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Executive Officer's Log, Supplemental

Executive Officer’s Log, Supplemental

Stardate 238610.18

Cdr Chirakis Kirel, SI-5

Executive Officer, Sky Harbor Aegis

We may have at least a partial explanation for the disappearance of the Breen two years ago. Either they are hiding in subspace to prepare for a full attack on the Alpha Quadrant or their experiments with subspace cloaking and transport have trapped them there. Our best defense is to assume the former and prepare for an attack at any time.

Engineering Chief SubCommander Jorahl believes that if their fleet were to enter normal space around the station, “the presence of the asteroid field would decimate a fair portion of their ships during transport. But, if they can simply flash in shock troops they could take the entire station if we are unprepared.”

With that in mind, we have moved the station 0.5 km, which should theoretically disrupt their tactical plan. Our Rihan SubCommander has also added an 18% tilt and a 12% rotation for greater advantage. Realignment of the defense grid is in progress, though given the distance of the move the adjustments should be minimal.

The Breen transport device has been powered down and key components have been removed so the Breen cannot access it remotely. It has also examined it for subspace beacons and have we have found none.

Dr. Lepage is still probing the Deosi DNA, which had been altered by the Breen to prevent them from using Breen technology. He has already determined that those who are still healthy will benefit from the presence of silicon, of which the colony on TKR-117 has an abundance. His goal this time is to determine what can be done with those who are already dying.

The media continue to believe our stories of readiness and tactical maneuvers, but it is only a matter of time before they emerge from hibernation. Were it up to me, I would space them all, but it would not be the best diplomatic move. However, the panic that could be unleashed if the Breen threat becomes general knowledge is unimaginable. Their attack on Sector 001 eleven years ago has not been forgotten.

Centurion tr’Jeth Dabi has kept the media secure, but he has the added pressure of managing those who are stranded aboard the station because of the current crisis. Among those trapped here is Starfleet Commander JoNs, who was assigned to the station some years ago. Her presence is welcome. But there are others - especially one - whose file I must examine myself. In regard to that, I have received a priority one alert from Director Torak. Its nature dictates I take time to review it fully.

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