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RES Talon Simlog 51208.16

Laehval tTemarr -> RES Talon Mission Briefing 51208.16 - The Talon has discovered t’Vatrix’s RAC, but the Enarrain was not aboard. Instead, they found two explosive devices on the shuttle, which they must disable before beaming off or die a horrible, fiery death. Talon waits patiently for them to succeed, though has moved off to a safe distance... just in case. Elsewhere on the ship, the rescued Maenak t’Ksa is recovering from her emotional trauma and has become withdrawn -- even from her mate-to-be.


Laehval tTemarr -> Any questions?

KhreRiovtRex -> My apologies all, feeling rather ill and going to try to get through this. Sorry I'm running a bit late.


KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM


Demi t'Shia -> @ ::on RAC with the t'liss-less others::

Koga S'Bien -> ::on the oira, digesting the away team's last comm with a bit of concern::

Lerak trPexil -> @ I need to get back to the panel to see the mess they left.

taehjae -> :: in main Dheno awaiting word on her dishern and her mission::

Kheinsa Maec -> ::looking over the ISD report of the away team mission as he enters the lift:: Oira, fhaen.

Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Pexil makes his way to the panel to get a better look inside :: Hmm. :: looks all over :: Hmmm..

Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Thinks of where the innards of the panel may lead :: I'm guessing we won't have time to feel anything if this goes off.

M_K_tKsa -> ::curled up in the window-well in her room, staring out at the stars zipping by...normally would make her sick, but when io is na focused on the stars themselves, it's na so bad::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Seated in the command chair on the bridge, wearing a perpetual frown.:: Of course the RAC would be trapped. A very good thing we did not tractor it aboard first.

Demi t'Shia -> @ ::near Lerak:: Shall I pray to my creator now?

Koga S'Bien -> ::Nods in agreement::

Kheinsa Maec -> ::steps out onto the Oira, tucking the ISD under his arm and looking about to get orientated, still na completely used to space travel, but is getting better at it::

Lerak trPexil -> @ :: to t'Shia :: Whatever element au prefer.

Lerak trPexil -> @ The other 'device' is a backup to this one.

Demi t'Shia -> @ ::opens her eyes:: Which device? They are both bombs>?

Lerak trPexil -> @ Ie.. odd that a normal Rihan device would be built to exacting specifications rather than rely on a backup unit.

Kheinsa Maec -> A RAC booby trapped you say? ::raises a brow at Laehval's comment::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Glances to the Kheinsa as he arrives on the Oira.:: Ie, unfortunately. Our away team is attempting to disable a trap left on the Enarrain's RAC.

Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Looks at the other device now :: The layout is identical... :: glances to N'Dak ::

Demi t'Shia -> @ Do you think they are timed with each other? If you disarm one, the other goes? Perhaps I should work on the other in the exact time?

Demi t'Shia -> @ ::looks at N'Dak""

Lerak trPexil -> @ Au would have made a good engineer.. Ie, we'd have to time our actions.

Kheinsa Maec -> Oh? Would it na be more prudent to just return them aboard the ship and leave the trap alone?

Demi t'Shia -> @ Cross training, minimally, but required at War College. ::goes to the other device:: I will remove the cover of this io, just like au have of that io.

Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Feels close to the devices many-button panel :: This feels warm.. probably emitting some sort of radiation... great..

KhreRiovtRex -> Bombs> ::looking rather ominous::

Demi t'Shia -> @ This bomb looks ominous.

Lerak trPexil -> @ Ie, someone wanted to leave no trace.

Koga S'Bien -> @::rubs chin, still monitoring comms and the surrounding space for any other surprises::

Laehval tTemarr -> In this case, na. We're afraid that transport might trigger the device. ::Slaps the @ out of Koga.::

Lerak trPexil -> @ I don't get it. Were they targeting anyone in particular?

Demi t'Shia -> @ ::removed the plate to the same point that lerak has:: I am ready.

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> ::turns to tTemarr:: Should we raise shields to prevent any damage to the Talon if.......

Koga S'Bien -> (D'oh! lol)

Demi t'Shia -> @ Such is not for me to answer, until this investigation is complete.

M_K_tKsa -> ::A feeling of utter detachment from life aboard the ship and those around her prevails in her psyche, unsure if she had truly re-entered life aboard Talon or if this was another io of t'Prin's cruel tricks, the poor downtrodden maenak attempts to sort out her feelings while attempting to root out conspiracy theories that might land her in t'Prin's clutches yet again::

Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Looks her in the eye :: Well, I need to figure out what to try. My limited intelligence training went over some of these types of devices.

taehjae -> :: checking dheno patrol reports::

Lerak trPexil -> @ Do au see any indication of a timer? I do na.

Kheinsa Maec -> ::frowns:: How long have they been over there?

M_K_tKsa -> ((Not the woe and despair comment I wanted to do, but it'll work ))

Laehval tTemarr -> S'Bien has moved us to a safe distance. I would rather have the ability to beam them out quickly than worry with the shields. Judging from the size of that RAC and its propulsion, coupled with the explosives they likely used, would probably only create an explosion large enough to destroy the ship and na much else. ::Doing calculations in her head. You could take the Rihan out of engineering, but you could never take the engineering out of the Rihan. She tilted her head at Maec.:: Na long and too long.

Demi t'Shia -> @ Ie, it's under the grey tubing. The timer display is not completely soldered to the frame; it may be possible to gently pull the timer out to work with it.

Lerak trPexil -> @ Na.. that will hasten its remaining time. If au can get to the input panel we need to open up the disarm access. :: looks closely ::

Demi t'Shia -> @ ::grumbles:: I disagree. ::does not like this guy playing with her life:: This is more of a security matter than it is an engineering matter. ::forcefully:: Gently pull it out from under the grey tube.

Demi t'Shia -> @ Ie, it WILL hasten,, and we will have to work quicker

Lerak trPexil -> @ Au wish me to pull the timer display out? I have forgotten my rank for a moment.

Demi t'Shia -> @ Ready to pull? ::has her hand on the timer, ready to slide it out as far as it will go::

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> As au say Llhei... ::goes back to monitoring the situation::

Demi t'Shia -> @ ::sighs:: My family will hate your house forever. What is YOUR order.

Demi t'Shia -> @ ::very sarcastically:: Rekkhai.

Laehval tTemarr -> How fares t'Ksa? ::Giving Maec her attention to keep from gritting her teeth about the away team.::

Demi t'Shia -> @ ((Ok, not quite THAT sarcastically))

Koga S'Bien -> ::eager to hear about t

Kheinsa Maec -> She is physically recovering well enough. ::he paused then shook his head:: Na quite herself yet though.

Koga S'Bien -> Ksa as well:

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> :: in the meanwhile, has prepared a message to tight beam relay back to tr'Vatrix pending the outcome of the retrieval of this ship::

Koga S'Bien -> That's a shame. But I'm sure she'll recover.

Demi t'Shia -> @+t'Aehjae+ Daise, there is some question as to whether or not to pull the timer out from under the grey tubing, a typical Tal Shiar insentury device, in my opinion. But the Daise Engineer feels different.


taehjae -> +tShia+ Explain the device.

Laehval tTemarr -> I still wish to speak with her. As soon as this business is over... ::Waves a hand at the screen showing the RAC.:: ... I mean to pay her a visit.

Demi t'Shia -> @+t'Aeh+ ::gives her a strong description of the device:: That is what I see, Rekkhai.

Laehval tTemarr -> Whether she likes it or na. ::Thinking back to her own recovery.::

KhreRiovtRex -> (WB Pex!)

taehjae -> +tShia+ IE It sounds as if pulling it out slightly will show a connection underneath that can be cut to deactivate the device. Au said a Grey tube corrrect?

Kheinsa Maec -> I have allowed her to return to her quarters with the instructions that I will check on her welfare later. ::quietly:: Do na expect a warm welcome, lhhei. I am na sure she has it in her at the moment.

Demi t'Shia -> @ +t'A+ Ie, it is grey tube covering the timer, and hardly looks like it has been connected to the plating. ::glances over at N'Dak, then to Lerak::

Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Eyed t'Shia for a moment, wishing he had the skill to put her on her... :: There is more to disarming this than removing the timer.

taehjae -> +tShia+ IE Pull it out slowly and see if there is a red and green connecting wires under it.

KhreRiovtRex -> ( Praise the Elements for spell check.....last week's log, I believe that there were 5 different versions of the word Incendiary ..... lol)

Demi t'Shia -> (Wheee, thanks for the correct spelling!)

Demi t'Shia -> @ ::to Lerak:: ie, there is... but this will give us more time, so it does not run out of time.

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Clears her throat, glancing back to Maec.:: I would na expect anything less. I know all too well how difficult it can be to rejoin society when au want the exact opposite.

taehjae -> +PExil+ PExil have au seen the green and red wires under the timer?

Demi t'Shia -> @+t'A+ When the timer is disconnected from the Incendiary device, there should be a speed up in time lapse, then if we clip the wires...in the correct order, should stop the timer.

Demi t'Shia -> @ ::glances at Pexil, hoping he or t'A knows the correct order::

taehjae -> +tShia+ IE

Laehval tTemarr -> (( FYI - One way or another, that device is getting disarmed by the end of this sim. ))

taehjae -> ((::prays the dice are on her side when she says the order::))

KhreRiovtRex -> ( I have one way already in an ACTION statement!)

taehjae -> (( ::cringes::))

Demi t'Shia -> (::cringes::)

Koga S'Bien -> (lol)

KhreRiovtRex -> (charades!! 1 word...sound like....room)

taehjae -> +Pexil, tShia+ Both of au should pull the device out together and then clip the green and then the Red wire.

taehjae -> (Pass)

Demi t'Shia -> (lerak, we were promised an ACTION by the end of the sim, and the device will be disarmed by then)

Kheinsa Maec -> I'm na entirely sure that she wants to be separate, but that she still unsure of her surroundings. It's as if -- ::frowns, stopping, na sure the Oira is the best place to have this conversation::...well, I want to speak to the prisioner to get more background first.

Demi t'Shia -> @ +t'A+ Ack, Rekkhai. ::to Lerak:: Au do the count?

Laehval tTemarr -> (( Sim or die, man. Sim or die. ))

KhreRiovtRex -> (trust us, you don't want to know what she does to scorpions.....)


Demi t'Shia -> @ ::watches N'DAK do the countdown::

Demi t'Shia -> NDAK) 3, 2, 1 (in Rihan of course) Cut now!

Demi t'Shia -> @ ::reaches in and pulls it out, and just as N'Dak makes the countdown, has her snipers ready, reaches in and almost cuts the rest first,, but is able to read the green, and as N'Dak counts again, does the Green to make sure she's doing it on his Cut now orders::

Demi t'Shia -> @ ::CLOSES EYES :: :::hoping Lerak was able to do it on time as well::

Demi t'Shia -> ((::grrss at Lerak's connection::))

KhreRiovtRex -> (omg, you doing a vasectomy over there?_

Demi t'Shia -> ((Hope you were clipping while your back was turned))

Demi t'Shia -> ((Anyone else in here? Or just me and t'Rex?))

taehjae -> ((I here))

Laehval tTemarr -> (( We're waiting to see if you explode. ))

Demi t'Shia -> ((me too ::pouts::)

Kheinsa Maec -> ((cue the dramatic music swell))

Lerak trPexil -> (what are we doing again. I'm missing most of the text)

KhreRiovtRex -> (we'll see....answer this math question......

Demi t'Shia -> ((Just clip em, Lerak, green then red,.... before they kill us))

Demi t'Shia -> ((And say it was timed with me LOL))

Koga S'Bien -> (at least the ship is far enough away to escape harm from the explosion and to have a great view of the explosion :D )

KhreRiovtRex -> (You have 4 apples, you eat one, and give one to your friend..... What is the mass of the Sun? )

Kheinsa Maec -> ((Are we talking about 9 am Mass or 11 am mass?))

Demi t'Shia -> (3.1314265523?))

Demi t'Shia -> (Some bad tasting pie?)

Laehval tTemarr -> (( Are they African swallows or European swallows? ))

taehjae -> ((LOL Meac))

KhreRiovtRex -> lol

Koga S'Bien -> (1.9891x 10^30 kg)

Demi t'Shia -> ((Which door do we go into, Fred?))

Kheinsa Maec -> ((Trust the Canadian to have the kilograms in there))

KhreRiovtRex -> ACTION: Koga does not explode on the oira

Koga S'Bien -> (Yay!)

KhreRiovtRex -> lol

KhreRiovtRex -> ( Incoming real Action from tTemarr)

taehjae -> ::hoping they did it correctly::

taehjae -> +tShia, PExil+ What is going on...

Laehval tTemarr -> ACTION> With Lerak, Demi, and Issaha cutting wires all at the same time...

Demi t'Shia -> @::hands slightly sweating now, two clipped wires in hger hands, looking at the timer, wondering if they should remove the rest of the parts now...

Laehval tTemarr -> (( Lerak / Demi - give us a number from 1 -10 ))

Demi t'Shia -> @ 3

Lerak trPexil -> 8

Demi t'Shia -> @ ((P;p; it's gonna blow ::whines::))

Kheinsa Maec -> I'm na entirely sure that she wants to be separate, but that she still unsure of her surroundings. It's as if -- ::frowns, stopping, na sure the Oira is the best place to have this conversation::...well, I want to speak to the prisoner to get more background first.

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> I can arrange that for au

KhreRiovtRex -> (Can we pick a 1 for NDak?)

Laehval tTemarr -> ACTION> The wires are snipped and the timer starts counting down, though stops just before reaching 0:00. Take a breath, Talon doesn't have to pick up little pieces of you through this sector.


taehjae -> +tShia+ demi report

Demi t'Shia -> @ ::sweat dripping from her brow:: Ok... +t'A+ We are... ::pants:: still here, rekkhai.

KhreRiovtRex -> ACTION: As NDak cuts his wire, he not only gets the wire, but his finger, knicking it pretty good and drawing a bead of green blood from it's tip

Kheinsa Maec -> ((Oh elements!))

taehjae -> ::sighs a sigh of relief::

Koga S'Bien -> (Poor Ndak)

Laehval tTemarr -> She does na trust us. That much is true. Or perhaps she has been through so much that she can na believe she has been rescued.

Demi t'Shia -> @ +t'a+ I think daise N'Dak had some very sharp nippers, but the Incendiary device did not blow up.

taehjae -> +tShia, Pexil, Ndak+ Thank the elements,

Kheinsa Maec -> Do au blame her?

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> Sorry to interrupt, but as they've defused the device, can we bring the ship aboard to examine it more?

Lerak trPexil -> @ :: stands there with a headache ::

taehjae -> +tShia+ I wish a full report when I return.. good job.

KhreRiovtRex -> 2 MINUTE WARNING

Demi t'Shia -> @+t'A+ Of course, Rekkhai. ::cuts com:: I suppose that I nearly tinkled down my pants she does not wish to have reported.

taehjae -> ((LOL))

Demi t'Shia -> @ ::pretty much talking to herself, but just unhappy:: let's detach these things, and have them inspected aboard Talon. There may be more clues inside them. If that is ok with you Daise tr'Pexil?

Lerak trPexil -> @ I only have a headache from all of this.

KhreRiovtRex -> (Wait....did you just say that to the guys?)

Kheinsa Maec -> ((TMI))

Demi t'Shia -> ((@ Just outloud, they may have heard it. My Daise did NOT hear it, I cut the comm))

KhreRiovtRex -> (What Rihan would say 'tinkled.....oh wait....our crew has.....)

Lerak trPexil -> @ I'm not sure how much of this we can detach. I

Demi t'Shia -> (nearly tinkled)

Koga S'Bien -> (ahh)

Lerak trPexil -> @ I would na bring this RAC onboard

Demi t'Shia -> @ The explosive is removable, the timer... wires, this tube. The plate backing isn't necessary, unless aus has markings?

KhreRiovtRex -> (you guys going to tell the oria that you've disarmed this, or was that a private conversation with tAejhae only?)

Kheinsa Maec -> ::the suspense of knowing whether or na the crew will blow themselves up is getting to him.....is this normal?::

Demi t'Shia -> (Oh, t'A, do you wanna tell them or are we going to wear out our one t'Liss? LOL

Demi t'Shia -> )


Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Goes up to the cockpit and hails the Talon ::

taehjae -> +Oira+ tAehjae to Oira The device has been deactivated

Koga S'Bien -> +t'Aehjae+ Acknowledged... good work.

Koga S'Bien -> They've disarmed the bombs on the RAC

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> Hann'yyo trSBien

taehjae -> +Oira+ It was na I it was the team aboard the RAC. They should be contacting au any moment

KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns to Laehval:: Once I see the Khiensa to the th'ann, I'd like to go examine the device for any clues?

Koga S'Bien -> +t'A+ Understood..

Lerak trPexil -> +Talon+ tr'Pexil to Talon

Koga S'Bien -> +Pexil+ GO ahead, we read au.

Demi t'Shia -> @ ::finishes removing the applicable parts on hers, and then goes to Lerak's device and begins working on that one::

Lerak trPexil -> +Talon+ Both explosive devices have been disarmed and the shuttle is under our control.

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Nods to tr'Shalor.:: Ie. S'Bien beam the team back to the Talon and tractor the RAC into the bay.

Koga S'Bien -> +trPexil+ ::nods at Leahval:: Understood... stand by. We are going to beam au back to the Talon and tractor the RAC into the bay.

Lerak trPexil -> +Talon+ That being said. I do na fully trust this craft for being returned in the bay.

Lerak trPexil -> +Talon+ That is your call however.

Koga S'Bien -> ::holds off on tractoring the RAC:: +Pexil+ How so?

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> +trPexil+ Did au disarm it or na?

Lerak trPexil -> +Talon+ I do na know what else may have been done to this RAC. I can have it follow the Talon at a safe distance.

Demi t'Shia -> @ ::both devices in her hands now, goes up near the cockpit, and shows to Lerak and N'Dak:: Ready to go home>?

Lerak trPexil -> @ Ie :: to t'Shia ::

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> + trPexil+ did your team do a complete scan or only stop at the obvious devices?

Kheinsa Maec -> By the way, did the away team mention any children on board the Tal Shiar ship? I do na find mention of them in their log.

Lerak trPexil -> +Talon+ As complete as our scans will allow.

Laehval tTemarr -> Children? ::She glanced to Maec.:: Na, I read nothing of children. Why would a Tal Shiar vessel have children aboard?

Demi t'Shia -> @ +t'A+ My t'Liss is active, we are nearly ready to return. We have disconnected the Incendiary devices, and are prepared to return them to the ship for investigation.

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> +trPexil+ There if au have scanned the ship and disarmed the devices, are au saying that au did na do a good enough job of scanning to bring the ship back?

Kheinsa Maec -> Morgana...err..t'Ksa inquired about them. I'm na sure. ::frowning::

taehjae -> +tShia+ Very well follow the orders of the Oira

KhreRiovtRex -> (if it's disarmed, you can fly the ship back to the Talon)

Lerak trPexil -> +Talon+ Beam the others and the devices over. I will pilot the RAC in myself. Pexil out.

KhreRiovtRex -> (ie...it's 12:18.....get the ship back onboard! lol)

Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Starts the short trip into the bay ::

M_K_tKsa -> ::sighs, goes and crawls into the bed in her quarters, if indeed these are her quarters::


KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM


Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused::

Demi t'Shia -> @::PAUSED::

taehjae -> ::Paused::

KhreRiovtRex -> Ugh.....thanks all for taking care of things...and Laeh for running that, I have the attention span of a carrot at the moment

Laehval tTemarr -> Bunny> ::Looking hungry. Nibble. Nibble.::

KhreRiovtRex -> Night all, I need to go lay down

Koga S'Bien -> Good night everyone

Laehval tTemarr -> Good sim, all. When we pick up next week, the RAC will be on board the Talon and the Away Team back to their normal departments.

M_K_tKsa -> Muhahaha

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