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Personal Log -Shoreleave.......It is a few hours after i sat with some of the crewmembers of the reaent on shoreleave.We talked apon some personal matters which i find interesting to a Vulcan/human hybid. I find the humanoid male strange and confusing being. As for the starbase i found some artifacts which from the starbase records was sent to me. <BY unknown starfleet officer>IT Seems to be my Mothers jounals which i just found out she also studied at starfleet medical before coming to vulcan to study <Mental<Konlinlar>>and to live.There is a holograph of what humans call Parents and Grandparents at my Mother,s graduating from medical school and starfleet medical. There also some ancient Vulcans Items which was included with her journals like an old style IDIC pin/necklance <With some old vulcan crystals>and some poetry from my father to my mother.Some of the items that was sent to me i haven't opened due to getting ready for the next mission--- END of Personal Log -.....TKAR

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