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RES Talon Simlog 11Nov11

KhreRiovtRex -> Mission Briefing: The Command staff has decided to put in at the Justarus Shipyards in the Jubel Sector to affect repairs and get the ship presentable enough to return home in. Meanwhile, L'haiy has been ordered to the Azgalor and is making her way to meet Teronix.



KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM



M_K_tKsa -> ::is on the dreaded Oira::

KhreRiovtRex -> @ ::sitting hrrau her quarters on the Azgalor::

Koga S'Bien -> ::on the oira still piloting the ship::

NDak -> ::Leaning back in his chair, finishing a note on a file. He frowned and looked back to the report rhae his desk.::

NDak -> +Pexil+ N'Dak to tr'Pexil.

Varlon -> @ :::hauling ass on the Teronix:::

KhreRiovtRex -> # ::Debating if she should contact him or not::

M_K_tKsa -> Contact station operation and request clearance for docking, Etre S'Bien

NDak -> ::N'Dak frowned, deeply. As if he didn't have enough to deal with, there was now this?::

tAehjae -> :: Steps off of the lift and onto the Oira::

Koga S'Bien -> Ie, rekkhai..

Koga S'Bien -> +Station OPS+ Talon to Station OPS. Requesting docking clearance, over.


Laehval tTemarr -> tr'Ditsy> ::Fingers flying, she was determined to get her latest project done before the deadline.::

tAehjae -> ::steps over to the Dheno station and look over Tac::

M_K_tKsa -> Who's bright idea is it to request stripes to be painted on the sides of the ship? ::Looking over the ISD and the departmental requests for repairs::

tAehjae -> ::looks over to her Stripes Rekkhai?

Koga S'Bien -> Station OPS> +Talon+ Au are cleared for docking, Talon.

KhreRiovtRex -> # :figures it would most likely be best na to bother him, and let him contact her if and when he might be free::

Koga S'Bien -> OOh, some fancy racing stripes? ::smirks::

Koga S'Bien -> We're cleared for docking.

tAehjae -> S'Bien? Was it au?

Koga S'Bien -> THe stripes? No, it wasn't.

KhreRiovtRex -> ((You better na be painting stripes on my ship!))

Lerak trPexil -> +N'Dak+ "Go ahead."

KhreRiovtRex -> (flames!)

Varlon -> ((A nice checker pattern would be cool too))

Koga S'Bien -> ((How about a nice spoiler, instead? :P ))

NDak -> +Pexil+ ::Rather coldly:: Report to my chambers at once.

Lerak trPexil -> (( NDak would only allow olive green flames ))

Lerak trPexil -> +N'Dak+ "On my way."

M_K_tKsa -> Na stripes. We're not the Lloann'na. ::watching him fly:: Take her in carefully. Let's not put any further holes into her than necessary.


Lerak trPexil -> :: drops what he is doing and heads to where N'Dak is, his chambers ::

Koga S'Bien -> Ie rekkhai. ::carefully eases Talon into the station::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Arrives at N'Dak's chamber door, chimes ::

tAehjae -> Rekkhai, I will keep Dhenos staff stationed at the docking hatch the entire time we are here.

NDak -> Enter.

Koga S'Bien -> ::deletes the request for striped paint, still wondering who requested it::

Lerak trPexil -> :: And does so :: "Jolan tru."

KhreRiovtRex -> # ::gets up and walks over to the console again, wanting to talk to him, to make sure everything was ok, She had been on Azgalor for almost 2 weeks now, and was only about a week from seeing him again. Yet.....niether of them had spoken further since the voyage had started...

Koga S'Bien -> ::aligns the Talon into its docking berth and slowly backs into its berth:: Docking complete.

NDak -> ::Looks up, taking in tr'Pexil. What a fool he was, he also noted that he did na go to vaed'rae::


NDak -> ::Standing, Destorie took an ISD in hand and moved from behind his desk towards tr'Pexil::

Demi t'Shia -> ::in the Dheno halls, monitoring folks as they come through, while she gets some of her past reports caught up on the local console::

tAehjae -> +Demi+ tAehjae to tShia

M_K_tKsa -> Menkha. ::nods sharply:: Let the department heads know that limited leave will be in effect. This is a repair station without much in the way of recreation, and any io 'in trouble' with the local authorities will be swiftly and strongly.

Demi t'Shia -> +tA+ Ie, Rekkhai?

Koga S'Bien -> Umbicals and support cables are now in place. Shall I extend moorings for disembarkation?

Lerak trPexil -> :: Stands at attention, somewhat relaxed, waiting for what N'Dak had in store ::

Koga S'Bien -> ::nods:: Ie, rekkhai.

M_K_tKsa -> Ie. ::nods:: I'll notify the repair team that we've arrived.

Varlon -> ((Sorry, NDak's store is out of stock.))

Lerak trPexil -> (( no capes? ))


KhreRiovtRex -> # ::sits down at the terminal, and runs a finger around the toggle, wanting to turn it on, but hesitant in case he were still angry with her::

NDak -> ::Hands him the ISD rather abruptly. It contained the report that tr'Pexil had sent to t'Rexan:: Authen. Did au send this?

tAehjae -> +Demi+ tShir, Au are to take first shift at the docking exit. Au will get Aus hange for leave later.

Lerak trPexil -> "Spying on my correspondence I see. Ie, it is mine."

NDak -> ::His tone was even, if a bit on edge. His dark eyes and stoic face.:: Spying?

Koga S'Bien -> +Department Heads+ Attention please, we have now docked at the Repair Station. Limited shoreleave is in effect. Please note that any trouble onboard the station will be dealt with severe reprecussions. Hany'yyo.

NDak -> This is a Galae vessel; all transmissions are subject to the review of the senior officer.

Lerak trPexil -> "It has been decrypted so I presume it was also read."

NDak -> Oh which, I am currently. So I am curious why au are reporting the status of ship the Khre'Riov who is not currently in command rhae the Talon.

NDak -> Of which*


KhreRiovtRex -> (cut and run!!)

KhreRiovtRex -> (stands up the cardboard cutout of Pexil in front of NDak)

Varlon -> (( Pexil Cardboard Cutout> It's not your ship. Aren’t you just babysitting it for now?))

NDak -> (( ::draws a mustache on the cut out:: ))

Demi t'Shia -> ((::runs through, ice water down PexilCardboard's back for revenge::))

KhreRiovtRex -> ((pins a cape on the cutout))


M_K_tKsa -> Oh they better behave. (m)I do have access to an electric chair. ::smirks, wonders if t'Ditsy is still helping to spread the rumors about its use::

Demi t'Shia -> +t'Aehjae+ Of course, Rekkhai, I will take care of the shift immediately.

M_K_tKsa -> ::sends word for the repair to team that they can begin their work::

KhreRiovtRex -> (Pexil is rebooting computer, will be back in a few)

Koga S'Bien -> I hope so too. There's not much places they can misbehave in, at least.

tAehjae -> My Dheno staff better behave or I will deal with them and they will na like the after effects

NDak -> ::In freeze frame till the camera cuts back to them::

Laehval tTemarr -> @ ::Laehval's legs trembled as she took one step and then another, supported by the devices wedged beneath her arms that kept her at a level height. Her hands tightened about the restraints and she gritted her jaw, forcing herself to take another shambling step. Sweat beaded her brow and stained the tunic she wore from the physical exertion.

Demi t'Shia -> ::leaves the Dheno, and heads to the docking area, taking a stance where she is to watch over those coming and going, making sure everything and everyone is recorded accurately::

KhreRiovtRex -> # ::pulls hand back, na having the courage to make the call::

Demi t'Shia -> ::the khaelfa was still rather quiet, but she figured the pace would pick up soon, as many people would take some sort of aeihmn soon::

Lerak trPexil -> (( ugh ))

M_K_tKsa -> Hann'yyo, I'll be in my office if au should need me, Etre S'Bien. ::nods::


Demi t'Shia -> ((I trust you'll be reading the *full* logs later, Pex))

Lerak trPexil -> (( Seems like it ))

Koga S'Bien -> ::Nods:: Ie, rekkhai.

Varlon -> ((:::takes down the Pexil cardboard cutout:::))

tAehjae -> ::nods to Ksa as she passes:: Au feeling better Rekkhai?

NDak -> ::Glances to Pexil, maintain a stoic, stone faced expression:: Of which, I am currently am -- as I am the commanding officer, rhae this vessel. Which is why I am curious why au are reporting the ships status, encoded na less, to the Khre'Riov, who unless I missed something, is na currently actively assigned as the Commanding Officer, rhae the Talon?

KhreRiovtRex -> # ::hates that she's become a coward, too afraid to call her own husband::

M_K_tKsa -> ::rather surprised to be asked, nods at t'Aehjae:: I am menkha, t'Aehjae, hann'yyo for asking.


NDak -> So perhaps, El'Riov, au would care to enlighten me why au have chosen to circumvent the chain of command, rhae this vessel?

Lerak trPexil -> "I gave no details and offered an apology for not leaping to her defense at the infamous science officer outburst."

NDak -> Really?

tAehjae -> I am glad ...I was a bit worried when Au were found

Lerak trPexil -> "I did not mean to circumvent the chain of command."

NDak -> I believe au gave her a report, rhae the status of this vessel.

NDak -> In fact... ::he took the report from his hands:: au even entitled it as such and the first graph is dedicated to such.

Lerak trPexil -> "It was a very small part.. and I presume your apology went through with na chain of command problem."

NDak -> ::Looks at him:: What?

Laehval tTemarr -> @ ::Though the medical staff had done an excellent job of rebuilding her unused muscles, it was taking considerable effort to learn how to move them again. Another shuffling step forward had her panting for breath, shaking as she quested to reach the far wall. Oblivious to others around her, her gaze and full concentration remained on the floor, forcing her feet to move inch by inch.::

tAehjae -> ::trying to stay on her menkah side::

M_K_tKsa -> ::rather uncomfortable about the whole scenario:: It was na.....pleasant, that is for sure. I appreciate au's concern, I have fully recovered. :: pausing:: Au have guards stationed at the entry to the ship do au na?

Lerak trPexil -> "There was no graph. Are au trying to trump up my correspondence?"

NDak -> ::Blinks:: Graph, it's short hand for paragraph.

tAehjae -> ::straightens up :: IE rekkhai, t’Shia is there now

Demi t'Shia -> ::right here, which is also known as there, monitoring everything going on around the docking area::

Lerak trPexil -> "I see. What shall au have me do?"

NDak -> ::Wonders exactly how long Pexil has spent near radioactive material.::


M_K_tKsa -> Menkha. In light of our recent issues, please make sure au verify the idenities of those coming or going from the ship and maintain a security presence in our more sensitive areas of the ship.

tAehjae -> IE Rekkhai

Lerak trPexil -> :: Wonders if his cape is too tight ::

tAehjae -> +Demi+ t’Ahejae to t’Shia

KhreRiovtRex -> # Oh fvadt, I have to talk to him eventually: reaches over and toggles the switch to contact the Teronix::

NDak -> I would have au refrain from such reports in the future as I would hate to mar au record with a report of insubordinate behavior, especially in light of my ... lenience in au behavior in the br'tehh.

Demi t'Shia -> +t'Aehjae+ Ie, Daise

tAehjae -> +Demi+ Do na forget to check the Identities of all going and coming to and from the station. I will patrol the sensative areas for now and we will change later


Demi t'Shia -> ((Didn't give them enough time to get out your cardboard, KhreRiov))

Lerak trPexil -> "That's generous of au. The coat of olive green paint looks good."

KhreRiovtRex -> (mine isn't cardboard, it's polyresin)

Demi t'Shia -> +t'Aehjae+ I have a mnekha eye on everyio coming through, Rekkhai. I will call aus if any are in question.

NDak -> ::There was little merth in his voice:: And as for au ... sincere apology to the Khre'Riov...

M_K_tKsa -> ::nods then as t'Aehjae contacts her department and heads then into the mostly vacant office of the XO::

Lerak trPexil -> ((puts away the hook and eye cutout from months gone by))

NDak -> I doubt that she'll remember it as genuine attempt to apologize.

KhreRiovtRex -> (should kick him for that)

Lerak trPexil -> (me?)

NDak -> murth even*

KhreRiovtRex -> (mirth)

NDak -> (( hit the wrong button, yes mirth ))

Demi t'Shia -> ::requests full identification from those passing through::

Lerak trPexil -> (All I ask is a tall ship and a spelling checker to sim by)

M_K_tKsa -> ((Can I have an "O" Vanna?))

Lerak trPexil -> "I have na idea what she will remember, or if she even remembers who I am."

M_K_tKsa -> ((ROFL Pexil!))

KhreRiovtRex -> # ::frowns, getting na response from the Teronix::

NDak -> "Oh, Hi. Sorry about that whole incident and not saying anything! By the way, where's Laehval?!?"

KhreRiovtRex -> # ::Perhaps he really did na wish to speak to her::

Lerak trPexil -> "Au must have intercepted my messages to t'Temarr no doubt."

NDak -> ::Walks past him and back to his desk::

NDak -> All communications are monitored, ie. However I refrain from reading pathetic love letters.

Lerak trPexil -> "Is it a crime to be concerned for someone I have worked many years with?"


NDak -> ::Rolls his eyes::

Koga S'Bien -> ::nice to know that N'Dak didn't read all the love letters he got from t'Ditsy and all the other girls on the ship::

Varlon -> @ Teronix Communications Officer> :::frowns and notifies Var’lon of the opened and closed channel:::

KhreRiovtRex ->(( ::that's cause they're leaving them on their way out in the morning, not by email: )

NDak -> Oh Pexil, I think we know that au concern with the fate of Laehval is a little more than that.

Demi t'Shia -> ::still checking all identifications, verifying them with the computer::

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::Her current project being a love letter to Koga. 'Oh Koga, how do I jol au? Let me count the ways. Io, to the very depth of aur muscles pectoral muscles...'::

M_K_tKsa -> ::dramatic sigh as she sinks down into the chair, then tries na to laugh at herself as she straightens up in the chair:: Well, let's hope the next leg of our journey is as quiet as this one steems to be.

NDak -> ::Shakes his head::


Varlon -> @ :::acknowledges the message and asks for a channel to be opened to the Azgalor and for it to be routed to his chambers:::

NDak -> I thought I would spare au, but apparently au will not cease until you find out what happened to au unrequited jol.

KhreRiovtRex -> # ::sits back and closes her eyes, how could she have disappointed him so much that he would na even take her call::

NDak -> ::With a flourish:: So, au want to know what happened to Laehval t'Temarr?

M_K_tKsa -> Nurse t'Amore>::also currently in engaged in writing a love letter to Koga....and speaking of engaged, spreading rumors that the re of them are to be bonded soon, just check out the (fake) rock on her finger!::

Varlon -> @ :::waiting for the request to be routed:::

Lerak trPexil -> "That is for au to decide on how much I can know."

NDak -> I asked au a question.

NDak -> Do au want to know?

NDak -> Apparently it’s important to au. I have received numerous requests from au on her status, and now you risk insubordination to ask the Khre'Riov. So I ask you plainly, do au want to know or do au not.

Lerak trPexil -> "Au think I can't handle the truth?"

Varlon -> ((The truth? You can't handle the truth!!))

Koga S'Bien -> (lol, I was gonna type the same thing!)

KhreRiovtRex -> # Azgalor Ops officer +Teronix+ Receiving au line, transferring it to the Khre'Riov's chambers h’nah

Varlon -> @ :::is glad they don't have cheesy "on hold" music while he waited:::

NDak -> That's abundantly clear. If au could, au would have realized years ago that a woman such as Laehval could never be interested in such weak veruul who follows her around like puppy.

Lerak trPexil -> "Au were shook up when I asked au in that cargo bay."

Laehval tTemarr -> @ ::By some miracle, she reached the end of the hall without collapsing, but as she turned, one foot caught on the other. Her arm banged hard against the wall and she gritted her teeth, biting back a yelp. Strong arms enveloped her to right her, supporting her weight so that she could recover.:: Hann'yyo. ::She said softly, leaning on her father.::

Lerak trPexil -> "Au have so much disdain for those under your command it is a wonder how you can maintain a command at all."

KhreRiovtRex -> # :::hears the terminal beep and looks up:: Reaches over and hits the accept button

Demi t'Shia -> ((::volunteers to NDak to come up and use her disruptor::))


M_K_tKsa -> tr'Aieme>::prowling the halls of Galae Medical in a rather dark mood::

NDak -> ::Glowers::

Lerak trPexil -> (Just a gentlemanly chat)

KhreRiovtRex -> # Rekkhai ::seeing Var'lon, and pushes herself up out of the chair to come to vaed'rae, as best she can::

Varlon -> @ :::watches the screen come to life as the communication is finally established::: My communications officer indicated we were receiving a message from au ship that seemed to cut off. Is everything alright?

NDak -> I would remind you to be cognizant of our respective ranks, El'Riov.

NDak -> ::Looks away for a moment, regaining his composure.:: But you want to know, then fine... she's laying half yy'a in a stasis chamber.

NDak -> She tried to kill herself.

KhreRiovtRex -> # Ie Rekkhai, I just wanted to report to au that the ship is progressing towards au well, with na flaws, but to also let au know, the Maenaks expect it to be na more than a week.

Lerak trPexil -> :: stood silent for some moments and swallows :: "I see."

KhreRiovtRex -> # My apologies if I have disturbed au Rekkhai.

NDak -> There. Is it as juicy as you'd hoped?Lerak trPexil -> "That would explain no response. I figured something happened out of the ordinary, but na that."NDak -> Well now au know.Varlon -> @ A week? While I'm certainly excited for you... for both of us... I hope we're able to meet in time.NDak -> I would prefer au na speak of this to au disheren.Lerak trPexil -> "For that at least I thank au."Varlon -> @ How are you holding up?Lerak trPexil -> "Certainly na."KhreRiovtRex -> # Ie Rekkhai, I will do my best na to ruin the event for au.M_K_tKsa -> ::exhales heavily, then sets to work on the mess of paperwork that has been sent in her direction::KhreRiovtRex -> # I am.....physically well Rekkhai.Demi t'Shia -> ::activity starts building up on the khaelfa area, but t'Shia keeps up with checking all ID's and cargo, including scanning suit cases and other luggage, though nicer than the lloann'na who remove shoes::Lerak trPexil -> :: still a bit shaken, shocked, but trying to maintain ::Laehval tTemarr -> @ I can go na further. ::On the verge of exhaustion, she was becoming cranky and petulant. She sighed with relief as he helped her to sit and claimed the seat beside her.:: NDak -> H'nah, we have docked and au will have many duties to attend to. KhreRiovtRex -> ((Five Minutes))Varlon -> @ :::sighs::: I'm sorry about earlier... it was very difficult for me to hear about you being attacked like that with me being so far away and not able to do anything about it. Can I have my wife back?Varlon -> @ :::pauses::: Please? NDak -> I expect the ship to be in perfect operating order when we return to the homeworld.NDak -> Whatever I may think of you on a personal level... au have served well during this tour of duty and I expect that to continue.KhreRiovtRex -> # ::raises her eyes to look at the screen:: I would like that, as well.Lerak trPexil -> "That is my intent. Do au wish a complete repair manifest sent to your office?"NDak -> ::Waves a hand:: I trust in the crew to do their jobs.Varlon -> @ Good. So the doctor is saying just a week? Did they say why they're expecting it so soon? I thought it was going to be a few more weeks at least.Lerak trPexil -> "As to that any animosity the crew felt toward au has all but disappeared."Lerak trPexil -> "Ie."tAehjae -> ((AFK BRB))NDak -> I doubt that, but I care little for what the crew thinks of me as a person and care only that the perform their duties as I ask them. M_K_tKsa -> ((speak for yourself, Pexil, t'Ksa's still pretty pissy))Varlon -> ((What else is new there though??))NDak -> ::He almost meant that.::NDak -> ::Or at least he told himself that.::Lerak trPexil -> (There's one happy engineer that cleans the manifolds that is pretty happy with N'Dak)KhreRiovtRex -> # Well, it's been 2 weeks already, they had said 3-4 at the most, but with all the stress and being aboard ship, they’ve refined it to approximately 7-10 days. Azgalor Ops tells me that we're approximately 7-8 days out from au. KhreRiovtRex -> (2 MINUTE WARNING) Varlon -> @ We're pressing it on our side as well. Though I'm confident in the crew's ability to bring us back together.M_K_tKsa -> ::mutters under her breath about this role being more punishment than a privilege, fighting the urge to return to medical after these long five weeks::Lerak trPexil -> "My intent is to make the Talon look like it did when we left."M_K_tKsa -> ::and every so often regrets that she didn't take tr'Valdrin up on his offer::NDak -> Then see to it, El'Riov.Lerak trPexil -> "Permission to take my leave?"NDak -> ::Waves a hand dismissively:: M_K_tKsa -> What in the Elements? ::looking over the personnel requests coming out of her own department::Lerak trPexil -> :: Bows and exits his chambers ::Lerak trPexil -> :: Stands a moment, then moves to the nearest lift ::Demi t'Shia -> ::pauses at io individual, who was transporting some rihan ale, claiming it was a demhos for some high ranked official, but Demi confiscates it, because it is not on the list, and sends them on their way::NDak -> ::Sighs:: Elements sake.KhreRiovtRex -> # We've been apart for too longVarlon -> @ It's been far too long. But the wait is just about over. Soon the tr'Vatrix family will be reunited. Lerak trPexil -> (drink)NDak -> ::Wonders if perhaps he was a bit harsh on tr'Pexil::KhreRiovtRex -> (that's allowed on a Rihan ship, just not lloann'a ships)Laehval tTemarr -> % Au have pushed yourself hard enough for io day, Laehval. ::He kept his arm around her, holding her close and bending to kiss the top of her head.:: Au are doing so well and better every day.KhreRiovtRex -> (she'll have you all drinking Shirley Temples)Lerak trPexil -> +Ditsy+ "Pexil to Ditsy. We have work to do."NDak -> ::After a brief moment, he exited onto the Oira::NDak -> Status report?Demi t'Shia -> ::plans to check with her daise, but if no one wants it, she'll remove it right to her own quarters::KhreRiovtRex -> # I just want to hold au again...Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::Busy having a love-letter write off:: +Pexil+ Ie?Demi t'Shia -> ((Gotta take *something* away from these folks!)M_K_tKsa -> ((How about human vodak?))M_K_tKsa -> ((made from real humans))Koga S'Bien -> We've docked at the repair station and crews are working on repairs. Some of the crew have taken their leave. t'Ksa went to her Office.Lerak trPexil -> +Ditsy+ "N'Dak is demanding Borg perfection in our repairs. This may na be a rest station as one may have hoped."Lerak trPexil -> (Soilent Vodka)Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::Bites down on her lower lip as she ponders her last sentence, wondering if 'I want to bounce small round metal objects that look like ancient human money off your firm buttocks' was coming on a little too strong.:: KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIMKhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIMKhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM Demi t'Shia -> ::paused::KhreRiovtRex -> AND on that note.....wowNDak -> lolololKhreRiovtRex -> Ok....in addition to the song votes......Varlon -> Whoa...KhreRiovtRex -> There will be one "Get out of Peril" card awarded, for the best "female crew love letter written to Koga, by any female npc you create on aboard, or the stationKhreRiovtRex -> WITHIN REASONNDak -> ::snickers::Lerak trPexil -> I can write a love letter.KhreRiovtRex -> Ok....let's be fair...it can be male tooVarlon -> damn.... NDak -> Issaha....Lerak trPexil -> But as a female.. obviouslyNDak -> ::cackles::KhreRiovtRex -> no, men might love koga too, he's almost as pretty as trValdrinKhreRiovtRex -> All entries to be posted by next TuesdayLerak trPexil -> My letters are intercepted, so I'm not sure what I can write. :)M_K_tKsa -> ::rubs her hands together::Varlon -> Pretty.. oh so pretty and witty....KhreRiovtRex -> And.....so the song for Pexil is officially....Yakity Sax!Koga S'Bien -> lolKoga S'Bien -> He is :DKoga S'Bien -> rofl.Koga S'Bien -> Repair progress is going smoothly.Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused::KhreRiovtRex -> Be sure to remember to vote for t'ShiaDemi t'Shia -> Oh my goodness! ::blush::Laehval tTemarr -> I voted!Lerak trPexil -> I plan to place these songs in a Spotify playlist once we have finished.NDak -> I voted!Lerak trPexil -> I thought t'Shia was easy to vote for. :)Demi t'Shia -> Ie, all 4 of you voted the same way it seems.KhreRiovtRex -> Anyway, if you have to go, you're dismissedDemi t'Shia -> Clearly, NONE of you know me.Demi t'Shia -> ((::goes in search of her t'herapis't::))Lerak trPexil -> You seem paranoid or somethingNDak -> Though I think I voted on the wrong name.KhreRiovtRex -> Next up....tAKhreRiovtRex -> I'll post it up soonLaehval tTemarr -> You can look, but you can't touch I don't think I like you much Laehval tTemarr -> I think that sums up Demi.Demi t'Shia -> ::smirks::tAehjae -> UT OH I come back to seeing t’Rexan saying my nameM_K_tKsa -> Okay guys, I gotta go. I'm turning into a pumpkin. See you all next week :)KhreRiovtRex -> your song nextDemi t'Shia -> Ie, Rekkhai... you get the song this weektAehjae -> ahhM_K_tKsa -> Night all :)Lerak trPexil -> My choice for Shia had lyrics that worked well, though you can't hear them as well. NDak -> Still said I didn't get "Be Prepared"NDak -> :/NDak -> sad evenNDak -> lordLaehval tTemarr -> I know how much you love that song.Laehval tTemarr -> And sing it in the shower.NDak -> I do.Laehval tTemarr -> Sen-SA-tional news!KhreRiovtRex -> We will do a round of song revisions after we hit everyone up firstNDak -> "For what?"NDak -> "For the death of the Khre'Riov"NDak -> "Why is she sick?"NDak -> "No fools, we're going to kill her... and Varlon too..."KhreRiovtRex -> ::swats::Laehval tTemarr -> ROFLNDak -> Alternately...NDak -> His sister gets it.Laehval tTemarr -> No Khre'Riov, No Khre'Riova, la la la la la laKhreRiovtRex -> roflNDak -> "yes my brow ridges and ambitions are bared...."Laehval tTemarr -> Well, I'm off to bed. Night all. Demi t'Shia -> Night allKhreRiovtRex -> night !NDak -> PM t'RexKhreRiovtRex -> Just a heads up to those that don't know, I'll be having some shoulder surgery in two weeks, luckily with no sim on Thanksgiving I get almost a week off before Republic and 10 days before I have to do Talon again. I'll be typing one handed for a bit so will need you all to bear with me for a bit if I'm slow to respond or answerLerak trPexil -> Needs to ask Rex only yes or no questions.KhreRiovtRex -> ndak and Pexil, loved the interaction tonight...all we needed was for you two to give each other a hug or something to make it complete!NDak -> LOLNDak -> gross hugsKhreRiovtRex -> fisticuffs then?NDak -> lolNDak -> I would take Destorie in a fist fight.Lerak trPexil -> :: Hugs N'Dak, then whispers into his ear :: "I have to have the name of your cape tailor."Lerak trPexil -> So the log contest it to write Koga a love letter?

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