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personal log

personal log -vulcan.....TKAR....Science academy---As to your inquiry about Vulcans having Human dreams <Which is Illogical>There is no record on that subject in our data base or any data base on Vulcan/Medical ... <academy>VULCAN out......personal log VULCAN---Dear Tkar -Your pet sehlat has had a litter for the first time-they are healthy Sehlats--please advise on who gets the offsring<2males 2 females>Soneek out.----<To Soneek...live long and prosper......as to the offspring;you are most capable in deciding on who gets the offspring,but besure one of the offspring stays with its mother -it is sad<But logical> that starfleet does not let pets on her starships...<unless it helps the crew for medical reasons> tkar out....

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