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Surgeons log, SD 10308.02



Thats all BJ could think when he looked at Ziggys face. They could have attached his face with duct tape and Velcro and achieved the same result. And the story they fed him about not being able to do better because of an allergy to dermal regen packs. He wondered if a dermatology surgeon was ever consulted about microsurgery. Not to mention the latest news. Didn't they know about the medical research using Borg technology? Nano technology obtained from the Borg was having a major impact at Star Fleet Medical, putting the Federation centuries ahead in research.


This was a major opportunity for the researchers at Medical to field-test this technology. Last BJ had heard the research was stalling because of the bureaucrats in SF Med. All some of them were concerned with was to squash anything that would force them to understand something new. It was basic human nature to stay in a comfort zone and resist change.


Surely Ziggy would make a viable test subject. He was a high-ranking line officer who had little other option. The humanitarian card could be played here. The whole "Quality of life" issue could cause resistance to this research to fold. After all, by saying "no" meant they thought Ziggy was fine the way he was, which he wasn't. And after all, resistance was futile when it comes to evolving technology.


This really was a win-win situation. If the surgery went wrong, the research team could say they tried, take their results and continue their research. But if it went well, they this could have as profound an effect on medicine as penicillin had been.


And in the official record would be the name of Doctor BJ Honeycutt, attending physician. Now all BJ had to do was talk to Ziggy.

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