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RES TALON Mission Briefing: Stardate 51204.12

RES TALON Mission Briefing: Stardate 51204.12 The RES Talon has made contact and received permission to dock at Outpost 183 to take on any supplies that were not able to be loaded prior to their hasty departure, or noted that additional stores may be needed of certain items. The Station’s Enarrain, has requested to speak with the Talon’s command staff at their earlier convenience. Meanwhile, on the ship spiriting Morgana t’Ksa ever farther from her home world and her intended bondmate, she suffers through a fevered state of delirium due to the after effects of the serum that had been used upon her to loosen her tongue. A brief signal has also been sent from that ship, hopefully missed by those distracted by t’Ksa’s condition, and now relaying along sensitive military communications lines.


KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM


Koga S'Bien -> ::finalizing docking procedures at Outpost 183::

M_K_tKsa -> Maec>:: having tried to spend as little time in the Daise'Maenak's office as possible, he finally decided to enter it and do some paperwork::

NDak -> ::On the Oira, looking over star charts and overlaying the courses of various vessels, civilian and military, silently wondering how accurate these reports could actually be.::

Koga S'Bien -> Docking is completed. Extending boarding ramps and umbilicals now. ::presses the appropriate buttons on his console::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Sat back down at the engineering console on the bridge, watching the umbilicals integrate with the Talon's systems ::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Sitting on the bridge, Laehval supervised the docking procedures, reviewing the reports from the various departments of supplies they needed. Some were ridiculous. She vetoed them without a second thought. Others, she requested clarification. All of Engineering's requests were approved.

KhreRiovtRex -> ::knows she's eventually going to have to talk to at least t'Temarr, as she's more or less kept herself isolated when not actively on duty::


M_K_tKsa -> #::in the refresher, trying regain her equilibrium and figure out what sort of ship she's on::

#Willow> ::in her quarters, pulling her wig into place, and smoothing her hand over the off-center button placket on her tunic::

#Willow> ::grimacing at her reflection, her mind still turning over possible escape plans and extraction items::

M_K_tKsa -> #::hand on the bulkhead, frowning:: We must be on a rather fast ship. Small. Fvadt. ::lays her forehead against the wall:: Au would think they would treat their guests better.

# Butch> ::Pounds on the door of the refresher.:: What in the elements are you doing in there? My grandmother doesn't even take that long.

M_K_tKsa -> #::jumps, then scowls, calling out:: Au hypocrite! Au spent re hours in here this morning. If au did na hog the refresher so long, then I would na have to spend double the time preparing myself.

# Butch> Au are na ever going to get a prettier face, so quit messing with it. ::Just mad because he had to babysit again.::


ACTION: the homing beacon activated by Willow is bouncing across space platform by military platform.....


Maec>::flipping through reports on this ISD::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Turns to see t'Temarr. Logs off his console and walks towards her ::

NDak -> ::For his part, Issaha had tried to keep himself busy and out of his quarters. Honestly he was considering asking for different quarters. They were a constant reminder of his brother's absence and, after all, they were far above his paygrade -- being a double suite on the command deck just a few steps down the Khre'Riov’s.::


Varlon -> $ :::still on the homeworld, as requested by the Fvillah:::

$ Arrain tr'Ricat> ::rings the door chime to tr’Vatrix’s office::

Varlon -> $ :::tired after a long day, but knows he still has more to go:::

$ Arrain tr'Ricat> Rekkhai....?? ::peers in at tr'Vatrix


Laehval tTemarr -> S'Bien, did au receive a request from the Daise'Dheno? I do na have it on my panel.

Koga S'Bien -> ::powering down engines and prepares the cargo bay and other storage facilities for the intake of supplies::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Exits engineering::::Evil grin on her face::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Keeps a safe distance from t'Temarr ::

Koga S'Bien -> ::checks:: Na, rekkhai. I haven't yet received a request from the Dheno Department.

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::Feels a disturbance.::

Lerak trPexil -> Other Engineers> :: Make a note of R'Mor's exit ::

Koga S'Bien -> I can send t'Aehjae a reminder if au wish?

NDak -> ::He had even heard his disheren's had begun to wonder if he'd been replaced with a clone, given how fervently he'd thrown himself into the work.::

Laehval tTemarr -> Ie. We need to get these supply requests filled as quickly as possible. Contact her and have her send her list to me for review.

tAehjae -> :: has moved back to main dheno and it at her desk::

NDak -> ::Looks over towards Laehval remembering that the chemistry section had an additional request. He bit his lip and reminded himself to discipline them.:: Rehhkai... ::to Laehval::

Koga S'Bien -> Ie. Of course. +t'Aehjae+ Oira to Dheno... please send any and all requests for supplies or other provisions your department requires to t’Temarr for review.


Maec>Re more psychological reviews to prepare. Na recommendations for advancement for once. Interesting.

tAehjae -> +Koga+ IE S'Bien I will get to it Immediately

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Glances to Issaha.:: Ie?

NDak -> My apologies, ::he lowered his respectfully:: but the chemistry unit has made a last minute request. I am forwarding it, h'nah. I would appreciate if it could be included in this supply order.

tAehjae -> :: begins working on the supply request::

NDak -> I will address their tardiness at any rate.

Koga S'Bien -> ::having already sent the list of supplies t’Temarr approved to the outpost, is now working with staff to transport them onto the ship::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Sends a message to R'Mor to prepare for supplies to arrive ::

Laehval tTemarr -> Of course. Do au think the new request is necessary? ::With little head for science, she appreciated an evaluation from someone in the department.::

NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie. There were a number of solutions and compounds that we were unable to stock before we left.

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Shakes fist to the ceiling in a miffed mood for the recall BACK to engineering::

KhreRiovtRex -> ::decides that she will have to call Laehval in once she has the crew about their business:: sets the picture of Var'lon and Val'ron back on the desk::


Varlon -> $ :::sighs::: Enter.

Varlon -> $ :::expecting to see his son be brought into the room, looking up with a smile:::

$ Arrain tr'Ricat> Rekkhai..I'm sorry to bother au, but I noticed that some of your......supplies were down, and I took the liberty to restock for au. Also, there is this ISD that just came for au

Varlon -> $ ::::stops smiling upon seeing it was NOT his son:::

$ Arrain tr'Ricat> ::wonders if he's smiling at the 3 new bottles of Saruian Brandy that he brought in to replace the empty ones::

Varlon -> $ Thank you. I appreciate the work.


#Willow> ::prepared for her next turn, she settles in at her terminal, plugging a small device into the side::

M_K_tKsa -> #::opening the door, still looking rather feverish and pale, but with a sense of humor:: Oh, Pain, au think I'm pretty? I'm flattered. Au aren't so bad auself. ::using the wall for support as she crawls back to her bunk::

#Willow> ::boots up the device, which offers encryption and routing cover, and opens a prepared file::

#Willow> ::transmits the file in a burst transmission, then removes the device from her terminal::


NDak -> ::If they weren't he likely wouldn't have used capitol with the new executive officer to get them.::

Koga S'Bien -> As a reminder, the Outpost ennarain requests to speak with au and the Khre'Riov before we depart.

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Enters Engineering::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::waits from stuff to get thereee::

Lerak trPexil -> Other Engineers> :: Watches R'Mor return ::

tAehjae -> :: completes her supply order ::


$ Arrain tr'Ricat> ::sees him frown:: I'm sorry Rekkhai, perhaps I should have asked first. :::remembers the ISD and hands it to him, then moves to set the

refilled decanters back rhae the shelf. :: Varlon -> $ No... It’s not that at all. I'm just a bit homesick. My son is supposed to be being brought by for a visit.

$ Arrain tr'Ricat> Would au like me to pour au a glass before I go Rekkhai?

Varlon -> $ I'll be fine for now. I need to cut back a bit from the last few days.

$ Arrain tr'Ricat> I believe I saw au hru'hfe freshening his ....clothing before bringing him in to au...


NDak -> ::Glances at a blinking light on his console:: H'nah... what is this?

tAehjae -> Koga+ SBien, I have the supply for complete shall I send it to au??

Laehval tTemarr -> Very well. ::She took a glance over the amended request, but nothing stood out in either quantity or substance to warrant a denial. She forwarded the request to S'Bien.:: S'Bien see that the new list gets transmitted to the station as well.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Messages t'Ditsy about the schedule of engineering items to attend to while the Talon is docked ::


Maec>::looks up as io of the nurses arrives with his medication:: So soon? :frowns:: I'm just going to have to get used to this, won't I?

Koga S'Bien -> +t'A+ Please send it to t'Temarr for review and approval. ::Laeh:: Ie rekkhai.. sending now.

NDak -> Hann'yyo ::he said absently, his attention turned towards the console::

tAehjae -> +Koga+ Ie

Koga S'Bien -> ::Sends Issaha's requests to the Outpost quartermaster::

Lerak trPexil ->: t'Temarr appeared busy, and he was due in engineering. Nods to Koga::

tAehjae -> :: sends the supply list to tTemarr’s console::

NDak -> Rehhkai... ::He said:: It may be nothing, but au may want to take a look at this...

Koga S'Bien -> ::nods back:: Jolan tru.


$ Arrain tr'Ricat> Shall I send her in with him Rekkhai?

Varlon -> $ Yes please. Send them directly in.

$ Arrain tr'Ricat> Ie rekkhai:: salutes and backs out of the room::

Varlon -> $ :::takes the ISD and enters his code to decrypt its contents and begins paging through the report, arching his brow just slightly:::


#Willow> ::conceals the device once again, then stands, heading out into the corridor::would likely be better for her to spell Butch before he got too antsy::

M_K_tKsa -> #::rather out of breath from the effort, crawls back into the cot to sleep...or at least try to::

#Butch> ::Throws a blanket over Ksa, but only so he didn't have to look at her sickly face.::

M_K_tKsa -> #I'm na y'ya yet, au know. ::from under the blanket, which makes her look more like a corpse than a resting individual::

#Willow> ::striding down the corridor to the lift, steps in and orders the appropriate deck::


Lerak trPexil -> Daise'Erei'Riov :: he says to t'Temarr ::

NDak -> ::Begins recording the signal, in case it didn't last, and begins running it through the analyzer::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Finally receiving the request from security, she took a look, scrolling through the various items. Glancing to tr'Pexil at the address, she lifted an eyebrow.:: Daise'Engineer.

Lerak trPexil -> Is there anything au or t'Vatrix need from an engineering perspective while docked? Replicators running well, that sort of thing?

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Takes a seat::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Now plans her revenge for Pexil::


M_K_tKsa -> #::heavy sign from under the blanket, then moves it so her face shows again::

Varlon -> ((No birds under the blanket!))

KhreRiovtRex -> ((!!!))

#Willow> ::striding past the two guards stationed outside of Morgana's "quarters," entering::

M_K_tKsa -> ((Well, Butch deserved it!))


Ariennye R'Mor -> ::thinks::

Laehval tTemarr -> According to my reports, the ship is functioning at optimum levels and all repairs have been seen to. I have na further requests and the Enarrain has na forwarded me any requests.

KhreRiovtRex -> ::would like to turn the ship around and go home, but knows that to do so, would only endanger both her jol and son::

NDak -> ::He glanced over to Pexil as the et'rehh did it's thing and sort of half-rolled his eyes.::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Another message arrives to R'Mor's ISD. What supplies are arriving and what cargo bay they are in, that sort of thing ::

Koga S'Bien -> ::Monitoring the intake of supplies::

NDak -> ::More than mindful of his position, he quickly looked back down.::

Maec>::feeling a bit better now that he was on new medication::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Ignores ISD::


$ Arrain tr'Ricat> ::turns to Nemeria:: The Daise'Khre'Riov would like for au to fhaen bring his son to him

$ Nemeria> ::presses chime to Var'lon's office::

Varlon -> $ :::Leans forward again::: Enter!


M_K_tKsa -> #So, have au spoken to au's mother lately? I bet she is worried about au.

#Willow> ::enters just as t'Ksa pulls the blanket from her face, then asks about Pain's mother::

# Willow> ::bites back a smile::


Varlon -> $ :::watches as the nanny enters carrying his son and jumps up from his seat::: Come in... please... come in.

$ Nemeria> :: walks in carrying Val'ron:: I have brought au son my lord, as ordered.

Varlon -> $ Hann’yyo. How has he been today? I hope he has not been difficult for you.

$ Nemeria> Na Rekkhai, he fussed a little, I think he was wanting his mother.... but once he ate, he's been quiet

Varlon -> $ :::moves over to take his son and hugs him gently:::

Varlon -> $ Ie... he is not the only one.


Ariennye R'Mor -> Oh t'Disty, you have work to do

Lerak trPexil -> Very well then. I'm off to supervise two of my engineers during our stay here.

tAehjae -> :: goes over her previous retraining session on her mind::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She inclined her head and returned her attention to the reports at her fingertips. Security's requests seemed appropriate. She forwarded it to S'Bien for transmission.:: That should be the last list, S'Bien.


M_K_tKsa -> #Oh Jolan tru. ::jerks a thumb towards Butch:: Did you know he thinks I'm pretty? I didn't know he cared. ::she's having fun at his expense::

#Butch> Glaring. You're prettier with the blanket over your head.

# Willow> I didn't know he... ::smirks:: Of course he thinks you're pretty, dear. Else, he might be nice to you.

# Willow> ::amused gleam as she looks to Butch::

Laehval tTemarr -> (( :: :: ))


Koga S'Bien -> ::Nods:: Ie. Forwarding the list now. :forwards Dheno's list::

NDak -> Rehhkai... ::He repeated himself to Laehval:: This might be nothing, but au may wish to take a look at this...

tAehjae -> +tTemarr+ tAehjae to tTemarr just checking in to inquire if Dheno suppy list would be or na be approved, I kept it as light as possible

Lerak trPexil -> :: Turns to head toward the lift, notices Issaha, then enters ::

Laehval tTemarr -> +t'Aehjae+ Ie. It was fine. S'Bien will send au information on where to collect your supplies. ::Glances again to Issaha and rises from her chair to join him at Science, tilting her head to view the display.:: Did au find something?


M_K_tKsa -> #Now don't be embarrassed. Nothing to be embarrassed about. Thinking a girl is pretty is natural. But au really should show more manners if au expect pretty girls to take notice of au. I could give au some lessons if au like?

# Butch> ::Too flustered by t’Ksa to answer. Again.::

M_K_tKsa -> #::is enjoying messing with him as there is na much a prisoner can do under these circumstances::


$ Nemeria> ::steps back after handing him off:: Shall I remain to take him back, or do au wish to have him remain a while?

Varlon -> $ Why don't you take a few hours off while he and I spend some quality time together? I'll bring him home with me and au can take him again from there.

$ Nemeria> ::with au permission, I will retire to the commissary for midday meal::

Varlon -> $ Of course.

$ Nemeria> Hann'yyo Rekkhai, I will be on call should au need me sooner.::bows and backs out of the room::


Lerak trPexil -> Engineering :: Speaking to the lift ::

NDak -> ::Nods:: It may be nothing, but I detected this signal not long ago. Bouncing across the Galae Communications arrays. It's not a standard transmission, and it does appear to have repeated itself, at least io time.

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Sips tea, looks over list::

Koga S'Bien -> +t'A+ According to the quartermaster at OP 183, your request has been processed. We will store your supplies in Cargo Bay 1. There are hover carts located in the front for aur convenience.

NDak -> I have begun running it through the et'rehh, but I am na communications specialist.

tAehjae -> +Koga+ Ie Hann’yyo

Koga S'Bien -> Science's supplies will also be stored in Cargo Bay 1.


Varlon -> $ :::takes Val'Ron back to his desk and sits down with the boy in his lap:::

Varlon -> $ I bet you want to see Mommy, don't you?


Lerak trPexil -> :: Enters engineering. Notices no one cowering in his presence. Looks for either t'Ditsy or R'Mor. ::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Ignores Pexil::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Eyes R'Mor, his newest non-friend ::

KhreRiovtRex -> (wow, that's pretty harsh trPexil....after you started talking about another woman to her after you flirted with her! what did you expect!? lol )


#Willow> ::pats Butch on the shoulder:: Tongue-tied again, hmm? That's all right dear. Perfectly natural, too.

M_K_tKsa -> #:::sitting up:: In fact. Why don't we start right now.

#Willow> ::looking to Morgana:: You look much better.

M_K_tKsa -> #I feel like death warmed over.

M_K_tKsa -> #Which, I believe, is an improvement.

#Willow> ::nods once:: It wouldn't have taken much, I'm afraid.


Varlon -> $ :::Reaches up to his console, opening a line to the Talon for his wife:::

Varlon -> $ :::keeps Val'Ron in the center of the video feed so she sees him first:::


Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Glances over:: oh... you are back

Ariennye R'Mor -> I hardly noticed you were gone

NDak -> ::Lowly:: Its on the same frequency that we were to monitor...

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Her eyebrows lifted.:: Trace it as far as au are able. Send coordinates to helm. I will inform the Enarrain. If this is a true signal, it could lead us to her.

NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie.

tAehjae -> ::gathers a few other DHenos and moves towards the cargo bay::

Koga S'Bien -> Incoming signal from Galae HQ.

NDak -> ::Having already begun tracing it::

Lerak trPexil -> :: He had not planned to lose the trust of two of his best engineers, but it was sure looking that way. He imagined t'Ditsy's reaction much the same ::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Turns to S'Bien.:: What is the nature of the signal?


ACTION: Signal is being received from Galae Headquarters to the Talon


Varlon -> $ :::beginning to wonder if everything is well since it's taking so long to get through to his wife:::

Varlon -> ((Talon> Please continue to hold... your call is very important to us.))

Varlon -> $ :::thinks to himself that he did not send enough of his people with her:::


Ariennye R'Mor -> have fun with your new girl?

Lerak trPexil -> :: to R'Mor :: I imagine two officers are pretty mad at me now. Supplies will be arriving shortly ::

Lerak trPexil -> New girl?

Ariennye R'Mor -> I am no fool

Lerak trPexil -> t'Temarr?

Ariennye R'Mor -> SEE!!

Ariennye R'Mor -> I KNEW IT!!


Koga S'Bien -> The signal appears to be a communiqué::

Laehval tTemarr -> S'Bien, put it on screen.

Ariennye R'Mor -> You can settle your own supplies!

Koga S'Bien -> On screen. ::places it on screen::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Throws the PADD at him, hitting him on the head::::Leaves Engineering::

Lerak trPexil -> She's not new, just someone that lost their way. Ooof.

Other Engineer's> ::Looks at Pexil::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Looks all around :: What are au all looking at? Those diagnostics won't perform themselves!

Lerak trPexil -> :: Exits engineering ::

Ariennye R'Mor -> Engineer's> ::Snicker... if Romulans do that::


#Willow> Has the doctor been back in yet?::moving to the other sleeping area and picking up the medical kit::

M_K_tKsa -> #Na, I am apparently na a priority.

#Willow> Such contradictory treatment...leaves ones head spinning.

M_K_tKsa -> #I know, right?

# Butch> ::Sulking.::

#Willow> ::taking out the diagnostic device and running a scan over t'Ksa::

M_K_tKsa -> #::admonishes Butch:: Now Pain. Sit up. Don't sulk. Au face will freeze that way if au continue.

#Willow> Now, now, be nice, dear... He isn't the brains of the outfit, remember?


Varlon -> ACTION> Val'ron's pretty little face fills the Talon's main viewer


KhreRiovtRex -> (Baby face!)

NDak -> ::Looks up and does a double take.::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Rounds the console to stand in front of the Enarrain's chair.:: Jolan Tru, Daise’Khre’Riov.

ACTION: Val'ron is blowing bubbles:::

NDak -> ::Quickly looks back down to the his monitor::

ACTION> Val'ron makes a face into the display and then bursts into a fit of giggles:::

Koga S'Bien -> ::Looks at the viewscreen::

Lerak trPexil -> :: quires the computer :: Location of Ariennya R'Mor?

Varlon -> $+COM+ I was hoping to speak with my wife... might she be available?

Lerak trPexil -> (if I could spell it correctly)

Ariennye R'Mor -> Computer> Mess hall

Lerak trPexil -> :: Walks to the mess hall ::

Varlon -> $ +COM+:::surprised to be on the oira viewer, but does not let the expression be seen on his face:::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::gets more coffee, stews::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval nodded.:: Of course, Daise’Khre’Riov. We will connect au directly. It was a pleasure to see au and your child. ::Glances to S'Bien.:: Please direct that to the Enarrain's chambers.


#Willow> ::gaze flits over the display, noting that the serum is working its way through her system, and the inflammatory response has lessened with the medication::

M_K_tKsa -> #I'm only trying to help. Na woman will give him a second glance if he slumps around like a scolded puppy.

#Willow> Yes, well, he *is* on duty. No time for affairs of the heart, hm?

# Butch> I do fine with the ladies. ::Scowls.::

#Willow> ::shuts down the scanner, placing it back into the medical kit::

Another day and you'll be back to normal, I'm afraid.


ACTION> Outpost 183 sends message to Talon asking for Daise Dheno to approve security clearances for those that will be coming aboard the station


Lerak trPexil -> :: Moments later, enters the mess. Looks around ::

M_K_tKsa -> ((Making one rethink inter-office dating, doesn't it Pexil?))

KhreRiovtRex -> ((it was working for me until the Fvillah decided to use it against us!))

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::rolls eyes seeing Pexil::

KhreRiovtRex -> ::hears the communications chime, and walks back over to her desk to press the button on the com unit:: Ie? :: absently presses it::

Koga S'Bien -> +t'A+ We received a message from the outpost. Can au please approve Security clearance for crew that are coming aboard the station?

KhreRiovtRex -> ::having na looked down at it yet::

Lerak trPexil -> Is this seat taken?

Koga S'Bien -> ::also to Leahval as well::

Ariennye R'Mor -> Stalking is a crime in most civilized places

tAehjae -> +Koga+ Ie doing so now,

Ariennye R'Mor -> You may do as you please


M_K_tKsa -> #::looking over Willow's shoulders to Butch:: Ie, but I bet none of them are io's you'd want to take home to au's mother, ie? ::gives him that knowing look::

#Willow> Now, now. He's certainly good material -- strapping, handsome young Rihan with a rather...mysterious air about him.

#Willow> For someone else, he might be a good match. But certainly not my type. ::looks to Morgana:: Or yours, I'd wager.

M_K_tKsa -> #Mysterious odor is more like it.

Varlon -> ((Old Spice?))

(( OMG. Now mental images of Jayne as the Old Spice guy... ))

(( The towel... with the fuzzy hat. ))

(( ::falling out of her chair in giggles:: ))

Lerak trPexil -> ((A scent so strong it can't stay out of this sim ))

# Butch> I DO NA STINK!!

#Butch> ::Indignant.:: And I do na have to pay for my women, either. ::Sneers.::

M_K_tKsa -> ((Look at your man, now look at me, back at your man, now back to me....))


Varlon -> $ Val'ron> +COM+ :::shrieks in happiness at seeing his mother on the display:::

KhreRiovtRex -> +COM+ ::breaks into a smile hearing the baby and comes around behind the desk, quickly taking a seat and putting a hand to the terminal, wanting to touch the child::

KhreRiovtRex -> +COM+ Jolan tru my little io....

Varlon -> $ +COM+ Val'ron> :::babbles a bit as he claps his hands together and reaches for the screen:::

KhreRiovtRex -> (I'm married to the most interesting man in the world crossed with the old spice guy)


tAehjae -> +OP183+ Prepare to receives the clearance for those coming aboard the station.

Lerak trPexil -> I am na stalking au. I'm just trying to understand what is going on. :: removes his t'Liss, places it on the table as he sits :: This is Lerak and na your boss. What's going on?

Ariennye R'Mor -> What is going?

Laehval tTemarr -> ::With the call transferred, Laehval returned to the science console.:: Do you show any degradation in the signal? I would imagine there should be at least five or six relays that we could trace it to, though most will require Galae codes to access.

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::leans on the table:: Well.. you ask me out, take me to a wedding and act as if you want to date or be close. then this person shows up and I am yesterdays news

Ariennye R'Mor -> Soo...yes, you are a tr'Jerk

tAehjae -> :: send all clearances to OP183::

Koga S'Bien -> ::taking a look at the co-ordinates::


#Willow> Of course not, dear.

M_K_tKsa -> #I did na say au had to pay, Pain. ::looking horror stricken::

#Butch> The ladies love to be taken to the disruptor show. ::He curled his arms and flexed his biceps.:: POW! POW!

M_K_tKsa -> #::eyes widen:: Well that's certainly....uh...well....impressive.


Varlon -> $ +COM+ I hope au are not busy... Someone wanted to say hello.

KhreRiovtRex -> +COM+ Val'ron, au have gotten so smart so fast, already using au father's com unit ::smiling at him

KhreRiovtRex -> +COM+ E'lev.....I can na tell au how much I miss au both already....and I am never too busy to take a call from au Rekkhai.


Lerak trPexil -> (I am so feeling for Mr. Robinson now)

Ariennye R'Mor -> {{HEY! he LOVES ME!!}}

Varlon -> ((:::hands R'Mor a rose in order to start plucking petals:: :))

Ariennye R'Mor -> {{and takes me as I am :D }}

KhreRiovtRex -> ((you and about 3 other women))

Ariennye R'Mor -> {{He always returns to me :P }}

KhreRiovtRex -> ((and don't forget Heather down in sciene))

Ariennye R'Mor -> {{{ACK!}}

(( Lt Boiled Bunny... ))


#Willow> ::arching a brow:: ::even she had to admit that his biceps were fairly impressive, though the lack of IQ points detracted seriously from his attractiveness, and the fact that she'd given her heart away what seemed like a lifetime ago::

#Butch> I would let au touch them, but au are all germy. ::Puts the guns away.::

#Willow> Germy? Is that even a word?


Lerak trPexil -> She and I have na done anything. She came by my office. I did na even know what happened to her. We are nothing more than friends.

Ariennye R'Mor -> So you have fun with What's her face

Ariennye R'Mor -> Then why have you been ignoring me since her arrival? And acting like a 12 Year old?

Lerak trPexil -> I did not think.. au had a good time at the wedding, or what it became. Her arrival was unexpected.

KhreRiovtRex -> ((well Pexil, au were all covered with blood))


Varlon -> $ +COM+ We both miss you as well. Val'ron is learning to count by counting the days until you're back.

KhreRiovtRex -> +COM+ I saw the announcement that was put out by au office and that of the Fvillah....how were au able to pull that off?

Varlon -> $ +COM+ :::grins slightly::: I just had to convince him it was in his best interest to do so.

Varlon -> $ +COM+ Au know I usually am able to get my way when I really want something.

KhreRiovtRex -> +COM+ ::sobers a bit:: Au still think there's some way I can come out of this? ::knows to herself, that’s she’s the Fvillah’s sacrificial fvai for this mission::


NDak -> ::He frowned and continued looking at the et'rehh response, running it again, finding tracking a signal across the vast network of Galae Communications satellites rather more difficult than he'd expected. There was also no iron-clad way of telling that this was a real communication.::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Long sigh:: I do not have time for your childish games, you enjoy leering. I will be a grown up

Ariennye R'Mor -> besides, I have moved on

Lerak trPexil -> Found someone new? I see. :: frowns ::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::can hear the song Evil women in her mind::Yes, someone with a back bone….. and a fine rear-end

tAehjae -> :: moves towards the cargo bay::

M_K_tKsa -> Maec>::beings a tour of the medical bay::


#Willow> ::crosses to the rep and orders a glass of water for Morgana::

M_K_tKsa -> #::oh he had to go say that, trying to hide the wicked grin behind a loud cough::

#Willow> ::eyes Butch as she brushes past him, returning to Morgana:: ::offers her the water glass::

M_K_tKsa -> #::attempts to stand up, motioning to Butch that she needs help as she does so::

#Willow> This first, then standing.

M_K_tKsa -> #::ah, man, and here she was going to mess with the germ-a-phobic Pain of the operation, sits back down:: Au take all the fun out of this, Brain.

#Willow> ::trying to rehydrate her and flush the serum from her system::


Varlon -> $ +COM+ The Fvillah will be fine by the time you return. And upon a successful mission, I'm sure he'll be in a much better mood.

KhreRiovtRex -> +COM+ I'm sure whatever au did, I owe au once again for bringing au trouble ::wondering what it had cost him this time::

Varlon -> $ +COM+ Au's payment shall be a successful and expediant mission so that you may return home to us.

KhreRiovtRex -> +COM+ I'm sorry I have na contacted au, but I felt it best, in light of what was said to au by the Fvillah....That others suspected me of contacting au and that in doing so, I would be influencing au decisions....


Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil was quite caught off guard. He thought she'd not taken any interest in him. How could he be so blind? ::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She frowned as well, watching the results on N'Dak's screen.:: I will need to speak with the Khre'Riov about these particular points of origin. ::Taps to display the coded-Galae satellites.::

NDak -> ::Nods:: Ie. ::Hand her and ISD:: Here is everything I have so far.

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Sips Coffee::


#Willow> ::wry grin:: I suppose that is my job. Though I rather suspect that t'Prin does better than I.

M_K_tKsa -> #Na, she has her own version of fun ::speaking darkly, taking the glass and slowly sips::

#Willow> Always has. ::mutters, also somewhat darkly::


KhreRiovtRex -> +COM+ However, if I waited for au to contact me, there is na much that they can say

Varlon -> $ +COM+ :::frowns::: You should never feel you cannot reach out to me. I don't care who might not want you contacting me. You report to me. If they have a problem, they can address it with me personally

KhreRiovtRex -> +COM+ Ie Rekkhai, I will report in more frequently then, if au feel it is safe to do so. :: knows hrrau her heart, that she will have to continue to keep their communications at a minimum. She would do nothing that could be perceived in a way that would endanger him.::

Varlon -> $ +COM+ I have faith in your ability to know when it is safe and when it is not. If something out there prohibits you from doing so, I will understand. However both of us look forward to seeing and hearing from you.

Varlon -> $ +COM+ Speaking of communications... au should be receiving some additional information soon.

KhreRiovtRex -> +COM+ ::Smiles back to him:: We are currently at Outpost 183 Rekkhai, taking on supplies and last minute items

KhreRiovtRex -> +COM+ Oh, what would that be Rekkhai?


Laehval tTemarr -> ::Takes the ISD with a nod of thanks.:: Hann'yyo. ::Returns to her seat to review it.:: S'Bien, did t'Aehjae clear the loading crews that would be entering the station?

Lerak trPexil -> If au change your mind, the station has a cafe. I'll be eating there at the end of this day. :: grabs his t'Liss ::

Koga S'Bien -> Ie rekkhai. She has.

Ariennye R'Mor -> Change my Mind?!

Ariennye R'Mor -> NEVER! I am no fool, and will not be played again

KhreRiovtRex -> (Never in Caps...= Truth)


M_K_tKsa -> #::does na trust Willow, even if she is being rather kind, but trying na to let on that is the case::

#Butch> ::Has shut up now that they weren't picking on him.::

#Willow> ::feeling Butch's presence in the room, wishing he'd find an excuse to leave, as she needed to talk to t'Ksa::


Ariennye R'Mor -> ::grabs her coffee and exits the Mess Hall::

Laehval tTemarr -> Menkha. Let me know if there is any other word from the station. ::Continues to review the information Issaha downloaded.::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Is having a bad day, exits the mess ::

Koga S'Bien -> Ie, of course.

Ariennye R'Mor -> Engineer's in the Hall> ::Whisper and look at Pexil... then smirk::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Still intends to have a meal in the cafe at the outpost ::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Enters Pexil's office and smashes his Mug:::Feels a little better::

Lerak trPexil -> :: something intended for R'Mor falls off the desk on the opposite side ::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::leaves his office::


KhreRiovtRex -> +COM+ ::sits up a bit wondering what it is::

Varlon -> $ +COM+ I mentioned earlier that I was working on a way to improve the odds a bit... this is just setting the wheels in motion for it.

Varlon -> $ +COM+ Au crew should be receiving a signal shortly if not already have it.

KhreRiovtRex -> ::+COM+ perks up:: A signal? The one Maec told us about? Then there is still some hope?!

Varlon -> $ +COM+ :::nods::: Like I said... the sooner this is complete, the sooner you can get back home.

KhreRiovtRex -> +COM+ I will do my best Rekkhai to fulfill au orders.::bows head and salutes::

Varlon -> $ +COM+ See that you do. You don't want to disappoint our son. :::grins:::


M_K_tKsa -> #::laying down slowly, feeling under the weather:: I think I'm going to be sick. ::which usually makes Butch want to flee::

#Butch> I... uh... I have something else I need to be doing. ::Exit stage left.::

#Willow> ::Setting aside the half-empty water glass, furrows her brow::

#Willow> ((She is seriously endangering my calm! ))

#Butch> ::Grumbles outside.:: I am na cleaning up her puke!

M_K_tKsa -> #I knew that would make him leave. ::still feeling sick, but smug too::

#Willow> Lovely...though cleaning up is not my idea of a good time, either.


Ariennye R'Mor -> ::wants to break more.... but wont::

Lerak trPexil -> :: In reality he felt bad they did na have a better time at the wedding. The shock of the stabbing saw to that ::

Ariennye R'Mor -> ::Likes a good stabbing::

KhreRiovtRex -> ((Wait, didn't’ we decide that this was a happy turn of events))

Lerak trPexil -> :: After some moments he enters his office ::

Lerak trPexil -> :: A broken chip of his mug is crushed under his foot :: What?


KhreRiovtRex -> It will be as au order Rekkhai. I do na wish to disappoint au or au son.

Varlon -> $ :+COM+ ::bounces Val'ron on his lap gently::: That's right, isn't it Val'Ron?


ACTION: Signal is received, and chat goes on a bit more while crew takes on supplies.....and, more information is determined by the crew (ie: NDak is soon able to get a rough estimate of area it was picked up in)


KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM


KhreRiovtRex -> Nice sim all!! Ok, when we next pick up........we'll say about 6 hours have passed and final preparations are being made to finish up

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