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Capt Rian Kwai

USS Republic

Capt Rian Kwai -> Mission Brief: Bar’Wir is dead. The crew is investigating. The bridge crew is stalling the incoming representatives from the planet.

Capt Rian Kwai -> Any questions?

LtCdrJohnson -> ?

Capt Rian Kwai -> Yes, Johnson.

LtCdrJohnson -> Should Jax & I be in sickbay or something, or still just waking up

Heather Jamieson -> (still locked up?)

Capt Rian Kwai -> I believe in the chatlog you all were waking up.

Capt Rian Kwai -> and KBear's sec officer was with them.

LtCmdrRobinson -> (shhhhhhhhhhhhh!)

Capt Rian Kwai -> Any there questions?

Capt Rian Kwai -> ~~~Begin Sim~~~

Capt Rian Kwai -> ~~~Begin Sim~~~

LtCmdrRobinson -> +August+ What do you mean another attack?

LtCdrJohnson -> ::In the cargobay, still groggy from evidently being knocked out::

Dr Tisa Sen -> ::In medical, looking over the body laying there::

August Jax Robinson -> +Will+ I was hit by someone, I need you

LtCmdrRobinson -> +August+ What did you do to make someone hit you?


Capt Rian Kwai -> Let's hope we can keep them calm, cool and collected.

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::moving the ship around, wondering how they could possibly stall both of them for what will probably be a significant amount of time::


LtCdrJohnson -> +Will+ She didn't do anything Will...she came looking for me, and then the security officer came looking for us

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::sighs and starts heading for the cargo bay::

August Jax Robinson -> +Will+ ::growls:: I was knocked out'

LtCdrJohnson -> +Will+ The assassin is still loose quite obviously...

August Jax Robinson -> shut it Johnson


Ayumu Kasuga -> I hope so too, sir. Any plans on achieving that?

Tory Knight -> ::still leaned against a console in sciences, lips pursed as she peruses the data::

Dr Tisa Sen -> ::Sets up the screens and recording equipment to begin the autopsy::


August Jax Robinson -> ::Holds hand to head::

KBear -> Sec) ::sits up looking around:: anyone see who was driving that shuttle??

KBear -> Sec) +Will+ Sir I was also knocked out by something..


Tory Knight -> ::picks up a PADD, accessing the scene photos::

Tory Knight -> ::looking at the images of the wound::

LtCmdrRobinson -> +Bridge+ I need a detailed scan of all people in or who have been in Cargo Bay 1 in the past hour.

KBear -> Sec) Mrs. Robinson are do you need me to call medical for you?


Dr Tisa Sen -> ::Starts at the head::

Tory Knight -> ::pantomimes a striking action against an invisible target, brow furrowed::

Ayumu Kasuga -> +Will+ Sure, I'll get started on the scan and send you the list as soon as I can. ::begins scanning entries and exits in Cargo Bay 1::

KBear -> Sec) Mr Johnson? ::Stands::

Heather Jamieson -> +Knight+ Jamieson to Knight, do you need assistance?


LtCmdrRobinson -> +Security+ I need another lockdown on Cargo Bay 1 and I need every single guest accounted for immediately.

August Jax Robinson -> :Stands, stumbles back against the wall:: no ::Annoyed at herself::

KBear -> Sec) walks over to help Jax up::

Dr Tisa Sen -> ::Makes the necessary cuts and takes out the samples::

KBear -> Sec) ::offers her hand:: Sure you don’t need help?

Capt Rian Kwai -> ((Jamieson, Knight is in the same room as you are))

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::enters the cargo bay, phaser in hand::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Sec:: I'm OK

Heather Jamieson -> (Oh)

Heather Jamieson -> :: At a console in the room with Knight ::

Tory Knight -> ::lowers the PADD, pulling up a CG model of the victim, positioning the victim to a standing position and adding in the wound::

Dr Tisa Sen -> ::Tags and places the samples on the shelves::

Tory Knight -> ::positions a second CG model humanoid into the mix, striking a blow similar to what she herself had been doing::

Tory Knight -> ::furrowing her brows::


KBear -> Sec) ::sees Will enter:: All three of us were hit by something.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Jax:: This is getting fairly ridiculous...

LtCmdrRobinson -> How many attackers?

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::motions for security officers to sweep the cargo bay for anyone else::

August Jax Robinson -> I donno Will.. my back was turned

Heather Jamieson -> :: Watching Knight :: What is the matter?

August Jax Robinson -> ::holds head::

KBear -> Sec) unknown sir. When I entered the room it was dimly lit and I called out as I entered and then I woke up with this knot on the back of my head.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Both of you were hit in the back of the head?

KBear -> Sec) when I awoke I saw Mr Johnson and Mrs Robinson


Ayumu Kasuga -> ::continues work on the scans, quickly compiling the list of people who've been in the bay in the past hour::

Tory Knight -> ::taps a command and adjusts the height of the second CG humanoid and the theoretical force needed to inflict the wound::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::tries to get creative in her "put them on hold message"::

Dr Tisa Sen -> ::Turns the head around to see if there are other wounds to his head::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ((Do we have graphic blood and guts simulation with that?))


LtCmdrRobinson -> Dave, did you see who hit them?

Ayumu Kasuga -> +Will+ I have completed the list of people who have been in the cargo bay. Hopefully, it helps. :::sends the list to Will's PADD::

LtCmdrRobinson -> +Ayumu+ Thank you kindly.

Tory Knight -> ::still watching the visual, beginning to pace around the console, but speaking to Jamieson:: Whom do we have on our probables list who matches that height?

Ayumu Kasuga -> +Will+ No prob. ::looks at their navigational readings::

Tory Knight -> ::arms folded across her chest as she rounds the table, studying the attack from various angles of the 3D representation::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::to the Wife®:: Did Dave hit you?

August Jax Robinson -> Thanks for asking if I am alright

August Jax Robinson -> Maybe

August Jax Robinson -> Yeah, Dave hit me

August Jax Robinson -> Or maybe it was Heather

LtCmdrRobinson -> August dear, you are talking and being annoying. So yes, you are obviously all right.

August Jax Robinson -> no it was Heather Jamieson

Heather Jamieson -> (lol, I wish)


Heather Jamieson -> :: tapping the console, bringing up a list :: There are seven people matching that height on the probable list.

Heather Jamieson -> Not me :: sighs in relief ::

Dr Tisa Sen -> ::Takes more scans and x-rays, finding more damage then the obvious spanner crater::


LtCmdrRobinson -> Are you sure?

August Jax Robinson -> no

KBear -> Sec) All I know is I came in the room and heard a thud, called out who’s there and then I woke up laying on the floor.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Are you confused?

August Jax Robinson -> What is that supposed to mean?!

LtCmdrRobinson -> Maybe you are not OK after all

Capt Rian Kwai -> (q) If we turn this over to one of those two governments, this will be mass chaos.

LtCmdrRobinson -> +Sickbay+ I need medical assistance in Cargo Bay 1. Possible head trauma, but of the living variety this time.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::shakes head:: Enough of this...


Tory Knight -> ::pauses:: Of those on the list, who is theoretically capable of delivering a blow of # Newton’s?

Dr Tisa Sen -> +Robinson+ Thank goodness for that. I'll send someone


LtCmdrRobinson -> So NONE of you saw anything at all?

KBear -> Sec) ::looks to Will:: Sir I have looked around the immediate area and have not found what we were hit with

KBear -> Sec) sorry Sir no

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Will:: No, I walked into the Cargo bay to finish the repairs and the next thing I remember was waking up next to Jax and our security friend here


Capt Rian Kwai -> (q)Plus, the crime took place on a Starfleet ship, therefore it's our jurisdiction.

Heather Jamieson -> The more I look at it, the variance in height could match me... That many Newton’s? Let me see...

Heather Jamieson -> The list moves down to three.

Dr Tisa Sen -> ::Sends out one of the medical tech to check on her::

Heather Jamieson -> It could be me if I was stronger.


KBear -> Sec) I did not. and if I and calculating correctly I may have been the last one hit.. I heard a thud as I walked in.

LtCmdrRobinson -> I have medical coming down to check on all 3 of you. So stick around.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Sighs at Will::

KBear -> Sec) ::sighs:: Yes sir


Dr Tisa Sen -> Med Tech: ::on his way to CB1::

Tory Knight -> Which three, then?

Heather Jamieson -> :: shows Tory the console and the faces of suspects :: Them..

LtCmdrRobinson -> +Heather+ I require your assistance in cargo bay 1, we've had another attack.

Heather Jamieson -> :: Looks at Knight as Robinson's comm comes in :: +Robinson+ On my way.

Heather Jamieson -> I'd alert security to keep these three on watch.

Heather Jamieson -> Good luck... :: ducks out into the corridor ::


LtCmdrRobinson -> ::checks the back of his wife’s head:: They got you good.

Dr Tisa Sen -> Med Tech:: Enters the bay:: What is the issue??

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Med Tech:: All three of us get conked on the head

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::then checks Dave and Ksec:: Looks like the same person hit all 3 of you

Dr Tisa Sen -> MT: ::looks around::

Dr Tisa Sen -> Med Tech: Three?

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Will:: How can you tell, are the blows consistent


Tory Knight -> ::glares after her::

Dr Tisa Sen -> ::Keeps checking out the head, finding that there is a lg hema toma to the posterior head::

Tory Knight -> ::purses her lips, tilting her head to the side::

Heather Jamieson -> :: enters the lift :: Cargo bay 1

Capt Rian Kwai -> Kasuga, have you send the security footage to security?

Ayumu Kasuga -> I have sir.

Heather Jamieson -> :: After some moments the lift stops at the Cargo bay deck, Heather gets out ::

Tory Knight -> ::mutters about just loving being told how to do her job::


LtCmdrRobinson -> ::points the medical tech to the 3 victims:: Check em out please. Start with August. She seemed a little confused.

Capt Rian Kwai -> Did they find anything off of it?

LtCmdrRobinson -> Same type of damage, same area.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Med Tech:: Sorry, myself, Commander Jax and our Security Office KBear

Heather Jamieson -> :: checks her tricorder before entering ::


Tory Knight -> ::takes a deep breath, shaking it off, then goes to load up her analysis onto a PADD::

Ayumu Kasuga -> I don't know yet, sir. They didn't get back to me about that. I could ask, if you want

Capt Rian Kwai -> Why don't you take a look at it for them. See if you pick something up.

Ayumu Kasuga -> Yes sir, no problem. ::opens up the persons list and starts looking through::

Tory Knight -> ::leaving the science team to continue processing the trace evidence::

Tory Knight -> ::heading into the corridor, toward medical::

Capt Rian Kwai -> The more hands on deck with this thing might help bottle it up.


Heather Jamieson -> :: Enters the cargo bay ::

Dr Tisa Sen -> MT: ::Takes out the scanner and begins to scan the victims::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Steps on Will's foot"::

Heather Jamieson -> :: Looks for Commander Robinson :: Commander?

LtCmdrRobinson -> Looks like our killer wasn't through. Attacked 3 people here in the cargo bay. I need a scan of all 3 of them, see if you can determine what they were hit with and then check the area for a weapon.

Heather Jamieson -> :: Walks toward Robinson :: Reporting. How can I help?

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::points heather up a few lines::


Dr Tisa Sen -> :Looks for particles in the posterior skull, seeing what may have happened::

Tory Knight -> ::winding her way down a corridor and hanging a left into medical::

KBear -> ((sorry back lost internet connection))

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::looking through her list:: Hmm, now this is interesting. Look at these surveillance tapes. There are a few women who seem to be using spanners in the cargo bay. Frekla and a few of the others. ::moves over a bit so Kwai could watch::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::standing up and walking over to Kasuga:: Why would they be using spanners?


KBear -> Sec) :: sitting there looking around the Cargo bay for any evidence she may see::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::shrugs:: Your guess is as good as mine, sir.

LtCmdrRobinson -> August, Dave. As soon as the doctor here clears you, I want you to report to your quarters and stay put. Write up a incident report and send it to my office.

KBear -> Sec) And Me sir? :: to Will::

August Jax Robinson -> Alright


Tory Knight -> ::spots Tisa, stepping to her side:: I think you'll find isolinear fragments, as well as some trace metals.

Tory Knight -> ::offering the PADD, which provides an analysis of the spanner they found wrenched in the power box::

Dr Tisa Sen -> MT: Most are doing well enough. Just need rest in their quarters::

Capt Rian Kwai -> Hmmm...Interesting. Tag those pieces of video and send it down to security with a flagged high importance.

Dr Tisa Sen -> ::looks over the PADD::

Ayumu Kasuga -> Aye sir. ::quickly tags the video pieces and sends it to Will at high priority::

Dr Tisa Sen -> That would explain the hematoma I found in the back of his head::


August Jax Robinson -> I will head to my quarters now then ::nods to the Med Dude, then Will::

Ayumu Kasuga -> +Will+ High priority video feed from the cargo bay incoming. This should narrow it down a bit.

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::To K:: Assist Heather, see if you can find that weapon or any other evidence. Whoever they were, they came back to the cargo bay for a reason. We need to find out why.

KBear -> Sec) Yes Sir

LtCmdrRobinson -> +Ayumu+ Understood.

August Jax Robinson -> ::heads to the exit::


Tory Knight -> You'll note also the possible angle of attack, and the force necessary.

Tory Knight -> Would you concur?

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::sends it to whatever console he's nearest to::

Capt Rian Kwai -> Good work with that. If you've got any other ideas, let me know.

Ayumu Kasuga -> I will, sir. Thanks.

Tory Knight -> ::leans over the body, looking closer at the wound::

Dr Tisa Sen -> :Shows her where the hematoma was located::

Dr Tisa Sen -> There is the samples over there that I took off

Tory Knight -> ::moves over to the tray, picking up the preserved samples::


LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Will::: Got it

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::makes sure the security officers at the door keep the place locked down this time::

LtCmdrRobinson -> No one else enters.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Med Tech:: Got the scans you need?

Dr Tisa Sen -> ((MT Released you all to your cabins))

Heather Jamieson -> :: flips out her tricorder ::

Heather Jamieson -> :: searching the perimeter of the cargo bay ::

KBear -> Sec) ::waiting for the clearance of the med tech::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::exits the cargo bay and heads for science, watching the video feed that was sent to him as he walks::


Tory Knight -> ::nods in the direction of one of the microscopic stations:: Do you mind?

Dr Tisa Sen -> No go ahead

Tory Knight -> ::taking a sample over and putting it under the scope::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::heading back to her chair;: I think this is the most excitement we've had in a while.

Tory Knight -> ::studies it a moment, then taps in a command on the microscope console::

Dr Tisa Sen -> :Keeps checking over the body::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Leans back on her chair:: I'm inclined to agree there.

Dr Tisa Sen -> ::Moves down to the chest::

Tory Knight -> ::watches as a spectrometer graph of the sample appears on the screen::

Dr Tisa Sen -> :::cuts off the clothing::

Tory Knight -> The composition is certainly a match for the spanner.


KBear -> Sec) :: rubs the back of her head again and stands moving over to Ms. Heather:: Found anything yet?

August Jax Robinson -> ::Heads home::

Heather Jamieson -> :: Sees nothing out of the ordinary on her scans as she makes her way around ::


STSF_BluRox -> ::goes to find Rian::

Dr Tisa Sen -> Uhhh Tory, this is interesting when you have a minute

STSF_BluRox -> ::exit's ready room::

Tory Knight -> ::taps a command and uploads the information to the case file, sure to copy it to the medical file as well::

Dr Tisa Sen -> ::Looks over the foot print eccymotic area on the chest::

Tory Knight -> ::stands, moving to join Tisa::


LtCmdrRobinson -> ::heads into science and finds an empty terminal to work at::

Dr Tisa Sen -> ::Takes pictures and scans::

KBear -> Sec) :: Ill go get a tricorder and help you look.

Tory Knight -> A size six, if I'm not mistaken? ::wry grin twitching on her lips::

Dr Tisa Sen -> That belongs to our attacker I'm sure.

LtCmdrRobinson -> +Knight+ I have some new evidence to go over when you get a chance. I'll be working in your lab.


KBear -> Sec) :: moves to a tool compartment and finds a tricorder to help check out the room as ordered::

STSF_BluRox -> Rian....have we still been able to stall the representatives a bit?

Heather Jamieson -> :: Moves along the far wall, checking panels ::

Tory Knight -> +Robinson+ Understood, Commander. I'm currently viewing the autopsy in medical. Current status files are available in the database.

Capt Rian Kwai -> For a while, but I wouldn't count on them staying patient for long.


KBear -> Sec) :: starts at the opposite side if the bay looking for evidence.::

Dr Tisa Sen -> Ok got the pictures of it

August Jax Robinson -> ::Grabs an ice pack and lays down::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Computer, display a list of all personnel and guests who were in cargo bay 1 at the time of the murder.

Dr Tisa Sen -> Ready to open the chest

LtCdrJohnson -> ::heads for his quarters::

Tory Knight -> ::stepping back a bit to allow her to work::


STSF_BluRox -> We're going to have to let them know we can't return them just yet....that we have a situation

Capt Rian Kwai -> I did that. Like I said, I wouldn't count on them being patient for long.

Heather Jamieson -> :: stops at an access panel, removes it and scans inside ::

Capt Rian Kwai -> Especially when I don't spell out what the "situation" is. And I don't mean the Jersey Shore Situation.

STSF_BluRox -> ::looks at her confused::

STSF_BluRox -> You'd think they'd be excited to be getting at least some of their people back


LtCmdrRobinson -> Now cross check with the list of personnel and guests who were in the cargo bay during the attack 30 minutes ago.

Dr Tisa Sen -> ::Opens the chest and finds it full of blood::

Tory Knight -> Secondary cause of death? ::arching a brow::

Dr Tisa Sen -> ::Vacuums out the blood to look at the structure::

KBear -> Sec) :: scans around the boxes in the cargo back for anything that could have been disturbed::

Dr Tisa Sen -> yeah now to figure which came first

Capt Rian Kwai -> How do we weed out "some" when we don't know which ones did it?


Heather Jamieson -> :: rubs her head at the start of a headache, continues to scan, mutters :: Nothing..

Tory Knight -> ::looking down, notes some slight tonal differences in the skin, along the arm, just above the table::

Heather Jamieson -> :: closes the panel and continues on ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Now compare the list with the 3 people at the top of the suspect list. ::looks for matches::

KBear -> Sec) ::Hears Heather say something:: Find something Ma’am??

Heather Jamieson -> :: turns :: I wish I had, thought I got some strange reading at an access panel, but not once I got closer.

August Jax Robinson -> ::rubs head:: someone needs to smack will in the head


Tory Knight -> ::kneels, not wanting to touch the body and interfere with Tisa's work::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::checks that list with the people who were in the video holding the spanner::

Dr Tisa Sen -> Wow who ever did this, kicked hard

LtCmdrRobinson -> (It wouldn’t help. Jax))

Dr Tisa Sen -> I have rib fractures

KBear -> Sec) ::comes across a box that has been opened and looks at the label and cross matches it with the ledger::


Dr Tisa Sen -> Torn arteries and damage to the heart muscle

Tory Knight -> ::nods, indicating the arms:: And defensive wounds?

KBear -> Sec) Spanners!

Heather Jamieson -> K, perhaps you should check that access panel incase my tricorder is not calibrated properly.

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::brings the list of suspects down to one person::

KBear -> Sec)::opens the box and looks in:: Missing


Capt Rian Kwai -> ~~~Pause Sim~~~

Capt Rian Kwai -> ~~~Pause Sim~~~

Capt Rian Kwai -> ~~~Pause Sim~~~

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::psd::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Paused::

Dr Tisa Sen -> ::paused::

Capt Rian Kwai -> Nice job guys.

Heather Jamieson -> :: paused :: A whole box of spanners?

STSF_BluRox -> Well done all.....

Capt Rian Kwai -> Any questions before we wrap up?

KBear -> *That was 3 Missing. on my last line

STSF_BluRox -> Alrighty so we'll pick up about 10 minutes later next week...

STSF_BluRox -> the diplomats will be starting to want to see their people, but until we solve this

August Jax Robinson -> ::kicks Will::

STSF_BluRox -> they're not going anywhere

STSF_BluRox -> any questions before Kwai yawns in my ear again?

LtCmdrRobinson -> I'll be on vacation next week so I probably wont be here

STSF_BluRox -> Have a great time!

STSF_BluRox -> Going anywhere good?

Capt Rian Kwai -> We'll miss ya Will

Ayumu Kasuga -> Awesome

LtCmdrRobinson -> I will if the parachute opens :)

STSF_BluRox -> Nice! See, Republic and Talon crew members are officially brave and fearless.....

STSF_BluRox -> (Manticore......not so much)

STSF_BluRox -> lol

Ayumu Kasuga -> lol

STSF_BluRox -> Alrighty then...Will, have a great time..

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