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Crash Calestorm

Officer Down

This log takes place immediately after the 04.04.11 Sim…


One minute she was talking to the Commander Wesley, conferring with the Acting CO of the away team.


The next moment, she’d been leaving her officers and the relative safety of the tree line, walking towards the distant perimeter line that had been set up by the Domani peacekeeping force at the village.


A muffled boom sounded and something abruptly slammed into her backside.


It took no longer then four seconds for the playing field to again be changed in favor of their enemies.


The force was enough to drive her to her knees, but not enough to lay her out flat on the dirt. Captain Calestorm yelped, and instinctively, she wanted to reach back and clamp a hand to the wounding, but stopped herself just short of cutting her hand on the jagged piece. What looked like tiny bits of round metal impacted with the ground, throwing up small plumes of dirt but not causing significant damage.


The immediate numbing feeling passed, and then the pain exploded. She couldn’t even begin to think about the process of getting up until she got the thing out.


The sharp plastic was three inches in length, one inch wide, and in the rough shape of a knife or stiletto combat blade; the puncture to the skin had been clean, embedding itself about three quarters of the way, straight in through the muscle and skin.


With a disgusted look at the bloodied plastic, she tossed it to the ground. The warmth of blood started to seep at the impact point and soak the dress uniform trousers, running down the back of her leg.


The low ringing in her ears finally cleared from the quick blast of sound, and she was aware of low shouts and people moving; a couple of the soldiers were also on the move, towards them. One crisis at a time.


Clamping her left hand to her left rear cheek, Crash got herself upright with a groan.


Half-hopping into a position that reoriented her towards the ‘Creek team, she gritted her teeth and managed to get out a strangled, “Wesley!”, before her expression went completely slack in concern at what she saw.


TBC Next Sim…

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