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USS REPUBLIC 20TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION! (Thank you to all of you that came and sent the kind notes!)



Capt Rian Kwai -> Hiya Ender

VAdm Ender -> Hey Blu

STSF_BluRox -> ::hugs:: You're awesome!

Heather Jamieson -> Hello all

STSF_BluRox -> See, all is right with the world...Ender's here!

VAdm Ender -> Sick as a dog, so I won't last too long, but I couldn't miss it.

VAdm Ender -> Hey Captain

Capt Rian Kwai -> Awh Sowwy you're sick

STSF_BluRox -> Awww, don't stay too long then! But yea, you're important to this party. Though, some of them might want to lynch you since you were one of the foursome that actually promoted me that night and got me on Repbulic...lol

Capt Rian Kwai -> Muahahaah

STSF_BluRox -> JT said he's going to try to make it too

VAdm Ender -> Or you'll get me for getting you stuck doing this.

STSF_BluRox -> I think I bought the last round of beers, next round is on you. You need to come to Shoreleave one of these next trips. Think we're doing Vegas this year.


STSF_BluRox -> Or, better yet, those lovely children of yours are getting older and sleep now, you should come back to sim with us!

VAdm Ender -> I got a client in Vegas now. You'll have to let me know when you're going.

Capt Rian Kwai -> Shameless plot.

STSF_BluRox -> I'll ask Atragon, we're ruining his son that weekend when he turns 21

VAdm Ender -> His little boy is turning 21? I'm getting old.

STSF_BluRox -> Probably July, Webbie will be going too, he's going to be here tonight too

Apollo -> So glad I am staying with my sister and not the hotel with you all.

Capt Rian Kwai -> ROFL

STSF_BluRox -> :::pounces on Carter!::

Andy Carter -> Hey there!

Capt Rian Kwai -> Oh look who's here. Come to claim the blob?

STSF_BluRox -> That or feed someone to it

Andy Carter -> I heard about how well its been treated since I've been gone!

STSF_BluRox -> It's huge!

Capt Rian Kwai -> It's not that big.

Capt Rian Kwai -> Only the size of a small house.

STSF_BluRox -> CJ!!

Capt Rian Kwai -> Oh my. It's like the old folks have come home.

CJ Jacobs -> Good evening!

STSF_BluRox -> Now we're good!! We even got Fred here!

merina -> ::sneeks up behind fred::

STSF_BluRox -> Welcome Fred, you brining your sister along as well?

VAdm Ender -> KBear!

FredM -> Hu? What? I just heard there was cake.

STSF_KBear -> ENDER!!!!!

VAdm Ender -> Hey Fred

FredM -> Aren't you dead?


STSF_KBear -> great seeing ya again

FredM -> :)

STSF_KBear -> Been a long time

STSF_BluRox -> You know you all need to come back and start playing again, right?

Capt Rian Kwai -> Got sooooo many red pegs now.

merina -> I thought cake was a lie

STSF_KBear -> If work would cooperate I would

Capt Rian Kwai -> This might test the capacity of a room tonight

Webmaster -> Wow... who let Ender in here? :D

STSF_KBear -> Hi Webby

Webmaster -> Hello. :)

STSF_BluRox -> Jolan Tru Arrain t'Mirok

Apollo -> I feel like I should be wearing a red peg.

STSF_BluRox -> Webby

Arrain Ael tMirok -> Jolan tru, I came to see the Lloann'na celebration.

STSF_BluRox -> !Hi there Chirakis, glad you could join us

Chirakis -> Greetings, Admiral BluRox, and congratulations on the 20th Anniversary.

NDak -> Jolan tru.

LtCmdrRobinson -> hi kids

FredM -> I am sad to say I am no longer a kid.

Capt Rian Kwai -> You're not a kiddlet?

Andy Carter -> I did not realize the Romulans were invading as well


FredM -> Can you be a kiddlet and have a house payment?

NDak -> Observing.

FredM -> Who are you kidding N'Dak. Romulans never observe, they just....you know "observe"

LtCmdrKresh -> Hey, you slackers have food here?

Arrain Ael tMirok -> The Khre'Riov did say that NPC's could come, ie?

STSF_BluRox -> ::motions for crew to set it out!

Capt Rian Kwai -> Heya Kasuga

Ayumu Kasuga -> Howdy

NDak -> Monitoring for treaty abuses, t'Fred

STSF_BluRox -> omg, Kresh!

LtCmdrKresh -> Yo!

LtCmdrKresh -> oh god....who let Fred in?

STSF_KBear -> Hi Kresh

FredM -> From my memory, Republic has always been a giant abuse....treaty or not.

STSF_BluRox -> Jolan Tru Varlon

FredM -> I have keys....::jingle, jingle::

Capt Rian Kwai -> C'mon now. We're not that bad. We've only been banned from a handful of planets.

NDak -> Including Risa!

KhreRiovtRex -> Elev..

FredM -> As long as they don't start trying to provide the galaxy with toast again.

Andy Carter -> Wow... the Romulans really are trying to take over.

Chirakis -> You mean they have not already?


Capt Rian Kwai -> Risa is kinda boring anyway. All that resort style living

Ayumu Kasuga -> I can get used to that

STSF_BluRox -> Wow, We appreciate you all stopping by, as you all have been a major part of keeping this sim going over the years!! Even those that are just visiting, as you work our academies, getting us fresh ensigns and letting us joint sim with ya'll

Jameson Bardolph -> All right...the party can start now.

FredM -> The Romulans are just mutant Christmas Elves.

Jameson Bardolph -> Evening, all...

LtCmdrRobinson -> you mean fresh victims, boss

Arrain Ael tMirok -> Hey! :;stomps her foot:: I resemble that remark.

STSF_BluRox -> Oh, on a quick note....Tisa Sen, will not be able to be with us tonight, as her son just had to to in the hospital for an appendectomy this evening

NDak -> Mmmhmm

Ayumu Kasuga -> Ensigns, Victims.. it

Jameson Bardolph -> yikes

Ayumu Kasuga -> s all relative

STSF_KBear -> yikes

Heather Jamieson -> Oh

TKAR -> happy anniversary everyone

FredM -> Son was abducted on my what?

Chirakis -> ::chuckles under her breath::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::smirks::

merina -> ::smirks::

TKAR -> hi fred

CJ Jacobs -> :-)

FredM -> Evening T'Kar.


STSF_KBear -> CJ long time no see

merina -> ::sighs::

STSF_BluRox -> Thank you for stopping by Tkar

merina -> hello everyone

TKAR -> cj wow -i,m honored that you ask me to come.

STSF_KBear -> hi Merina

STSF_BluRox -> hello Merina

FredM -> Phone...who could be bothering me at this hour.

Ayumu Kasuga -> Hey guys

Capt Rian Kwai -> Happy Anniversary guys

Cmdr JFarrington -> WHOA...

Cmdr JFarrington -> Talk about a group.

STSF_BluRox -> Welcome Back Ender

Capt Rian Kwai -> Poor Ender, he got bounced.

STSF_BluRox -> Greetings Commander Farrington

VAdm Ender -> It kicked me out.

FredM -> Ah yes, there we go. That's who annoying me.

STSF_KBear -> wow the rooms flooding

Apollo -> Its getting deep in here.

TKAR -> lets party


Admiral Atragon-9 -> ::elbows his way in:: Dang!

Jameson Bardolph -> lol

STSF_BluRox -> So much red

STSF_KBear -> LOL Apollo

Jameson Bardolph -> Hell of a pileup tonight...

FredM -> A9, your seat is the white one that looks like a toilet.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Goodness, what a great convocation. Folks I've not seen for a LONG time.

Capt Rian Kwai -> We're getting a bit red peg heavy. LOL

Apollo -> MooseQ

STSF_Nickles -> Congrats to the USS Republic on 20 years of simming

STSF_BluRox -> Wow!! Moose and Annie, you guys are awesome..thank you so very much for coming by!

merina -> ::fears the brass::

VAdm Ender -> Hey A9

Cptn Moose -> HOla Gentlebeings

Cmdr JFarrington -> I'd say that, Kwai.

Sovak -> Wow! All this brass is almost blinding.

Webmaster -> Here... I'll hide myself.

STSF_KBear -> ANNIE!!!

Capt Rian Kwai -> I know!

STSF Seiben -> Hola, Moose ad everyone else

STSF_KBear -> MOOSE!!!

NDak -> Moose is... almost on time too!


annie stewart -> Hi Cindy!

Cptn Moose -> More brass than an overcrowded Bennigans

Sys. Message] Webmaster -> OK. Webmaster is hidden, but ya'll are still being watched.

STSF_KBear -> So many that I have not seen in a while

FredM -> Behold, the sister that I never knew...or wish I hadn't....they have toast.

LtCmdrRobinson -> all these reds, it would be a bad time for someone with a grenade fetish to let loose.

TKAR -> pary party party

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::cowers:::

Cmdr JFarrington -> The watcher iz watchin.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Holds Will back::

STSF_BluRox -> For those of you that have not met our Admiral Ender Wiggiins...please say hello

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::looks around for that voice in the clouds::

Jameson Bardolph -> Ah, come on, chief...my head only just healed from the last time.

Chirakis -> Well met, Admiral.

Jameson Bardolph -> Hello to all of those I don't know.

STSF Borgette -> Greetings Admiral Ender Wiggiins

Jameson Bardolph -> (and to those I do)

Cmdr JFarrington -> Ender?

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::pages down:::

FredM -> Yeah, Ender. Go down.

VAdm Ender -> Hello all!

merina -> hello Admiral Wiggiins


STSF_KBear -> That admiral used to be my CENG when I first started

FredM -> See, there under the "V" section of the seating chart.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ENDER! Hi there.

STSF_KBear -> simmin

VAdm Ender -> Blu tugged at my heart strings.

annie stewart -> Now there's a name from the past

Vilanne -> I'm in the V's!

Capt Rian Kwai -> Awwwwh

annie stewart -> Hey there Ender!

annie stewart -> Long time no see.

STSF_BluRox -> it was a fateful day when I went to 2 academies one night. I graduated in the first by Ender and JT, but then Fish and Efex wanted to graduate me too, and see if they could beat the other two to posting who caught me, so they did as well ....I owe a lot of this to him

VAdm Ender -> Hey Annie

TKAR -> :;Brings over vulcan and and klingon wines,this tis from starfleet a gift::

FredM -> Okay, this really is starting to look like a SFOL AA meeting.

STSF Seiben -> ::breaks out the booze::

STSF_BluRox -> Annie there, she started with me on the Republic at the same time as well...and put up with me for many many logs!

STSF_BluRox -> She also hid the first still on the Republic

annie stewart -> Those were the good old days.

STSF_KBear -> Efex G make it??oing to


Vilanne -> LOL Fred!

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Hi, my name is Atragon and I have been simming for 17 years

VAdm Ender -> Ah, I loved the still.

Capt Rian Kwai -> Too bad that ship has been replaced.

STSF_BluRox -> Sadly, lost his log in info

STSF_BluRox -> ::hugs Atragon:: I was getting to you hon!

Webmaster -> That can be fixed.

LtCmdrRobinson -> Hi my name is Will, and I have been trying to kill Blurox for 11 years.

annie stewart -> Yeah, the still. ::sighs::

STSF_KBear -> Rats

Capt Rian Kwai -> ROFLMAO Will!

STSF_BluRox -> And we're still here, cause of Atragon

FredM -> "Hi, my name is Fred, and I have been simming for 16 years."

Andy Carter -> That either says really good things about Blu or how bad of a shot Will really is...

Admiral Atragon-9 -> yes

STSF_BluRox -> And...Yes, Will tries to kill me all the time. I think he's shot me more than any of our enemies at least

annie stewart -> I remember the day BluRox joined Republic. Does that count?

August Jax Robinson -> ::Snickers at Will::

STSF_BluRox -> I think she was saying, oh crap….who’s the cat?

STSF Seiben -> I feel like a newb. I 've been driving the ship thru wormholes at warp for only 8 years

Cptn Moose -> I just started last week. You people are too old for me

LtCmdrRobinson -> That makes you old, Annie


FredM -> Moosey, don't be mean. See, I even brought you chocolates.

NDak -> Hi, my name is N'Dak/Apollo and I have been simming for 8 years. Thanks to Blu for graduating me and putting up with me all these years.

annie stewart -> And seeing all of these folks makes me feel OLD.

FredM -> Hey, don't call my sister old!

STSF_KBear -> LOL Moose

annie stewart -> You're old too, Fred.

CJ Jacobs -> You reach a certain age, and it just starts over.

Sovak -> I started 17 years ago, too. I was only 4 at the time.

FredM -> Nevermind, call her whatever you want.

Cmdr JFarrington -> Me, too, Sovak.

Cmdr JFarrington -> You mean I'm older than FRED?

Chirakis -> ::eyebrow:::

FredM -> Sovak, you were Taj Roka?

Capt Rian Kwai -> My name is Kwai and I've been tort---errr....simming for 13 years.

TKAR -> Not going there miss you sovak

STSF Seiben ->

Admiral Atragon-9 -> he still is

FredM -> Ah....

Capt Rian Kwai -> Bzzzz

STSF_BluRox -> Moose, made the tips that have helped all of our new cadets over the years


STSF_BluRox -> Sovak gets younger every day

Capt Rian Kwai -> Yes, yes he did. And they are awesome

Vilanne -> My name is Vilanne / formerlly OGF Mari, and if you know what OGF means, you know roughly how many sim addictions I've had... cuz I don't remember.

NDak -> And put up with me on Arcadia

LtCmdrKresh -> Fred's not old, Fred's just grouchy

Ayumu Kasuga -> Yes, quite awesome.

STSF_KBear -> Kania Kawalas and I started on the Republic 13 years ago

TKAR -> moose is a great help

Ayumu Kasuga -> And me as well.. I remember Arcadia

FredM -> OGF? Who dares to use that name?

Capt Rian Kwai -> Oh geeze, gotta love those OGF

annie stewart -> True Kresh....very true.

STSF_KBear -> lol

annie stewart -> OG whats? D

VAdm Ender -> I remember hosting before they made us use OGF

Heather Jamieson -> "My name is Heather or better known as Pexil or if you can remember Lt Cmdr Pixel on the USS Federation, SFOL. I've been simming for 19 years."

Vilanne -> Sorry to swear at you Fred

Jameson Bardolph -> ::is feeling very n00bish right now::

STSF_LoAmi -> :: sings :: You make me feel so young... (9 years)

STSF_BluRox -> Now....you all know you want to come back and play some time, even if it's just for a night as an SGV needing to torture some of our players...


LtCmdrRobinson -> Just right now, barcode? I thought that was a 24/7 thing

Vilanne -> LOL Yeah, ain't dat da truth!

Capt Rian Kwai -> ROFLMAO

TKAR -> memories


Sovak -> Me too, Ender. Back when they paid us in free time.

annie stewart -> Oh heavens....I sure don't miss all those letters.

FredM -> Remember the TOS

Jameson Bardolph -> Will> Ouch.

FredM -> And smile from the hands up!

annie stewart -> I always had to pay. Never got free time.

Vilanne -> I got a TOS once

VAdm Ender -> I remember simming on a 9600 baud modem. Ah, the good old days.

STSF_BluRox -> (::nudges Pexil:: 14 years)

Cptn Moose -> I started simming with AOL Ver 1.3

Cmdr JFarrington -> TOSA. Cool dudes.

Vilanne -> Ender! LOL

annie stewart -> I remember 2400 baud.

FredM -> I think I remember 1.3

Varlon -> What's funny is I remember all of the AOL drama so well back then.... now I actually work across the street from AOL in VA.

annie stewart -> And we thought we were cool.

TKAR -> mee to moose

Cmdr JFarrington -> Wow. I started on 1.5.

VAdm Ender -> AOL for DOS was fun.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> We all collected the AOL diskettes that they shoved into magazine bags

Ayumu Kasuga -> AOl is still around?

STSF_BluRox -> I gave Laura my AOL Ver 1.1 floppy at one of my crab dinners


FredM -> We were cool sis because we got a 14.4 modem before all of these other people. We were FAST.

Vilanne -> They still own their AOL Building?

Webmaster -> It's now "Aol" instead of "AOL"

Capt Rian Kwai -> I remember the days when I had to try to get into a chatroom about 45 minutes before the sim if I wanted to be in the Academy. And even then it was a crapshoot.

Sovak -> Indeed Annie, I remberupgrading to 9600 baud and thinking we were flying!

Cptn Moose -> I still have a set of AOL coasters that Huff made me out of AOL disks

Webmaster -> They only own 2 of their buildings now.

Heather Jamieson -> Well, started USS Federation late 1992

STSF_BluRox -> Please join me in congratulating the crew of the USS Republic as they embark on their 20th season of online Star Trek simming. We are officially one of the longest running online text-based Star Trek Role Playing Sims out there, playing online since 1991

Varlon -> Raytheon bought most of the buildings.

Chirakis -> ::relaxing, enjoying the stories of the elders in the good old days:::

Ayumu Kasuga -> Woot. Happy Anniversary!

STSF_BluRox -> The USS Republic Sim began in November 1991 on a small university server, under the command of Captain Kruge. The ship them moved through a short interlude with Netscape and then shortly after that, the ship was moved over to play on the America Online service, where it played under the auspices of StarFleet Online, later renamed SpaceFleet Online due to various legal issues that arose. Bouncing around the AOL forums with our hosts having to sport many different titles over the years, and I know many of our past and present crewmembers wore many of these names, you often saw us with the prefix of OGF, Host OGF, Host PCG, Host Games, Guide, and many more, but through it all, we remained the same.

annie stewart -> Good grief, Blu. You guys really are old.

FredM -> Is it really 1991? Do you have any EVIDENCE?


Karl A. Schultz -> :: clasps:: hoooray for Republic :: clasps::

Vilanne -> Yes, forget Aoh... Go Republic!

WxMurray -> ::confetti, blow tickler::

STSF_BluRox -> Following in the footsteps of Captain Kruge, The Republic has also been commanded by Captain Kraf, Admiral Erinna Morgyn, Captain Fish Vir, Captain Jael, Captain Kilgore, Vice-Admiral Ender and Rear Admiral BluRox.

Cmdr JFarrington -> ::blown over:::

FredM -> Morgyn...ah, there's a name. Fish....poor fish.

TKAR -> you make me feel old

annie stewart -> Whatever happened to Morgyn.

FredM -> Budget cuts

Cptn Moose -> And why do they call you the Read Admiral :: he says out of the side of his mouth :: ;-)

annie stewart -> Fred, you are so irreverant.

Jameson Bardolph -> ::applause::

Vilanne -> Adm Fish! LOL

Cptn Moose -> er... rear

STSF Seiben -> ::golf claps::

FredM -> Well, remember when A9 was in that water tube trying to sit on the Admiral's lap?

Vilanne -> Wow... memories

STSF_BluRox -> Cause Richard never promoted me any higher!

Cptn Moose -> I remember A0 when he was only 4.5

FredM -> Pre or post beta?

Cptn Moose -> lord, I can't type to save my life


STSF_BluRox -> In 2002, the USS Republic-D, a Galaxy-class ship serving as a flag vessel for Rear Admiral Errrika BluRox and Commander Kawalas, moved to the Star Trek Simulation Forum. The Republic, part of the founding of STSF, had to delay making the physical initial jump to STSF from SFOL, due to room limitations as we shared a time slot with the USS Manticore, commanded by our current Fleet Admiral Atragon, but at the time, we only had the one chat room, so many of the crew would participate in the new STSF Monday Academy (run by BluRox and Kbear) as a warm-up to the Republic sim, then pop back over to our old room to play, in that other forum. Once a second room was built, (many thanks to our ever amazing Webmaster for �making it so�) the move was completed, and our voyages continue here to this day. Thanks Webbie, we love ya!

STSF Seiben -> Kbearitis got to Moose too!

STSF Seiben -> Lol

FredM -> For crying out loud, with macros like that, it makes the rest of us look bad! Someone kick her!

STSF_BluRox -> I know I've sat on my share of Admiral's laps! Even showered with one....well, ok, the whole crew showered with him, and we have pictures!

STSF_KBear -> BRB AFK JUst got a call from Security that I have alarm going off

Chirakis -> ::chuckle:::

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Current Fleet Admiral?

FredM -> With all these red dots in here, can't someone do something?!?

Capt Rian Kwai -> Muahahaha

Webmaster -> :)

merina -> ::raises hand:: I can fred

Capt Rian Kwai -> She's a silver dot. I can't

WxMurray -> Red dots = red tape?


Vilanne -> Yeah Webbie

merina -> noooo... wait

annie stewart -> Good to see you again, A9. Glad to know you're keeping this crowd in line.

Webmaster -> There are rumors of sharing a bed with one too

LtCmdrRobinson -> Blu is silver now, cause she is so old

FredM -> Murray, T-Rex is hungry. Remember that.

STSF Seiben -> I can't even kick other red dots

Chirakis -> Red is expendable.

STSF_BluRox -> I'm special..I'm silver tonight!

WxMurray -> You're all redshirts!

Admiral Atragon-9 -> It's not really a line with this bunch, Annie

Capt Rian Kwai -> Daaaaaaaaang. I want a green shirt then.

STSF_BluRox -> I"m going to buy a new set of dice....just for Will

Cmdr JFarrington -> 'Rakis. For shame.

FredM -> Ann, A9 doesn't keep anyone in line. He just gives me weird looks.

Arrain Ael tMirok -> Lloann'na are so weird.

LtCmdrRobinson -> love you, boss

Admiral Atragon-9 -> but you're welcome, it's been fun (except for Fred!)

Webmaster -> We've got pictures to prove it too


annie stewart -> That's because you're weird.

STSF_BluRox -> Ann, when you going to come back? We need you in medical

FredM -> Wonderful. And I passed the invite on to you why?

annie stewart -> Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies.

Chirakis -> Republic, once more Congratulations. I must be moving along.

Cptn Moose -> Blu, my son looked at me the other day and asked, "Why do we have all these weird dice?"

STSF_BluRox -> Rofl!

NDak -> LOL

STSF Seiben -> lol

Capt Rian Kwai -> LOL

WxMurray -> lol

STSF_BluRox -> Thanks Chirakis

Andy Carter -> Oh my

August Jax Robinson -> because we need to know who lives and dies

August Jax Robinson -> duh

Admiral Atragon-9 -> they aren't weird, they are wonderful!

Andy Carter -> And who gets knocked up?

WxMurray -> The dice rule the world!

August Jax Robinson -> or gets knocked up :\

Cmdr JFarrington -> Only pawns in the game of... non-life.

NDak -> Well Jax

Cmdr JFarrington -> Excuse me?


NDak -> If you would learn to use protection...

LtCmdrRobinson -> we already know who is getting knocked up. its always August.

STSF_BluRox -> I gave her those dice so I couldn't do that again

Jameson Bardolph -> lol

August Jax Robinson -> what fun is that

STSF_BluRox -> Most recently, we moved onto the new USS Republic NCC-1371-E, a nice new modified Sovereign-class vessel, with the crew all having a hand in the unique naming of our shuttles. Currently under the joint command of Rear Admiral Errika BluRox and Captain Rian Kwai, we look forward to embarking into our third decade of simming together. Many of our crew have been steady players on the ship for over 15 years, (and they still come back! Lol).

Vilanne -> ::wonders if this room will blow up with 36 peops in it::

WxMurray -> Use protection. Practice safe...rolling?

FredM -> ROFL

STSF_KBear -> Back For some reason Im the first on the call list of the alarm sounds. from the security company.. Im only an assistant manager.

Webmaster -> Now Blu is using a D20 with her needing to roll a 19-20 to NOT be pregnant.

NDak -> LOL

STSF_BluRox -> To our crew and the many others that have served aboard the Republic over the years, joined us in one of the many joint sim plots that we have had the pleasure to have run with the other fine ships in the forum, and those that have played that ever so special �Special Guest Villian/Visitor/Victim� your continued dedication to the ship and our simming community as a whole, is what has made it what it is, and your perseverance is what still keeps us going to this day.


Ayumu Kasuga -> lol

Webmaster -> On a 1, it's triplets, and on a 2 it's twins

STSF_BluRox -> You guys are the best and we thank each and every one of you. We could not have done this without You

August Jax Robinson -> you are forgetting the Clone

FredM -> I have never been a special guest villian. I've just been the annoying guy on the side throwing popcorn on the set.

Cptn Moose -> Wasn't the Sovereign-class invented back in 1999?

FredM -> Yes, but for them it is new. Remember Moose, they just got cable last week.

LtCmdrRobinson -> hey its new to us

LtCmdrRobinson -> both of you are on my list now

STSF_BluRox -> We’ve been riding around in Ender’s ship since he left, this was our first replacement in the last 13 years.

Arrain Ael tMirok -> ::arches an eyebrow::

STSF_BluRox -> Moose....Vegas...next summer

STSF_BluRox -> Atragon...what week?

Capt Rian Kwai -> Sometimes things come back in style, yano?

Cptn Moose -> You know I'm always up for Vegas

Admiral Atragon-9 -> not sure yet, sorry

Vilanne -> We are all here to be your SGV's tonight!

Capt Rian Kwai -> At least it wasn't the flying waffle

Admiral Atragon-9 -> no no, you throw the popcorn into the warp core

FredM -> Yes, tonight, all GMs are SGVS. We invade, take over, and turn the Republic into a Wal-Mart.

Vilanne -> Tee hee hee Fred

August Jax Robinson -> niiice


Sovak -> Spandex for everyone!

STSF Seiben -> Sweet

August Jax Robinson -> aim for the ball pit

NDak -> Hey, I tried my best to strand them forever.

Vilanne -> Ewww Sovak! Please do a weight check first.

TKAR -> lets party

STSF_BluRox -> Well, at least nobody brought any ducks here tonight...

Capt Rian Kwai -> Watch out, or Blu will turn you into a mutant.

STSF Seiben -> Could be worse, could be those man-skirts in the first season of TNG

Nikita Pike -> >O_.

NDak -> I have my oar ready.

LtCmdrKresh -> .

annie stewart -> No spandex for me, thanks

FredM -> Thank God.

LtCmdrKresh -> Blu, did you know you're out of beer in the fridge?

Nikita Pike -> ._O<

NDak -> Hey Fred...

annie stewart -> Watch it Fred, I know where you live.

Cptn Moose -> Fred, we're online. Everyone looks good in spandex in here

Vilanne -> Where's Admiral Bethany? ::pouts::


NDak -> You're one to talk.

STSF_BluRox -> There's a 6 pack on the bottom shelf, bend over..

FredM -> Yes N'Dak?

TKAR -> i like those manskirts

NDak -> We;ve seen you in a hulu skirt.

LtCmdrKresh -> .

NDak -> :P

annie stewart -> ROFLOL!!

FredM -> You are just jealous of my pecs.

Vilanne -> Hulu skirt with coconut thingies

STSF Seiben -> lol

annie stewart -> I saw that picture.

NDak -> Also Coconut Bra

FredM -> And...uh....damnit. Okay. Well, uh.

merina -> ::smirks at fred::

LtCmdrKresh -> Holds up the empties...no...you had,

FredM -> There is a response to that.

annie stewart -> Don't let him forget it NDak.

FredM -> Uh. Moose, help me out here.

Vilanne -> Raise hand if you've seen that picture of FredM ::raises hand::

STSF Seiben -> Almost Everyone in STSF seen that.


STSF_BluRox -> Actually, I think I have video of him dancing in that coconut and grass skirt

annie stewart -> ::raises both hands::

Capt Rian Kwai -> Would I be admitting to anything if I do raise my hand?

Sovak -> I have a full size poster of it.

TKAR -> not going there

STSF_KBear -> ::smirks:: I saw it

STSF Seiben -> It's my desktop!

Vilanne -> LOL Sovak

annie stewart -> Send me a copy of that video.

Cptn Moose -> :: hands Fred a terrycloth robe ::

STSF_BluRox -> Had to be there!

FredM -> Ambassador Frederica is NOT coming back anytime soon....

merina -> ::raises hand then takes it down so fred won't hurt her::

STSF_BluRox -> Scatter!

Vilanne -> Wow, Yvonne? THE Yvonne? The room went silent.

STSF_BluRox -> Sorry, this is an Yvonne free zone...

TKAR -> ????

Yvonne -> Awwwww... :(

STSF Seiben -> Lol

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::smirks::

annie stewart -> You don't want to know, TKAR.

Vilanne -> Oh my goodness!

merina -> don't worry tkar your not alone

STSF_KBear -> ::smirks::


STSF_BluRox -> Smart-alec.....

August Jax Robinson -> Quick Will... Shot

TKAR -> HI merina

FredM -> Wait, I just figured it out! This isn't an SFOL AA meeting. This is a Rebel Alliance Reunion Special

LtCmdrRobinson -> shoot who?

STSF_BluRox -> So...which of you others ships wants to do a joint sim with us next!!?

August Jax Robinson -> missed

STSF_BluRox -> Fred...that's awesome!!

Capt Rian Kwai -> Muhahahaah

NDak -> Excalibur will sign up again!

NDak -> I promise not to strand you this time.

Vilanne -> Well Blurox, since Manticore just came in and infected everyone... guess you need their fix.

STSF Seiben -> If Challenger wasn't set 90 before Republic...

Capt Rian Kwai -> Likely story, N'Dak

FredM -> I'm afraid to do a joint sim with Reaent and Republic. We both start with R and that can't be good.

STSF Seiben -> 90 years*

merina -> I agree with fred on this one

FredM -> Oh come on...

Admiral Bethany -> Good evening

Vilanne -> ADMIRAL!!!!! ::runs over to her:: Admiral, what can I do for yout his evening?



Cptn Moose -> For goodness sake, Seiben. Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow and create a time portal or something

NDak -> Run!

annie stewart -> Oh go ahead, Fred. That group you have on Reaent could use a little schooling from these guys.

Jameson Bardolph -> lol

TKAR -> fred i was going to ask you about that sim -missing fred

STSF Seiben -> Slingshot around the Sun?

STSF_KBear -> Hi Bethany

STSF Seiben -> Hey Admiral!

Admiral Bethany -> Hello Villane

FredM -> ROFL

FredM -> I can't breath. Emily is here.

Vilanne -> :;makes sure Admiral Bethany gets a handful of each of the collectables handed out at the door::

merina -> no with fred we're pretty much the 24th century delorian

TKAR -> or startrek 2009

STSF_BluRox -> Now that's over the line, you're making my guests leave!

STSF_BluRox -> Get that accursed name out of my room

annie stewart -> Very good, Merina. :D

TKAR -> areboot

STSF_BluRox -> Not you Atragon..that other one

Capt Rian Kwai -> ROFL

FredM -> A9, why do we have anyone named Emily in an STSF chat room?


STSF Seiben -> lmao

Vilanne -> But... but... she has given SOOOO much for STSF!

STSF_BluRox -> I thought that was a permabanned name

NDak -> Huh

FredM -> Don't ask

STSF_BluRox -> You better re-ban that name Webbie

TKAR -> merina is right

annie stewart -> I see some things haven't changed.

Vilanne -> She is an amazing admiral, and should be admired by all.

Capt Rian Kwai -> Everyone have their phasers?

Admiral Bethany -> Everyone loves me

LtCmdrRobinson -> I have extras if you need em

NDak -> Love is a strong word.

merina -> trust me i've been on the reaent for oh 8 years and i have known this

LtCmdrKresh -> Yea, on that note, I'm heading out for more beer. Catch ya'll later. Congrats

Vilanne -> ::stands in front of Bethany, arms out to protect her::

Webmaster -> Sorry, I could not help it. Since we're celebrating history, I had to bring out a memorable name from the past.

Webmaster -> Name rebanned. :)

Vilanne -> Bad Webbie.

FredM -> Memorable name?

FredM -> Someone slap him

TKAR -> poor boxing champ just died from philly

NDak -> ::slaps fred::


NDak -> Oh...

NDak -> You said him

August Jax Robinson -> ::Thwapps Webbie::

Cmdr Holly -> If they come back, I can just purge all of the atmosphere and get rid of them that way. Though, that would probably not be so good for all of you

NDak -> Whoops

STSF Seiben -> Lol!

Vilanne -> LOL Holly

Capt Rian Kwai -> I wouldn't thwap Webbie, has the power to take your red peg away.

Webmaster -> Most likely keep them stuck as a red peg...

TKAR -> wow blueee never saw that before

Cmdr Holly -> Moose, we need to get you in here messing with these guys, they dont' know the stuff you come up with!

Capt Rian Kwai -> Holly, what have we told you about threatening to kill lifeforms before?

Cmdr Holly -> Welcome Baran

TKAR -> lol :) ;)

annie stewart -> Hey, where's the cake?

STSF Seiben -> It's a lie?

merina -> It is a lie ask fred

annie stewart -> No, cake isn't a lie. I was tole there would be cake.

STSF_KBear -> Dang Didnt get a chance to say hi to Baran

Cmdr Holly -> I think Kresh took it with him

FredM -> See, exactly. Always my fault. It isn't even my damn party and somehow I did something.

annie stewart -> Figures.


Sovak -> *badfeeling*


Vilanne -> ::gasps:: Wow... loud!

Jameson Bardolph -> ow

Cptn Moose -> I never killed anyone ... transformed them into warrior bunnies maybe, but never killed them

Jameson Bardolph -> rofl...i had my headphones turned up

merina -> just don't forget that i'm a doctor fred and a cait

Heather Jamieson -> Sounded fine here.

VAdm Ender -> Fred still gets blamed.

Admiral Atragon-9 -> Ladies and Gentlebots, I am heading out. Republic, congratualtions and remember that you don't look a day over 17!!

WxMurray -> Wait, did someone say cake? Where's the cake? I want cake. I like cake. Want cake NOW.

STSF Seiben -> lol! No chat audio FTW

annie stewart -> Take care A9.

LtCmdrRobinson -> if there is cake, I am sure August is standing near it

STSF_BluRox -> Thank you for coming by Atragon

FredM -> Kent? Who let Kent in here?

Vilanne -> G'evenin Sam

STSF Seiben -> Later A9

Capt Rian Kwai -> Thanks A9!

STSF_BluRox -> It meant alot to have you and Sovak stop by

FredM -> A9, don't forget to take your pills tonight.

STSF Seiben -> Hey SAm!

Samantha_Kent -> I let myself in.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Shoots Will::

STSF_BluRox -> Welcome Samantha


Jameson Bardolph -> Night, A9

Sovak -> Indeed, Republic. Congratulations, and may you have many decades more.

annie stewart -> Fred, I'm surprised you're still alive in this forum.

STSF_BluRox -> 3 decades...wow, we are old!

Andy Carter -> Next year we can all have a drink to celebrate.

Vilanne -> Amazing history, Republic

FredM -> What do you mean surprised I'm still alive?

STSF Seiben -> Yay. ALthough Republic can already legally drink in Canada

Capt Rian Kwai -> :;watching Will get shot:: Gee, that doesn't happen every day.

STSF_BluRox -> It's not like they 'haven't tried Ann, he just has a red peg

Samantha_Kent -> lol

Cptn Moose -> NO Fred, she's surprised you're still AWAKE ;-)

FredM -> AH....

FredM -> Yeah.

STSF_BluRox -> now that I believe, he used to turn into a pumpkin at 11

FredM -> Not funny.

annie stewart -> ::shakes her head:: Not a pumkin.

merina -> ::giggles::

STSF_BluRox -> We need to have another game of old folks playing drunken twister though....

annie stewart -> pumpkin even.


FredM -> What does Fred bashing have to do with the republic?

VAdm Ender -> I usually turn into a pumkin at 9 CST.

annie stewart -> That's because you're old, Ender.

annie stewart -> Join the crowd.

STSF_BluRox -> Well, Ender, luckily you're on DST now, so you can make it later...you should come rejoin ...

Samantha_Kent -> Drunken twister...I walked into this at the right time...

STSF_KBear -> LOL That was fun even though I WASNT Drunk

Andy Carter -> Blu also has the spinner as well.

annie stewart -> Really KBear?

STSF_BluRox -> I have the best pictures of that, wait...some of them...not so great..sorta scary...

STSF_KBear -> LOL really

STSF_BluRox -> Some of them were meant to be plumbers

NDak -> Again glad I am staying at my sisters for this year's SL

FredM -> Just as long as you don't start having us worry about 'the piece' locking us out of rooms.

STSF_BluRox -> Coward

Samantha_Kent -> (I just realized this name doens't have a red pip anymore. O.o )

FredM -> He isn't a coward, he is smart!


STSF_BluRox -> I still have the piece...took it to SL this past year


FredM -> Now it does Sam.

STSF_KBear -> OMG Really Blu??

Samantha_Kent -> Oho.

Vilanne -> You look red to me, Sam.. you been drinking?

Samantha_Kent -> ::flex::

Samantha_Kent -> No, more's the pity.

STSF_BluRox -> Shoreleave 2012.....calling ya'll out now....so much for the brave talk on screen...who's jumping off the Stratosphere iwth Webby and I?

August Jax Robinson -> when isn't she

STSF_BluRox -> Let's see who backs up their brave words.....

STSF Seiben -> Is it in Vegas next year or MD?

Cptn Moose -> So this Vegas talk is serious?

STSF_BluRox -> Vegas

Webmaster -> It's going to be fun....

Samantha_Kent -> There was talk of Vegas

Vilanne -> Really in Vegas?

FredM -> When did we decide that?

Webmaster -> Vegas baby... VEGAS!

Samantha_Kent -> (which is more convenient to me now that I've moved...so...)

Samantha_Kent -> (( lol ))

FredM -> Or was that after I left at 2:00am in the morning?

Webmaster -> Well, Blu and I are going to Vegas. :)

STSF_BluRox -> Very serious...Mini Atragon turns 21, we're going to help him celebrate


STSF Seiben -> I need to renew my passport

STSF_KBear -> I and trying to go to Vegas I want to go so bad. Money not the issue this time getting off from work is

Sovak -> REally?

STSF_BluRox -> We'll be in the trVatrix swuite

Cptn Moose -> A10 or A11?

FredM -> Okay, now I officially feel old. He is turning 21?

Sovak -> Vegas would be fun.

Sovak -> No experience any more though at the Hilton

Capt Rian Kwai -> If y'all would stop making summer trips, I might actually get to join ya once in a while

August Jax Robinson -> I don't think I will be taking another Vacation after Christmas, I am spending WaY to much on New Zealand/Australla

STSF_BluRox -> I know, that's the sad part

Vilanne -> Is it the same weekend?

Samantha_Kent -> I forget when it was discussed; I think it was when we were hanging at the Embassy before 10-Forward?

STSF Seiben -> I know. You'd have to go to Jordan. THey're opening a big Star Trek park there lol.

FredM -> You can never spend enough time on New Zealand.

Cptn Moose -> Fred, look at the bright side, you have someone to hand the coconut bra off to

Samantha_Kent -> Vil> Don't think a date's been picked yet.

Vilanne -> I see

STSF_BluRox -> Oh, warning everyone, my shoulder is totally torn up, and I'm having surgery in 2 weeks, so will be very slow typing and playing by macros

Vilanne -> I'm sure they will tell me, or at least Admiral Bethany will keep me updated.

Webmaster -> There are certain things that should just not be re-gifted...

FredM -> Well, there is no reason to stay at the Hilton anymore so...


STSF_KBear -> OHH I did just hear from my Uncle who came back from FL. THey have a Trek thing at NASA for a limited time. Sortof like the experiecne just smaller scale

Andy Carter -> MGM!

Admiral Bethany -> Yes I will

NDak -> Which reminds me...

NDak -> I will have to think up some gifts for SL...

FredM -> The coconut bra WILL NOT be re-gifted.

NDak -> Oh...

STSF_BluRox -> Yes, Tube river at MGM is a must

NDak -> Do I have an idea.

STSF_BluRox -> ROFL Fred

STSF Seiben -> lol.

FredM -> That's not good

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::snorts::

Cptn Moose -> Don't go in August. I promised the family a vacation. I don't think they'll think this counts : )

STSF_BluRox -> Hey, my dilitium crystals last year from the Republic's refit, were a great gift...that got me held up by the TSA for about an hour for an extended search

FredM -> When does A9 Jr. turn 21?

Samantha_Kent -> rofl

STSF_BluRox -> I believe we were talking early July

Sovak -> Yanno, Blu. If you would learn to type like I do, you wouldn;t need excused for bad typoing. Everybody just expects it.

STSF_BluRox -> the usualy 2nd weekend

Vilanne -> Mine are still good. Thank you BluRox


Samantha_Kent -> Blu> They're on my bookshelf...one of the few pieces of decoration in my new apt.

STSF_KBear -> Just out of curiosity?? How many still have their peice of STSF Realistate??

Vilanne -> they are supporting some flowers at the moment.

STSF_BluRox -> Sorry, Kbear and NDak hold up our bad typing..I have to do spell check just to post our logs!

NDak -> :P

STSF_BluRox -> Mine is growing at Huff's place

STSF_KBear -> HEY!!! IM not THAT Bad any more

FredM -> My STSF sod is at the place I used to call home. I'm assuming it is still there.

NDak -> hahahahhaha

Vilanne -> LlsnurjsLL'

August Jax Robinson -> ::sNICKERS::

LtCmdrRobinson -> really now


STSF_BluRox -> And the great wall of nudity has returned


Sovak -> LOL! It's the NUDE WALL!

STSF Seiben -> WOW~



NDak -> Next thing you know...

Heather Jamieson -> Cue the Benny Hill music!

annie stewart -> Oh Fred.

Cptn Moose -> OMG, I remember the wall of nude

NDak -> The Pandarians will repear.

STSF_KBear -> SHHHHH ::coveres Ndak mouth HUSH!!!

August Jax Robinson -> I am to sweet and innocent for all this Nude ::covers eyes::


Jameson Bardolph -> I was wondering if hta twas going to show up


Action] STSF Borgette -> wonders how many people she can bump before getting squashed and greened::

Jameson Bardolph -> *that

Cptn Moose -> I think of the Pandarians every time I eat at Panda express

Capt Rian Kwai -> Oh geeze

STSF_KBear -> OK BAN That name already

STSF Seiben -> rofl

STSF_BluRox -> that name was banned, he's bringing out all the good ones..

FredM -> Well there was a story earlier this year of a Panda killing some lady and i started laughing out of control. I know it is wrong but...

STSF_KBear -> IVE NOticed

STSF_BluRox -> ::looks at Fred:: YOu thining what I'm thinking?

WxMurray -> Oh deawr Lord.

FredM -> I don't even have the login name anymore....

Vilanne -> Rut roh!

NDak -> Hey, if you all want to show up sometime on Excalibur

merina -> oh good grief

Webmaster -> That's all things that can be fixed.

TKAR -> uggggggggggggggg

Capt Rian Kwai -> Oh here come the shameless plugs

NDak -> :P

STSF Seiben -> lol

STSF_BluRox -> Dude...really, during our celebration...tacky

NDak -> I am all for shameless plugs.

August Jax Robinson -> Does my ipod say what Gen it is ::Shakes it:::

TKAR -> phils lost

Sys. Message] Webmaster -> Jax's iPod is getting shaken, but not stirred


LtCmdrRobinson -> ::smashes August's ipod::

Kitchen Officer Dante -> Every party needs Pandarians

STSF Seiben -> Oooooh

Sovak -> This old man is starting to nod...

Sovak -> Past my bed time.

FredM -> Stop looking at my coconuts like that.

Kitchen Officer Dante -> Especially as WOW is putting Pandarian's in game next year...going to make me a toon so I get my own picture!

Andy Carter -> I've got a lovely bunch of....

Andy Carter -> Never mind

Jameson Bardolph -> I'm out...see y'all next week.

Vilanne -> G'night Captain Sovak

Sovak -> My head knows it's 11, my body says it's still midnight.

STSF Seiben -> Nite SOvak

STSF_BluRox -> Night Sovak, thaks for coming by

Capt Rian Kwai -> LOL Daylight savings time.

merina -> night sovak

Capt Rian Kwai -> Thanks Sovak

STSF_KBear -> LOL Night Sovak

August Jax Robinson -> ::pokes Will in the eye::

Sovak -> Night all! Grats, again, Republic.

August Jax Robinson -> Nite Sovvie

STSF_BluRox -> Thanks Sovak.....

TKAR -> goodnight s

STSF_BluRox -> it's too bad Huff is at Tango tonight, she'd have loved to seen the lot of you, but sends her regrets

Samantha_Kent -> going to go throw myself at homework. have a good night all

Vilanne -> G'night Sam!

STSF_KBear -> Night Sam

STSF_BluRox -> That, and tango has power, which her home does not due to the storm

STSF_BluRox -> Night Sam

STSF Seiben -> NIght Sam. I feel yur pain!


TKAR -> goodnight all happy anniversary

STSF_KBear -> Night Tkar

STSF Seiben -> Nite Tkar

Vilanne -> G'night TKAR

Samantha_Kent -> (and congrats to Repub! )

Kitchen Officer Dante -> Who is lowest ranking in here? I get to eat them, right?

Karl A. Schultz -> night tkar

VAdm Ender -> Night Republic. Keep it going another 20.

Vilanne -> me, I just resigned from Starfleet

August Jax Robinson -> Vilanne is

Capt Rian Kwai -> Hmmm...that would be...::looking at the roster:;

FredM -> Someone not in red.

STSF_BluRox -> Thanks Ender, and thanks for stopping by, come by and visit again

Capt Rian Kwai -> Thanks Ender

VAdm Ender -> Will do

August Jax Robinson -> (w) she likes Bethany too

STSF_KBear -> Night Ender Visit more often

FredM -> Take care Ender. :)

NDak -> Need to be running along my self, congrats to Republic, and many more amazing voyages.

annie stewart -> I'm afraid I must bid you all good night. Congratulations on your 20th Anniversary, Republic. And congratulations to you Blu. Who would have thought that little Caitian who joined Republic so long ago would end up in charge of the whole show.

STSF_BluRox -> Thank you Ann, we need to have you stop by for one night....

STSF_KBear -> Night Anne Good seeing you again

STSF_BluRox -> so we can hijack you!

FredM -> I also need some help with laundry if you come back down south.

annie stewart -> I'll see if we can arrange it.

STSF_BluRox -> Good to see you as well Fred!

STSF_BluRox -> Thanks for coming all

STSF_KBear -> CJ Needs to come back as well


annie stewart -> When Fred goes to Shoreleave, will you please keep him permanently.

FredM -> I love you too.

annie stewart -> Take care all. Night.

STSF_BluRox -> I'll see what we can do

annie stewart -> Thanks.

merina -> night all congrats blu and to the crew of the republic

FredM -> Have a good night all. :)

Cptn Moose -> Ok kids, I"m off as well. Congratulations Blu and all the rest of you Republicans

STSF_KBear -> night Merina

CJ Jacobs -> :)

STSF_BluRox -> Thanks for coming by all. Moose, always a pleasure

Cptn Moose -> There's something I never thought I'd say ;-)

STSF_BluRox -> LOL

STSF_KBear -> Night Moose.

Capt Rian Kwai -> Nice to see you Moose

STSF Seiben -> Night Moose

STSF_BluRox -> I remember you playing on a pink sim once Moose....

STSF Seiben -> Ahh.. yes. i remember that!

Cptn Moose -> Nice to see you all. Ah, I was waiting for the pink sim ... and the jello pit

Cptn Moose -> ta darlings

Capt Rian Kwai -> There's a jello pit?

Andy Carter -> Kinky....

STSF_BluRox -> very scary, klingons and arcadia and such

Capt Rian Kwai -> Where's thong-boy?

STSF_KBear -> LOL The jello plot.. WOW that brings back memories as well

STSF_BluRox -> Only thing missing tonight, was Blackthorne and his orange thong

Capt Rian Kwai -> Or his Pulse

STSF_KBear -> ::snickers::

Capt Rian Kwai -> And Devon and her ability to get me into trouble.

Capt Rian Kwai -> I told Devon about tonight, but I think she got caught up with mommy stuff

Vilanne -> ::whispers in Admiral Bethany's ear:: If you need anything, Admiral, please COM me. I will be in my shuttlecraft, where the Manticore is leaving me alone to die. G'night.

STSF_BluRox -> Was reading some old longs..and found this....


STSF_BluRox -> Holly> Ooo...she's demoted Kania to Lt Commander....I’ll be back, need to bother Kawalas about her demotion. Holly> ::materials a piece of toast with commander pips on it, into Kawalases replicator with a note: Your career is toast. Enjoy STSF_KBear: ::walks over to the replicator seeing the toats with the pips:: STSF_KBear: ::picks up the note and reads it:: HOLLY!!!! ::looking in the air:: LAY OFF!!!

Vilanne -> ((grats Repub!))

STSF_KBear -> ::Shakes head:: Holly?????

STSF Seiben -> (oops0

STSF_BluRox -> or this one from Will to Jax...

STSF_BluRox -> LtCmdrRobinson: Jax, maybe you should kill Kawalas, she is awfully noisey. Then I'll marry you.

STSF_BluRox -> or this..

STSF_BluRox -> STSF_BluRox: Rian..you're the first officer....silence your crew! It's time to begin your army, what a beautiful queen you will be. I give you Kania as your first full meal. I hope she will be as good as her husband was...

STSF_BluRox -> During her spider wasp phase...

Capt Rian Kwai -> Oh yes, bzzzzz

Capt Rian Kwai -> I liked that one. I got to throw things at the crew from the mall to defend myself.

STSF_KBear -> Hey what did I do ::pouts::

Admiral Bethany -> Well, I must go before Varlon hollers at me for not resting

Admiral Bethany -> (name fail)

LtCmdrRobinson -> :)

STSF Seiben -> :D

KhreRiovtRex -> Take two...I have to go...lol, Jolan Tru

Capt Rian Kwai -> Okay, I gotta go guys. I'll see you next week.

STSF_KBear -> :: frowns:: and I thought I was wanted :: tosses a water balloon at Holly and runs:: NIGHT!!!!

August Jax Robinson -> nite everyone



STSF_BluRox -> Ok...so time to get this party put to bed...before my XO falls asleep

August Jax Robinson -> and Will

STSF_BluRox -> Night August

STSF_BluRox -> Night Riah, thank you all for coming tonight

Capt Rian Kwai -> G'night all


STSF_KBear -> Night BLu Congrats again

STSF_BluRox -> Not Grats to Me...Grats to you all

Capt Rian Kwai -> Thanks guys, and happy anniversary

STSF_KBear -> nIght Republic. I miss simming with you folks.

STSF_BluRox -> YOu all are the reason we're starting our third decade!

August Jax Robinson -> Yaay

STSF Seiben -> Night KBear

LtCmdrRobinson -> night everyone, and August®

STSF Seiben -> And Night everyone else

STSF_Nickles -> Congrats and good evening to all

Karl A. Schultz -> well, that was an interesting hour

STSF Seiben -> Night!

Karl A. Schultz -> night seiben... see you sunday

STSF_BluRox -> Thans for stopping by Karl, you got to see alot of our crew from over the last 20 years

Heather Jamieson -> Night all.

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