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RES Talon - Missing simlog posted 4/23/09

KhreRiovtRex -> MISSION BRIEFING: The exploration of the lava covered ruin has continued, with the team delving deeper into the structure, and all the while, a noticable rise in temperature has been seen. tRexan, Morgana and a few others have went looking for plant life that might have been used to create the poison that took out the medical dishern.

KhreRiovtRex -> NDak, Laehval, trPexil, trKheve, tJhiin continue

KhreRiovtRex -> in the building...tAehjae, has been called to join tRexan and Morgana

KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> BEGIN SIM

taehjae -> :: moves to meet tRexan and tKsa::

Arrenhe tr'Khev -> :: inside, continuing to work with the engineers to avoid further ancient booby trap peril ::

NDak -> << Also, just a reminder, Talon will na be effected, canon wise by anything those nutty writers came up with. Our Romulans will remain with brow ridges, and our homeworlds lush and forested and not having any mutans or stray Picard clones, on Dacotah clones. >>

NDak -> << only* >>

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> (We can claim any hot Romulans, though.)

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> (That I'm totally fine with.)

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::inside, finishing the preservation of some of the "mummies" and trying to keep the engineers from damaging anything else::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Laehval stood at the far end of the corridor, her back to the delicate remains of the heat-blasted people. Crouched at the doorway to the next chamber that they had blocked off to keep venturing officers out, she studied her multicorder with interest.::

KhreRiovtRex -> <wait..I do have a Dacotah clone back on my farm

KhreRiovtRex -> H'Dan>

NDak -> << Ie >>

Koga S'Bien -> <<lol>>

NDak -> << Though she lacks stylish boots >>

Koga S'Bien -> :;explring the area;;

Laehval tTemarr -> (( I refuse to wear brow ridges. ))

KhreRiovtRex -> <it's true..I took them>

taehjae -> :: makes her way to tRexans position::

NDak -> << LOL. I think the brow ridges are negotiable. I never understood why they needed them. >>

KhreRiovtRex -> @ ::paces around the RAC, peering at the surrounding landscape, trying to spot anything she might collect for Morganna to test::

NDak -> ::Makes his way down in the excavation site to get a better look at these shells that were once creatures or something like that. He'd had a chane to rest and now went back to the grind stone::

Arrenhe tr'Khev -> :: goes from watching t'Jhinn with her dead bodies to watching Laeh looking at her MC, wondering which will decry the next complication of the mission ::

Lerak trPexil -> :: with the group just before the large set of stairs ::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::scowling at some erein::


Koga S'Bien -> ::overseeing the excavation teams::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::The sonic resonator had not only disabled many of the traps in the area, but had also provided them with an excellent map of the interior. The quality degraded as the waves themselves died, but the emitters were being repositioned even as Sar'vek's team

Arrenhe tr'Khev -> :: meanwhile, gets the occasional over the comm update from the various posted sentinels through the already cleared areas ::

Koga S'Bien -> ::while getting a lay of the land::

Laehval tTemarr -> continued to work and grumble about people destroying their mummies.::

TKAR -> yes i know testing to see if i can log in

KhreRiovtRex -> ::sees taehjae's RAC land nearby::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::finally leaves off her team with a few more threats and makes her way back to t'Temarr::

Arrenhe tr'Khev -> :: acknowledges t'Jhinn's approach with the slightest of nods ::

taehjae -> :: exits the RAC and walks towards tRexan:: reporting as au ordered rekkhai

taehjae -> <<test>>

Lerak trPexil -> :: watches Sar'Vek and Laehval ::

NDak -> ::Meets up with Laehval, Sar'vek, Khev and Pexil::

Lerak trPexil -> :: watches and NDak catches up with Laehval, Sar'Vel, Khev and himself ::

taehjae -> ::walks up to tRexan:: Au look as if au are looking for something Rekkhai?

Arrenhe tr'Khev -> Rekkhai. :: N'Dak :: Manage to avoid the mummies, darts, and cracks?

KhreRiovtRex -> Mnekha.....the Daise Maenak has requested assistance collecting various plate types, so that she might be able to identify the poison that was being used in the u

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::nods to the approaching Dak::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Rising from her crouch as Sar'vek approached, she gave the science officer a glance, then returned to her multicorder readings.::

Lerak trPexil -> :: begins to wonder what we are doing down here, scans for energy dispersing technology ::

KhreRiovtRex -> traps that had been set. We've already tried a few but she needs many more collected. just be careful waht you grab or pick up

NDak -> ::Rolls his eyes:: Unlike some ios, I can see a block that is plainly a trap.

Lerak trPexil -> << should this place be fairly dark? >>

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::smirks::

taehjae -> Ie Rekkhai. ::nods and looks around::

taehjae -> What is R'Mor condition Rekkhai? I feel responsible

Arrenhe tr'Khev -> :: grunts :: Ie, it surely does.

NDak -> So... these ... mummies or whatever.

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> Ie?

KhreRiovtRex -> <It's pretty dark, except there are holes in the wall, that give off a glowing orange light, but not so bright it's blinding>

NDak -> I would like to see them.

taehjae -> :: begins gathering a sample of every type plant she can see.::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> I... ah... ::hesitates a moment, then nods:: Of course, Rekkhai. Just this way.

taehjae -> <<WB Laeh>>

KhreRiovtRex -> Na..na with au hands...come to the RAC and get a kit. She wants the samples handled with gloves or tongs. All must be bagged and identified with where they were found, growing conditions as well as if others

KhreRiovtRex -> are growing nearby.

NDak -> ::Nods:: Lead the way.

Laehval tTemarr -> ( ty )

taehjae -> ::nods placing the Ios she pciked on the ground and following tRexan:::

KhreRiovtRex -> As for R'mor.....she has been put in statis, so that perhaps io eisn...she might be cured

Arrenhe tr'Khev -> :: with another glance at Leah, steps over beside Pexil :: Have any idea what those orange glowing holes are? Doesn't seem quite right to match the sunlight, unless it's being filtered through some prism.

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::nods, making her way out to the antechamber with the plaster casts::

KhreRiovtRex -> ::start walking to the RAC to hand tAejahe a kit and pick up one for herself

taehjae -> ::goes silent and follows tRexan, taking the kit thats handed to her::

NDak -> ::Looks over the situation, points to a set of bones, in position a bit away from the plaster casts::

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Multicorder put into her belt, she withdrew her ISD and quickly began to reprogram the sonic array. Her gaze rose to the wall of the corridor where one of the nodes had been placed. Reaching up, she plucked it from its spot and linked it with her

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> As au can see, the remains are already being preserved. We lost a few due to sonar distortions...

Laehval tTemarr -> device, running a quick diagnostic to make certain it was functioning normally.::

NDak -> ::Sar'vek:: I assume that those are what's beneath the other?

Lerak trPexil -> :: to Khev :: "No it is not. The sun here is at 6700k and this is at 2300k.

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> Ie... most had at least bone fragments in them.

taehjae -> :: takes the set of gloves from the kit and places them on her hands::

Lerak trPexil -> "Pockets of mostly dormant magma perhaps.. maybe something we are not thinking about."

NDak -> ::Notices a small glint among them, approaches the bones::

taehjae -> :: takes out a container and pulls off a 4" branch from a tree that looks like its bark is shedding, takes a scanner reading of the area and records it along with the sample number::

Arrenhe tr'Khev -> :: hmms a few seconds :: It's about the only thing left that concerns me, since we're surrounded by them, but I can na seem to find any reason to think they're part of the trap system. Can na quite tell if they're part of the design or part of the...

Arrenhe tr'Khev -> destruction, either.

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> Fhaen! ::momentary look of horror:: Fhaen, do na touch anything, Rekkhai. Everything is very fragile...

Lerak trPexil -> "I would think something of the aftermath."

Lerak trPexil -> "Geology is not my strong suit by any means."

Arrenhe tr'Khev -> :: chuckles :: More au strong suit than mine, so that's really moving in the realms of frightening, ie? :: looks over to the scientists :: Once they get over their mummy love maybe they'll get a chance to look into it.

taehjae -> :: moves down seeing a new type of plant and gathers that sample, the fruit, as well as the data and of its location::

Koga S'Bien -> <feeling really tired, so I'm gonna head out.. see you next week.>

Laehval tTemarr -> ::Replacing the node on the wall in preparation for the next wave of sonic resonance, she tucked the ISD back into her belt and turned, searching for tr'Khev. Spotting him with Pexil, she moved carefully in their direction.::

NDak -> ::Looks at her very, very strangely::

Lerak trPexil -> "I'm trying to get them as much data as possible. Beats singing in my quarters while on medical leave."

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::looks away, mumbling:: I just do na want anything damaged.

Arrenhe tr'Khev -> :: chuckles again at Pexil's comment as Laeh approaches ::

NDak -> Au sound more like a lloann'na scientest... ::smirks::

Lerak trPexil -> "The computers believes me to be ready for more serious singing, if you can believe it."

NDak -> These bones... they have trinkets scattered among them that appear to be gold and silver pressed latnium.

taehjae -> :: discribes the look of the plant and its fruit:: A multileaflet plant, with a redish blue fruit attached to its outer branches::

Arrenhe tr'Khev -> If only showers could be programmed to objectively judge singing, then there would be fewer abysmal applicants on ch'Rihan Idol.

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::considers the bones for a moment::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> Au know... I think au might be right.

NDak -> ::Points:: And those... what are those near that io?

Lerak trPexil -> "I cannot determine any existance of 'higher' levels of technology.. thought there would be more things up my alley."

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> They look like they might be some sort of cut stone...

NDak -> Interesting.

taehjae -> :: places a sample of the peeling bark in the container as well::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::kneels down next to the remains, getting a closer look

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::

NDak -> Have au any hypothesis as to why this would be where we've found the first human remains?

Laehval tTemarr -> Any new findings? ::She asked as she drew near Lerak and Arrenhe.:: The way is blocked. Until the scienctists finish, anyhow.

Lerak trPexil -> :: senses someone approaching ::'

Arrenhe tr'Khev -> :: shakes head :: Na a thing from my teams, rekkhai. It seems we are at the mercy of these powdered remains. And the mummies, too. :: smirk ::

Arrenhe tr'Khev -> :: enjoys taking a shot at scientists any chance he can get ::

taehjae -> :: completes the second sample and moves on::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::picks up a red gem, straightening as she inspects it in the dim lighting:: Hmm? Oh, I was thinking that this was some sort of central gathering point, perhaps... and somewhere people tried to take refuge, perhaps.

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> It's the largest structure we've detected thus far.

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> Have au any theories?

KhreRiovtRex -> @ ::moves off collecting and catagorying plantsLL

Lerak trPexil -> "Nothing as of yet. No sign of higher levels of technology for the traps or otherwise.

NDak -> I am na the scientest. ::He smirked:: That is Issaha.

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She snorted at tr'Khev's remark.::

taehjae -> :: sees a an odd plant that looks as if it is crawling on the ground::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Pexil watched Laehval closely as he has not worked with her for days ::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> He's off... ::waves in the general direction of another chamber:: ... sketching and photographing things. He's been rather helpful, by the way.

NDak -> ::Nods:: I would hope so.

taehjae -> ::begins discribing it:: purplish red leaves, with yellow blossums that leave a powdery residue on the gloves as they are picked

NDak -> But even though I am na a scientest... these...::points:: they are na normal, ie?

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> They do na seem to match up with the level of wealth we've found on other bones...

taehjae -> ::looks at the gloves now with a yellow cast to them::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> Or -- au mean this whole site. Na.

Laehval tTemarr -> ::She seemed calm and collected, professional as usual.:: Well, someone inform me when they are finished with their survey of the remains. I am not remaining down here for hours while they poke and prod.

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> There's only io case of volcanic preservation like this hrrau ch'Rihan.

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> That we're aware of, at least...

taehjae -> :: places the stem and flower in the container, also records the location of the plant for the record::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> A few hrrau the Lloann'su world...

Arrenhe tr'Khev -> :: nods :: Ie, it's about time to call it a night for io set of investigators, isn't it? Though if it proves we wasted a day on ashes when we could find something of more value further in :: frowns :: Well. Those would be the crumbly biscuits.

taehjae -> :: decides a bit of the root may be good as well ::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> ::glances from the casts to N'Dak:: I wanted to say hanny'yo, by the way. Na many officers would approve the amount of excavation we're doing... and fewer would take the safety of the ruins so seriously.

taehjae -> ::Takes a pair of tongs out of the kit, proceeds to dig up some of the root and cuts it off::

NDak -> ::Nods::

NDak -> I only wish to get the largest ammount of information on the site as possible. We still have much work to do before we can begin attempting to remove any of the latnium from the site.

Laehval tTemarr -> Indeed. ::She glanced across the room to where Sar'vek was entertaining N'Dak. Turning, she moved toward them, pausing as she drew near.:: Rekkhai...

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> Ie... though that's another thing I've been meaning to bring up...

Lerak trPexil -> toKhev: "Agreed." :: looks down at his multicorder ::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> There's really na way to extract the latinum that was inlaid into the building. ::shrugs:: When the site was encased in the ash, it played with the chemical makeup of it.

NDak -> ::Frowns::

Sar'vek t'Jhiin -> It's, for lack of a detailed chemical explanation, pretty much adhered to the base stone.

NDak -> Short of taking the ruins apart from stone by stone?

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