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Curiouser and curisouser

Sure has been one intersting away mission so far, Seiben thinks.  First the discovery that the filtration system and possibly the storage tanks were tampered with, and programmed to explode, then later, he finds out that the Marine Contingient are in prision.  He wonders who could have tampered with it.  Could it be that old guy Tepi? .  What was it again? Seiben was never good with names.  He seemed suspicious to Seiben.  He didn't hear everything he said, but there was something funny avout his body language. But it's just a hunch, he doesn't want to start pointing fingers until he gets some real good evidence.  Or was it someone else? Seiben doesn't know, and he'll have to take a look at the tanks again to see if he's right.  But for now, Seiben follows Ensign Light and the Chief to the prision where the Marine Contingient are held. All Seiben knows is that the Marines were involved in some kind of barfight. Barfight, Seiben thinks, I thought Maines were too disiplined to get into barfights.  Kind of like those British Guards by Buckingham Palace in London.  Now those guys, you could throw a rock at them and they'll  just stand there like some statue. They probably wouldn't get into any barfights. Seiben shakes his head as they make their way to the prision. Though Seiben never met any of the Marines, he knows they're good folk, and probably didn't start it, and fought out of self-defense.  Hopefully, Jaruq can "work some magic" with the police and work something out....

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