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Experience had taught her that when the door opens it's best to wait. The door to solitary confinement was no exception. If anything, it was more threatening open than closed. Not that she felt threatened, but under the circumstances caution was advised, especially when the imposing figure of a Romulan SubCommander filled its frame.


"You are released, by the Ambassadors orders. You may use your quarters until you have found means to leave the station, or as you wish, under normal rules."


Simple. Direct. And relaxed? At least he seemed so.


Still, she waited, as though leaving what had been her prison for the last five days would put her in the unenviable position that landed her here in the first place. It wasn't much of a choice. Serve the Ferengi or stay in solitary. Were she to choose....


But the choice was not hers to make, so when she felt the timing right she stepped from her sanctuary, walked casually out of security and through the Midway, taking the lift to the fighter bay as though nothing extraordinary had transpired in the last few days.


As she stepped from the lift, the prying looks of the Midway and the stares of the corridor were replaced with the nonchalance of the fighter bay. Those who worked here were a breed apart, the laissez faire of the station, unflappable - until a pompous officer whose brass outweighed his brains horned in on their territory. Otherwise, they went about their own business without minding the business of others.


Her fighter gleamed in the pale back-lighting of a non-working area and a young Fleet PO2 appeared from beneath the wing at her approach, rag in hand, looking more like a car-wash jock than a mechanic as he wiped the rag along the wingtip.


"Commander!" Justifiably startled, he snapped to attention as her left hand grasped the ladder.


"As you were, Petty Officer. Carry on."


His expression fell into instant relief as she began to climb. By the time she had eased herself into the seat and had just begun to enjoy its familiar press against her body, he had joined her at the top of the ladder, an eager look of admiration plastered across his face. "Quite a ride, Commander," he said, leaning into the cockpit. "Fixed 'er up for you. 'Couple parts replaced - those we could find replacements for, I mean. Don't see many Peregrines around here. Took a while, but we got 'er hummin'. Polished 'er myself. Takin' 'er out for a spin?"


Unflappable. Totally. "No, Petty Officer. Just checking a few things."


He snapped back as she reached up to close the canopy, and his "Let me know if you need anything," accompanied the sealing hiss and the creak of rungs as he withdrew.


After a few minutes of silence she powered up to bay level and engaged the secure comm to Fleet Intel. Allowing her body to sink deep into the upholstery, she sat back to wait for a reply.

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