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shore leave

TKAR-SECURITY LOGS stardate 04/0209-----This is my report from the ship,s SO Called SHORE Leave which i was ordered to take from my superiors....i still do not understand some of the terms they use but i,m learning. THE Event was illogical in the beginnning but i think i understand the crew more now.I have talk to one of the luents who is interested about my vulcan harp. In fact i met my fellow officers who are interested in my playing. Officers O,Hallorian and Shamor are very intersted in my playing...Which i,m surprised they ask me to play with some of the other crewmembers some music called hard rock.Iwill play with their so called group <<I Think its called that but i,m not sured>.As for O Hallorian or as she wants me to call her Anna,i promised to teach her how to play the vulcan harp. it will be an honor to do so at a later date.I,m ending this log for now since i have to work on some more security issues which have to be update -tkar out

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