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Ellie O'Leary

And on the moon...

Ellie looked around the darkened alley feeling her heartbeat slowing down to its usual rhythm. The not-so-welcoming committee leader and his two henchmen were laying against the cold pavement, still out from being heavily stunned. Her eyes stopped for a moment on the large man who had been holding her minutes before, before she turned her attention to the commander.



"Going through their pockets, searching them..."



Ellie's skin crawled just thinking of going anywhere near one of these men again , even if they were unconscious, but he took a deep breath and walked over to the nearest thug, the big dark haired man that had been holding Katherine. After poking him with her foot, making sure he would not wake up, Ellie started going through the multiple pockets on the vest and pants the man was wearing.



"No ID on this one," she said to Daena and Alces without looking at them. "Actually, the only thing he seems to be carrying is this," she added, holding up a small square of hard plastic-like material. Turning to show her superiors her find , she noticed that they were both holding a similar dark red square in their hands, having retrieved them from the two other men's garments.



"Oh!" Ellie approached the chief science officer. "Any idea what it might be?" she asked, holding the square up to her eyes , trying to look through it. As she held it, the square suddenly started glowing, a dozen cryptic symbols appearing on it one by one. Puzzled, she looked at the similar piece of plastic being held by Daena; the same symbols were being inscribed onto it.



" {ü╔ ↕ ▬ ╗ ╧ ╟ "



From the corner of her eyes, Ellie could see the Alces's own square glowing a faint red, presumably being marked with the same obscure symbols. She observed the plastic shape and its markings for a moment. "It must be a communication device, a receiver of some sort. The symbols on it are not consistent with anything I observed on this moon since we transported. It could be anything..."



The ensign ran her fingers over the shape , trying in vain to find if there was any button or mechanism she missed at first glance. She looked up to see Daena holding a tricorder over the small shape; Ellie waited for the results, her own tricorder having been smashed in one of her pathetic attempts to free herself from the big man's grip. Once again, her thoughts were brought back on the quasi-kidnapping as she asked her chief, "Anything...?"



She stopped mid-sentence, a strange look on her face. Without a word, she ran back to the unconscious form that had been her captor, she lifted his sleeve to expose the skin where she had bit him while he had been distracted by the XO's sudden reappearance in the alley. The young science officer started motioning towards the two other officers, urging them to join her. As they arrived, she turned the man's limp wrist towards them, showing them the small tattoo on his skin, two very similar symbols to the ones still glowing on the three squares. Before any of them could say anything, the science tricorder in Daena's hand started chirping. Alces and Ellie turned their eyes on the Mithraen.



She looked back at them "It's..."



"...an address..." Ellie finished.

Edited by Ellie O'Leary

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