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Mitar Precip

Unexplored Territory

t"Please forgive Mitar's driver for posting this over a week late, since it's Nancy's driver's fault for not responding in a timely manner. Nancy/Vilanne's driver."





Mitar Precip sat on a lounge seat on deck 3, the "Viewdeck" of Manticore as some now called it. His eyes could not miss the gigantic sphere housing the Coxeter's fantastic four dimensional drive. The Sphere was a marvel of out of spacedock construction between two vessels' crews. It just didn't seem possible that two ship's crews could construct such a thing, AND give the Coxeter Manticore's own warp engines without a Starbase's equipment. Yet the Hex drive test worked!


It was nine days after Captain Weyl revealed his means of powering his invention. It Turned out the technology needed to power his engine was not of his own creation, but some alien artifact that somehow was linked to him when he chose to place his arm inside it.


The situation was utterly insane. No. Weyl was insane, Mitar corrected himself and Mele had agreed. How could such a man reach for something so risky and expect to contain the results?The thing drew his life energy from him when worn. Insanity. Recklessness. Beyond Reason..all came to his mind regarding Weyl.


Yet it passed it's first test. Was the CSEC of Manticore wrong?


Mitar turned his gaze away from the huge window into space.


Precip needed peace of mind. Something or someone to clear his head of Weyl and the temporal physics Mitar failed to understand. Peace of mind was never easy to find on Manticore. But he discovered it with Ensign Nancy Smith R.N. of Manticore's sickbay. He couldn't quite grasp why he felt so at ease with her. Was it her training or something in her character? He guessed the later because she had the training all Starfleet Nurses had, otherwise she wouldn't be so attractive to him.


He had dined with her to repay the kindness she had provided him all those times in sickbay. Now, he needed to be with her again. He hoped the roses and invitation to another dinner she would accept.


There was the risk of her referring him directly to the ship's counselor, but Mitar didn't think Nancy would do that. There was something special between the two of them. She seemed so alive when they had dinner that night. It was an extremely pleasant experience to be with a being that put him so at ease.


Truly, this was unexplored territory for Security Chief Commander Mitar Precip. An alien relationship of a different sort than Weyl's. This was more..human?

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