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Surprise from Vulcan and starfleet -personal log

Personal log -Tkar .....a surprise from Vulcan and starfleet ....It seems that Ensign Selkar had some how got my Baby Saylot when we where on the starbase for shoreleave; and is keeping the baby in his quarters. It seems he got out the other day while the ensign left for duty in the computer lab.I was notified that the so called baby was as human,s say on the run and was found in the senior officer,s comferance room eating the captain,s so called cake. In fact the so called cake was all over the security team and the baby.As i arrived at the scene Ensign Selkar came to find if it is the baby saylot.We discussed the matter of who.s Saylot it is ,we came to a logical conclusion we will both take care of the baby saylot. In fact the relationship has brought a full Vulcan and a half Vulcan/human together. In fact the so called baby saylot seems to cry to us .<Gives us a sad look if either of us goes on duty> even if the baby is at my aquarters or his.I finally got another what human,s call a surprise from starfeet -The<package> and<<journal>> from my mother was sent from the head of starfleet medical To me. Some of the contents of the box are strange and interesting .As for the person who sent it is still under top clearance level and i still don,t know whio sent the items to me.As for now duty calls ----and it time to feed the baby -- end of personal log .....TKAR out......

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