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As Far As The Eye Could See

Many thanks to Mr. McLean for his assistance.


    Debbie stood outside of Holodeck One and looked down the corridor. It was another of those eerie sights, one of many she'd witnessed since the current mission began. The stasis units containing the bodies of those killed aboard the Cairo filled the corridor for as far as the eye could see.


      Inside the dimly lit holodeck, Rocco Studly and Rus Eckert careful inspected each unit to insure it was still functioning properly. The chambers were then placed on floor to ceiling storage racks created by the holodeck's technology. Debbie was concerned about a power failure. Should that occur, the stasis units would come crashing to the floor causing an assortment of unwanted problems. She planned to speak to the Chief Engineer about her concerns.


      The long procession continued. Debbie glanced over shoulder as one of the new ensigns brought in another unit. He was the young Klingon, Keraz. They'd met earlier when McLean ordered Keraz to Sickbay for a blood alcohol test. The CMO shook her head slightly as she recalled the incident.


      McLean smelled "Bloodwine" on Keraz's breath. The inexperienced Ensign admitted to drinking while on duty but Keraz insisted it was synthehol and he was not the least impaired. The blood analysis proved Keraz was telling the truth.


      Debbie could only imagine the look on McLean's face when his new Ensign admitted he'd been drinking. She was fairly certain the Chief Engineer knew the Bloodwine was replicated and therefore harmless. Still, even if it was synthehol, it was inappropriate behavior while on duty and Debbie appreciated the need to maintain discipline. She assumed that was the reason McLean forced Mr. Keraz to report to Sickbay for the blood alcohol test.


      At the same time, Debbie wondered if there might be more to the story. Could McLean harbor a prejudice toward Klingons? He seemed almost uncomfortable around Keraz. She wanted to speak to McLean about that too but she knew it wouldn't be easy. McLean was as hard crusted as they came. She would have to approach the subject very carefully.


      The CMO watched as Keraz stood in the darkened holodeck staring at the stasis units. He was told up front the chambers contained the remains of those killed on the Cairo. She couldn't see the expression on his face but she knew of the Klingon code of honor. She couldn't help thinking he was silently paying his respect to these dead officers.


      Debbie looked away as the Ensign turned on his heel and walked toward the door. He said nothing as he strode down the corridor on his way back to the cargo bay. She watched him go until her comm badge sounded.


      "+Dr. Matthews+ This is McLean. The last of the stasis units just left the cargo bay. I assume you want the freezer left alone."

      There were approximately thirty body bags in the freezer. They were the "hard cases." They didn't take up much room because there wasn't much left of those bodies. The mystery man was among them. Debbie thought about moving them into a holofreezer and then quickly dismissed the idea.

      "+McLean+ Thanks for the update. As for the freezer, we'll leave the contents alone. Just put a secure lock on it. That should suffice."

      "+Dr. Matthews+ I'll see to it. By the way, something has come up. I need to talk to you about it. Can you meet me in my office?"

      Debbie smiled. "+McLean+ As a matter of fact, I need to discuss something with you too. I'll meet you there as soon as I'm finished with these stasis units.


      The CMO closed the comm and leaned against the bulkhead just outside the holodeck. She looked down the corridor. The sad procession continued for as far as the eye could see.

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