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Surgeons log, sd 10307.21

Checking medical records in search of answers for this plague felt more like Med School research than it did real work. Not that BJ minded really, but he looked at it as fill-in time between periods when his real skill-set was needed. In reality it would make him a more well-rounded physician in the long run, but today it was just research.


He was back in the shuttle running some genetic mutation simulations when the 911 came in from the Marines. LtCdr Stardust had been badly wounded in some altercation and was being beamed directly to the shuttle. He saw Doctor Ren running toward the shuttle.(or was it Doctor Telano, he really was not't sure. Some Bajorans had been trying to assimilate into the mainstream and using convention as to the order of their name. He would have to check on that)


Ziggy appeared just as Doctor Ren approached. Calls to the Marines were going unanswered, so the two physicians were on their own as to the cause of the injuries. BJ activated the biobeds scanning systems and brought its results up on the viewscreen. He zoomed in on what he had quick-assessed as the primary injury, a stab wound to the back.


The display showed a two-dimensional representation of the wound. BJ studied it for a moment, then he began to model it in his mind as three dimensional. After he had a picture of the wound, he began to separate the wound into two categories, entrance and exit.


Any blade will cause two different injuries based on its motion. If the blade is inserted with a straight insertion it will make a small wound but penetrate faster and deeper because of reduced friction, as opposed to a slicing-type of motion which normally does not penetrate as fast or as deep because of the increased tissue it is coming into contact with. The same is true depending on how the blade is removed.


Based on the lack of lateral damage, it appears as the blade was not twisted on insertion. Rather more likely it was a stabbing motion, in and out quickly. There was another variable in the wound calculation. There was tissue that was extruding from the wound. What made this odd in a straight insertion was that the tissue that was torn away should be pushed into the wound, not torn out. The only time BJ has seen such damage was when the blade expanded after insertion, like a Klingon blade.


It was unclear at this time if it was a Klingon-type blade with a trigger selected blade expander or a Nausican-type with automatic expanders. Nausican types are actually 3 blades. The main blade has two smaller blades at the tip which have tabs. When the blade is removed, the tabs catch on tissue and pull the two smaller blades out.


BJ informed Ren about his conclusion. The patients blood pressure had dropped to 70 over 30, but BJ brought the rapid infuser, which provides blood to the patients system under pressure. The use of the rapid infuser will prolong a patients life for a short period, but the additional pressure on the patients pulmonary system the increase the risk of vital organ damage after 20 minutes of use.


The medical team had stabilized Mr Stardust. Ren contacted the local medical authorities to obtain clearance for the shuttle to depart ahead of schedule. Ren had assigned BJ the direct care of Mr Stardust and ordered them to return. Ren exited the shuttle as the pilot entered. The pilot brought the shuttles systems up and was prepared to take-off a second after clearance was given. BJ contacted the medical staff and had assistants standing by with antigrav gurney.


As the shuttles systems came alive, BJ had a smile flash across his face. He was in his element, his specialty. He looked at his stable patient and knew he would be OK, cause Ziggy had one of Star Fleets best Surgeons standing above him.


"Your gonna be alright Commander" BJ said has he put his hand on his shoulder.

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