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Cmdr JFarrington

Secure Duty Log - Farrington

Secure Duty Log, Stardate 5002111.7

Cmdr Jami Farrington, MD

USS Manticore, NCC 5852


Begin log.


Interim Consul General Jaffe has ordered the Manticore to Citadel 18 because she suspects there will be "intense activity there soon," and if we are asked, we are only on patrol.  


Citadel 18 is, according to Colonel Eason, run by a not-so-well-liked dictator.  Not well liked, but not hated enough for the people to overthrow him: a love-hate relationship that could be applied to any number of officials in any number of governments throughout the quadrant. I shudder to think Commodore Atragon's assessment may be true: that we have been sent on an assassination mission.  Surely Manticore has more options at its disposal.  Surely a ship and crew of this caliber are more than Federation hit men.  As much as I did not enjoy our duty as a deep-space tug, it was a lot easier on my conscience.


Our new physician, Dr. Faldorn, is settling in well.  He comes highly recommended and has not disappointed my expectations.  Though his designation is General Practitioner, he has already proven himself capable in a number of other capacities. I have no qualms about leaving him in charge of sick bay at any time.  I have also explained to him the nature of Manticore's true mission and have briefed both he and Dr. Mele on our current mission - as much as I am allowed to tell them.


End log.

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