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Sehr gut!

As Seiben follows Trichon and Jaruq to the Water Reclamation System (WRS), he ponders on the mangerial position he offered Seiben whilst on the turbolift heading for Shuttlebay1 (This is part of the magic-edit). He is to find some unused equipment to fix and make into some kind of slack for the warpcore. And to make an "engineer's lounge". At least that's what he thinks he wants.  Hmm, yeah.  He thinks, I could probably ask Trichon or whatwas his name? That other LtJg that went with Trichon before Seiben. Oh, man. I forgot his name, Seiben thinks. (I seriously don't remember his name. The guy who went with Trichon, sorry. :))  I'm sure they could assist me, but it doesn't feel right to ask him now.  Maybe when they get  back.  Seiben smiles, My first learship role. he thinks. Well I was told I did a good job on theRevere.  Seiben's tricorder begins to beep and Trichon informs them that they are nearing the WRS.  Hey, I'm kind of familiar with this type of WRS. Seiben thinks.  Then he gets to work.....

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thinks, I could probably ask Trichon or whatwas his name? That other LtJg that went with Trichon before Seiben. Oh, man. I forgot his name, Seiben thinks. (I seriously don't remember his name. The guy who went with Trichon, sorry. :D)  

Probably Reese Hawkins.  He's the only Lt.(jg) in engineering aside from yourself.

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