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Finally Going Home

There was no doubt in her mind why Ireland was called the Emerald Isle. From her vantage point on the second floor balcony, Debbie surveyed the generous grounds surrounding her father-in-law's home. A sea of omnifarious shades of green smiled back at her, engendering all who viewed it with a pastoral sense of calm.


She was no exception. Since arriving here, Deb had spent an inordinate amount of time on this balcony as well as the copious patio located at the rear of the house. The views were amazing. One couldn't help succumbing to their placid charm. Aidan was lucky to have grown up in such a beautiful environment. It was no wonder his eyes were the same color as the landscape.


A soft beeping of her comm disrupted her revelry. She glanced back toward the french doors leading into the bedroom trying to resist the urge to ignore the comm. But she didn't dare. Perusing the countryside one last time, she reluctantly walked through the open doors into the sizable bedroom. A moment later, she sat down at the antique desk and activated the monitor. She was met by her Grandfather's smiling countenance..


"Hey, little girl," he quipped . His voice was strong in-spite of his advanced age. "Thought you'd like to know.....they're back."


Deb smiled broadly. "Really?" she asked, pulling the chair a bit closer. "When? Better yet, where?


"McKinley," came the quick reply. "They docked about two hours ago." Virgil Matthews shook his head slightly while a small frown coalesced. "Sorry for the delay. My man at McKinley was at lunch when they pulled in."


"No apologies necessary," laughed Debbie. "I'm just grateful for the information." She hesitated a moment, quietly dreading her next question. "Did your contact say....how they looked?"


Her Granddad's bright smile returned immediately. "Oh yes," he answered quickly. "They appear to be just fine. He said the Reaent looked good....real good."


She was surprised at how relieved she was at the news. Grinning at Virgil, she leaned back in the small chair. "Then I guess all that's left for us to do is go home."


"They're all on leave," retorted Virgil. "You and Aidan probably won't have to report for another couple of weeks."


Debbie nodded, her grin broadening. "We've been on vacation for over a month." She looked at him sheepishly. "I'm a little anxious to get back. I think Aidan is too."


Her revelation was met with a hearty laugh from the elderly man on her view screen. "I know how that is, little one. Believe me, I know how that is." He rubbed his chin as though deep in thought. "I'm willing to bet you're already packed."


How did he know that? she wondered silently, deciding she would never admit to it. "Maybe," she replied. "Maybe not."


"In case it's the latter, I'll let you go so you can get started," said Virgil. "And thanks again for the visit. It was good to see you two again.


"It was great seeing you too," whispered Deb, leaning forward and placing her hand on the screen, wishing she could actually touch him. "We had a wonderful time. Hopefully, we'll be back in the neighborhood around Christmas. I'm looking forward to some of the cookies Grandma bakes every year."


"We'll count on it," he replied. "In the meantime, take care of yourself...and Aidan too."


"I promise," answered Debbie. "I promise. You take care as well"


"Don't worry about us," retorted Virgil. "We'll be fine. Talk to you later."


With that, the screen returned to the standard civilian blue field. Deb stayed where she was for a long moment, her hand still pressed against the cold view screen. He told her not to worry about them but that was impossible. They were quite elderly now. Although they were both in good health, anything could happen. Every time she went home for a visit, she left wondering if she would ever see them again.


Snap out of it, she scolded herself silently. Quit worrying about something happening to them. If anything goes bad, it will probably be you or Aidan who ends up on the short end of the stick.


Pushing back the chair, she stood up and walked toward the bedroom door. She casually glanced out the window at the magnificent scenery and caught a glimpse of their luggage stacked neatly in one corner of the room. Her Granddad had been right. They had never really unpacked after arriving here from Pacifica. They'd been living out of their suitcases for weeks, impatiently waiting for the call that she had just received. Now it was time to pass the word to Aidan. They could finally return to the Reaent....the could finally go home.

Edited by DrDMatthews

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