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Black Kris Asteroid Base

Nimbus Asteroid Field



“Morohtar, perimeter probes are picking up Fed transmissions...encrypted, so we can't pick up what they're saying. But its probably ship to ship.”


The Orion male grimaced sourly at the report from the Jirahl. He'd argued with Litasha about hiring the Were-Wires to hack the M5 onboard Enterprise. Of course, she felt that hacking the Federation Starfleet's flagship and stealing what was needed out of the M5 was perfectly ordinary. Even the virus designed to cause a cascade failure within her warp core and destroy the ship, any other Federation ships escorting Enterprise, as well as their tracks was perfectly acceptable. He sighed, and those in the operations section of the station understood that sign of frustration from the Black Kris's second in command. “Jirahl, keep an eye on the Feds. If they start making a move near the station, blow them out of the stars. Have Zilvra prepare the Furious.”


“Where are you going?”


“To tell Litasha.”

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