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Suspicions confirmed?

One minute Seiben, Ensign Light and Jaruq were scanning the tanks and filtres, and another, they were mysteriouslly outside again.  After Jaruq's unsucessful attempts to gain entrance into the Water Reclamation Centre, Seiben wonders how they'll get in again.  He thinks of two ways: 1. Ask the Arcadia to transport them inside the Water Reclamation Centre or 2. Try to cross the wires in the locking mechanism and open the door that way.  Both are great solutions, he doesn't know what Jaruq would do though.  Seiben asked how they ended up here, but nobody knew the answer.  But Seiben knew that they were beamed out via a transporter system soon after Tepi agrued with Jaruq. "It has to be that Tepi guy.. I don't know how, but it's gotta be him." Seiben said to noone in patricular.  "Damn it, I knew there was something off with him." Ensign Light just nods at him. Seiben knew that Tepi seemed suspicious to him when he watched Tepi talk with Jaruq from the corner of his eyes, and now that Tepi beamed them out, he thinks Tepi's the culprit. If he isn't, I'll eat my uniform Seiben thinks. Seiben thinks the case is in the bag, but is it?

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