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Security upate

Security updates from LT.TKar ----<To CSEC Shawnsee > Security report on crew weapons and hand to hand combat. I just got though the last tests of the security crew on the new weapons and arms hand to hand combat procedures. It seems your orders to practice more then star fleet security specs.The logical resuilt is the security teams have improved for humans<humanoids> 100%:;in fact Ensign bear cloud as ask me to teach him more hand to hand combat. In fact he suggested in my sparetime<As humans say> teach a class on vulcan and human karata.As per starfleet security orders it is up to you sir to permit the classes to our new Ensign<Security members>as For new security orders we just got a message from starfleet-sent to your padd -CSEC ONLY.....End of security log for the day....TKAR

Edited by TKAR

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