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The Rest of the Story

The Rest of the Story


The briefing on Pekal Dorn had plagued Chirakis from the time she left until she opened the Intel satchel some days later - in her office adjacent to the control tower on Aegis. Starfleet Intel, Torak, or both were after something... and Kirel doubted it had much, if anything, to do with the Tjurakh.



Resssk clacked his teeth in apprehensive skepticism as he watched Torak retreat from the team, leaving them to discuss their options.“There isss much he isss not telling usss,” he said, his eyes shifting uneasily, “...and that he hasss chosssen usss to invessstigate sssomething that could be done by anyone....” He let the comment hang a moment before returning his gaze to the group. Resssk, t’Pak, Lukas, and Chirakis were among the elite. Resssk definitely had a point.


Sonny’s usual cockiness had disappeared and Kirel could almost see the cogs turning in t’Pak’s logical Vulcan brain. They sat in silence for several minutes, considering the possibilities.


“He’s definitely got something up his sleeve...” Sonny rubbed a hand behind his neck as he straightened up to glance around the group. “...but damned if I can figure it out. And what the hell is all this about the Ferengi?”


“The species, in his estimation, is predatory,” said t’Pak, breaking the silence she had maintained throughout Torak’s briefing. “He believes them to be more predatory... more dangerous... than warrior species such as the Breen and the Jem’Hadar, because they gain control through the manipulation of financial networks. And they do it quite masterfully, as it is their nature.”


“So he hates Ferengi?”


“He doesss not trussst them. In particular, he doesss not trussst one who isss in control of a ssstragegic ssstation in neutral territory.” Resssk turned his attention to Chirakis.


“Kir?” Sonny’s eyes lit up.


Kirel had been watching Torak as though in anticipation of his next move. “Resssk is right, Mr. Lukas,” she said, turning her attention towards the youngest member of the team. “The director does not trust Ferengi. Nor do I. However, Ambassador Drankum had little to do with his assignment to Sky Harbor Aegis... it was the decision of Ferengi Alliance hierarchy. Were it up to him, the ambassador would be comfortably in retirement. Still...” she pushed herself away from the desk against which she was resting, “... for the last two years I have wondered why I was posted as his second in command.”


She had not voiced her suspicions further, believing the subtext would fill in the blanks. And if not, at least the security audio in Command Central had not recorded anything that could be held against her. Judging from their expressions, she had made her point. Also, judging from their expressions, they had suspicions of their own, concerning their own postings.


Having left the security breach and looters - or petty thieves, or black marketeers - for security to deal with, Kirel gathered the bits of information she had managed to piece together for a report. Her briefing to Ambassador Drankum would be succinct, pertaining only to the Tjurakh and their sudden ability to raid. The rest she would keep to herself. Unless, of course, the ambassador was forthcoming...


She left her office for the lift, datacrystals in hand.


“Mr. Brown. Keep us safe.”

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