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RES Talon Simlog Stardate 051203.12

KhreRiovtRex -> Mission Briefing: The crew has been helping to investigate the happenings at the t'Ksa /tr'Aieme bonding, and have been checking the clues found hrrau Morgana's prep room, and the brief glimpses seen on the security cameras. What was surprising was how many of the cameras had been taken offline in the area of NDak's stabbing.Meanwhile, L'haiy and Var'lon have through Issahsa that NDak's sister is most likely the one that stabbed him and he currently is in surgery and is expected to pull through. Plans however, are being put into place, to try to expose Savu and her Tal Shiar....


KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM


Varlon -> ((Can you blame her?))

Koga S'Bien -> (lol)

KhreRiovtRex -> (One down, one to go?)

M_K_tKsa -> #Morgana>::whimpers softly, trying to wake up but finding it difficult to do so::

Laehval tTemarr -> # Butch> Shut it, au! ::Prods Morgana with a stick.::

Tory Knight -> #Willow> ::noting that Morgana is trying to wake, checks the autopilot, then heads back to apply another dose::

Tory Knight -> # Willow> And poking her with a stick will help how?

Varlon -> ((It helps him pass the time and feel better about himself.))

Laehval tTemarr -> # Butch> It makes me happy.

KhreRiovtRex -> @ At Galae Headquarters with Var'lon

Lerak trPexil -> :: Does na want to see a security camera for a long time ::

tAehjae -> $@:: working with the Dheno with the evidence::

Varlon -> @ :::at HQ with his wife:::

Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::inserting a new cartridge into the hypospray:: Glad to see you are so easily amused. :: mischievous twinkle in her eye as she approaches::

M_K_tKsa -> #Morgana>::squeaks, half open eyes from the poking::

Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::looks down at Morgana, pressing the hypo against her neck::

Tory Knight -> #Willow> Easy there, dear. We're almost there.

tAehjae -> (( ::looks at the Honey Badger and gets scared:: ))

Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::looking up at Butch:: No more stick. Our clients need her basically unharmed if their interrogation methods are to work.

Laehval tTemarr -> # Butch> Eh, I'm just bored. Shouldn't we have heard something from them by now?

Demi t'Shia -> $@ ::with t'A, and Dheno, with the evidence::

Varlon -> ((LOL.))

Tory Knight -> # Willow> We have our instructions. I see no need to deviate from them until conditions warrant.

KhreRiovtRex -> (now now Badger, don’t mess with my crew)

Varlon -> ((Somone has been a bad little boy.))

Laehval tTemarr -> # Butch> ::Grumbles::

KhreRiovtRex -> (don't be kicking my players!)


M_K_tKsa -> #Morgana>::fades back to sleep::

Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::stowing the kit again, heads back to the piloting seat::

KhreRiovtRex -> @ I'm concerned Var'lon, we've still na had word from the hospital, and do we really want to rest such an important matter...on an N'dak?

Koga S'Bien -> ::reading up on any news or progress on his ISD::

tAehjae -> $# ::to Demi:: Looks like thats about it. I think he had all he wanted or needed

KhreRiovtRex -> (Welcome back)

Koga S'Bien -> (Wb lol)

Demi t'Shia -> $# Or did he? They didn't really let us investigate that whatchamacall it. ::points to the form still contained in his bag::

Varlon -> @ Not especially... :::frowns::: They have been found to be KhreRiovtRex -> @ Nobody has seen Morgana yet that I know of either. I was hoping someone from the crew or her sisters would have let us know that she'd been found

less than ... helpful in the past.

M_K_tKsa -> %Maec>::has finished sending in a missing individual report to the Galae, while Morgana's younger sister is fuming in the background because t'Ksa hasn't contacted anyone::

Laehval tTemarr -> # Butch> ::Heads up front with Willow, dropping into the other seat. He pulls out his knife and starts picking his fingernails.:: Our orders did na say anything about having to wait hours upon hours with nothing to do.

Tory Knight -> # Willow> I've had plenty to do.

Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::tapping commands on her console::

Demi t'Shia -> # It's funny though, to have a body in the same shape of a real person, stuffed in a cupboard/closet... and have well, the same shape as who we are looking for?

Laehval tTemarr -> # Butch> Nothing fun.

M_K_tKsa -> (Hey guys, only Butch and Willow should use # ))


Demi t'Shia -> $# ::scratches head, trying to put pieces together:: I don't know if it's a clue or not, and they didn't let me check for fingerprints before it was scooped up, tagged, and bound.

KhreRiovtRex -> (# was already Butch and Willow)

tAehjae -> $#you have a point

Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::sends a short, encrypted burst signal::

tAehjae -> @

KhreRiovtRex -> (@ that was Varlon and L’haiy)

KhreRiovtRex -> (try again?)

Demi t'Shia -> ^

tAehjae -> ((LOL I give up))

tAehjae -> ((Old atage 3 strike your out I want to stay))

Demi t'Shia -> ^ I am not sure, Rekkhai, but seriously, it just doesn't fit. There are no dressmakers in this hall.

Laehval tTemarr -> # Butch> ::Hunkers down in his seat and waits for their contact to well... contact them.::

Varlon -> (( $ is open ))

Varlon -> (( As in show me 'da $$ ))

Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::console lights up, signaling a matching incoming burst transmission::

STSF Honey Badger -> (Oh just pick a something, you're boring me)

Koga S'Bien -> (lol)

Varlon -> ((I thought you did not care?))

Koga S'Bien -> ::finds some money on the floor:: Ooooh!!

tAehjae -> $ Your correct, There are no dress makers around here that we know of anyway

STSF Honey Badger -> ( I don’t' give a @#$@ either)

Lerak trPexil -> :: Taking a break after hours of reviewing security videos ::

M_K_tKsa -> %Maec>:: pinches the bridge of his nose:: I have no idea where else to look. I've looked at all the Academy haunts she had. Kalicia has covered au's home town. What more can we do, but send in the report. I know it will affect her career, but this is out of character for her. She would have talked to *someone* even if she was in io of her mods.

M_K_tKsa -> (moods)

Varlon -> ((That's pretty bad @$$))


Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::provides the agreed-upon response::

Koga S'Bien -> ::puts it in his pocket, and decides to head outside for a break::

KhreRiovtRex -> @In fact, I have na idea where she'd go that she'd not show back up by now to let her family know she's ok

Varlon -> @ tr'Assistant> :::approaches Varlon and quickly passes him a note before departing again:::

Lerak trPexil -> :: sips something close to a warm tea. Not spicy enough for his taste. ::

Laehval tTemarr -> % ::Maec receives a message from Laehval, addressed to him and Morgana, sending her congratulations for their bonding, her appreciation for being invited, and her apologies for not feeling up to attending.::

Demi t'Shia -> $ The only reason someone would have a dress form would be to hold a dress on it. Now, if a bride would actually bring it here to hold the dress on while she got ready, but that's just too far fetched for me, I would think they would show up and put the dress on.

Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::watches as a ship decloaks before them, the shuttlebay open and waiting their arrival::

M_K_tKsa -> #Morgana>::dreams turning into nightmares because she's been drugged for so long::

Laehval tTemarr -> # Butch> Finally! ::Puts his dagger away and leans forward, watching with interest.:: I swear the Elements, if they double cross us, I'm going to come back in another life and double cross them right back.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Picks up his ISD, starting at a still video image ::

tAehjae -> $:: nods:: Lets find Pexil see if he found anything on those tapes

M_K_tKsa -> %Maec>::half hearted smile at the note from io of his patients, finding it actually rather nice::

S'Bien -> ::feeling a bit bummed that he couldn't find much more information on t'Ksa's whereabouts of what happened to her, hopes Pexil and Demi had more luck than he did::

Demi t'Shia -> $ ::follows t'A to go find tr'Pexil and see what's going on::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Feels a $ in the air..:: Tries to enhance the image every way from here to Remus ::

tAehjae -> $:: enters the building once more making their way to where Pexil was examining the videos::

KhreRiovtRex -> @::watches as he receives the ISD:: Anything important?

Varlon -> @ :::glancing over the report::: It's the preliminary report from the investigation team.:::passes the report to his wife:::

KhreRiovtRex -> @ ::takes the ISD from Var'lon and reads it over

This isn’t' good, they think she's been...abducted? But why?

Demi t'Shia -> $ ::also into the building, trying to locate tr'Pexil with her Daise::

tAehjae -> $:: find the video room and activates the door:: Pexil??

Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::maneuvers the shuttle into the bay, smoothly and expertly::

Lerak trPexil -> $ Here.

Varlon -> @ That's the question of the moment.

KhreRiovtRex -> @ We should call Maec and let him know

Varlon -> @ :::nods:::

tAehjae -> $:: manuevers back to the back of the room where Pexil is reveiwing the images:: Hows it coming ? anything yet?

Lerak trPexil -> $ :: Waves t'Aehjae over. He'd retreated away from the consoles to somewhere close with a view of the grounds ::

Koga S'Bien -> % ::outside about to get something to drink when his ISD beeps and displays an urgent new message::

Demi t'Shia -> $ ::still following t'A:::

KhreRiovtRex -> I(no..not the bagged milk again!)

Lerak trPexil -> $ :: Hands t'Aehjae a large screen ISD :: This. The best image I have of people I can't account for.


Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::like maybe she's done this a time or twenty before::

Koga S'Bien -> (lol)

Laehval tTemarr -> # Butch> ::Heads into the back to stuff Morgana back in her carry on luggage and get her ready for transport.::

KhreRiovtRex -> @ Au know him best, but we should prpbably have him come by fahd?

M_K_tKsa -> ((My character is going to be a very old woman by the time you all find her at this rate. ))

Laehval tTemarr -> (( Or dead. ))

KhreRiovtRex -> (just ask them to put you in stasis for a bit)

Laehval tTemarr -> (( A very old skeleton.))

M_K_tKsa -> ((I don't have the nanogenes any more. ))

tAehjae -> $:: looks at the ISD:: I do na recognize them ::passes the ISD to Demi:: Do AU Know them?

tAehjae -> $:: looks back to Pexil:: have au run the images through their security channels?

Koga S'Bien -> ::reads up on a new report he had just gotten:: Hmm, this looks heavy. \

Demi t'Shia -> $ ::takes the ISD and watches the feed a couple times:: Na... but look at this bag... ::points to the shadowed area:: That's about the size! ::glances to t'A, who is the only one who would understand:: Do au think?

Lerak trPexil -> $ :: Looks at Demi, the both looked like he felt. :: Ie, I've sent them off for a more trained analysis. Many of the cameras that would have picked them out were disabled.

M_K_tKsa -> #Morgana>::is pretty much dead weight, sort of like a rag doll::

Laehval tTemarr -> # Butch> ::Being oh-so-gentle with his package.::

Laehval tTemarr -> # Butch> ::But not really with Morgana.::

Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::opens her mouth to speak... but then decides it will be wasted breath::


Lerak trPexil -> $ I remember the flowers, but only saw them for an instant.

tAehjae -> $::turns looking at the slide:: Au are correct it could be, It is the correct size.

KhreRiovtRex -> @ ::calls Maec and asks him to stop by Var'lon's office::

Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::taking the lead toward the exit:: Come on. Let's get this over with.

Koga S'Bien -> +Dheno+ S'Bien to Dheno team (t'A and Demi)... I've just received an updated report concerning the stabbing and would like to meet back at our set up area if au have the time. ::heads back there::

Demi t'Shia -> $ But, who carried that same bag out afterwards? And did it have another item, shaped about the same?

Laehval tTemarr -> # Butch> ::Manages not to drop her.:: Ooof. She must have been hitting the cake sampling pretty hard. ::Muscles bulge in a manly way as he throws Morgana over his shoulder.::

Lerak trPexil -> $ What are you comparing from this image?

Laehval tTemarr -> # Butch> ::Too bad Willow wasn't paying attention.::

Demi t'Shia -> $ ::waits for t'A to decide what to do::

Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::stepping out onto the deck of the larger ship:: ::watching as a contingent approaches her::

tAehjae -> $+ S'Bein on our way,

M_K_tKsa -> %Maec>::finally succeeds in pushing Lannisal out of his quarters using the excuse from t'Vatrix's message::

Koga S'Bien -> ::rushes back:: +t'A+ acknowledged...

Demi t'Shia -> $ ::nods to t'A:: Did au wish to join, for the update, Lerak?

tAehjae -> $ Demi Pexil Lets go meet S'Bein he has some info that may help/

_K_tKsa -> #Morgana>::has stopped snoring at least::


Lerak trPexil -> $ Ie.

Demi t'Shia -> $ ::turns to follow t'A back and find S'Bein::

tAehjae -> $+S'Bein+ tA to S'Bein what is aus location.

M_K_tKsa -> @Maec>::after a brief, and uneventful, flitter ride, finds himself at the Valtrix door:

ACTION:: Time passes and Koga's meeting starts

tAehjae -> $:: meets Koga:: au find something??

KhreRiovtRex -> @ I'll get the door E'lev...

KhreRiovtRex -> @ Maec....fhaen, come hrrau

Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::notes that they are comprised of Othan officers::

Koga S'Bien -> $ ::sees the others coming:: All right, thanks for coming everyone. Ie. It's a report I just got. It was also sent to Daise'Khre'Riov tr'Vatrix.

Demi t'Shia -> $ ::nods:: We have other things to contribute too.

Koga S'Bien -> $ (hold on.. much typing probably to come lol)

Lerak trPexil -> $ :: Holds up his ISD in contribution ::

Koga S'Bien -> $::looks to Pex:: Au got it too?


KhreRiovtRex -> @ Var'lon, Maec has arrived

M_K_tKsa -> @Maec>Jolan tru. ::nods his head as a sign of respect as he steps inside::

Varlon -> @ :::nods and takes his seat::: Excellent.

Varlon -> @ Has the news been shared with you yet on the latest in the investigation?

M_K_tKsa -> @Maec> From what I've been able to piece together, I think we've been told the bare minimium. ::frowning:: They have na been very forth coming. As if she may be a suspect.

Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::speaks with the senior officer, as per their contract::

Lerak trPexil -> $ Na, just my own contribution hopefully.

M_K_tKsa -> #Morgana>::does a wiggle in the bag::

Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::looking up as the bag twitches, and suggests that their guest be taken to her quarters before the medication wears off completely::


STSF Honey Badger -> (Watching ST III cause I don't care about no sim_

Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::and also notes that Morgana will likely need medical observation due to the medication::

KhreRiovtRex -> @ Fhaen, have a seat ::walks over to the other side of the room

Koga S'Bien -> $ The fact that he was stabbed at t'Ksa's bonding and her disappearance also seems to be connected as well.

Varlon -> @ :::passes the report over for him to review:::

M_K_tKsa -> @Maec> ::sits on the edge of the seat, taking the ISD from Varlon::

Laehval tTemarr -> # Butch> ::Grunting as he dumped Morgana on the stretcher they had available, unsealing the garment bag so that they could verify her identity and take a DNA sample for proof.::

Koga S'Bien -> (same here... apparently I missed that part)

M_K_tKsa -> #Morgana>::a whoosh of air from her lungs at being dropped.............again::

KhreRiovtRex -> @ ::walks over to stand beside Var'lon::

Laehval tTemarr -> # Butch> Be careful with her. She's quite delicate.

Demi t'Shia -> $ ::shares her information about the dress form, and the bag that she saw in tr'pexil's video:: So, what do you make of all of that?

M_K_tKsa -> @Maec> Wait. Is this.......::looking from t'Valtrix to tr'Valtrix::

Tory Knight -> # Willow> ::cutting a glare at Butch, then watches as the security/medical detatchment takes Morgana away::

Demi t'Shia -> ((dress form, maniquine, I think it changes from week to week, but you get the ideas))

KhreRiovtRex -> @ Ie.....

Lerak trPexil -> $ :: to all :: I've tried many methods of improving the video.

KhreRiovtRex -> @ It looks like she's been....taken

Koga S'Bien -> So, then, as I was saying, we've found a garment bag. The bag (may or may not) contain articles of clothing that may be relevant to t'Ksa's abduction

Varlon -> @ :::nods:::

Demi t'Shia -> $ ::to Lerak:: Did you come across any video where someone left with that bag?

tAehjae -> $

Koga S'Bien -> It might lead to progress as to what happened to her.

tAehjae -> $::points to t a face::Demi:: IE emi found someio leaving with a bag such as that. Could ne pick ou

M_K_tKsa -> @Maec>::runs a hand through his hair, just staring at the words on the ISD:: Na, na, this is na happening.

Demi t'Shia -> ((Huh?))


tAehjae -> $could na Pick out a face.

Demi t'Shia -> $ ::nods in agreement with t'A::

Koga S'Bien -> ((::shrugs:: Man, my brain is mush... I'm dying at work, can't think of anything else to say to clarify lol))

Koga S'Bien -> ((Unless that "huh?" wasn't directed at me))

Lerak trPexil -> $ :: to Demi :: I thought they were leaving given the time of this video. There were several exits they could have taken.

Demi t'Shia -> $ How can we figure out where she was taken? Do you think she was taken out in the garment bag? I am nearly convinced.

Demi t'Shia -> (No, it wasn't it's been answered Koga)

KhreRiovtRex -> @ We're speculating....that it has to do with the events of our last...mission

Koga S'Bien -> $ It certainly is big enough to contain a person of her size

tAehjae -> $That is a possibility.

M_K_tKsa -> @Maec>I can na find her anywhere. Her rinam and I have been searching all her normal haunts. She has na contacted any of her family or friends and that is na like her. It's either that or she's...........y'ya.

M_K_tKsa -> @Maec>Those fvadt nanogenes.

Varlon -> @ Which as you imagine.... raises a great deal of concern for me.

Demi t'Shia -> ((here's my confusion: koda said a bag was found, but t'Ksa is still in the bag?))

Demi t'Shia -> (er, Koga, even)

KhreRiovtRex -> @ Ie, as they had made an attempt on me recently as well

Koga S'Bien -> (A garment bag.. might not be the bag containing t'Ksa)

Varlon -> @ :::nods:::

Lerak trPexil -> (I hear Pexil's theme playing in the background)

Koga S'Bien -> (Sorry... I read that log 3-4 times, and I can't tell the difference lol)

Laehval tTemarr -> (( 2 bags. That's not my bag baby. ))

KhreRiovtRex -> @ Though, I have to say, I do appreciate her discovernt the work of the nanogenes and knowing how to stop them

Tory Knight -> (( Is a different bag that had the change of clothes for my conspirator ))

M_K_tKsa -> #Morgana>::bruised and bumped now repeatedly, the poor Maenak's nightmares are getting worse and she can na wake up!::

Koga S'Bien -> (Thanks!)

tAehjae -> $Pexil looks through aus video.. see if au see anyio leaving the site

M_K_tKsa -> @Maec>A lot of good that does her now. Fvadt. Fvadt. Fvadt. ::getting up and starts pacing::

STSF Honey Badger -> ((wants to bite the head off a snake at the moment)

KhreRiovtRex -> @ We'll find her. We have a plan hrrau the works...

Koga S'Bien -> So, the clothes are currently being analyzed to see if we can get a DNA sample...

Koga S'Bien -> $^

tAehjae -> $ IE

Demi t'Shia -> $ They have taken the rest of the evidence, so what else is there for us to do? Do we have any more clues?

KhreRiovtRex -> @ Var'lon is going to assign as much of Galae as he can to help find her

tAehjae -> $As of yet we have na heard anything on the report.


Varlon -> @ Ie..

Lerak trPexil -> $ Ie. I'll check remote observations logs for anything leaving the area as well.

Koga S'Bien -> $ Other than the bag, na... we have bupkus

Demi t'Shia -> $ Canna, someone from the ship look for her lifesigns from our sensors? We are going in circiles, I think circles that they are putting us in.

Demi t'Shia -> $ ::becomming suspicious of the local Dheno::

M_K_tKsa -> @Maec> If this is tied into io au's last missions, as I understand it from Morgana, then she is in rather dangerous company, ie?

tAehjae -> $ Demi au have a point. Koga is anyio oeft on the Talon or are all here?

Varlon -> @ We believe so.

Koga S'Bien -> $Ie, I suppose we can give it a try. But, if her captors are smart, they'll have taken her comm-badge (Rihan equivilent) or hid her somewhere where our scanners can't penetrate

Lerak trPexil -> $ The initial video sweep did not reveal anyone leaving.

Koga S'Bien -> $There is a skeleton crew on the Talon now, but I'll beam back up and try to scan for her

Demi t'Shia -> $ ::is happier knowing a known crew member is going to scan, than the unknown Dheno from this place::

KhreRiovtRex -> @ Fortunately, Var'lon has access to resources most do na

Lerak trPexil -> $ Koga, Perhaps I should join au as well.

Koga S'Bien -> $Of course, I could use the help.

Lerak trPexil -> $ I was told not to leave the planet, but I've done nothing wrong.

Koga S'Bien -> $We'll probably need to enhance the sensor arrays for a better chance in finding t'Ksa

Koga S'Bien -> $Au were? That sucks

M_K_tKsa -> @Maec>::presses the palm of his hands against his forehead:: (q)She was wearing a tracking device. If she's able to activate it, it might help. ::quietly:: If.

Lerak trPexil -> $ I have passed the point of caring.

KhreRiovtRex -> @ Wait......a tracking device?

Lerak trPexil -> $ Can we be beamed directly or do we need to take relays.

STSF Honey Badger -> (Now see, that Lerak person has the right attitude)

Koga S'Bien -> $ I think we can be beamed back. I don't recall there being a problem with Talon's transporters

Lerak trPexil -> (lol)

Koga S'Bien -> (lol)

M_K_tKsa -> @Maec>It was in a necklace she's been wearing since you're last mission. A former crewmember now working with an investigative unit gave it to her. Well, the device, my rinam helped disguise it in a....::motions to his neck::pendant.

Lerak trPexil -> $ +Talon+ Pexil to Talon. Koga and myself to beam up to the oria.

KhreRiovtRex -> @ ::turns to Var'lon:: That increases the odds significantly......if she wants to be found, and if, she still has the device

M_K_tKsa -> @Maec>She has to activate it though.


KhreRiovtRex -> ACTION: Talon crew are beamed up to the ship


Koga S'Bien -> % ::energizes and re-appears on the Talon::

Demi t'Shia -> $ ::to t'A:: Guess we'll hold the fort, Rekkhai?

KhreRiovtRex -> @ Let us hope..... ::looks to Var'lon trying not to show the worry she has to Maec::


KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM


tAehjae -> ::paused::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Paused ::

Koga S'Bien -> rofl.. I'd rather hoped I wouldn't have to use by brain today :P

Koga S'Bien -> my*

M_K_tKsa -> It's Talon. We're a brain powered sim.

Koga S'Bien -> I'm running on empty :(

Laehval tTemarr -> Get a transplant.

KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, I'll be traveling for the next week but plane lands just before sim next week, So planning to be here.

Lerak trPexil -> I've got a lightly used one Koga..

Koga S'Bien -> oooh.. and the Canadian dollar is at par too. Let's make a deal :D

KhreRiovtRex -> If you need anything, just send me an email and I'll handle it. And soon, you'll meet Talon's new Mission XO

Laehval tTemarr -> I've got several brains for sell. They come in nice gift-wrapped jars.

M_K_tKsa -> See, next time you can get kidnapped then you don't have to worry about using brain power::

KhreRiovtRex -> Ok, thank you to all of you that made it to the sim tonight....we appreciate you taking the time to be here

KhreRiovtRex -> Alrighty then, Crew is back on the ship

KhreRiovtRex -> we'll have another day between tonight and next week's sim

tAehjae -> All Crew?

KhreRiovtRex -> so feel free to log

Koga S'Bien -> KOga and trPexil beamed back

KhreRiovtRex -> I did Action Talon Crew beams back to ship

tAehjae -> Ok

Koga S'Bien -> Cool

Lerak trPexil -> We were going to take the Talon around nebulas and pick up women.

KhreRiovtRex -> [KhreRiovtRex] ACTION: Talon crew are beamed up to the ship

Lerak trPexil -> Sorry Koga. :(

Koga S'Bien -> That's ok

KhreRiovtRex -> Good sim ya’ll And with that.....Crew Dismissed

M_K_tKsa -> ::shakes head slowly::

Koga S'Bien -> Goodnight!!

tAehjae -> night all

M_K_tKsa -> Nytol!

Demi t'Shia -> Night

STSF Honey Badger -> You need honeybadger as your xo

Laehval tTemarr -> But Honey Badger doesn't care!

Lerak trPexil -> That's true

STSF Honey Badger -> See, I'd fit right in here

Laehval tTemarr -> Night all!

Lerak trPexil -> Probably so

STSF Honey Badger -> Cause I just don't care!

Lerak trPexil -> Night

Lerak trPexil -> Nice to see you again Honey Badger. See you all next week.

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