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RES Talon

NDak -> So, when we last left off...Most of the crew were assisting with the collapse at the mine, where the first level had just been opened up.






Koga S'Bien -> ::checking the structural support beams, as he helps continue to put them into place::

M_K_tKsa -> ::at the medical tent, wrist deep in brains::

Lerak trPexil -> "These beams are quite clever. The constantly adjust to the rock movements.. at least as much as they can."

M_K_tKsa -> ::actually, the might be uncomfortable for the patient, so perhaps it's more like a fingernail deep::

Koga S'Bien -> Ie, I agree. They're also easy to put into place since it can extend automatically to the height of the ceiling

Lerak trPexil -> :: waves a hand to the engineer operating the light, to turn it on ::

Kelton tr'Radaik -> ::in the medical tent, in intense work mode, moving from pateitn to patient::

NDak -> @::On the Talon, brooding, waiting for a report from the planet::

Lerak trPexil -> :: A beam of light illuminates the entrance to the mine ::

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) ::moving boulders and carrying away debris, getting all of the grunt work::

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> ::inspects the area being cleared, keeping a watchful eye on the geological monitors that would tell them if and where another collapse would happen.::

Koga S'Bien -> This is only the first level. Elements, the bloody thing goes down for kilometers

Lerak trPexil -> "Ie, what or whoever is doing this sure knew what to do to cripple the operation here."

Koga S'Bien -> ::envisioning N'Dak as Sebastian Pinera trying to rescue the Chilean -- I mean Rihannsu miners from the shaft::

Lerak trPexil -> :: motioning to Koga to sync the beams ::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Though she hated getting dirty, she assisted Pexil however she could, helping to move equipment and items in and out of the area and working with one of the teams to light the area properly.::

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy>

M_K_tKsa -> ::grabbing a bottle of water between patients:: (m)I'm almost afraid of how many are still trapped in that mine.

Kelton tr'Radaik -> ::almost glad for the flare-up of work, as it keeps him occupied, keeps his brain working::

Lerak trPexil -> "Ah, t'Ditsy. I was wondering if au had arrived."

M_K_tKsa -> ::putting the bottle down:: How many do we have left in this grouping?

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> ::waves to catch trPexil's attention:: I need to return to the Talon to give the Enarrain a full report. Continue to send updates at regular intervals.

Lerak trPexil -> :: sees Kavek and nods :: "Understood."

Koga S'Bien -> ::continues to prop up the ceiling with support struts::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::heads into the deepest part of the tunnel that has been cleared, scanning along the walls for abnormal -- or unnatural -- energy signatures::

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> @ ::beams back to the Talon and takes the lift to the bridge::

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) ::assisting wherever ordered, to help with support, carrying things, bodies to the maeneks or the familiar boulders::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Setting up the warning system ::

Kelton tr'Radaik -> ::over his shoulder to tKsa:: Twelve, I think. At last count.

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::Also not that thrilled about finding dead bodies at every turn. She was certain to have nightmares.:: Do the readings show what happened here, yet? Was it explosives?

Lerak trPexil -> :: to Koga :: "Glad I have people on staff that know more about this type of engineering than myself."

NDak -> @ ::brooding on the Oira, looking over a report from one of the D'heno teams.::

Kelton tr'Radaik -> ::noticeably less nervous than he has been in recent weeks::

Koga S'Bien -> Yes, that comes in quite handy in situations like these. I have some limited knowledge in structural engineering as well.

M_K_tKsa -> ::exhales and stands back up:: At least io of us is capable of keeping count.

Lerak trPexil -> :: to t'Ditsy :: "Scans are ongoing. The overall assumption is sabotage. Going through the types of explosives required."

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> @ ::arrives on the Oira a few moments later and nods to N'Dak as he enters the command area:: Someone was very thorough.

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::waits to see if her scans reveal anything amiss::

NDak -> @ ::Destorie frowned:: Oh?

Koga S'Bien -> It have to be some pretty strong explosives to cause this much damage. Were there any reported thefts in the colonial armoury stores recently?

Lerak trPexil -> :: to t'Ditsy :: "The real question is do any explosives remain?"

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> @ The damage is extensive and unnatural.

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) ::still working, but hearing conversations about the situation::

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::She turned slightly pale.:: I hope not!

Koga S'Bien -> That is the last of the support struts for this section. We are good to move on to the next section

Kelton tr'Radaik -> ::chuckles sharply:: Ie, that is what I'm here for.

NDak -> @ I do not liek anything about this.

Lerak trPexil -> "If au are close enough to an explosive we believe were used here, au'd not feel a thing before death."

Koga S'Bien -> ::glancing at t'Ditsy and Pexil::

NDak -> @ I have sent a report to the Daise'Khre'Riov asking him to empower me to have a more free hand.

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> That's little comfort when you particularly don't want to y'ya. ::She took her multicorder to scan as soon as the structural supports were in place and worked along one side, scanning for remaining explosives.::

Lerak trPexil -> :: stands back a bit from the entrance to the mine, scanning ::

NDak -> @ I don't trust either the governor or his pompous lackey tr'Baris to handle this situation.

Koga S'Bien -> ::Scanning deeper into the mine::

M_K_tKsa -> ::na sure how to take that chuckle, but chooses na to question it:: How are we doing with supplies? ::picking up her multicorder and starts to scan the patient that's been brought to her table::

Lerak trPexil -> :: watches others enter the mine ::

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> @ What do au intend?

KhreRiovtRex -> # tr'Baris> :: frowns:: Na pleased with how this has been goingg of late

Kelton tr'Radaik -> ((Three! Three medical tricorders! Ah ah ah ah!))

Lerak trPexil -> "Hey..." :: sees someone he did na recognize, he thought he knew nearly everyone ::

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) ::feeling watched, always feels watched, continues to work just as hard moving boulders and such::

NDak -> @ I rather intend to take over this matter and solve it.

Kelton tr'Radaik -> They are holding, for the moment.

M_K_tKsa -> ((Okay Count. Nice to see you've come to visit us from Seasame Street tonight :P ))

Lerak trPexil -> "Au are making moving those rocks harder than necessary."

NDak -> @ We need to get the mines operations again and the processing plants -- all four of them -- producing. In the mean time, we also need to get a handle on the natives.

Lerak trPexil -> (( that explains the bats ))

Kelton tr'Radaik -> (( lol ))

Koga S'Bien -> (lol)

NDak -> @ The governor... in his infinite wisdom ... apparently killed one of there respected elders shortly before we arrived... and now this?

NDak -> @ Oh this isn't a recipe for disaster.

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> ACTION> Sar'vek and t'Ditsy's scans reveal several areas laced with explosive material not yet detonated. Koga and tr'Pexil's show several dangerous faults in the rock overhead in the next section where Sar'vek and t'Ditsy are walking.

Lerak trPexil -> :: Moves to one of the supply cases and gets out an antigravity mover ::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil's 'corder beeps :: "Oh... na good"

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) ::turns to trPexil:: Rekkhai, it is not my intension.

Koga S'Bien -> ::follows Pexil:: I do not like the looks of these scans. We'd better get working on those overhead rocks...

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::frowns at the scans::

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) ::really really hopes she'll be given the antigrav mover to use, her hands are getting torn up::

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> @ ::frowns:: Na, that was na wise. If anything, it will strengthen their rebellion. We must contact them immediately with our own brand of negotiations. I advise diplomacy first.

NDak -> @ The governor wants to make the Galae and the Dehui believe that he wasn't incompetent, just lacking in force to carry out the mission. ::he Nodded::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::heads back to the gathering, looking for Koga/Pexil::

NDak -> @ I have informed the governor of my intent to do just that.

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::Also frowning at the scans, though she moved closer to one of the bundles of explosives to take a look, using a handlight to inspect the detonation device.::

NDak -> @ I have yet to receive a reply from either the governor or the Daise'Khre'Riov, but that is understandable -- they are both very busy people.

Koga S'Bien -> ::looking at the rocky ceiling above Sar'vek and Ditsy::

M_K_tKsa -> ::while she's grabbing a hypo, she's also giving instructions to the assistant helping her:: Start removing that sleeve. We'll need the regenerator and at least io of the bone knitters.

NDak -> @ I have also asked for the Daise'Khre'Riov's express permission to use lethal force against the natives if need be.

Lerak trPexil -> :: to someone new :: "This should help.. for one thing it has full power. I'll mark what au have as something to fix later."

Kelton tr'Radaik -> ::returns to his latest patient, a broken collarbone and lacerated shoulder::

NDak -> @ As I told the governor I care little for his personal feelings, standing, or honor. I only care that we get the mining operations back in order. Those were essentially my orders.

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> Well, whatever we're dealing with was certainly na an accident.

Lerak trPexil -> :: watches the entrance for Sar'vek and Ditsy ::

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> @ Bringing their ruling parties onto the ship would give us an advantage, provides they are properly screened by security. ::considers::

Lerak trPexil -> "I like to think I know a good number of those aboard the Talon. Au I do na know."

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) ::gets instructions on the unit:: Hann'yyo, Rekkhai. ::begins using the machine as instructed, moving larger and greater numbers of boulders at a time, easily getting them outside::

Koga S'Bien -> Ie. Too big for anything natural. Judging by these scans Pexil and I took, more caves are far from unlikely to occur.

Koga S'Bien -> 'more cave-ins*

NDak -> @ ::he nodded:: Yes, though I considered meeting them on their own territory.

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) ::turns back:: am t'Shia, assistant to Daise Dheno.

NDak -> @ Though more ... risky... it would show them I am not afraid of them, nor do I need to show my power to use it.

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::Makes her way back to the others, waving one of the spent detonation devices.:: There are more of these in there and explosives. ::Wonders if they could be remotely detonated while the Talon teams were working.::

M_K_tKsa -> ;:curses a bit as the wound presents itself as more difficult than she realized, especially with the alien anatomy at play::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Rubs his forehead :: "This is more dangerous than we first thought."

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> I wouldn't be surprised. We really need to stop them, though. I can't imagine how these mines will ever reopen with these threats looming.

NDak -> @ What do you think?

Koga S'Bien -> Explosives? ::Scans:: That's some pretty powerful stuff. I wonder where they got that?

Kelton tr'Radaik -> tKsa> ::as he works:: Has there been any word on whether there will be any more?

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> @ ::smiles slowly:: A sound idea. If a second meeting is needed or fear put into them, we could always transport them here to show them exactly why they will behave.

Lerak trPexil -> :: smiles amongst the carnage and debris :: "Daise'Engineer.. for the moment, tr'Pexil.. Lerak... ie. I don't end up in the brig too often unless I like myself in there."

KhreRiovtRex -> # tr'Baris> ::cursing the Governor for having been so rash when he knew that Galae was sending help…..plans.....within plans possibly for naught

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) I see Rekkhai. Au have a nice position, as Daise'Engineer. ::hopes no one sees her standing around chatting::

NDak -> @ ::He nodded:: I hate to tell the governor, but if he thinks I am going to stand by and let protocol force me to listen to him when I know full well what needs to be done...

M_K_tKsa -> Na. But I imagine if they can open up the other levels soon, we'll be flooded again. ::pauses:: If they don't open them up soon though......::frowning::

Kelton tr'Radaik -> ::wince:: Ie...

M_K_tKsa -> well, then we won't be needed.

NDak -> @ ::Destorie's voice was cold, perhaps more calculating than Valdrin had seen from him, and he was decidedly unhappy with the situation.:: Well he will be in for a rather large surprise.

Lerak trPexil -> "Nice of au to say. It's na really earned however."

NDak -> @ They could not have done this without someone inside of the governor's administration helping them or a turning a blind eye.

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) ::refuses to ask who tr'Pexil killed to get the position:: Of course, rekkhai.

NDak -> @ I want that person found.

NDak -> @ ::Rather darkly:: And if it happens to be tr'Baris I'll give you an extra special commendation.

Lerak trPexil -> :: to t'Shia :: "Remain here for the moment. We may need your help in a moment."

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> I do na know. ::Koga:: Perhaps au should let Talon know, however, that we've confirmed their suspicions.

Koga S'Bien -> Ie... au have a point there.

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> @ ::inclines head minutely and laughs at his last comment:: Inquiries into the background of all the staff have already been made. I am waiting for my contacts to turn up something usable.

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) Ie, rekkhai. ::concerned to be found 'remaining' still, but does as required::

M_K_tKsa -> (w)I know I am probably in the minority here, but I am hoping they do open up the other levels soon.

NDak -> @ Excellent.

Lerak trPexil -> "No one should enter the mine entrance. If there is indeed someone remotely detonating, then we are in danger."

Lerak trPexil -> "I have an idea."

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) I shall guard the entrance, Daise.

Koga S'Bien -> +Talon+ S'Bien to Talon; we have detected excessive signs of damage in the mine -- as well as large quantities of powerful explosives.

NDak -> @ I would rather not have to envoke martial law and have a power struggle with the governor... ::he paused as the comms officer directed S'bein's call::

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> ::She scanned the detonator very carefully, studying every inch with the tools she had available.::

Lerak trPexil -> :: moves to the cases of supplies beamed down earlier :: "t'Shia, if au would assist me in lifting something out of this case."

NDak -> @ +S'bein+ Understood. I would like a forensic analysis done to determine the source of the explosive material, if possible.

Koga S'Bien -> +N'Dak+ Ie, acknowledged rekkhai.

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) ::moves over near trPexil's new location::

KhreRiovtRex -> $ t'Rahks> ::delivering another crate of disruptors to one of the mountain villages, and instructing them upon the use of the weapons

Lerak trPexil -> :: nods to her :: "On the count of three.. one two.. three." :: lifts his side of the heavy device inside ::

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> @ ::listens quietly to the reports from the surface, not surprised at their findings::

NDak -> @ And all of this... ::he said to Valdrin off comm:: because the governor can't keep control of the situation.

NDak -> @ ::Frowning deeper::

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) ::lifts w/pexil, straining but lifting all the same::

Koga S'Bien -> Let's try to be as thorough as we can. N'Dak wants a detailed forensic analysis so as to determine the source of these explosives.

M_K_tKsa -> ::frowning:: This is na the best condition under which to be doing reconstructive surgery. This io should have been sent to the ship for treatment. ::looking over the ISD to see who assigned the patient to the treatment tents:: Fvadt it.

Lerak trPexil -> :: places it on the ground :: "This is the next technology to get shrunk down."

NDak -> @ I want the ground troops ready. I've been working on a plan to clear out the villages if we have too...

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> @ Because he can't keep control of his administration. He should have wheedled out the traitor long ago.

NDak -> @ ::Nods:: Agreed.

Lerak trPexil -> +taps his t'Liss+ "Pexil here. Due to the discovery of the explosives I'm setting up a dampening field to prevent remote detonation."

Kelton tr'Radaik -> ::echoes the oath with feeling somewhere behind the Daise::

Lerak trPexil -> :: directs his comm to t'Ksa ::

M_K_tKsa -> tr'Radaik, have au had patients come across au's table that should have been sent to ship for treatment?

M_K_tKsa -> +Pexil+ What progress have au made to get further into the mine?

NDak -> @ ::muses:: Perhaps we should save ourselves the trouble and put down the natives now and make sure that the governor is killed in a tragic accident?

Lerak trPexil -> +Ksa+ "We are mapping out locations of explosives, weaknesses in the walls, moving rocks out much like earlier."

KhreRiovtRex -> $ t'Rahks> Au do na wish to be kept as slaves rhae au own planet? Told when au may and may na even sleep, when to eat, when to pray to au gods? They even kill au holy women

M_K_tKsa -> +Pexil+ I can stress to au that time is of the essence for those minors.

Kelton tr'Radaik -> Ie...one, a few minutes ago...shattered femurs in both legs.

Lerak trPexil -> :: the device he and t'Shia lifted out was operational ::

KhreRiovtRex -> $Villagers> ::mumbled agreement:::

Lerak trPexil -> +Ksa+ "Understood."

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> @ ::snorts:: It would be easier.

Lerak trPexil -> :: nods at the machine :: "That should repel any attempt to remotely detonate."

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> @ But then the profits would disappear.

KhreRiovtRex -> $ t'Rahks> Au have taken command of aurselves of late, with the damage to the mines, au people are na pushed beyond reason

M_K_tKsa -> t'Oidi is on the triage line. ::frowns darkly, na liking the implications to what she's thinking::

Lerak trPexil -> :: grabs his own portable mover ::

NDak -> @ Ie. Exporting labor out here would be expensive.

Lerak trPexil -> "t'Shia, au and I are going to help get deeper into the mine."

NDak -> @ ::He sighed:: Very well, continue with your investigations. I will keep you updated as to my requests to begin a dialog with the natives.

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::Koga:: Does he have a suspicion on who manufactured them?

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) ::following Pexil, rhae her own antigrav mover::

Lerak trPexil -> :: heads to the mine entrance ::

NDak -> @ I suggest taking au personal guard with au on the planet from now on.

Kelton tr'Radaik -> ::questioning look:: Rekkhai?

KhreRiovtRex -> $ t'Rahks> But others will come, others that will come and try to make au make up for what has been done

Lerak trPexil -> "Koga, watch our six please."

Koga S'Bien -> ::nods at Pexil:: You got it.

NDak -> @ I neither trust the natives or the governor's people and we are both high-priority targets.

NDak -> targets*

M_K_tKsa -> t'Iodi has certain biases.

Lerak trPexil -> :: passes the threshold of the entrance ::

Lerak trPexil -> "Bahh, still dark.."

Kavek tr'Valdrin -> @ ::frowns, but doesn't argue:: I will be visiting the administration complex next to interview the staff there. Your troops will be mobilizing in the meanwhile. Just in case.

Lerak trPexil -> "Afraid of the dark t'Shia?

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) ::adjusts helmet light for wide span:: Na.

Koga S'Bien -> ::Sar'vek:: I don't know, but I would assume it was locally manufactured, using stolen resources, or the explosives were of Rihannsu origin smuggled into the colony somehow.

NDak -> @ ::nods:: We must be prepared to take any actions.

Koga S'Bien -> Right now, the former seems the more likelier of the two

Lerak trPexil -> +t'Ditsy+ "We are heading in deeper to get to the miners. Check on the jamming device when au can."

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) :;continues to move deeper::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> That's a list I'd like to narrow down.

Laehval tTemarr -> t'Ditsy> I'll keep an eye on it and make sure it is working properly. ::She nodded.::

Kelton tr'Radaik -> Ah. :;slow nod::

Koga S'Bien -> Of course, I could be wrong. When you assume, you're envariable making an ASS out U and ME

Lerak trPexil -> :: starts to move more debris out in tandem with the new Dheno ::

M_K_tKsa -> ((Whoah Koga.))

KhreRiovtRex -> (2 minute warning)

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) ::feeling more useful now moving vast amounts of debris out of the way, getting rather deep quickly into the cavern::

Lerak trPexil -> :: gets out his large screen camera to see past some of the rock :: "There.." :: pointing to where they should head next."

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) ie, rekkhai... ::moves in indicated direction::

Lerak trPexil -> "Any specialties in your department? Mine's in RAC and other small craft."

Lerak trPexil -> :: moves more rocks out of the way ::

M_K_tKsa -> I hope she is na using that to form her judgments

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::sighs:: All right, I'll see what I can do.

Koga S'Bien -> ::Smiles::

Koga S'Bien -> ::helps move the debris as well since he is strong like ox::

KhreRiovtRex -> # tr'Baris> ::knows that the Governor would be lost without him, and deemed a veruul. Na ore would move to the empire...

Demi t'Shia -> Asst Dheno) ::gives Pexil an slow look, then naps her knife out of her waist band, slings it around either wrist, and back into the sheath:: Oh, just a few weapons training.


KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM


Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused::

Demi t'Shia -> ::paused::

Kelton tr'Radaik -> ::PAWSORS::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Hit the || ::

M_K_tKsa -> Poor t'Rex

KhreRiovtRex -> Apologies all for this crappy truckstop connection

M_K_tKsa -> ::staples t'Rexan into the room::

KhreRiovtRex -> Hann'yyo for getting started while I tried toget on, much appreciated

Koga S'Bien -> At least it's free?

KhreRiovtRex -> yea

KhreRiovtRex -> paid for the hotel one and couldn't get it to work

Koga S'Bien -> figures.

Lerak trPexil -> WOnder if Truck stop wifi is like Holiday Inn Express WiFi

KhreRiovtRex -> anyway, looks like everyone is heading in a productive direction…Oh, and please welcome Demi t'Shia, she will be our newest dheno. Bio to be posted shortly

Lerak trPexil -> Deeper into the hooooole

Lerak trPexil -> Waves

Koga S'Bien -> Awesome. Welcome aboard! ::waves::

M_K_tKsa -> Welcome Demi :D

NDak -> I am just planning the holocaust of the natives.

Demi t'Shia -> Hann/yyo

NDak -> I would call that productive.

Koga S'Bien -> Heh

Charlotte Matsumura -> Regular Amon Goeth.

KhreRiovtRex -> Ah, but do that, and nobody to work here ......so perhaps na so productive in the end

KhreRiovtRex -> ok, as fun as that sounds for now, I'm going to give up for the night, I'm sorta twisted around to the side trying to avoid the steering wheel....lol. Night all, Crew dismissed

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