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Joe Manning

"Planning the Next Crime"

Lawman Sergeant Xavier Benton was having a great deal of difficulty getting into his uniform. The bruised face was just a nuisance, but the two fractured ribs were making any movement painful. At 70 years of age, he couldn't bounce back from a brawl the way he once could. He glanced out the front window of the storage depot office; the riot at the bridge was still in full swing. The remaining Guardians were too busy trying to restore order (more accurately, defend themselves) to notice their three missing comrades.


He looked down at Lawman Doctor Orson Audrey, already in uniform, who was ensuring that the unconscious men and woman on the floor remained sedate. Lawman Nurse T'roh was standing beside him, busily tapping at her tricorder, searching the streets around the depot for a useable vehicle. The man with the bionic arm was ensuring that no one was approaching the office; he looked a touch out of place among a uniformed crowd.


"Bein' a Guardian feels ... itchy," Joe/Xavier said. "Just like I always figured. Bit tight around the waist too."


Dash/Dr. Audrey pointed to the badge on his chest. "The best part is they come with these nifty patches."


Joe looked down at the badge in his hand -- the bull's head in a star, a traditional symbol for justice; he always wished that the group behind the badge was a touch more scrupulous. He affixed the badge to the black jacket as he hobbled back to the rest of his 'squad.' With the uniform and the ID's procured by Pher, they had a good shot at getting past a Guardian security checkpoint. Now they would just need to secure transportation.


"Anything promising?" he asked T'aral/T'roh.


"There is a great deal that is 'promising', depending on how selective you are." The Vulcan looked about intently. "The only question is, how do you wish to proceed? There are a number of Guardian vehicles approaching, along with a few emergency transports. Because you are injured we can indicate just cause to appropriate any of them, although that may result in our being accompanied - which may not be desirable.


"An alternative would be to appropriate a civilian vehicle. Most law enforcement codes include provisions for commandeering property in times of need - your injuries make that possible, although with the presence of so many Guardian vehicles that may actually draw more attention to us than simply acquiring a civil vehicle.


"The choice is yours, sir - but given the option, I believe taking a Guardian transport would be the best choice." T'aral looked out from the alleyway to scan the situation. "There are several acceptable units available - I recommend a smaller semi-aerial. There are 2x2 seat units available, and they are easy to access." Several units were compliantly arriving, dropping off Guardians to form a blockade to stem the tide of aroused locals and off-worlders.


Joe's ODRI beeped with an incoming call from Pher. "Hang on, I got to take this."


While Joe stepped aside to hear Pher's report, Dash and T'aral dragged the unconscious Guardians into the office's small storage room. The sedatives Dash administered would last until at least sunrise. It was likely that their failure to report in would lead to a search, but the chaos at the port bridge would cause a substantial delay. The Lawmen could bring down legal trouble later -- they could identify Joe or Shane as their assailants -- but Joe hoped that the Minos situation would be resolved by then.


Joe rejoined the group after his conversation with Pher. "There's good news and bad news. The good news is that our First Mate was found and rescued, thanks in no small part to your help in putting Pher on his trail." He nodded to Shane. "The bad news is that he's been heavily saturated with drugs -and- Deltan pheromones. Dash, you're gonna have to take a look at him. Soon as we grab the vehicle, we'll meet up with Pher's group at her hotel."


Dash eyed Joe a moment and knew that he was in pain. He wasn't getting any younger and the tough guy routine was going to begin to weigh on his system harder than he may imagine. His mind snapped back to Nickles. "If he's as pumped full of pheremones as I imagine the detox may take some time. The best we can do for him now would be to get him some place he can rest. It may also be wise to keep any plans we might have... um... to ourselves for the time being. Deltan pheremones are good for several things. One thing in particular, is gathering information..."


Shane looked back from the shaded window where he had been keeping watch, "Well, I agree with T'aral. A Guardian speeder would work the best." He peered back out through the glass as he continued, "Like the one that just landed down the street. The guys flying it left in hurry towards the riot. Now how are yall planing on grabbing this thing? Walk up and take it?"


Joe nodded. "T'aral's right. Long as we're uniformed and I'm in this condition, nobody should question it. Shane, you'd be the odd man out. It'd be best if you headed a few blocks away and got yourself out of sight. We'll pick you up when we've got the aerial." He looked at Dash. "Remember, if anyone asks, you're Doctor Orson Audrey, and you just arrived on the scene with Nurse T'roh to help the wounded. If anyone insists on catching a ride with us, let them. We'll deal with it later."

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