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Captain Huff

From this first year...

As I read about favorite academy plots, I also thought it would be interesting to hear what your favorite STSF advanced sim plots have been so far.  Tell us what your favorite sim plot has been and why you liked it.  :D

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I obviously havent been up on the other sim's plots, but my favorite, was the USS Reaent, one we just finished, involving the explsion of the USS Cairo and junk, Fred came up with it, I'll let him explain.

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Hey there,


Actually, I'm not going to explain it. And, truth be told, to a certain extent the plot isn't finished. There are several unanswered questions that may take decades to answer. :D

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Decades?  You cant expect us to be around here that long!?

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I liked the "Trading Spaces" mission we just fininshed on the Republic, but my favourite was our previous mission on the Republic.. (the one with that Brock guy). I got to fly a shuttle twice and be a helm officer.    :D   That was cool.

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My favorite plot was actually from one of the Academies.  A group of rogue Klingons decided to atttack the Galaxy class that I was the XO of.  We were ordered to abandon ship and in the process the CO was injured and knocked unconscious.  I took command and we retreated to a planet, still fighting.  We set up temporary shield generators, a medical triage center, organized foot patrols and used our shuttles and runabouts to patrol for Birds of Prey.  The sim ended as we were about to fight the Klingons hand-to-hand on the ground.


The Reaent one where I tried to eat Kroells was fun too.

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My favorite was right before the Cairo when we were on the starbase and I convinced Fred to let me put a fish tank in sickbay, and Dr. Matthews bought a dozen tribbles for sickbay. Why, you ask...Don't ask me. Direct all questions to Chief Medical Officers, Captain's and people above the rank of Lt,Jg.

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i obviously have only been on the aegis since february and we only just finished one plot but i think the one we're doing now is even better. It brings memories of the episode where riker was on trial, or when a giant witch hunt enveloped the enterprise.  :D

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Ok, I need a moment just to think of all the advanced sim plots...


1. Manticore Co is 1/2 convicted of the murder of a Counsel General member.

2. Two crewmembers on the Matnicore are taken hostage on a planet by a Counsel General member's evil plans, rescue mission ends in disaster when we are fired upon and destroy two shuttles.

3. Manticore visits a planet in which a Federation group was developing biogenic weapons 10 years ago. Manticore gets infested by the biogenic weapons which suck the salt out of personnel and kill them. We managed to get the biogenic properties out of the ship and then we blew up the planet.

4. The ship Manticore flies into Romulan space to search for teh Counsel General member that Admiral Atragon killed. He is not found. Manticore gets fired upon and captured by Romulans. Command staff and Department staff is taken hostage and tortured. I'll let you know how this one comes out.


5. A food expedition turns into distaster when the Lakota crew lands on an ice barren planet and the Co and Xo go missing. Later they are found along with lots of food.

6. A quantum explosion on the Lakota causes the crew to arrive on teh Galaxy class Lakota in the Alpha Quadrant with no memories. Garnoopy comes up with technobabble and they all make it home.


7. Two Ambassadors arrive on the Arcadia and Commander Dacotah is unable to prevent one from trying to eat the other, mission fails.

8. The Arcadia arrives at the Lodi Colony. A biogenic disease is trasnfered throughout by a man named "Tepi" and the planet is forced to be evacuated.


Off the top of my head that is all of the Advanced sim plots I can remember right now. 4 Manticore, 2 Lakota, and 2 Arcadia. As to which one is my favorite... I'm not sure. I will have to think about that some more.

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What about the Reaent plot where you issued phasers to the bridge crew and forgot to ask for them back?

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I obviously havent been up on the other sim's plots, but my favorite, was the USS Reaent, one we just finished, involving the explsion of the USS Cairo and junk, Fred came up with it, I'll let him explain.

I agree with Kroells....the last Reaent plot about the Cairo and Rigel was a humdinger. There was a new twist every week. I honestly don't know where FredM and Ridire came up with all that stuff.  :D

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The Reaent one where I tried to eat Kroells was fun too.

::rubs his arm:: Why do you always have to bring that up?  You were ops back then!  You were supossed to make sure we had enough food!  If it wasnt for Ridire's level headedness I'd have been shishkabobed!  Way to reopen old wounds Vanroy!

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Decades?  You cant expect us to be around here that long!?

Hey there,


And exactly why not?


I've been doing this thing called simming since 1995. Yet, I know for a fact compared to certain folks who are also GMs, I'm a newbie. :D

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Decades?  You cant expect us to be around here that long!?

Hey there,


And exactly why not?


I've been doing this thing called simming since 1995. Yet, I know for a fact compared to certain folks who are also GMs, I'm a newbie. :D

::imagines the whole gang of stsf with beards to the ground and sitting in rocking chairs::  :D

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::imagines the whole gang of stsf with beards to the ground and sitting in rocking chairs::  :D

::looks to her fellow female GM's:: What's he implying there?


Blu ???

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::imagines the whole gang of stsf with beards to the ground and sitting in rocking chairs::  :D

::looks to her fellow female GM's:: What's he implying there?


Blu ???

That you will all buy fake beards to fit in with the guys and poke fun at them :laugh: :D

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Decades?  You cant expect us to be around here that long!?

Hey there,


And exactly why not?


I've been doing this thing called simming since 1995. Yet, I know for a fact compared to certain folks who are also GMs, I'm a newbie. :D

Then again, Im going by the idea, that in ten years I'll be 25...maybe I'll stick around, sure dont want to leave yet, but you never know what happens down the road.


Maybe I'll become Travis Kroells:  The STSF simmer who doesnt sim...I could always just come to shore leave to bug you, and shave Fred's head when he sleeps...hehe :D

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naaaaah i'll keep coming when i'm 80 and can't even type...oh wait i can't even type now!

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