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USS Republic Sim log

STSF_BluRox -> Ok..just a quick bit of business...those Avatrix really messed with Mr. Hawke and he needs some time to clear his head. JK.....really though, he has some stuff going on, so will be taking a Leave of Absence for a bit.

Fiona Weber -> Though my voice is hoarse from trying to yell over a group of 20 kids tonight

STSF_Scooter -> Airhorns work very well, Fiona

Fiona Weber -> those don't quantify as kidlets

LtCmdrRobinson -> <<Can we pretend he took a leave for psychiatric reasons?>>

Fiona Weber -> loL, scooter, I'll bear that in mind

LtCdrJohnson -> You know I would have tried that on my Kindergarten class...but I somehow didn't want to damage their hearing

STSF_Scooter -> Whistle, then.

Fiona Weber -> Yeah, well, these kids were around 18-20. :-P

LtCdrJohnson -> Yipes

STSF_Scooter -> Airhorn, definitely

STSF_BluRox -> <lol....I'll leave it unsaid in game, but I'm sure this is what everyone will.....assume>

August Jax Robinson -> get a water gun, sqirt them

Fiona Weber -> I like that idea, Jax

August Jax Robinson -> works on my sister dog

LtCdrJohnson -> water guns work well on evil neighbor children

August Jax Robinson -> *'s

LtCdrJohnson -> and tresspassers

LtCdrJohnson -> especially those supersoakers I grew up with

Ayumu Kasuga -> I have my old Super Soaker XP 275

LtCdrJohnson -> OMG

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::bites her tongue::

LtCdrJohnson -> I remember that

Ayumu Kasuga -> Still in the original box :P

LtCdrJohnson -> the one with the water gauge

Fiona Weber -> ohhh yes

Fiona Weber -> ::cocks watergun::

LtCdrJohnson -> I had the slightly smaller version

Fiona Weber -> That's what they all say, dave.

Ayumu Kasuga -> That's what she said!

Fiona Weber -> No, I think that's what he said.

LtCdrJohnson -> wow...just wow

Jameson Bardolph -> lol

Jameson Bardolph -> ::rofls::

LtCdrJohnson -> the fact that you two went there is just...bad

August Jax Robinson -> oh my

LtCmdrRobinson -> <Admiral, permission to shoot then all?>

Fiona Weber -> Great minds think alike. :)

LtCmdrRobinson -> *them

Ayumu Kasuga -> :D\

STSF_BluRox -> Mission Briefing: The Republic is investigating a planet that we've come upon during our Gamma quadrant mapping mission. Though, this one is a bit strange, as the planet seems like a nomral class M planet, and there is evidence of large cities that once held millions, now standing empty.....though, in reality, standing is a relative term, as

STSF_BluRox -> much of the cities have given in to decay, rot and ruins over time, indicating a span of some time. Satellites, unresponsive have been found iin orbit of the planet, and upon closer inspection, our probes have picked up small pockets of humanoid lifeforms in remote regions of the planets

STSF_BluRox -> <not plural>

STSF_BluRox -> We continue our investigations.




LtCdrJohnson -> ::In the cargobay with Jax, and some of the other engineers, looking at some of the footage from the second satellite, trying to determine what happened to the people who were fleeing::

STSF_BluRox -> ::In the cargo bay observing the engineers messing with the satelliteLL

Jameson Bardolph -> ::on the ship, having wandered away from helping with the probe, now pondering the images they saw and looking a bit troubled::

Joy -> :: On the bridge, continuing to review scan results, setting up to recieve input from the probes. ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::scanning the rate of decay on the cities' buildings, bridges and other infasctructure::

TireanBell -> :: is in his quarters in deep mediation::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Jax:: OK...so it looks like these are a series of news broadcasts...there is a pattern to them that would suggest that...

August Jax Robinson -> ::trying to get the images to play::

STSF_KBear -> ::still sitting at her post on the bridge::

August Jax Robinson -> I wish we could see where is starts

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Jax:: Ma'am, come take a look at this...

Capt Rian Kwai -> I want to know what the status is of that translation.

Jameson Bardolph -> ::still in a somewhat good mood from having had a chance to tinker around with machines a bit again, and so whistles softly under his breath as he heads into Security::

August Jax Robinson -> ::walks over to where Dave is:: What do you have?

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Jax:: These numbers may be a numerical sequence ::points:: Maybe dates of the original recording...or broadcast...

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::taps her console, getting readings from the probe::

August Jax Robinson -> lets try and get them in order ::taps console, making adjustments::

STSF_KBear -> So far Captain I dont have a working langage. Computer is still trying toconvert it.

Fiona Weber -> ::in Sickbay, going over some of the bio readings::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Jax:: There may be a way to access the footage by selecting one of the dates...sort of like the way we go through log entries...I'd like to try plugging this into our log recording system...see if that will work

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Jax:: If we can find some way to link it to our log recording system...we might be able to get our computer to play a particular numerical sequency the way we would play a log entry

LtCdrJohnson -> sequence*

August Jax Robinson -> see if you can do that

STSF_BluRox -> ::watching the images that were already pulled up::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::nods:: Yes Ma'am

LtCdrJohnson -> ::accesses the log system from one of the auxillary ports::

STSF_BluRox -> it's almost, as if there were some sort of panic, though the damage we're observing, it does not appear to be ......bomb or weapon related for the most part

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to DeAngelo:: Brian...can you please connect one of the transfer conduits to the secondary terminal over here

Joy -> I'd confirm Ive seen nothing that resembles impact, creator or burn weapon signatures.

LtCdrJohnson -> EnsDeAngelo>::to Johnson:: Aye sir ::grabs a transfer conduit and hooks it up, hands the other end to Johnson::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to DeAngelo:: Thank you

August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks at the screen:: Maybe something in nature?

LtCdrJohnson -> Computer...activate the log recording system and sync it with the numerical sequences on Satellite B

STSF_KBear -> Agreed Joy, all scans for known items such as that have been negative.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::hopes the two are compatiable::

Capt Rian Kwai -> So what about a biological agent? Like the Terran plague scares?

Ayumu Kasuga -> No prominent signs of radiation, either.

Jameson Bardolph -> ((gah, sorry, afk))

STSF_KBear -> possible but we would need Samples to check for those, Soil, or some other biological matter

Joy -> Biological as in disease. Plausibly some sort of preditor. :: Not sounding certain ::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Jax:: It will take a minute or two to sync properly...have we learned anything else from the images we have been able to access?

Ayumu Kasuga -> Perhaps we can program the probe to collect some soil samples?

STSF_BluRox -> <omg.....you were afk...what the heck!? lol..jk>

STSF_BluRox -> <be honest...it's because too many people are there with Jax and you can't lurk without being noticed!>

Ayumu Kasuga -> <rofl>

LtCmdrRobinson -> <you better not lurk!>

STSF_KBear -> We may need remains also. If we could find some

Fiona Weber -> +Bridge+ Weber to the Bridge. Are there any further biological data that can be forwarded to me?

August Jax Robinson -> ::Glances back at Bardolph::

Jameson Bardolph -> ((back))

STSF_KBear -> +weber+ Not so far doctor, But we are looking at the possibilty

Capt Rian Kwai -> The probes we launched a few hours ago should be back soon, correct?

Jameson Bardolph -> ((and i'm not there anymore, i believe i got told to leave last week because there was nothing else for me to do <_< ))

August Jax Robinson -> ::notes he is no longer there :P ::

Jameson Bardolph -> (( lol ))

STSF_KBear -> Yes Captain but unsure if we will get the data we are looking for

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Jax:: Alright...let's give this a try

August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks at the screen:: play it

LtCdrJohnson -> Computer, play recording listed under the first numerical sequence

Fiona Weber -> +Kawalas+ Thank you, Sir. Medical out.

STSF_BluRox -> ACTION: The satellite begins playing the digital playback of more news casts, again, showing people trying to flock from the cities, while in other areas, the cities had been blockaded trying to keep those there.......inside.

Capt Rian Kwai -> I need to take a few minutes, I'll be in the conference room. Let me know if you find anything significant. ::frowning:: Kawalas, you have the bridge.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Jax:: Oh my...

STSF_KBear -> Yes Sir

August Jax Robinson -> Hmm.. maybe an illness

Jameson Bardolph -> ((zombie apocalypse?))

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Jax:: It looks like...some kind of quarantine was already in effect when this was made...this is the first recording on the satellite...perhaps it was launched to monitor what was going on...keep a reocrd

LtCdrJohnson -> record even*

STSF_BluRox -> Again as the images played back, things over time began to get worse and worse, with rioting, more dead lying in the streets, large fires where bodies were being burned until it got to be just too many that nobody bothered

August Jax Robinson -> ::nods:: Like a plague of some kind

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Jax:: I concur

STSF_BluRox -> <just a regular telecommunications satelite, just what was on the memory at this time, it was most likely occassionaly cleared to make room for current broadcasts>

STSF_KBear -> ::waits for Rian to leave:: Ayumu will the probes sent down give us the data we are ooking for as far as Bio data

TireanBell -> :: is still in deep mediation

Capt Rian Kwai -> :;exiting the bridge area and entering the conference room, runs her hands through her hair, pacing::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Jax:: It doesn't look like they were prepared for this, dead bodies unburied, fires left to burn, looting...

August Jax Robinson -> ::Glances back at Blu:: are we going to go down and investagate?

Joy -> Bio warfare? Of planet source of bug? That is an awful high death rate for a normal disease mutation.

Joy -> (( Off planet source... ))

STSF_BluRox -> ACTION: Some of the broadcasts showed behind the newscasters, symbols that might be some sort of ....warning...such as poison, food, death...but as we have not converted their language yet, this is yet unknown

STSF_BluRox -> ::turns to Jax::

STSF_KBear -> agreed Joy, Any other way we can gather bio data without going down there?

Ayumu Kasuga -> Uncertain. The probe can detect the chemical properties of the air and soil, but might not be able to get a full picture

August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks at Dave:: how long until the computer can translate this ?

STSF_KBear -> thats what I was afraid of

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Jax:: It will take some time, but since we're recording all of it, it makes it easier

STSF_BluRox -> I am only administrative for this mission. I've passed command for the current mission to Captain Kwai and Commander Kawalas

STSF_KBear -> Joy how many langages do you know?

August Jax Robinson -> ooh

STSF_BluRox -> Hey.....I have to let the kids use the vehicle sometime eh?

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Jax:: Once Commander Kawalas is able to decode the little bit we sent, all we do is run it through the translation matrix and it should come out the other end in whatever language we want it to

Joy -> That depends. I can upload universal translator files, but I'm not as good as the ship's computer at figuring out a new language.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Jax:: However, I do suggest sending her some of the broadcast...

August Jax Robinson -> lets hope they don't drive off the road

Joy -> The ship has a lot more computer power to work with.

STSF_KBear -> ::nods:: THank you Joy

Joy -> You're welcome.

STSF_BluRox -> ::looks to the engineers:: Good work. Please make sure that all of these images get up to science, medical, the bridge and...Joy...yes, make sure she has all of this information as well

STSF_KBear -> :: continues to try to get the transcripts translated::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Sighs:: alright, I will head up to the Bridge and bring everyone up to date

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Jax:: Yes Ma'am

Joy -> As to the not going down there... A probe could do it, not with as much dexterity as a human party.

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::monitors the probe and gets it to perform a scan of the soil, before it has to go back::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::paces back and forth quietly, trying to forumlate a plan of action::

August Jax Robinson -> ::grabs her PADD and heads out::

Joy -> I also am not threatened by biological effects, but I'd have to be scrubbed on return.

STSF_BluRox -> ACTION: Due to time, the broadcasts are a bit choppy and have some interferene and decay of signal, they are not perfectly recorded shows....but a bit choppy and cut up, but translation should not take long.

STSF_KBear -> Thats what I am afraid of Joy, We almost need the human factor

August Jax Robinson -> <<you want to be scrubbed Joy?>>

TireanBell -> ::is on the ground kneeling with face pointed to the window meditating::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Blu:: Whatever happened to these people Admiral...it could very well happen to us if we're exposed...I'm just an engineer, but this looks devestating

Joy -> << Not really, Jax >>

August Jax Robinson -> ::Steps onto the lift:: Bridge

STSF_BluRox -> <am not volunteering for scrubbing duty>

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::quietly waiting in his office for the rest of the crew to discover the zombie apocolypse below, at which point he will come in and save the day::

Jameson Bardolph -> ((who's scrubbing Joy? ::looks around::))

LtCdrJohnson -> +Sickbay+ Johnson to Sickbay...

STSF_KBear -> The Captain has said No one goes to the planet until we know whats going on

STSF_KBear -> <<not I>>

Joy -> I would not arguew ith the Captain on that.

August Jax Robinson -> <<you are>>

August Jax Robinson -> ::Steps onto the Bridge::

Ayumu Kasuga -> <<don't forget the hard to reach places>>

STSF_KBear -> Nor will I

Jameson Bardolph -> ((cool))

LtCdrJohnson -> ::prepares a small sampling of the broadcast, which depict some of the devestation, the death, the fires, the looting and prepares to send it a few places::

STSF_BluRox -> I'm sure that Captain Kwai will make the appropriate judgements <or at least as close as the dice will let her>

LtCdrJohnson -> +Weber+ Johnson to Weber, you there Doc?

Fiona Weber -> +Johnson+ Weber here, Commander.

Capt Rian Kwai -> ((Oh geeze))

STSF_KBear -> Im getting more from Engineering, It seems there are Fires? Riots maybe?

LtCdrJohnson -> +Weber+ I am sending you a sampling of what we have downloaded off the second satellite, you're not going to like this...

August Jax Robinson -> ::Walks over:: Captain, we have cleared up the footage from the satillites

STSF_KBear -> <<LOL pooor Rian>>

STSF_KBear -> Jax the Captain is in the Ready room

August Jax Robinson -> ::hits the door chime::]

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::glances over at Jax curiously::

August Jax Robinson -> Thanks

STSF_BluRox -> Continue getting what you can from the satellite. If the bridge feels the need to retrieve more for further investigation, please assist them. I am heading up to my ready room to meet with Kwai

Fiona Weber -> +Johnson+ What am I not going to like? ::flicks on her nearest console monitor::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to BluRox:: Yes Admiral

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::drags a hand through her hair, then calls it:: Come in.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Steps into the Ready room::

LtCdrJohnson -> +Weber+ Sending you the footage now ::hits a button and sends Weber some of the footage::

STSF_BluRox -> ::enters lift:: bridge

Capt Rian Kwai -> Hey Jax. Any news?

August Jax Robinson -> We have cleared up footage from the satillites ::Hands her the PADD::

August Jax Robinson -> it's pretty grim

LtCdrJohnson -> Computer...run the shortest broadcasts through the translation matrix, and decode, then re-constitutue in standard language protocol

STSF_KBear -> :: pushes back from her console:: IM not getting anywhere with the translations.

LtCdrJohnson -> Computer> Working

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::taking the PADD:: Thanks. ::activating it, then wincing:: <m>Spite. ::looking up:: This isn't some sort of horror film festival, is it?

Fiona Weber -> +Johnson+ Thanks. I'll take a look.

LtCdrJohnson -> +Joy+ Johnson to Joy

August Jax Robinson -> no ma'am, I wish it was

Joy -> +Johnson+ Joy here.

August Jax Robinson -> I watched it a few times, I looks like a plague was over taking them

STSF_BluRox -> ::exits the lift onto the bridge and heads to her ready room::

Joy -> :: Wistfully remembers when he was Dave. ::

STSF_BluRox -> :: enters, finding some of the others already there::

STSF_BluRox -> I was wondering where you took off to August

STSF_KBear -> ::nods to the Admiral then looks back to her console::

LtCdrJohnson -> +Joy+ I am sending you some footage we have downloaded from the satellite...I have run some of it through our translation matrix, it should be able to be de-coded, but you should have a look, the Admiral wanted science updated

Fiona Weber -> +Johnson+ Thanks. Medical out.

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::watching for a few more minutes, then pauses it:: What's the status of our EVA suits? Are we....:;pauses when Blu enters, then smiles grimly:: Admiral. ::nods::

August Jax Robinson -> ::nods to Blu:: Sir

Joy -> +Johnson+ I see it, though the translations have been going slow.

Joy -> +Johnson+ I'll take a look.

LtCdrJohnson -> +Joy+ Some of the broadcasts are shorter...choppier...but some are clear, including what I am sending you...could be a bit easier to de-code ::sends the footage to Joy::

STSF_BluRox -> Captain...

August Jax Robinson -> we have more then enough EVA suits

Joy -> :: Starts the computer on the translation program ::

STSF_BluRox -> ::moves over to her desk to look at some of the footage on her terminal::

Joy -> :: starts working through the visuals ::

STSF_BluRox -> Please...do not let me interrupt...I just wanted to take a better look at this

Fiona Weber -> Hmm. +Bridge+ I'm assuming I'm looking at footage of a plague?

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::files another report verifying that Bell is still off the alcohol, but is going to start random testing to verify it in the future::

STSF_KBear -> Id love to know who came up with this langage.

Joy -> :: focuses on the symptoms. How are the biological systems failing? ::

Capt Rian Kwai -> No, that's okay. ::turns back to Jax:: Think you can give the bridge crew a hand in translating the languages from the footage. There seems to be some sort of issue there.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to DeAngelo:: Alright...we have our work cut out for us here...we have to find a way to get this stuff in order...so the broadcasts make sense...

LtCdrJohnson -> DeAngelo>::to Johnson:: Why not use a standard ordering algorythm

Joy -> +Fiona+ Good guess. I have not excluded bio war. It might be the results of aliens landing with the wrong disease as well. A very bad first contact.

STSF_KBear -> +Weber+ If you are looking at the latest footage, It looks to be Doctor, Tanslations are going slow.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to DeAngelo:: That would work if we knew for certain what order they were in..we're only making a guess here...

August Jax Robinson -> I have never been very good with Languages, but I can try

Jameson Bardolph -> ::finishes checking in in Security, glances vaguely towards Robinson's office::

Joy -> +Fiona+ The effect looks much much stronger than your average local disease mutation, though I wouldn't rule that out.

STSF_BluRox -> ACTION: Computer translations start to be available for parts of the transmission.

LtCdrJohnson -> DeAngelo>::to Johnson:: What about trying to record in the order that the numericals are in...

Fiona Weber -> +Joy+ It could be both. An engineered plague. ::pauses, considerately:: It wouldn't be the first time somebody tried that.

Capt Rian Kwai -> I'm thinking you might be a bigger help with the computer issues that are causing the bottleneck. ::grins:: Thanks jax

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to DeAngelo:: That sounds like a...wait a minute

STSF_KBear -> ::looks to her console:: HEY Im getting something!

LtCdrJohnson -> ::walks over to the console::

August Jax Robinson -> ::nods:: no problem

Ayumu Kasuga -> Oh?

LtCdrJohnson -> Parts of the transmissions are starting to be translated....

LtCdrJohnson -> Computer...isolate the parts of the transmission that are translated, augment...and play

August Jax Robinson -> ::exits the Ready room and walks over to where Joy is working:: I am to assist you with the translation..

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to DeAngelo:: I am going to take a look at this...why don't you get on trying to order them somehow...

STSF_KBear -> Im starting to get some type of translation, Its taking a bit but its starting to come in

Joy -> :: Makes room for Jax ::

STSF_BluRox -> ACTION: Main news stories reporting that the virus seems to be spreading, but nobody is certain where it came from. Could it be an attack of the ...garbled... yet a map of some other region of the planet shows up behind them. The next story is that of others accusing food sources of becoming poisonous.

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::exhales heavily:: I'm going to have to send people down there to take soil samples. ::scowls::

Joy -> Be my guest.

STSF_BluRox -> ACTION: Later translations show looting, rioting and people trying to flee the ciites, while others try to keeo them in

LtCdrJohnson -> DeAngelo>::to Johnson:: Aye sir..

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to DeAngelo:: So it was a virus...

Joy -> Any ideas on the language structure? Oh. The computer has started to make the basic correlations. It should go fairly quickly from here.

STSF_KBear -> +Rian+ Kawalas to Captai KWai We are getting some translations sir. Its not looking good

August Jax Robinson -> ::Looks at the console:: translating has never been my strongest

LtCdrJohnson -> +Jax+ Johnson to Jax, Ma'am, parts of the transmissions have started to be translated by the computer...are you getting the same thing up on the bridge?

Fiona Weber -> +Bridge+ Could be an offworld attack, too. Trying to set different factions against each other and pointing fingers. :: smirks slightly :: Wouldn't be the first time for that, either.

August Jax Robinson -> +Johnson+ I would guess so, I just started working on it

STSF_KBear -> +Weber+ Dr Weber Im sending the Translations coming in to your console.

Joy -> +Fiona+ Aye. :: unhappy ::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Smells coffee::

STSF_BluRox -> ACTION: Other translations speak of the deaths, and the inability to deal with the number of dead in such a congregated area. Lack of food stuffs. Rumors of even.....people being attacked and killed....to be ..eaten...much to the horror of those broadcasting. Other stories speak of the lack of services and how the infrastructure after so short a time has begun to break down

STSF_KBear -> Poisoning? If we could go down we may find out more.

LtCdrJohnson -> +Jax+ There are references to a virus, poison, looting...its garbled...but it appears this happened overtime...Bryan and I are attempting to see if we can order the transmissions...make sense out of the chain of events

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::patches the translated newscasts to her console as well, getting a feel for what has happened there::

STSF_BluRox -> ::looks at Kwai:: I picked a hell of a mess to dump on you.....Think you're up to this one?

STSF_KBear -> It looks like their infastructer had broken down ::shakes her head: This is bad Really really bad.

August Jax Robinson -> ::Frowns at the images::

STSF_KBear -> +Kwai+ Captain Im piping to translations to you and the Admiral.

Ayumu Kasuga -> Bad, indeed. But with noone to maintain anything, it is inevitable

Fiona Weber -> ::fairly neutrally and conversationally:: +Bridge at large+ I'm wondering how much of the populations on the outlands were "survivors" and how much are... ravaged by the disease and roaming to continue destruction. Could we isolate and study one of them?

STSF_BluRox -> <must have been the stress!>

STSF_KBear -> +Weber+ We are not at this time going to the planet and its hard for the seconrs to lock on one individual to watch.

Capt Rian Kwai -> (Ack!!!))

STSF_BluRox -> +Kawalas+ We're getting them here as well already

STSF_KBear -> +Kwai+ Captain Im piping to translations to you and the Admiral.

Joy -> +Fiona+ I assume they are remnants settled back into a hunter gatherer pattern. No cleared farmland. They have fire. They seem to have a supersticious tendency to avoid city areas. I would guess they have legends.

STSF_BluRox -> but keep working to clear up more if you would please

Fiona Weber -> +Joy+ How old are these transmissions? Legends or memory, I'd like to know.

STSF_KBear -> +Blu+ Aye Sir

Fiona Weber -> +Kawalas+ Are we getting atmospheric interference? ::rubs at temples, starting to feel the beginnings of a headache::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Lifts brow:: wouldn't you avoid a city too ::Points at the screen::

Capt Rian Kwai -> :;clearing her throat:: I was trying to avoid this, but it looks like I'm going to have to send a group down there to get additional information.

STSF_KBear -> :: continues to work with the langage conversion

Joy -> +Fiona+ The trnsmissions are recovered from satellite repeats. They would be accurate, but perhaps a century dated.

Fiona Weber -> +Joy+ Not likely memory, then, if we're talking human-length lifespan.

Joy -> +Fiona+ On the ground? It might still be fairly accurate verbal history more than legend. We'd have to tie the time down better.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::works with DeAngelo in an attempt to bring some order to chaos with regards to the trasmissions::

Fiona Weber -> ::half-tempted to return to the Bridge again, but... Fiona abhorred the thought of being a "hovering" doctor::

STSF_BluRox -> ACTION: Computer esstimates from initial scans seem to estimate that recordings are somewhere in the 750 - 1500 years span

STSF_KBear -> Its definatley enough time to allow the building to decay and such

Joy -> +Fiona+ Correction 750 to 1500 years. Say, a millenia.

Fiona Weber -> +Joy+ ::blinks:: Oh my. Talk about a cold case.

Joy -> +Fiona+ That would be, in a verbal tradition cultured, more legend thant history.

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::raises brow:: If that's the case, it's impressive these bildings stood up that long.

STSF_KBear -> Ayumu the scans showed piles of some type f debri? Correct??

STSF_BluRox -> <settlements would show some small farms, nothing technological, but just basics>

August Jax Robinson -> ::Coffee smell starts to make her stomach turn::

Ayumu Kasuga -> Yes, steel, concreete from collapsed buildings and other things

Fiona Weber -> +Joy+ If we're not planning on sending down teams to investigate, I don't know how much you're going to be able to do. We're going to be limited to archaeological work, and that'll require samples. I suppose we could send automated probes to the cities...

Ayumu Kasuga -> other elements too

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::listening, and pacing at the same time::

STSF_BluRox -> <upon closer inspection, you might be surprised, that standing..is a relative term>

Joy -> +Fiona+ Correction. In a few places, they are doing agriculture. They aren't entirely hunter-gatherer.

STSF_KBear -> ::pointing to piles of burning bodies on the one footage:: If we could get samples from one of those piles we may get some more answers.

STSF_BluRox -> <5 Minute warning>

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to DeAngelo:: Ok, lets see if we can make some sense out of all this

Fiona Weber -> (Wait, I'm really confused. Are these recent body burnings, but old footage?)

August Jax Robinson -> <<Old footage>>

Joy -> ( old footage )

STSF_KBear -> << very very old footage>>

Fiona Weber -> (But we have samples from them?)

LtCdrJohnson -> Computer..using the numerical sequence we have established, play the recordings...in order of the numerical sequence...augment..and record...and send copies to the bridge, sickbay..and science

STSF_KBear -> ::remembering her medical training:: <<not yet>>

LtCdrJohnson -> Computer> Working

STSF_BluRox -> <well, someone burned something in the street about a thoussand years ago, would you expect that it'd still be there, not blown away? Most likely not a thing there>

Ayumu Kasuga -> <was just going to say>

Fiona Weber -> (yeah, that's what I was thinking, but I was really confused)

Capt Rian Kwai -> How do I keep from lecturing them to death on how to behave and hope that the away team will do their job properly?

STSF_BluRox -> <now....unburned bones, inside or buried somewhere, possible, but they too, decay with time>

STSF_BluRox -> <just remember the time frame>

STSF_KBear -> IF we could get samples from where those bodies were burned or even left to decay we could find out more about what it was that killed them

Joy -> << they got the 1918 flu back from bodies burried under permafrost. It might be possible, but it wouldn't be easy. >>

Fiona Weber -> (It'd have to be from some pretty extraordinary preservation conditions to get anything, especially from burned corpses)

Ayumu Kasuga -> <<but possible.. people find bones from dinosaurs or skeletons over 1000 years old all the time, but not usually burnt corpses>>

STSF_KBear -> <<WB Blu>>

STSF_BluRox -> Ok, that was weird....

LtCdrJohnson -> <<didn't they use samples from the 1918 victims to stop the mini-pandemic in the 80s>>

Joy -> <Fiona> Have you been able to list symptoms? Can we learn anything from how they died?

Capt Rian Kwai -> ((The computer gremlins go you too, eh?))

STSF_BluRox -> <ok..but remember, you're talking less than 100 years there>

Fiona Weber -> +Joy+ Mass hysteria. Possibly hallucinations. It seems quite mental in nature. I'll have to analyze the footage more for more concrete things.

Ayumu Kasuga -> <true..>

Joy -> < but the technology has advanced too.... Still... Not easy. It would require a lot of technobabble. > :D

August Jax Robinson -> ::Glances at joy:: Dave is still working on pulling more images from the satallite. maybe it will fill the gaps at some point

Fiona Weber -> (It's more the fact that there's not likely to *be* anything there that you can analyze...)

Joy -> Perhaps, Jax.

STSF_BluRox -> <2 minutes>

August Jax Robinson -> ::Stands suddenly:: i will go see how he is doing

Fiona Weber -> (But if, say, we were to find preserved gravesites, or somewhere that was prone to organic preservation, then that could explain it...)

LtCdrJohnson -> +Jax+ Johnson to Jax...Ma'am, I think Bryan and I have managed to make some sense out of this

August Jax Robinson -> ::Winces:: +Dave+ Go a head

LtCdrJohnson -> +Jax+ I asked the computer to order the broadcasts, based on the numerical sequences I found...and they appear to be playing in order now...or at least what looks like some sort of order

LtCdrJohnson -> +Jax+ Not all of them have been decoded...but the sequence of events is becoming much clearer...from the scenes of quarantine and so on

Capt Rian Kwai -> <m>No way around this, I suppose.

August Jax Robinson -> +Dave+ I will be right there

August Jax Robinson -> ::Hurries to the lift::

Joy -> :: nods to Jax ::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Gets in quick and gags as the doors close::

STSF_BluRox -> Well, I'm here if you need any help.

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::looks at Jax go::

STSF_BluRox -> I think this will be an excellent setting for your command testing.

STSF_BluRox -> and....


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