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Cptn Moose

Captain's Log, Stardate 10307.29

Captain's Log, Stardate 10307.29


"Is someone looking after Telano?"  Moose asked as Kelly Quest rejoined the pack?  The matter was out of his mind before she finished nodding to him.


The asteroid was magnificent.  It was small with a breathable atmosphere, and a gravity just under .8g; light enough that he felt strong and powerful but with enough pull to keep him from floating into space.  He had a tricorder in his hand and a phaser on his belt.  Kelly was with him, just as in the old days, and they had a mystery investigate.


This was why he had come into space; to explore new places, not to sit behnd a desk shuffling crew manifests and reports.  He couldn't remember the last time he had been on an away mission.  Hayden was still on leave, or she might have stopped him from going.  But he was the Captain, the main man, and he could leave the ship anytime he wanted to, as long as she wasn't looking.  He resolved to go on more journeys like this one.


But a little doubt crept into his mind.  "Careful," he thought.  In his line of work, complacency was a way to end up dead. But he pushed that thought out of his head.  Maybe it was the light gravity, or maybe it was just the freedom from being off the ship, but Moose felt invincible.  Since first boarding the Arcadia as an Ensign those many years ago, Moose had been shot at, beaten, tortured, poked, prodded and stabbed.  He had been possessed by aliens more times than he could remember, had been transformed into various energy forms, had been affected by numerous viruses and mind altering substances, and had even been pregnant once.  What was left to happen to him?


He smiled as the memories passed through his head.  Those were good times.  And these were good times again.  He pulled out his tricorder and began looking for traces of Lodinite.  The metal had the property of being undetectable to sensors.  He smiled as he realized his dilema.  How would he ever find it?  It didn't matter, he'd find a way.  He wondered if the substance had any other unique properties as he grinned and began to explore the asteroid.


Cptn Moose

USS Arcadia, NCC-1742-E

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