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End Game

End Game


Had the situation not been so serious, Cdr Chirakis would have laughed. She'd seen the signs of insurrection for days - Jorahl's manipulations of the security systems, his conversations on the midway and his poignant questions laced with innuendo.


But this?


Her feet firmly planted amidships in Sky Harbour Aegis' control tower, she stood, unarmed, facing the turbolift doors as they spewed forth... an army? Am I that much of a threat? She glanced at the viewscreen, half expecting the fleet. Only years of practice hid the contempt that lingered just beneath the surface.


SubCommander Jorahl exited first, leveling his disruptor at Chirakis. Behind him came a fuming, spluttering Ferengi accompanied by Dr. McKinny. Then the point guard - loosely disguised as ordinary tower personnel - turned from their posts and took aim at Cdr Chirakis, Security Chief Dabi, and Operations Manager Porter. On cue. She had expected everything but the overkill and melodrama, and she wondered if anyone was left to watch the store or if every available crewman had been summoned to storm the keep.


"Ah, Commander, for a bar of latinum the odds of finding you here." Ambassador Drankum's cane clicked on the deck at his approach.


And where else would I be during Alpha Shift? Her passive expression and lack of response seemed to aggravate him further. Drankum reached into his jacket to add his own disruptor to the twenty-odd others already pointing in her direction. The entire situation struck her as absurd, even ludicrous.


"You are hereby under arrest for mutiny, you and your friends."


My... friends?


He was going to drag as many "conspirators" into the situation as possible, if for no other reason than to justify the onslaught. Such was Drankum's style, or lack thereof. She was not about to play his game, nor was she going to play by his rules. She would not resist. If she did it would result in a full-scale skirmish. There would be injuries, most probably deaths, and definite damage to the control tower. And wouldn't that leave the station in a wonderful state of chaos, ripe for another alien attack? Wouldn't that play right into Drankum's hands?


As disruptors leveled in her direction, Chirakis' eyes leveled at Ambassador Drankum. Jorahl was following orders. Drankum was up to something, and even if it involved her own incarceration, Kirel would find out what it was. She would have to trust others to come to their senses, and she would place her own trust in one in particular.


"So you have two choices," Drankum continued. "Either go to the brig and get your bankrupt pips off my control center or be dragged there."

"Perhaps the dragging would be more dramatic, Ambassador," Kirel replied evenly, her contempt coming a bit closer to the surface. "That is what you would like, isn't it?"

"With all due respect, Mr. Ambassador," Dr. McKinny interrupted, "may I suggest the Commander requires a complete physical and psychological exam."


"Yes, yes," grumbled the Ferengi, lowering his weapon. "I think that would look good on the balance sheet."


* * * * * * *

DJ's thoughts raced as she led the Commander and four "escorts" to the turbolift. She wasn't that experienced in command politics but she knew a disaster when she saw one and this was a doosy. DJ wasn't sure what she expected to happen when Drankum and his entourage arrived at the command center. She was pretty sure there would be a confrontation but weapons? She chided herself for her naivete. She'd never considered the possibility that weapons might be involved and the more she thought about it, the more she felt like she should have stayed in Sickbay.Then again, at least she knew what was going on and why.


The trip to Sickbay was quick and quiet. DJ spoke only once and that was to order the armed escorts to holster their weapons, an order they reluctantly obeyed. No one else said a word. Once inside the medical facility, they garnered a few stares from curious staff members but Sickbay was fairly busy. Most didn't have time to even look up. DJ led the group to a quiet corner and motioned for Chirakis to sit on one of the biobeds. A single glare sent the guards off toward the main entrance and another emergency exit.


For the first time ever, DJ McKinny was alone with the XO. She activated the biobed's scanners and then peered into the eyes of the ever cool Commander. "Permission to speak freely?" asked DJ. She didn't wait for a reply. "This is one helluva a mess," she continued quietly. "We both know I'm not going to find anything physically wrong with you....or psychologically for that matter." DJ checked the data scan more out of habit than expectation. The display gave her pause. Glancing quickly at her patient, she silently wondered how this Bajoran had survived the various traumas she'd been subjected to. DJ also determined she would review Chirakis' medical file as soon as she completed the physical. She seriously regretted not having done so earlier.


In spite of her previous injuries, the Commander's current health appeared more than acceptable. In fact, considering her medical history, she was in excellent condition. So there really wasn't a physiological cause for Chirakis' behavior. But at this point, the cause seemed irrelevant. The solution was the priority. "I'm not going to ask why you disobeyed a direct order. But I would like to hear your ideas on how to diffuse this situation."


Chirakis gave a snort and began to remove the glove from her right hand. "Diffuse the situation, Doctor? It seems to me that the fuse is already ignited and the charge has already exploded." She gave the glove a snap and a precise fold, placing it on the biobed next to her. "I am more concerned with picking up the pieces before another charge is set. The ambassador is systematically removing those who have the most expertise in defense of this station. Except for SubCommander Jorahl. And he, being Romulan, is following the dictates of authority."


After slowly peeling off the other glove, she smoothed it, creased the fold, and layered it precisely with the first, then looked directly at DJ for the first time since leaving the control tower. "When our alien friends return - and be assured that they will - those who are most adept at operating the station at maximum efficiency during the attack will be out of the way. If this is the ambassador's plan, he has succeeded. If it is not his plan, the station most probably will be destroyed."


DJ forced herself to remain calm. "I firmly believe it will take both you and the Ambassador to pick up the pieces," she replied quietly. "And it's imperative we prevent any further charges from being set. I'm afraid that is exactly what will happen if there is another attempt to remove Drankum as the commander of this station." The physician momentarily wondered if she dared voice her opinions on the station's security. She wasn't all that familiar with security protocols but she opted to be forthright with the XO. "I tend to agree with you that our friends will return. But Drankum may not appreciate your expertise on security matters since your refusal to obey his order resulted in the loss of several of our fighters....and their pilots."


Chirakis' eyes narrowed as she turned to stare at the far wall. "My influence in this situation has ended, Doctor, and I doubt the ambassador will pick up the pieces except to deposit them in his bank account. Whether that is fortunate or unfortunate remains to be seen, but I hope the former is true. With external communications strictly controlled by the present regime, assistance from Starfleet or the joint allies is probably out of the question. However, we do have some who witnessed the takeover in the control tower. Cdr Feretti, SrLtn LeMorte, and Administrator McDowell, along with her colonists are off-station. External communications with them were operational at the time and their communications array may not be compromised. It's possible that they may help in some way."


DJ turned her back to Chirakis and rolled her eyes. She hoped all of those off station would stay out of it. They didn't know the whole story. Most people didn't. The plain fact was, the XO disobeyed a direct order. As the station's commander, Drankum had a legitimate complaint. It was quite possible Chirakis would face a courts martial unless she and the Ambassador could reach a settlement....and that needed to happen quickly and quietly. It didn't help that Drankum's ego had been badly wounded when he was banished to his quarters. At least his psych eval was handled in private. The Commander was here, in Sickbay, in full view of the medical staff and a fair number of patients. DJ was absolutely certain the grape vine had already kicked in and rumors were flying.


She turned around once again. "Relax for a few minutes," she said quietly as she switched off the biobed's scanners. "I'll fetch the CMO. He should be the one to administer your psych eval." Chirakis didn't respond. She continued staring at the far wall. For all DJ knew, the Commander didn't hear a word she said. DJ lightly tapped her on the knee. "Our 'escorts' are at both of the exits. Please don't try to leave. We both know that will only exacerbate the situation."


As DJ walked toward Nick Lepage's office, she looked back at her unwilling patient. Commander Chirakis remained where she was, motionless....her eyes narrowed and staring at the far wall.

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