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A Joint Log by Dr. Lepage and Cdr Chirakis


After the conversation with DJ, Nick was determined to try and find out what on Earth was going on. And who better to ask than Commander Chirakis who happened to be sitting on a biobed in his sickbay. Nick knew that she had received training to withstand various interrogation techniques. So he had no doubt she knew all the right answers to pass this psych evaluation. Still, he wanted to take this chance and try to gather as much information as he could. So he walked into main sickbay and made a beeline for Chirakis' bed.


Commander Chirakis turned as he entered, her expression a mix of patience and mild condescension.


With a deep sigh Nick pulled up a stool and sat down in front of her. He looked her straight in the eyes. "Alright, Commander, we both know that this is as pointless as asking Drankum for a raise," he said, not bothering with niceties. "So how about we have a little chat about what is going on instead?"


Chirakis met his gaze, her arms folded, her expression noncommittal.


“I’m not in the mood for playing games, Commander,“ Nick added after waiting for any kind of reply. “About a week ago you ordered me to do a psych evaluation on Drankum who, at that moment, was in custody. And now, lo and behold, you are sitting in my sickbay and I am to do a psych evaluation on you while you are in custody. I’m sure you understand my confusion about this whole situation.” He cocked his head but held eye contact.


Chirakis' mouth drew taut. The guards, who had moved a few steps closer to them when Lepage approached her, stiffened and raised their weapons when she angled her eyes towards them and back to Lepage.


"This is no game, Doctor," she growled, weary of his sarcasm, "and if you believe it to be you are more naive than I ever suspected. Ask a question and I will answer." Astounding that this physician could diagnose the most obscure illness and repair a mangled body but could not see beyond his own insecurity. And he was the second officer of the station? Once again she cursed her position, half hoping for a court martial, half bound to duty, as damnable as it might be. The guards returned to their original positions but remained watchful.


“You want a question, fine. Here is one. Why exactly did you order Drankum to be put into custody? Did you have any ulterior motives or did you really believe he was unfit for duty?” The little patience Nick still had was wearing thin very quickly and he finally wanted some answers.


Her narrowed eyes returned, along with the mild condescension. "Why did I place the ambassador in custody? Do I have . . . ulterior motives?" She gave a sigh that could be interpreted as exasperation. "I fail to see what that has to do with a psychological evaluation, Doctor. However, for the sake of deposition and because you are technically the second officer of this station and will take command if both Ambassador Drankum and myself are..." here she paused, the double entendre clear, "...deposed..., I will answer.


"I placed Ambassador Drankum in custody because he was disruptive on the command deck during an attack by a superior alien force. He was disruptive to the point of endangering the station and the lives of all station personnel, civilian or otherwise. He was disruptive enough that I made a fatal error that resulted in the deaths of two superb pilots and the loss of their fighters. I suspect him of sabotage and collaboration with the enemy." Present tense. Subtext obvious.


“I saw the security feeds, Commander. You don’t trust him and he doesn’t trust you. Under normal circumstances I would rather cut off my right arm than get involved but we have an enemy out there who could strike any second. This is not the time to play king of the hill. We should be working on a plan to defend this station instead of fighting over who’s in command.” Nick didn’t know what he was trying to achieve with his little speech. He was sure both Chirakis and Drankum were aware of the threat. Still, he couldn’t resist reminding her.


"You have a plan?"


This question took Nick by surprise. “A plan?” he spluttered.


Chirakis waited a few beats before continuing. "I am under arrest, Doctor. For mutiny. Ambassador Drankum has placed both Mr. Porter and Centurion Dabi in custody as well. As I mentioned to Dr. McKinny, all personnel who are most adept at defending this station, except for SubCommander Jorahl, have been removed. There are no Starfleet personnel in control. None. How do you propose we plan to defend the station?"


Nick got up and paced up and down in front of the biobed. “Until a week ago I doubt you even considered me fit to run this sickbay and now you’re asking me to come up with a plan to make Drankum come to his senses and defend the station?” He stopped right in front of her, looking down on her. “You and Drankum got us into this mess and quite frankly, the only solution I can see right now is for me to declare you and him unfit for duty and take over command. The only thing that bugs me is that Drankum seems quite fond of the use of disruptors. That alone is reason enough for a court-martial.”


She gave a small shrug and left her expression open for interpretation.


Sitting back down, Nick ran a hand over his face in a gesture of frustration. “How would I even get him arrested?”


"Arrested? Do you want to arrest him?" She lowered her voice to an intense whisper and gestured just enough for emphasis, not enough to bring the guards within hearing range. "You're going to overpower a force of Romulans armed with disruptors defending a radical, unpredictable Ferengi? Create more injuries? Casualties? Is that what you want?" Definitely not a tactical officer.


Nick sat in silence, contemplating Chirakis’ question.


As Dr. Lepage was not forthcoming she continued, leaning towards him and turning her face casually away from the guards' line of sight. "If you're looking for transfer of power there are much more subtle ways. Safer ways. Negotiation is one, but in the ambassador's present state of mind I doubt he will be open to negotiation.


"Creation of a common enemy is another. Beings threatened by a common enemy are more apt to unite against it rather than to continue their petty squabbles. We already have a common enemy, whether or not Ambassador Drankum is in collaboration. And the common enemy does not have to actually attack to unite those on the station to achieve a common goal." Clear subtext again.


“If Drankum’s collaborating with them it would make them his allies. Whether or not they’ll turn on him as soon as he’s played his role remains to be seen. However, I am not convinced he’s actually…hang on,” Nick paused as he understood her meaning. “Do you actually suggest we stage an attack?”


The commander gave a noncommittal tilt of her head.


Sacrifice!” Nick muttered, resorting to cursing in his native language. “Remind me never to get on your bad side.”

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