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Prelude To An Interrogation

A joint log from El'Arrain Kelton i-Dartha tr'Radaik and t'Rexan's NPC thugs!


Kelton is escorted into a room with a pair of guards stationed outside the door. The guards wearing a version of what appears to be a standard uniform but with a specific sigal upon it. Na Galae, but io of the major houses or Praetorean Fleet most likely, or that of a branch of the Tal'shiar, be it their own, or wearing that of another to add to the deceit of the siuren.


"Bring him in," a voice sounds from inside the next room. Kelton is brought before a stone faced man, also in uniform, with the decorations of Enarrain upon it.


"Doctor, fhaen have a seat. I want to apologize for my associates fahd. I did na mean for them to be quite so," pausing looking for the right word, "heavy handed."


"I trust that you are ok? I can have someone give au a hypo to make au back feel better. I understand au took a bit of a hit there." He leans in towards Kelton, "It's so hard to find guards with a light hand when it comes to these matters." He looks towards the two guards and motions them to take up positions by the door. “Au can stand back, I’m sure the Maenak is na going to try to take on this entire facility.”


“So, I assume au know why au are fahd?"


"I have a vague idea..." Kelton said coolly. He ignored the offer of a hypo; given his current situation, the last thing he wanted to do was let them inject anything into him. His eyes were moving rapidly around the room, taking in every detail, looking for some clue as to who was holding him. "As for my health...I will live, Rekkhai. Hann'yyo." His voice was unreadable, but sarcasm lurked in the bottom of his tone.


"I was hoping we could do this in an amicable manner, and I do realize that my associate may have damaged that premise."


Kelton actually let out a low laugh. "It is na the best first impression, I will grant au."


The stone faced man turns to one of the guards, "Have Reliu bring some refreshment for our guest. I would wager that he's both hungry and thirsty by hnah. It was a long flitter ride.”


“Ie Rekkhai, at once,” the guard turned and exited the room.


"Again, our apologies. However, au have intimate knowledge of information, that I've been tasked to retrieve. And we will need to know all that au know of it, and the entire history of au patients."


"It seems, that Galae Medical is being very tight lipped and does na want to share. We had wanted to speak with au Daise Maenak, however, she has been under a nonstop rotation of guards, na only of Galae, but someone else's as well. We were 'unable' to have a siuren to speak with her. However, we've had it from our sources that au were also involved and spent much time within the medical area during the events that unfolded the last few months. Tell me io thing though......t'Rexan...did these nanogeen, actually "cure death" and rebuild her missing anatomy, or is it all cloning? Is it truly her, or is she basically just a clone?"


Kelton was silent for a few moments. "I will na bother trying to deny that I was involved...though my knowledge is far less than I think au believe." Which was true, in its way; the information had been somewhat sketchy, he'd still been trying to get his bearings, and everything was, at this point, highly classified. He tried to buy time while he determined how much he could afford to uphold that classified nature. "Au have the advantage of me, Rekkhai. Au have still na told me who au are. We may as well do this on common terms, na?"


“As I said, I am willing to do this on amicable terms. However, if I were to inform au as to whom we were, due to the secrecy of this mission, we would be forced to come to an unsavory end. I believe au are smart enough to know what I mean. However, if au will assist us, and you swear to na report that au have spoken with us, au will find that we are willing to na only let au go, but na harm will before au family. Let us just say, au may address me as Enarrain, that way, should au cooperate, and we're able to release au, when Galae questions au later, au will na be lying to them either.”


“Unfortunately, my employer has told me to procure the information by any means necessary. And, he has authorized us to, well, let's just say it will involve au family if au do na cooperate. I do apologize for having to be so blunt. It is rather uncivilized and barbaric, but I'm sure au realize the implications of this project.”

Kelton again almost smiled, though without humor. Clearly their intel was somewhat scanty, if they assumed that threats to his family were the most sensitive place to hit him. Then again, his interrogator did not necessarily mean their deaths; Dhael and Aryal had already indicated that Koval was heading towards a fall which might flatten all of them -- himself included. And that was a threat. "I admit I am na aware of all of the...variables at work," he said slowly, noncommittally. "Suppose what I know can na fulfill all au...requirements? I do na know everything which my Daise learned on the subject." Not an unreasonable concern, if he did decide to talk.


“It may still be that we will have to take her as well. I’m sure au would prefer to assist us, and ensure her safety? As for au family, we know au are na the shining star that they had wished for, but things can be arranged. Both ill for all of au house where it’s name may become nothing, or for the better, and the more so for au, that au house name will be a rising star, and qiuu will want to ally with au. Have au ever had any political aspirations? It can be arranged au know. Io can na seriously wish to remain in space indefinably, being shot at, and on Talon of all ships? It's a magnet for trouble is it na?”


Meanwhile, back in town where Kelton had been taken, the little girl that had been pressed into doing the guards dirty work to lure Kelton to come to them, came back to the building to look around to see if that man was still there. On the ground, she saw something s and picked it up. “Oooo, shiney!” It was a bit bent and a wing tip had been broken off, but still, she looked in awe as the t’Liss became her prize. “Prantz will be so jealous when he sees what I have!” she said to herself. She stuck it on the lapel of her tunic and went to find her friends to play some games. All the while, pretending she were an officer, tapping the t’Liss and giving commands to fire.

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