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William Tomlinson

Thoughts and worries

Log entry for 30 April 2009




::Will sits at his work desk in his quarters and tries to make sense of everything but has trouble keeping it all in focus. He opens his personal log and hits the record button::




Personal log: Will Tomlinson, Lieutenant, Fighter pilot U.S.S. Reaent NCC-3345-G




Well to say that this has been an interesting day would be a huge understatement. First on the good side of the news day, I got a bump up in rank today. Lieutenant Will Tomlinson. Sounds good to me. Angel got bumped up to First Lieutenant and Tabor got bumped up to Lieutenant as well. I’m glad to have them as wingmen and friends. A good bunch, though Tabor needs to throttle back about things a little bit. I can’t really blame him for being a bit keyed up considering how weird things have gotten on this ship and believe me when I say that if an event is really weird on this ship, then it is probably insane anywhere else in known space.




Just a few hours after we get our promotions, we get a scramble alarm. We are all jumping into our fighters and then all of the sudden, POOF, Tabor disappears right out of his cockpit. No explosion, no flash, just one minute he was there, and the next he wasn’t. As I’m trying to figure out what just happened to my wingman, we get the green to launch. I get catapulted out the launch tube and get face full of disruptor fire. 3 Romulan Warbirds are suddenly beating on us like we were all red headed step-children, whatever that expression means. Anyway, we get into formation; we’re fighting for our lives and guess who blips up on my scanner. None other than my wingman Tabor Nansk. His ship looks like it went through an assembly line backwards and then sideways. I get to him and he is signaling to me that he’s running out of air. The only good news at this point is that two Starfleet task forces show up and kick the deuterium out of the Romulans. Completely ran over them with overwhelming firepower.




Well back to Tabor. He’s signaling me that he is low on oxygen so I pop out of my cockpit and give him a breath of fresh air. Eventually we get him and what is left of his fighter back to the Reaent. After we land imagine my surprise when I find Tabor’s fighter still in the launch tube as if it never left. So if I was seeing this right, we have a fresh clean ready to fly fighter that belongs to Tabor in the launch tube AND a wreck of a fighter that belongs to Tabor as well. Two fighters, one Tabor. Now I know that the guy is good but give me a break. Tabor is in medical now and getting a full work up at Angel’s request along with a bunch of other crew members that disappeared along with Tabor just to end up in a bunch of Federation escape pods that we picked up. I know that Tabor has always been a bit high strung but after this whole event, I’m worried that the guy is either going to start laughing insanely all the way to the Federation funny farm or he’s going to lash out and try and hurt someone. I’ve told him that if he needs a shoulder, his wingman is here for him. I hope he takes me up on it before going all to pieces.




Fortunately, we are only a short distance from a Federation starbase so we can finally get some much need repairs and new crew. This whole mission we’ve been beaten to hell and back a few times. Only hitch with that is that word came down that Captain Michaels has been relieved of his command due to the events that happened at the wormhole and Commander Ridire is in command for now.




I hope our scientists can get this mess figured out. Were there two Reaents? Did the people that disappear on this Reaent actually survive the first Reaent’s destruction? What is going on here? That is the question of the hour right now. Well like my Dad always said, “Son, you’re going to see the strangest things out there in space.” Boy he wasn’t kidding. Well I’m a fighter pilot. What happens, happens and I’ll leave it to the scientists to figure out the why part of it.




End of log.




::Will hits the stop recording button and sits back thoughtfully. He was worried for all the crew members that disappeared and then reappeared but Tabor seemed genuinely close to a melt down. Just have to wait and see…::

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