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Cmdr Ridire

A Bribe for a Spa

Aidan feels Deb’s gaze on him as he quickly gets dressed for bed. Finishing, he steps over to the bed and sits down on the edge. Adjusting the covers he turns and brings his legs up, slipping under the covers. He sighs contentedly as he settles against the pillows. After a few seconds he tips on his side to face Deb as he smiles and murmurs "I almost blushed when you were watching me so. What is going through your head that has you smiling?" He brushes a hand down her side and leans into kiss her briefly.


Positioning herself to better look into his eyes, Deb smiled playfully. "I was just thinking about how wonderful our shore leave was," she replied softly. "And how I really didn't want it to end." She gently stroked his cheek with the tips of her fingers. "My only regret is that you didn't have the opportunity to enjoy the spa. But I know how we can fix that."


He closes his eyes and leans his head against her fingers. Softly he murmurs "Every shore leave we’ve had is one I’ve never wanted to end. Same with our honeymoon." He slowly opens his eyes and smiles "As for my not being able to enjoy the spa....one way to fix that is next time we go as a couple." He stretches languorously then purrs "But I somehow suspect my wife is talking about something a bit...sooner then that."


"Heaven only knows when we'll have another shore leave anywhere near a real spa," she murmured as Aidan settled after his stretch. "There is plenty of room in the physical therapy unit. The tubs would be very beneficial to our rehab patients." She rested her hand on his chest and started drawing little circles with her index finger. "In the meantime, I'm sure everyone on the ship would love to have a way to relax and de-stress after a long day's work. Especially when you consider the type of missions we're sent on."


He closes his eyes again, enjoying her touch. "I suppose I can’t really argue with that." He chuckles then adds "In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if there wasn’t a stampede for your little spa at times." He opens his eyes and reaches up to brush his hand against the side of her face as his voice takes on a teasing tone, "But I’m wondering if a certain Doctor I know isn’t engaging in a little self interest as well. So...what’s this little spa going to all entail?"


"Not much," replied Deb casually. "Just a little rearranging of the equipment and installation of a couple of water and power sources." She shrugged slightly. "We've already checked it out with engineering. They said it could be done without a problem." Debbie pushed herself up a bit and grinned at her husband. "I admit to a little self interest but you have nothing to worry about. You offer far more than a spa tub ever could. Rest assured, I'll be home every night."


He smirks and purrs "Good...else I’ll see to the dismantling of the idea...with a phaser. Not going to have my wife and the Chief Medical Officer of this ship became addicted to a spa. Her chocoholism is enough." His smirk softens into a smile as he brushes a finger down her neck and along her shoulder. "Though actually what I was asking is what kind of spa is it going to be. What it’s going to offer and such. After all, if I ever do use it, it would probably be a good idea to know what is there...."


"Oh, it's soooo relaxing," replied Deb remembering her wonderful soak at the spa on Starbase 2. "We bought several samples of everything.....salts and soaks and all the marvelous lotions. I think Anna is in the process of programming them into our replicators so we'll have endless supply. We already have a couple of people on staff who are qualified masseuses." She grinned coyly. "The tubs are large enough for two....and it will be private."


"I’m pretty sure the only masseuse you get, love, is me. In fact I’m pretty sure that was somewhere in our wedding vows. So perhaps could get whatever oils or lotions they use for a private supply here?" He smiles wryly and props himself up on an elbow. "And you don’t think the others are going to talk at our using it together? But yes...very private would be best."


"I'll have to review those wedding vows," laughed Deb. "But you're right, I'm sure the....others will talk. We would have to be very discreet." She canted her head to the right so she could again look into his eyes. "It's too bad we can't install one here," she sighed. "But if we did, we'd have to give up the kitchen."


He chuckles, "I think giving up the kitchen would be asking a bit too high of a price." He leans in for a soft kiss. Breaking it off after a few seconds he murmurs "But...perhaps when we move on from this ship borne life we could perhaps see to it that our home has such accommodations? Perhaps a Jacuzzi and a sauna as well? Things that are attached to the master bedroom only?" His smirk returns briefly. "Though for right now the question really is how discreet we can manage to be. And whether or not I really should be allowed to sign off on that requisition before it goes to the Captain. After all...I may have a conflict of interest here." His voice takes on a decidedly teasing tone as he says the last.


Deb smiled mischievously. "I'm sure you can make an impartial decision," she said softly. "But if there's anything I can do to help, please let me know." She started drawing those little circles on his chest again before looking up at him innocently. "I mean, if you need further information...."


"Well perhaps could use some further..information, yes." He smiles and purrs, "Though, perhaps could give a..demonstration of the benefits, yes? A massage perhaps?"

"Oh I have a lot in mind," purred Debbie moving aside and pulling him onto his stomach. "But we'll start with the massage."


He settles on his stomach and takes another few moments to stretch. Resting his head on the pillow with his hands tucked under the pillow he closes his eyes and relaxes. "Does my idea about things to have at our home, when we move on from here, meet approval? And exactly what other things do you have in mind?"


"You mean the home spa?" asked Deb as she kneaded his shoulder and neck muscles. "I'm in full agreement with that. You'd better start saving your credits too. When the time comes, I'll be reminding you about this little chat." She leaned down and kissed him on the back of his neck. "As for what other things I have in mind, you'll have to wait and see. But feel free to use your imagination."


A shiver runs through him when she kisses him on the back of his neck. "Don’t worry, I haven’t exactly had many things to buy over the years. Well there is the presents I’ve gotten you and future presents, yes, but one doesn’t exactly have many things to buy while in Starfleet. Since our house will be where I intend to grow old with my wife I very much intend it to be exactly what we want." He moans softly as he savors and enjoys her touch. He purrs, "As for imagining what other things you have in mind, I think I’ll just wait and not imagine. Much more..enjoyable that way." He shifts slightly then settles back down as he softly murmurs "But this is heaven right here."

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