Heather:: Yes, it'll be hard with our disguises though. I hope they'll at least change us back when we arrive or something.

Heather Jamieson -> $ :: Dancing Till the World Ends ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> $::dances up a storm as well::

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::hopes it worked::



Ayumu Kasuga -> $ ::Paused::

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::paused::


August Jax Robinson -> ::Paused:::

STSF_BluRox -> (I'll send you all something before next sim to help ya'llmove along and make this a bit more cohisciver)

Heather Jamieson -> $ :: Paused...Dancing into next week ::

Capt Rian Kwai -> I"m really worried about the three Orion girls

LtCmdrRobinson -> cohisciver?

STSF_BluRox -> Just remember....don't get into trouble!

LtCmdrRobinson -> is that Albanian?

STSF_BluRox -> Any questions?

Jameson Bardolph -> lol

Jameson Bardolph ->no ma'am

Ayumu Kasuga -> None here

STSF_BluRox -> Rian, anything from you?

August Jax Robinson -> how do you define trouble?

STSF_BluRox -> Getting caught

Capt Rian Kwai -> Nope. Nothing from me.

August Jax Robinson -> riiiiight

STSF_BluRox -> : would be a bad thing, kind of trial

STSF_BluRox -> ok, then......Crwe Dismissed!

Capt Rian Kwai -> : Yeah!

August Jax Robinson -> nite everyone

STSF_BluRox -> Have a great week. I'll be a bit out of communication later this wee, so if you need aything, ask Rian

Capt Rian Kwai -> And I'll pretend I know what I'm doing

STSF_BluRox -> lol, night

Jameson Bardolph -> have a good night all :)

Capt Rian Kwai -> Nitol :D

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