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RES Talon Simlog 51205.31

RES Talon Mission Briefing 51206.07


The Talon has just entered the Markomen System and has engaged our cloaking device in hopes of not giving away our position until we wish to either do so, or until we find a more secluded location from which to drop shields and do a more thorough scan. It is our hope based upon the earlier signals which we intercepted that we have closed ground on the ship which has taken Morgana t'Ksa, and that we might find away to retrieve her. As we are getting closer to Othan patrolled regions of the Empire, we do na expect to find as much help as we should, based upon the ship's reception at Dumok'azen, and the impression that the former acting CO had left upon them. If rumor is to be believed, the Othans may be planning on staging a coup with their leadership taking control of the more remote sectors, or even the entire Empire......based upon who au listened to. The Khre'riov has her orders and means to see to them.






KhreRiovtRex -> ::Still meaning to go have that chat with tr'Pexil::

Koga S'Bien -> ::piloting the ship through the area, while keeping an eye on the cloaking device::

NDak -> ::In the astrometric lab, going through navigational charts of the Markomen system.::

tAehjae -> :: walks over to tRexans personal shuttle and begins to ready it for 2 weeks travel as ordered.::

M_K_tKsa -> @::sitting on her bunk quietly, trying na to fret about...well...about prisoner stuff::

KhreRiovtRex -> t'Temarr......have science look through the maps of this sector and find us likely locations where we can quietly put in or give the cloak a chance to recover

NDak -> ::He reached for a cup of what passed for Romulan coffee and continued filtering through various versions of the same map::

KhreRiovtRex -> I have a matter, which I need to attend to

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval nodded as she glanced up from her reports.:: Ie, Rekkhai.


@Tal Shiar Officer> ::still thinking he'd like to be the one rewarded for getting the information from the tKsa woman and tired of waiting on t'Prin's lackeys and their taking their time, decides to go down and pay ehr a brief.....visit::


tAehjae -> :: goes to the supply bay and begin gathering the supplies to stock the shuttle::

NDak -> ::He had assumed they'd want a full report of the sector and had been working on it for several hours.::

Kheinsa Maec -> ::na completely accustomed to both a ship this size and space-travel itself, has to double check the ethrehh directions a few times to ensure that he is in the right location least he barge in on some unspecting soul::

KhreRiovtRex -> ::stands from center seat and walks over to the lift::

::enters:: Engineering deck

Laehval tTemarr -> +Issaha+ t'Temarr to N'Dak.

Kheinsa Maec -> ::Oh who is he kidding, every soul on this ship is expecting a visit from the Kheinsa::

@Tal Shiar Officer>:: as the night shift is on, na many will note his passing at the siuren:

@ TSO> :: reaches where she is being held, and punches in the code to enter, hoping to find her asleep::

@TSO> ::enters and quickly crosses over to tKsa:: Au are na working fast enough!


NDak -> +Laeh+ N'Dak here,

Kheinsa Maec -> ::entering the astrometrics lab, and taking a brief view of his surroundings::

Laehval tTemarr -> +Issaha+ The Enarrain requests that we find several locations where we might drop our cloak undetected to further scan these systems.

tAehjae -> :: carefully pick the supplies for t’Rexan and begins carrying them back to the shuttle::


@ TSO> If au do na tell me the secrets of the nanogenes by the end of the week, I will yy'a all of the children, and then auself will follow. And if that does na motivate au, there is always au family.....

M_K_tKsa -> @::slids her eyes up to the TSO officer, a brow raised much as if she was a teacher in his Academy:: I am na working fast enough, au say?

M_K_tKsa -> @::oh yeah, he's not the brightest bulb in the box, is he?::


Koga S'Bien -> ::looks at the navigational charts for the region::

Koga S'Bien -> ::continues on course::

NDak -> ::He thought he heard the doors open, but was intent on the maps, as well as focusing on Laehval:: +Laeh+ Ie, rekkhai. I have already begun a full assessment of the system. I will send au several candidate locations as soon as possible. Any particular qualities the Enarrain prefers?

Lerak trPexil -> :: Performing a check of the forced quantum singularity, caught gazing into it's brightness ::


@ TSO> Au have na given us the results that were requested. Perhaps, we should make an example of your family to help motivate au. Which would au prefer we yy'a? The Sister? Au Father? The Mother...?

M_K_tKsa -> @Au do realize that I would be *in* the lab as we speak, if au's caretakers did na insist that I get a rest hour approximately every twelve cycles?

@ TSO> Just keep in mind, our patience runs thin....Perhaps we should yy'a them all to teach au au place in the scheme of things?

@ TSO> ::backhands her across the face:: Do na...take an attitude with me.

M_K_tKsa -> @Oh yeah, kill my family. That will motivate me to help au. ::deadpan::

M_K_tKsa -> @::wipes her mouth, shakes her head:: It is a shame, really. ::sighs::

@ TSO> If au insist.....

@ TSO> Perhaps, we'll start with the sister....Lannisal, is it na?


Laehval tTemarr -> +Issaha+ Only that we remain undetected so as not to give away our presence here. I leave it in your hands.

NDak -> +Laeh+ Understood.

NDak -> ::Expecting to see io of his disheren, he turned to give them a command to aide him in his new task when he saw the face of the Kheinsa.::

Kheinsa Maec -> Jolan tru. :;when N'

NDak -> ::Blinking a few times, he recovered himself quickly before said or emoted any further reaction:: Jolan tru. Something I can help au with, Kheinsa?

KhreRiovtRex -> ::exits the lift and heads towards engineering

Kheinsa Maec -> ::when N'Dak's attention has finally been caught:: Oh nothing specific. Just came to visit. How is the search going?

NDak -> ::A likely story, he thought as he turned back to the read outs.:: As well as can be expected, which is to say that we are still trying to find the ... how did that Lloann'na I met on Qo'Nos put it? Ah ie, find the needle rhae the haystack.


M_K_tKsa -> @Au have na strategy, do au? Did au's Major na give au lessons in how to make friends and influence people.

M_K_tKsa -> @Well, perhaps na make friends. But I'm sure she attempted to give au lessons on how to influence people.

@ TSO> ::piulls out a pain device, much like a taser, and shoves it into her shoulder:: Au may be able to take that attitude with the veruul's that have been watching over au, but that ends fahd. Au will learn respect as well. ::zaps her one but good::


KhreRiovtRex -> ::enters Engineering and asks for the Daise Engineer::

NDak -> ::Motions:: H'nah, we also must find a place for us to safely decloak so that we are na found by the Othan, the Tal'Shiar or any of other myriad of people involved with this who for io reason or the other have reason to distrust or dislike us.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Another engineer points to a figure standing next to the AQS ::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Leaning back in her chair, she turned her attention briefly to Koga.:: S'Bien, anything unusual showing on passive sensors?

Kheinsa Maec -> Hmm. ::looking over the figures that the scientist is studying but na making much sense of it all::

Kheinsa Maec -> But au do have ideas on how to eliminate the less likely spots they could be hiding in this haystack, ie?

NDak -> ::Begins running a script to find suitable locations for a stop over::

tAehjae -> :: after putting the supplies away on the shuttle returns to supply for another load:


@TSO> ::watches her slump in pain:: Remember, the end of the week. Au had best have something for me

M_K_tKsa -> @::pain courses through her body, and she twitches and backs away from him like a wounded animal::

@TSO> Trust me, it will go much worse for au, once we arrive at aur destination, it will go much worse for au, if au do na have an authen for our benefactor.


NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie. We are currently working on triangulating the signal and running simulations for possible courses that a ship headed towards the Othan would take.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil is engrossed in his readings and the glow of the opened containment door ::

NDak -> ::frowns:: But it is still more conjecture than I would prefer.

NDak -> The sensor logs from the last outpost have been very helpful though, giving us another point of reference.

Kheinsa Maec -> That is at least something, ie?

NDak -> Ie. ::Off-handily as he put in another set of inputs.:: And au, how are au doing?

Lerak trPexil -> :: Relays readings from his integrity scanner to the ISD ::


M_K_tKsa -> @::has na intention of reporting to this verrul, if anything intends to use his little attempt at persuasion to play into her own manipulations::

@ TSO> Who knows....if au perform au job, perhaps I'll see that au are spared. I could use a new house servant to keep my sheets warm at night... Au have until the end of the week..::turns and exits::


Koga S'Bien -> (Back)

Koga S'Bien -> (sorry, nature called lol).

KhreRiovtRex -> (wb Canada 1)

KhreRiovtRex -> ::was directed towards Pexil by another officer::

Laehval tTemarr -> (Next time, just wear an adult diaper.)

Koga S'Bien -> (rofl. I'll keep that mind)

KhreRiovtRex -> (empty Mason jar)

Laehval tTemarr -> ( Mountain Dew bottle )

Lerak trPexil -> ( I could use a Mt. Dew... drinks )

Koga S'Bien -> (want one of mine? :P )

KhreRiovtRex -> ( No!)


M_K_tKsa -> @Idiot. ::waiting until after he leaves before muttering and shaking her head::

Koga S'Bien -> ::checks sensors:: No sir, nothing on sensors thus far.

Kheinsa Maec -> Still feeling as a fish out of water, ::looking about the room:: I'm amazed at the size of this vessul at times. How long does it take for this to become second nature to a new crewmember?

Lerak trPexil -> :: Takes a deep breath as his scans are nearly complete. ::

Laehval tTemarr -> And how are our power levels reading with the drain from the cloak?

NDak -> ::Smirks, despite himself:: I have been rhae this vessel for nearly five years h'nah and I am still sometimes lost.

NDak -> The key of course is to always act like au knew au were in the wrong place.

Kheinsa Maec -> As if au meant to be there in the first place?

NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie.

KhreRiovtRex -> ::steps up behind him:: Daise Engineer....a word with au....h'nah

NDak -> It has always worked for me.

NDak -> ::Turns from his seat, considering the Kheinsa for a moment:: Perhaps acting the fool is easier for io like myself than it would be for au.

tAehjae -> :: takes the next load to the shuttle and begins stowing it::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Jumps :: Oh, jolan tru. Did na see au. :: turns and extends his hand toward the engineer's office ::

NDak -> Much higher expectations of au I suspect -- or perhaps a more serious demeanor.

KhreRiovtRex -> ::Does na wait and strides directly there::

Koga S'Bien -> ::checks:: Power levels are looking good. However, if we don't decloak somewhere within a few hours, then cloaking power may start to drain off significantly.

Lerak trPexil -> :: follows behind, entering the office ::


M_K_tKsa -> @::getting up and pacing, mulling over the last sequence of events - while his threats against her family were empty at the moment, threats against the children were na so easily dismissed, leaving t'Ksa wondering what t'Prin was playing at by all of this...or if she was aware of her own officer's attempt to question her::


KhreRiovtRex -> ::examining the contents of the office while waiting for the door to shut::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Offers her the seat directly in front of the desk, Pexil makes his way around to the other side :: Care for something to drink?

Kheinsa Maec -> Au do na have high expectations on au as a Galae officer?

KhreRiovtRex -> ::pulls her kaleh and walks over towards him:: Why don’t' we start with why I should na yy'a au right now?

NDak -> ::He smirked and turned back to his work.:: I forget that au have very little knowledge of this crew, and likely even less of the particular dynamics of my house.

KhreRiovtRex -> Au have about io siuren to explain to me, why au decided to try to implicate me in the attempt upon NDak at the S'Rdoz

Lerak trPexil -> Perhaps au should. I'm sure I deserve as much.

Laehval tTemarr -> We will decloak before that happens or adjust other systems to compensate to prevent it from happening. ::She glanced at her control panel and tapped to access the readings herself, taking an interest in the health of Talon's systems for some strange reason.::

KhreRiovtRex -> ::goes to backhand him, then realizes she's holding the blade and stops short::

Kheinsa Maec -> Perhaps au could enlighten me?

Koga S'Bien -> ::Nods:: Of course. I'm sure tr'Pexil and his team can work their magic

KhreRiovtRex -> Au had better start explaining auself. Did au do it, and presume to place the blame upon me?

Lerak trPexil -> :: looks up, does na move ::

KhreRiovtRex -> Or were au working with someone else to assist with the taking of tKsa?

NDak -> I am the youngest son of a proud house. Known for being more of a womanizer and fool than perhaps anything else. My elder siblings got all the ambition, or so the story goes.

Lerak trPexil -> I was na placing blame. The investigator asked who was mad at N'Dak.


M_K_tKsa -> @::between t'Kayton and this new io, perhaps there was something else in play?:: ::sitting back down and scooting against the wall away from the door, she stared blankly into space as she thought::


tAehjae -> :: goes back for her last load::

KhreRiovtRex -> He asked, and I quote, "who do au think had the most reason to do this to NDak?"….. and au gave my name.

NDak -> There were quite a few rumors that the only reason I had been assigned as Daise'Science Officer rhae the Talon to begin with, had been because of my brother’s position.

Kheinsa Maec -> So au do na believe in au's own merits?

Lerak trPexil -> I had nothing to do with the abduction of t'Ksa, and have spent a great deal of my waking and sleeping time pouring over sensor logs.

KhreRiovtRex -> Guilt perhaps?

Lerak trPexil -> No guilt. I had nothing to do with her abduction.

NDak -> ::He turned towards the Kheinsa:: If I did na, I would na be here. Nor would be able to call myself a Son of the House of N'Dak.

Lerak trPexil -> To be frank I do na know N'Dak's family or friend structure, to say nothing of his foes.

NDak -> (( He has ... friends? ))

NDak -> (( This is news to me. ))

Lerak trPexil -> (frienemies)

Lerak trPexil -> (I thought we were pals... :( )

KhreRiovtRex -> (BFF's!)

Lerak trPexil -> (We got the rings and everything)

NDak -> (( As a reminder, you did rat him out to t'Rexan. ))

Kheinsa Maec -> Then why do au sell auself as the fool then?

NDak -> It suits my purpose.

Kheinsa Maec -> Ah, I see. ::nods::

KhreRiovtRex -> Yet, au felt, after I'd been away for a year, that the first person to blame for his attack, was myself? How did au come to this conclusion? it seems to me, that au were the io that sent me a communication complaining about him

Lerak trPexil -> I will be the first to admit interrogations are a... weak spot for me. I did na test well in giving or receiving.

NDak -> As I said, it can be useful.

NDak -> Of course it has drawbacks as well. Au know, when io need to actually be taken seriously.

KhreRiovtRex -> The Daise Khre'Riov wanted to be done with au as soon as he was told of au accusation. I was able to convince him to keep au on, to provide some source of continuity

tAehjae -> :: completes gathering the supplies and returns to the shuttle to stow it::

KhreRiovtRex -> However, au need only make io more mistep, and au career.....is over

Lerak trPexil -> Very well.

Kheinsa Maec -> True. So how do au draw that line between jester and counsel?


ACTION> Sensors show an unexpected ion storm sweeping through the sector, directly in Talon's path.


NDak -> ::Turns back to his work:: I am still working on that.

Lerak trPexil -> I have no quarel with au. I am sorry I mentioned au so blatantly when it is now clear au had about as much to do with it as I.

Koga S'Bien -> ::rubs his chin, looking at the map he was reading:: (m) That's not good. I was hoping it was going to miss us.

NDak -> To be honest, this will be the first time I have been on a mission without the looming shadow of my brother, and even then, his absence casts a shadow of its own, na?

NDak -> ::Frowns at the readings on his sensors:: Io moment...

Lerak trPexil -> May I ask N'Dak's condition?

NDak -> +Laeh+ Science to the Oira...

Laehval tTemarr -> +Issaha+ Ie?

Koga S'Bien -> ::Speaks up:: Rekkhai, it seems that a freak ion storm is headed directly for us. It just popped up on sensors.

NDak -> +Laeh+ Sensors are detecting an ion storm sweeping through the system. I suggest we take care to avoid it. Sending au the readings h'nah.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Something flashes on his display ::

KhreRiovtRex -> I honestly do na know, nor do I care. What I do have a problem with, is having a Daise that I can na trust...

NDak -> +Laeh+ There is a nearby system we could take shelter in, it has a number of Gas Giants, if the ion storm were to disrupt our cloak, we would likely not be seen.

Lerak trPexil -> I would give my life for anyone on the Talon, au, aur child. Au have my word.

NDak -> ::Glances to Maec:: I assume that’s why au are here, ie?

Laehval tTemarr -> +Issaha+ Ie, helm has just detected it as well. ::She glanced to Koga.:: Did au hear all of that? Access the data from science and change course.

KhreRiovtRex -> Yet, au tried to implicate me......which would have impacted my family. I will remember this tr'Pexil.

Koga S'Bien -> Ie, rekkhai.

Kheinsa Maec -> Partly, ie. I wanted to see how au were doing after such a traumatic episode.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Nods ::

NDak -> ::He nodded:: It has not been easy, I won't lie. My sister was always the better one of us at that anyway.

Koga S'Bien -> ::Accesses the system N'Dak mention and sets a course:: We'll be at the specified system shortly. It looks like a great place to hold out from the storm.

KhreRiovtRex -> ::puts away her kaleh, though hates that she did na use it once :: Au have much to do to reprove auself trPexil....

Koga S'Bien -> Course has been set.

KhreRiovtRex -> ::turns and exit's his office::

tAehjae -> :: completes reading the shuttle as ordered, na wanting to speak out in front of anyoi to tRexan calls the com :: Location of tVatrix

NDak -> But as hard as it has been... it has also helped me stay focused. If that makes any sense.

KhreRiovtRex -> ::heads towards lift and hits t'Liss::

Koga S'Bien -> ::programmed the new course into the navigational computer and prepares to engage engines::

Lerak trPexil -> :: sits :: (w) Well, that went about as well as one would hope. :: turns his display to understand the course change ::

Koga S'Bien -> Engaging. ::Does so::

KhreRiovtRex -> +tAehjae+ Status of the project I asked au to see to

tAehjae -> :: after getting her location contacts her:: +tRex+ tAehjae to t’Vatrix

tAehjae -> +tRex+ It is complete Rekkhai

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Glances at the main viewer.:: Keep an eye on that storm. Even the outskirts could cause significant damage to our systems.

NDak -> ::Glances to Maec as he noted the Talon turning towards the system he'd suggested::

KhreRiovtRex -> +tAehjae+ Hann'yyo. Keep this information to auself for now

Lerak trPexil -> :: Exits the office and heads to the main console ::

tAehjae -> +tRex+ Ie Rekkhai

Koga S'Bien -> ::Nods:: Ie, I don't want to find out how significant. ::keeps a close eye on the approaching storm front on his sensors::

tAehjae -> :: heads back for Main Dheno::

Kheinsa Maec -> Have au heard from au family on au brother's condition? Or have au avoided that communication?

M_K_tKsa -> @::sitting on her bunk, staring at the wall::

NDak -> The last I heard he was finally in a stable condition, though he had not yet fully regained consciousness.

Laehval tTemarr -> Na, au do na. If a storm is strong enough, it has the power to disable every system on this ship at once, including the dampening field that keeps our singularity drive stable.

NDak -> The doctors had told my mother they were concerned that he would have some reduced motor functions, though it did appear his upper brain functions were unaffected.

Lerak trPexil -> :: relieves the engineer there and does a system sweep: shields, structural integrity...cloak ::

NDak -> apparently there was some nerve damage, though again, they were still unsure how serious the injuries would be, long term.

Koga S'Bien -> I wholeheartedly agree. That and more. :: increases speed a bit in an effort to outrun the storm::





KhreRiovtRex -> ::Heads down to inspect her shp::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Could feel other engineers staring at him. Credits were being traded in a far corner. Someone lost a bet Pexil would na make it out of the office unscathed::

tAehjae -> :: enters the Lift:: MAIN Dheno!

Kheinsa Maec -> Au do na sound very concerned. Does that mean his prognosis is menkha?

NDak -> He may never walk again. If I do na sound concerned, it is because I am trying my hardest to do what he would do, and put on a brave face.






Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused::

tAehjae -> ::Paused::

Lerak trPexil -> :: paused as he can hear his son get up ::

KhreRiovtRex -> Alright........good job all and got some good stuff done there!

KhreRiovtRex -> and .....everyone lived through the night

Laehval tTemarr -> Barely

NDak -> Pexil might want to take out an extra life insurance policy though.

Koga S'Bien -> Good enough for me!

Koga S'Bien -> LOl

Kheinsa Maec -> ::mutters about anatomy lessons::

KhreRiovtRex -> Wait...NDAk got stuck in the shoulder and chest, how does that make him not walk...unless brain dead from lack of blood? ::

NDak -> We have a winner

KhreRiovtRex -> Alrighty then..

Lerak trPexil -> Premiums are pretty high for me.

KhreRiovtRex -> Crew Dismissed....get out of here and have a great weekend

Lerak trPexil -> Given my line of work.

Koga S'Bien -> Goodnight!

M_K_tKsa -> g'night guys

tAehjae -> good night all

KhreRiovtRex -> Night all

Laehval tTemarr -> Night. :) See you next week.

tAehjae -> NIght Laeh

Lerak trPexil -> Laters BFF

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